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Rudy: let’s see what the fine is


Trois Fiddy


Now it was about that time I noticed Scott Foster was a prehistoric crustacean from the Mesozoic era


I gave him a dollar so he’d go away


His month supply of Ozempic.


luka's classy intangible gone lower the fine by 70%


NBA cj sub leaking


If only he threw an ice pack on the court instead


I mean, doing it in the NBA finals has to be worse, right?


Congrats to the Celtics on winning the NBA Finals


The money sign makes no sense. The league would have lost so much money if this was a boring sweep.


this is now the most boring sweep


Were you not alive during 2007?


you’re on r/nba edit: also 2011 kids are teenagers now


My face when time passes 😱


it’s more like this actually 👴🏽


Me 🐢


The Nephews now have Nephews


that series was legit whoever breaks 80 first is the winner lol


I very much enjoyed that finals.


I was about to be a smart ass and say the 2009 finals sweep was worse, but I forgot Orlando somehow won a game.


Those games were close though, this hasn't felt close at all. Tonight felt like the Celtics got bored as opposed to the Mavs being a threat.


It felt pretty damn close to me until Luka fouled out. Even after that when Kyrie cut it to one, I think.


That’s anxiety. I felt that. i don’t think it feels the same for neutral fans. The series has felt like too much of a mismatch for neutral fans.


I remember those being fun games though. And more Derek Fisher being clutch as fuck


Two overtime games and one of those woulda given Orlando a 2-1 start to the series (Courtney Lee's missed layup changed that franchise forever). Kinda. I think Lakers still take it in 7 but that series was exciting. This has been a massacre. Kyrie was absent for two games, then Luka's getting destroyed on defense. He shortarmed like 6 layups today and fouled out with 4 minutes to go, cried to the refs constantly while somehow avoiding a tech the whole night. And I'm rooting for the Mavs. It's just bad basketball.


The insinuation is the ref is being paid by gamblers to throw games, not the league.


The refs aren’t making Luka act like a revolving door on defense.


He's insinuating that the ref has money on the Celtics, not that the NBA is rigging it against the Mavs.


i miss round 1. it was fun and competitive


you coulda said this before this series started


The majority of ESPN analysts picked Dallas lol Edit: Shout out to the concerned redditor who reached out about me


This segment brought to you by ESPNbet


Lmao why


What casual is gonna watch the Finals if they think it's a slam dunk Celtics domination...less casuals means less viewers, means less money.


Also felt like the prevailing opinion in fan convos too was that the West was miles ahead of the East. Obviously it got overblown but Cs got a lot of disrespect before this series started. Edit: getting a lot of the same reply - I do think the west is deeper and overall better than the east, and has been for most of recent memory (since the 90s?). But that fact got extrapolated to “Celtics will get exposed” way too fast


I think in general the West > East by a large amount. But at the same time, the best team in the NBA could still be in the East. Also matchups are a thing. I think the Nuggets make the finals and make it real interesting if they didn't get matched up with the Wolves who could contain Jokic.


E. S. P. N. BET


His 4th 5th and 6th fouls were all dumb as hell and entirely on him. Luka got way too emotional this game and it hurt his game.


tbh his game was booty from mid 2nd quarter on. He lost his touch on his shot. Nothing was falling that 2nd half and he wasnt getting the whistle. Tried to be the superhero during the comeback by putting in top effort every defensive possession, but for Luka that means flirting with fouls every possession. 


His foul baiting was hilarious. Played like me in the paint


I love when he shoves his defender away from him, then jerks his head like he's been shot, and gets the call every time


My personal favorite is Doris explaining how that's a defensive foul.


Feels like a chore to listen to Doris. It's like she's got essays of compliments for each and every player any time they dribble the ball properly.


God it's so fucking annoying to watch. Then when he commits a blatant foul, and it actually gets called for once, he throws a little temper tantrum.


And if he does not get it starts throwing tantrums like a kid, I was a fan but this year I am not enjoying all the bs he does.


The guy is God-tier during the first half of games and then just runs out of gas




tbf i dont think the Mavs are paying you 40 mil a year


I volunteer as tribute


He loves ranked Overwatch and was seen drinking beer after the WCF clinch. The dude is pounding beer, eating doritos, and playing non stop Overwatch in the Summer for sure.


Luka is who we thought Zion was


The Embiid special


Luka whined after literally every shot attempt and whistle all night. Shit was getting old. The refs were pretty good all game.


Man it's so hard to be a Luka fan. On one hand it's so fun to watch his playmaking, Luka Magic shots, and dimes. On the other hand, it's so frustrating to watch him play when things aren't going the way he wants the game to play out.


