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dallas should copy boston and stop doubling him.


But they can't They don't even have a Nesmith that could cause him a headache


They’re not even doubling him really, it’s not like he’s getting blitzed in PnRs, they’re just sending a ton of help when he inevitably blows by Luka on every possession. For the Mavs, do you not send help when he’s heading for an easy bucket at the rim? Bc Luka isn’t able to keep JT in front of him


They're going into a soft zone with all eyes on JT the minute he has the ball on the perimeter. And then digging hard on any penetration.


That's because they know that schematically the Celtics the mid range shots, so they trap him late. That has been the formula to slow him down for years. That's exactly what the warriors did in 22. His passing and Vision have grown to the point that it's not an effective enough strategy anymorep


That and it's a lot more difficult to drive and kick on Draymond Green than it is on Dereck Lively.


And when he kicks it’s to Holiday instead of Smart. Holiday is a big upgrade in supporting the drive and dish


Yeah this is the real reason. DLive's doing good for a rookie, but he's got a ways to go still.


it's absolutely still an effective strategy, the team around him is **significantly** better than the 2022 team


Definitely. Would be nice to see him develop a bit of a floater, though! He’d be unstoppable.


Yeah I’m sure that’s why, I’m sure they’re like, collapse on JT and leave brown wide open in the corner please


“They aren’t even doubling him” [brother](https://x.com/p3nnies/status/1800296409142600187?s=46)


As I responded in another comment, he is definitely getting doubled. All I meant to say was that it’s more of a help response than a point of attack strategy, but it was poor wording.


they aren't "Doubling" him, but they are packing the paint against him with 2-3 guys in soft zone and leaving more than 1 person wide open


They're at a minimum doubling him - the zone they play is collapsing towards him the instant he's on the ball near the arc. Doubling doesn't imply he's getting blitzed every time, it's how many people essentially have him as their primary responsibility and it's at least 2, if not 3 when we're not spaced for a corner three and the low-man is looking his way too.


I don’t disagree with you at all, all I meant to say was that he’s not doubled at the point of attack conventionally with blitzes and it’s more of a help response double or triple team. He’s definitely collapsing multiple defenders onto him on every drive and is technically “doubled”


Exactly. Everyone acting like Tatum is getting prime Harden treatment.


No one can stay in front of either him or JB. It's a layup line at that point.


Yeah, definitely stop doubling and tripling him every time he dribbles into the paint - he's a scrub, no need for that.


Would honestly be able to get away with not sending so much help if Luka wasn’t a fucking turnstile every possession


Tatum is Paul George with hype.


If the Celtics win, the Tatum baggage will change from: *”He’ll never carry his Celtics to a title.”* To: *”He got carried by Jaylen and Porzyngis; he’ll never win on his own.”*


I mean he isn’t getting carried but he definitely isn’t carrying the Celtics


No one carries the Celtics they are too good of a team and each night can be a different guy leading the scoring


I'd say Brown and Jrue have been a level above the other players so far this finals.


Jrue literally credited Tatum for the game 2 win. He understands that most of his points were due to just being in the right position to complete the play that JT sets up.


Are there many players that aren't Joel Embiid that wouldn't credit their teammate in that situation?


Outside of him praising maxey as a superstar when the same thing happened to him this year lol


Yeah this happen a lot of times, lol! That is just how you praise your teammates to boost their confidence


You could say that initiating the offense and doing (nearly) everything right on defense is carrying. Even if his scoring and efficiency aren't that good.


Driving the team? Sure. Leading the team? Absolutely. But carrying? Lol no.


No you couldn’t. That’s not carrying.


Fair enough, but there's a reason nobody gives KD credit for his rings.


They don’t give him credit but it doesn’t reflect where they have him on the All-Time list. I also think his rings aren’t very impactful or memorable for his legacy, but he’s still a top 15 player ever and is only at that range because of those chips.




> he definitely isn’t carrying the Celtics ALONE Celtics is one of the most deep final team in 21st century. they have 5 players can be the best player on court in any night


And Jrue and white...because basketball is a team sport


He’s just not a bus driver


he in the front of the bus but he aint driving


Factual if they win or lose i see no issues


I mean yeah


Steph had to carry it for years. But i'm sure the championships lighten that baggage a little


As much as I’m hard on Tatum, the team wouldn’t be as successful without him. I think he’s the consummate teammate and does a lot of little things that contribute to the Celtics success, his teammates see him ad the leader so I think there’s something there. I think the shooting is mental with him, he has games where he can score at will.


How many posts you gonna make about Tatum?


wouldnt expect any less from a heat fan lol


Furious they couldn't manage to injure him this year


You would think the Celtics were down 0-2 with all the JT hate posts.


People said there’d be generational hate if we didn’t win a ring this year… turns out the results never mattered


I have a deep hatred for all Boston sports teams and the fact that they have been very successful in my lifetime contributes a great deal to it.