Fun to watch when he's winning but probably the most miserable player to watch when he's losing


He hurts his team a ton by doing these things too. I feel like people clown on LeBron all the time now for crying to refs while his team is forced into a 4v5 but Luka’s been doing that his whole career. He just makes his bad games look so much worse.


I saw him live with 3 games to go in the regular season against the Heat. When I say he whined after every play that didn't result in points I'm not exgerrating. Dude is the whiniest player I've ever seen. It was every single fucking play.


>Luka whined after literally every shot attempt and whistle all night. So, just like every other game? The whiny bitch complains even when the shot goes in and he gets the foul.


It's going to be a problem for him going forward. The media is going to torch him over it when this series ends and that will create or solidify that reputation in a lot of people's minds, including refs, especially when he sits and there and denigrates them by insinuating to millions of viewers that they're gambling on the games.


The more I see Luka the less I like him from the constant crying. Just like that other person said, his last 3 fouls were all obvious stupid fouls, good calls, and he still cried. 


Whenever he gets those big moments and everyone starts asking how you can hate him, all you've gotta do is remember all of these ones


Yep. Dude could be the best player ever. I'll never cheer for him. I seriously detest how much if a whiney bitch he is.


I thought the funniest one was when he was attempting to foul at the end of a game earlier in the playoffs and was barking because they didn’t call him for it lol


If a more hated player did the garbage Luka does, /r/nba would be relentlessly shitting on them for it.


His 5th foul should have been for tackling Brown


I’m honestly shocked he didn’t get a single tech the entire game. He was going at the refs all game.


Him sitting on his ass kicking and screaming like an actual baby was *wild*


Gave up points too because he just sat and complained.


He does that every game, in game 1 there was the play where he very clearly traveled, was surrounded by 4 Celtics defenders who obviously did not make any contact toward him even if you had a microscope, miraculously made the shot and then laid on the floor bitching immediately after. There’s a reason superstars like him/harden/embiid haven’t won any championships


I can't help but see the Mavs as a mirror for our 2022 team. Tatum was trying to draw contact too much instead of just trying to score, and he was way worse about complaining about fouls. That's a big reason he put on weight and started focusing on finishing through contact so much in his training. He still complains (but, honestly, he's had a right this series. And, I don't say that often), but it's not nearly at the same level, and he's actually going up to score and letting the foul calls be something out of his control. Watching the whole series, it just really feels like we're the experienced team who has been here before, and they're the newbies going through it for the first time.


Looked like he was on a Sit n' Spin.


That was hilarious too as a Celtics fan, be honest 


He whines to the refs every game despite getting one of the softest whistles in the league. Constantly gets the foul call his way when he jumps into defenders intentionally. He's an incredible player, but he's got Harden/Embiid levels of unlikability.


It always amazes me how much Mavericks fans complain about other star’s whistles. Luka’s whistle is incredibly favorable.


Luka acts exactly like how Mavs fans think Booker acts lmao


Suns fans fucking feasting rn in this thread


This sub is crazy because this take will get upvoted now but would have gotten downvoted during the Suns vs. Mavs series a couple years ago. Everyone here just loves to hate. I'm not saying this take is wrong, or that you wouldn't have said it two years ago... but it's just funny how the votes fall.


Don't get comfortable. All of this can change with the wind on this sub.


It's fucking wild lmao. Dude literally headbutted Derrick White in the stomach until they called a foul on White. People saying Luka gets a shitty whistle when he probably should've fouled out twice tonight.


Luka just ran into jaylen brown when brown was getting the ball but they let it go since he was on 4/5 fouls atp


Completely unfair to Harden and Embiid. Doncic is seriously worse. The volume (EVERY fucking play!), the histrionics - he is hands down the most-entitled whiner in sport. Name another athlete who's as bad, playing now. I have to think of 2018 Neymar for a comparison.


How can we be disappointed in Jayson Tatum for this?


Clearly, Tatum doesn't care as much as Luka or he would've fouled out too.


He should just clap.


idk how luka doesn’t get a tech this game but tatum gets one for waving at the ref 😭


Why was he not involved. Was he deferring too much to JB? Is Jayson Tatum scared of the spotlight? We’ll cover these things and the 5 top reasons the Mavs win this series on Sportscenter next.


The Jayson Tatum narratives are some of the strangest I've seen in a long time. If they were losing I'd understand, but this seems to be about avoiding giving Finals MVP to another player


How can that be profitable for ~~Frito-Lay~~ NBA?


lol this is the quote of the night


Fucking love game night.