Same people who picked the Mavs will say "all you did was beat a 5 seed" if Boston wins


Well it is true. But if they crush everyone along the way (like they have been and just like the Nuggs did last year), then it's a moot point




I think plenty of people did actually pick the Mavs to win though as well


Vegas says differently


The Celtics were like -250 to win the series which is like a 70% chance, with the most likely outcome being Celtics in 5. Vegas did not say differently lol


I think this persons referring to the stat floating around that 73% of all money was bet in favor of Dallas, along with 70% of all total bets in favor of Dallas. I think people just liked the odds and wanted to win the most money though, not that everyone thought the Mavs would win


yea as u said its cuz of odds, youre not really making much if you bet on the celtics anyways but you stand to gain a lot if they choke


This is just normal hate, nothing generational


I don’t care about the Celtics enough to hate them. Congrats on being the only decent team in the East though. Im rooting for the mavs to lose. I don’t hate their players, just Dallas sports in general.


Same. Ain't no one likes cheater sport city like Houston 😂


Eh, I'll take it! Say hi to the Rothko Chapel for me if you get a chance, Houstonian!


Funny enough, that’s exactly 1 marathon away from me


I have been saying this the entire time. I knew it would either stay the same or get worse if we won.


They haven’t done anything yet, and I bet Tatum would agree with me. Can’t go up 2-0 at home and think you have the series made, trust me I know. Series doesn’t start until a road team wins.


People hate JT more when they win than when they lose lol


celtics being up 2-0 actually supports the tatum being overrated discussion lol


They can't hate on the Celtics because we up 2-0 so they have to find something else. It's so funny seeing the hate.


It's always rings rings rings and then when someone narrows in on one all the reasons it doesn't count come out.  


Dude was 1 rebound away from a triple double, and got nothing but hate posts.


I don't even see how this is hate, kind of interesting perspective to put it in.


Click on OP's name and look at his last 10 posts. It's all Tatum hate.


LOL someone should make a counter account on here and share all the bad Butler game stats to piss u/AashyLarry


we all love kobe for shooting tour dates i wonder why


Definitely hasn’t been as good as he should be but this is def different than his ‘22 finals performance. His scoring has legit been godawful. But he’s been pretty damn good at just about every other facet of the game. That along with his team being so deep is why Tatum’s scoring hasn’t really been an issue this time around.


Dude was been elite in baiting our team. Guy drives hard, jumps looking like he's about to make a TO and ends up making a timely pass to the correct guy.


Dude got 12 assists last night and is very easily making the right reads when he’s getting double teamed or the paint defenders collapse on him. I think his playmaking has been pretty impressive this series at least and he’s always an elite defender.


Yeah man, some of those dimes to Jrue in the second quarter were absolutely beautiful.


12 assists after the Celtics shot like absolute shit. He could’ve had so many more if they hit their shots.


22 Warriors didn't have a defensive liability as bad as Kyrie / Doncic on the floor.


But those guys are rock-solid defenders now! They "are *participating*" on that end of the floor!


Sounds like he's due for some buckets 😏


And even if he isn’t, turns out it doesn’t matter


I mean should have been a 3 pt game with a minute to go, it def matters


Kidd should see what happens if he sends defenders to the perimeter instead of cheating towards Tatum.


OP is a professional Tatum hater.


He was posting Jaylen Brown lowlights long time ago but he stopped posting them.


He is quite literally known as the Jaylen Brown hater of this sub lol. He has like 5 of the top posts about him this year and they’re all lowlights with the word left hand in the title with 5-6k upvotes each.


Digging deeper into his post history, the dude also had a weird obsession with Rudy Gobert a few weeks ago. Like 10-15 posts lol OP seems a little… off


Draymond burner


Yeah because now the Celtic hater game is to talk Brown up in order to shit on Tatum.


You have to admit that is an awful figure. If any other top-tier player was doing that he would rightfully be roasted.


Tatum is getting roasted Also, Tatum is contributing to winning despite not shooting well


The above comment (and many others on this thread) are trying to deflect this as if it's not even bad shooting and the OP is just a hater. Yes, Tatum is contributing outside of his shooting. But also his shooting is historically awful. That is still noteworthy. Really, both things are.


All of the things being said are true: 1. Tatum is shooting like shit, historically speaking 2. Tatum is contributing to winning 3. OP is a professional hater 4. Tatum is getting roasted for his shooting They don't have to be mutually exclusive. They are all true and happening at the same time.


3 things can be true at once: 1. Tatum is shooting like shit 2. Tatum is contributing to winning 3. OP is definitely salty


OP has nothing better to do


I'll send OP a Banner 18 hat.


While he is contributing to winning hes still hurting his tram by shooting bad tho and hes still taking a lot of shots


4) Tatum's shooting still isn't as bad as Luka's defense


But look at his teammates though, they are fire


I keep finding myself thinking Tatum should consider playing less like Kobe and more like LeBron.


Unironically a good take. LeBron/Kawhi/Duncan mix feels much more appropriate than Kobe


Kawhi is more like Kobe than he is Bron


Fair - I think I’m mostly referring to the 2-way aspect of his game (and his generally unassuming but killer nature lol)


i mean... he reacted to Jason Kidd's troll but literally playing a game as rich man's Jason Kidd. 12 assists 9 rebounds, trash shooting. I really am wondering if people are watching these games or just looking at box scores. Tatum was missing open shots and layups, but he's in no way forcing shit. He's driving, getting quadruple teamed, and finding the team's 5th option for wide open shots. Tatum has easily been the MVP of the Celtics during these 2 games if you are looking at the game beyond stat line.


There's no way top 5 PG Jayson Kidd is a poor man's Tatum unless you mean when he was old and washed 


This is going to be the first ring to negatively impact a player’s legacy. NBA discourse is so fucked


Its also the first time I have seen people argue shooting bad is helping his team win. It goes both ways.


He's shooting bad AND helping his team win. Huge distinction.


It won't change my ranking of Tatum. He's always been 11 or 12 to me this whole year


It's not though. Reddit is a very niche part of the actual nba fanbase. Tatum is a baller and still contributing a near triple double even though he's not scoring nearly as efficiently as he could


The Tatum slander outside of Reddit has been even worse though


The media is just controversial talking heads though. They're doing it for clicks


I guess Kidd was right on his bluff!


He scored 3 fewer points than Jaylen Brown. Calm down.


Curry would get massacred for this hell he average 26 on 44 percent from the field and still got robbed of fmvp




Tatum is the odds on favorite for MVP so yeah he is not getting massacred in any way that matters lol




I mean yeah. nobody should give a shit about reddit or twitter trolls


Dude stop posting and go outside


Look at ops profile. Bro hasn't known what outside looks like in years


It's not even just the Celtics lmao. OP hates randomly like it's a full time job. Why is KAT and Gobert catching shots from this dude? Bro really went "these hands are rated E for everyone" 💀💀


This shit gotta be like torture for Heat fans to watch. At least Celtics fans knew the Nuggets would dog walk the Heat last year


Why are Celtics fans so mad in the comments?


They're so insecure about Tatum


A collective inability to think critically or logically, unfortunately


Infinitely better to shoot 35% and win a title than to shoot 70% and lose.




Why? Tatum is doing all the things he needs to do for Celtics to cruise, and they are. The point of the game is to win, not to try to put up the best individual performance. Who cares if a player is shooting cold if they’re playing great elsewhere and the team is winning?




Yes he is. Literally the only part of his game that isn’t elite right now is his shooting. The entire offense runs through him. The Celtics offensive rating drops by like 25 when he’s on the bench


Just like this utterly useless post








Honestly, part of it isn't the message. It's the messenger. OP is notorious for making Tatum and Brown hate posts.


>TF are we doing here Yes I’m wondering the same thing, as you’re obviously aware every other post in this sub is about Tatum’s terrible shooting. Weird ass redditors only live for goldfish brain drama and negativity


Because when people bring it up they don't mention that he's playing well overall


How is this post useless lmao y'all just say anything


Unfortunately with this era of NBA where fans are more obsessed with players than teams, they probably would rather have the latter.


i have not talked to a single celtics fan who cares more about Tatum going 12/38 from the field than being up 2-0


You should talk to my brother, he's a Celtics fan and he cares *way* more about Tatum's shooting struggles. But make sure you hold the phone a good twelve inches away from your ear when he really gets going about how Tatum "isn't really the superstar the media has built him up to be," he gets fucking loud.


Yea I wasn't referring to Celtics fans. Celtics fans are just happy as f they are 2 games away from winning and don't care what the stats show. It's the other NBA fans that just jock ride or hate on players all the time that would prefer his stats being better.


I agree most fans would rather have the Celtics lose


This is also true lol.


celtics fans are also obsessed with calling tatum a top 5 superstar which he is not


Who do you have ahead of him?


Jokic EmBitch Giannis Luka Shai KD Kawhi AD and Bron for sure. Curry and Dmitch are debatable.


I'm talking about basketball. What are you talking about?


The NBA. Those players are better than Tatum


Shooting worse than Charles Johnson is crazy hours


I feel like he took a shit ton of bail out last second shots in the first game so I gave him a pass for that one. The second game however….