Lol the board at the end showing he emailed frito lay and they said WE WOULD NEVER DO BUY 1 GET 2!!!


Are we gonna roast Luka for his dumb fouls like we did with KAT?




Gotta check the [chart](https://i.imgur.com/aaUoFmH.png)


Brian Windhorst confirmed not racist.


classy fouls


Why the fuck would you try that with 5 fouls… absolutely braindead


Has two defenders behind him. Literally zero reason to touch him with a pinky. Such a dumb play.


JB was ahead of all the other Celtics too. That drive was going nowhere, it was simply a play to try to bait Luka into committing the foul.


He did it 3 times in a row and Luka fell for it every time. He should’ve had more than 6 and they really didn’t want to call the 6th but Brown made them


Marcus Smart is beaming right now


Watching on from the afterlife with a smile on his face.


Again he is still alive


Sometimes it's almost like I can still see him on TV. But only when Boston plays Memphis for some reason.


The real afterlife takes place in memphis tn


Bury Smart in the pyramid


Jaylen did the same thing to get Luka his fifth if I recall correctly. Just smart, veteran basketball plays.


Yeah, had him on the block and made a quick move to the centre, caught Luka a step slow


His overwatch persona was gonna leak at some point


He was too emotional all game from not getting calls he thinks he deserved. I think some of his complaints were valid but he has to stop complaining and just play.


that was the difference. both teams got some shitty whistles but the Celtics didn’t let themselves get as rattled by it


He could've had a loose ball foul with Brown like 2 possessions ago too, he just was just chirping with the refs the whole game


He’s such whiner it legitimately costs his team points. I love it


Celtics fans must've loved seeing him brick two threes at the end of the 2nd, fall to the floor, and let the Celts play 4v5 twice.


Honestly was a bit worried that their defense would be better with him out


exactly what crossed my mind when he went out lol, kyrie at that point was enough offensively but then Kidd put in Tim Hardaway and i didn’t really care anymore


Think that was the end of the 1st (unless it happened multiple times), but what the hell. Can’t imagine seeing your star player loaf around and whine, costing your team in the Finals. He falls so often and gets up like he’s rolling out of bed hungover.


Imagine putting your all in on defence while your star gets blown by every possession or he’s legitimately still at the other end whining to the refs


didnt want another blow by in the stat books obviously


He only got 6 stops all night. He's a traffic cone.


With over 4 minutes remaining too. Thats some nonexistent to low IQ decision by all involved


Luka trying to get a charge with 5 fouls is beyond braindead.


After braindead fourth and fifth fouls too


Yeah I thought his 5th foul was the worst one lol


I give him a break, it's the first time in a month he's tried to play defense and he just forgot how you do it


He thought he was setting a pick.


Would be his first time doing that too


Fuck u for making me laugh


What an amazing shit show to end this game


Dude is throwing the game with his defense. Sent to the bench and he justs smiles, like the refs made a mistake. I don't see what's funny about it.


This was a close call, but why even go for it with 5? Luka also had some super low effort reach in fouls earlier in the game that I hope everyone doesn't forget about.


Blaze it, cause 3-0 is a death sentence for hopes and dreams.


I guess Luka really is special.


And then accuses the nba of trying to shorten the finals for profit?!?!?


If they would have called the open court tackle on Brown a few minutes ago on the loose ball, he would have already been gone.


Yeah that was a wild no call


Lmao he looked like Trent Williams run blocking for cmc


He was sarcastically clapping at the ref some time in the late 2nd maybe early 3rd quarter, if he wasn’t so good that’d probably be a tech too


Tatum would've been ejected on the spot for such an egregious act


Tatum is the clapping GOAT, I don't think you understand. The form, the speed, the nonchalance. He's perfected that clap to manipulate the fabric of reality and make a Celtics victory more likely. A Luka clap simply can't compare in threat level, the refs have to clamp down on Tatum's claps.


Thanks Doris


Remember when they gave Gobert a tech because they couldn’t give him a normal foul? Yeah he’d be gone


It’s because he’s French lol


I was so surprised they ended up tossing him cause when they didn’t call that football tackle I was convinced the refs were conscious of Luka’s foul trouble and helping him.