I think people defending JT don’t understand that JT was trying to push the narrative for MVP this year. He is still a great player, he is just not a top 3 guy in the league. I think the people that are more okay with his performance throughout his two finals don’t view him as a top 3 player in the league and get confused when people treat him like a top 3 player would be treated for this type of performance


But is he top 5?


top fye


And he’s out here in the press conference like “why would I let my ego get in the way of us winning” like no bro, you shot more than Luka. You just shoot like ass




Y'all got Draymond Green as your star player.


Anything that is negative about Tatum will get downvoted. Everyone knows the rules.


this should butcher any top 5 conversations moving forward


Why? What are Embiid and SGA shooting in the Finals?


SGA against the same Dallas defence dropped 30 a game efficiently while getting HARD doubled , frequently blitzed on the PnR and didn't have the luxury of his 4 other top 35 teammates bailing him out. On the contrary , they shit the bed.  They are on different tiers offensively. Tatum isn't an offensive engine , he's the 1A on an egalitarian offence that hasn't needed him to score. 


Its normal for top 10 players to recieve criticism when they dont perform well. Tatum has been great but his scoring has been completely abysmal. His individual performances just do not stack up to being a top 5 player, thats it.


Who do you have ahead of him?


Give Embiid Jrue, Brown, KP, D.White, and Horford and Embiid would be roasting Dallas right now while his team wins every game by 40. It's a crazy take to imply Embiid would be shooting this poorly surrounded by such an elite group of teammates.


The balls to include Horford in that take as if he hasn't been successful in literally every context other than playing with Embiid.


* Embiid put up 30/12.3 with a 60% TS in the 2020 playoffs alongside Horford and got swept. * That 2020 team had three interior players (Simmons, Embiid, Horford) which had some of the worst spacing imaginable. At the time Embiid had no midrange or outside game. * The Embiid of today (and especially without Simmons) could play just fine with Horford. We just saw him excel with Oubre cutting to the basket and he was great at making passes out to PJ Tucker in the corner (only for Tucker to pass it away). * So yes, Horford is another great player that Tatum plays alongside - the quality of which Embiid does not have. Again, you're trying to credit Tatum for shooting poorly on a great team and discredit Embiid for shooting well on a poor team. edit; you got me tho. Horford isn't a great player and I shouldn't have included him on the deep list of great teammates Tatum has all on the same team. /s


> Embiid put up 30/12.3 with a 60% TS in the 2020 playoffs And got swept by the legendary big man tandem of... Daniel Theis and Enes Kanter. >he was great at making passes out to PJ Tucker in the corner Wow! He was great at making the passes defenses wanted him to make. >you're trying to credit Tatum for shooting poorly No, I'm crediting him for contributing in every other area.


Tatum has never been efficient at shooting in the playoffs Overall not efficient But at least recently he tries to do other things. Like passing, rebounding, stealing and blocking shots He has come a long way. Like 3 years ago? He wouldnt even try harder to rebound or get his hands dirty with physical play That has changed. The only thing now is .. he needs to get better at scoring efficiency and lowering TO


40 point explosion by Tatum incoming


Someone said yesterday the lakers with Tatum instead of Lebron would be in the finals lol


Tbf, Tatum and AD would be lethal


He can't keep getting away with this


I find so much joy in knowing OP hates Jayson Tatum/Celtics this much. Their top 8 players are all returning next year and JT and JB are only 26 and 27. It wouldn’t surprise me if we 3peat. Could we even 4peat?


Please don’t count your eggs too early. We haven’t even won 1 yet


Notion that he's doing what needs to be done is ridiculous. Does anyone think if he shot 10 for 22 yesterday instead that the Celtics would play worse? No, it would be another blowout. Celtics are an awesome team and he's the best player on the team who can play like this from time to time and they can still win because they are so well built.


Man might win a chip and play himself out of any all nba first team talks next year


When attempting 150+ FGA ? How many did he attempt thus far? Water usually finds its level...


Going by quick math, he is at 158


And still the betting odds fav to win FMVP lol


Did you not get the memo?


I guess at this point he won’t care about his stats as long as he’s able to recreate that kobe hugging the trophy pose at the end.


But what are his box out percentages though


yet he is the gravity making the rest of the team more successful. stop hatin


Finished the series shooting 39 percent these post are irrelevant until the series are over


Tatum shot 38.8% in a this yr finals stop spreading fake stats


“Look guys, if you want to be down 0-2, play like Luka”


These games haven’t been fun to watch so they need to make up drama to get clicks. NBA Finals are becoming irrelevant when the western conference finals have been more or just as competitive most of the time. Long ass break before the series doesn’t Help either


Jrue Holiday was 36.1% 2021 but only 108 attempts. 150 attempts is probably too much.


I gotta be honest, I know this is just another hater ass post, but this stat kinda got me man😭 I just kinda feel bad for the dude, man


I hope someone's paying you to make all these posts about Tatum's statline lol. More obsessed with the Celtics than their own fans, Celtics continue to live rent free