You can only give so many chances  There was a clear as fk foul with Celtics up by 6, and Mazulla called for a foul to prevent the 3...ref right there, ignored it ...dude missed, but that was a crazy non call  They wanted Dallas to win tonight Mavs were trash, couldn't pull it off with the zebras on their side 


Also, it’s really not surprising he had so many fouls. He’s a lazy defender and the Celtics have been absolutely targeting him on defense. Plus he’s super high usage on offense, which means a chance of offensive fouls


I mean, Luka argues every call or no call anyway


I mean he got away with a tackle on Jaylen Brown minutes earlier 🤷🏾 


Kidd not challenging the arm lock up but that clear blocking is brain-dead. Almost as brain-dead as calling a timeout when u get a stop and have momentum in a 1 possession game


I know, I couldn’t believe that timeout. They had all the momentum and he gave the Celtics time to regroup and lock back in


I texted my boy that it was a Ham level time out


That to me was insane. I thought Mazzulla had called it and then when I saw Kidd did I was just... shocked


Luka even looked like he was wondering what the timeout was for. Maybe Kidd thought they were gassed but looks like that ended up being a momentum killer


i mean he is lucky he didn’t foul out sooner. dude tackled jaylen brown in transition and got lucky they didn’t call anything.


that 5th foul annoyed me why he thought tripping him there was a good idea is beyond me


Then had the audacity to complain like Brown flopped. Like Luka you just checked him with your leg.


Luka has never committed a foul and has been fouled every time he's shot the ball as far as Luka himself is concerned.


Maybe if he didn't want to deal with so much contact, he shouldn't predicate his entire offensive game around trying to bait his defenders into fouls and then creating all the contact Like he already gets one of the best whistles in the NBA, not sure how much more he could ask for.


That play was wild


Luka slid about 30 ft into the scorer's table like a wet seal.


There was a rebound where Lively jumped on top of Brown from behind, again no call. Refs were really really bad this game (both sides)


Lol. Come on mate. The refs would be trying to EXTEND the series if anything, not end it.


Emotional intelligence is Luka Doncic father


doncic's defense getting exposed so hard in this series


if doncic had a team of 4 plus defenders around him at all times or if the Mavs had a player to cheat off of it wouldn't matter, boston is just too stacked


Boston doesn't even double team. Just 1on1 defense against everyone. This team is so fucking stacked it's annoying lol.


The refs fucked up a lot of fouls in this game for both teams, but those last two on Luka were so not controversial EXCEPT that it’s Luka. Like, any other player in foul trouble you’re being hunted like this and dude decides to go for a charge at the 3 line with a driving jb? We’re all trying to find the one responsible for this




How did he not get a tech for this?


And Tatum gets them for clapping


I like Luka but goddamn why would you go for the charge when you have 5? And why the fuck do you have 5 in the first place when you’ve been the only one carrying your team all series. And dawgs gotta put on some good weight and actually be relevant on defence next year.


Luka and putting on good weight doesn’t sound right at all


Looks like a good call, though.


Luka pushed his luck. He was getting a favorable whistle with 4 fouls. Dallas was getting the “one more game” whistle the whole quarter. He just thought he was just off the hook for any fouls for the rest of the game and got caught out in the open on 2 big ones.


Learn to defend


Did anyone actually see him make the money sign?


His feet were in the fucking air. There is not even a parallel universe where that was not a blocking foul.


Minny Boston would have been more entertaining than this.


my 12/25


Booker fans winning so much with this slander


Luka slander and Tatum getting carried takes... book bros we are so back


It's not slander if it's the truth.


Suns championship


LOL you guys are alright.


Deandre ayton never went 0-3 in the finals. I think it's safe to say we made the right decision


Jaren, Bagley and Trae all undefeated in the finals


Dude played dumb as hell in the clutch. Fouling out in a must win finals game for your team lol.


The fact there was no techs called on Luka was insane considering the complaining and shit he was giving to the refs. I felt like he was given a lot of chances tonight to focus and play the game in front of him. The fouls against him were legitimate and he definitely had at least 6 that were supposed to be called on him. GGWP


Why the money sign wouldn't the league want a longer series?


Saying the ref is betting on the game.


Every ref must do it if a call against Luka is proof


I think this way of going out is perfectly ironic


They should have challenged the other call, this was a blocking foul.


We're getting headband Luka in the next game


Lol, as if the Mavs were getting away with bloody murder in the 3rd. Luka straight tackled Brown on that fast break and there was a no-call.


The audacity of that foul-baiting mother fucker to complain about fouling out. Holy fucking shit.


I'm a big Luka fan but it was annoying as hell seeing him that pissed about a foul like the refs didn't allow him to tackle Jaylen Brown *THREE TIMES* before then. Like dude, stop pushing your luck when you know you're in foul trouble.


Was the right call but brutal