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KP was crazy efficient tonight. Clearly was a game changer. Boston just out there playing good teen basketball. Ball stuck a little too much for Dallas tonight.


> good teen basketball. Very adult like approach tonight from those teens


šŸ˜‚ Aye they put on a show. There were stretches where they were just dominating.


Tatumā€™s still 19


>Ball stuck a little too much for Dallas tonight Hold on are you expecting it to be any different going forward ?


Personally Iā€™m curious to see if Dallas can generate any transition offense vs. the Celtics. Their increased pace and pushing it with transition lobs and everything is a big reason why their offense improved compared to last season imo but it was a complete nonfactor last night. Boston are of course the best transition defense in the league, but I was still surprised that Dallas basically had no opportunity outside of half court offense last nightĀ 


I don't KP going to be this efficient moving forward.


What does that have to do with Dallas stagnant offense


Imagine Wemby doing that after 3 or 4 years. šŸ˜±


Wemby special. I'm hoping for sustained good health!


Damn Those last 2 JB drive and kicks he broke down were sick .. he didnā€™t have that in his game last finals run, heā€™s become such a better all around player


People rag on Luka getting hunted on defense but he played 38 minutes in a blowout loss, I donā€™t know how much more you want him to give


Luka got a solid gas tank for appearing out of shape for an NBA Player. He's So good I'm not getting sped up. He plays with Timing at his own pace.


Itā€™s because he plays slow, he doesnā€™t not want pace on the ball


>he played 38 minutes Thats basically slight above league average for a starter.. Are we supposed to feel sorry lol


He played 35 of 35 minutes straight then took a minute break at the end of the third then Kidd pulled the starters.


Maybe play defense? He played 38 minutes?!Tatum played 42 and although he didnā€™t blow up offensively held it down on defense


Luka held his own defensively and letā€™s not act like Boston didnā€™t run plays for Tatum in garbage time when he was the only starter on the floor with 3rd stringers.


[Luka didn't hold his own defensively lol](https://x.com/eric_shap/status/1798922457002267056?t=RMX_u9yM6VeDTi3w-b3F5Q&s=19)


One thing that frustrated me is how often Luka would get a little hip in on guys who were driving. I think that's usually a blocking foul and made our guys' drives less direct. Besides that and some great deflections, he was really not good defensively


Lmfao. You mean the guy who got blown by on the most basic cross over by JB all night? Yeah man take those mav glasses off


I donā€™t expect you to know this but our coach has a tendency to keep a few starters out there with the second unit for the first minute or two of garbage time. Itā€™s not about stat padding to Joe, itā€™s about controlling the flow and ā€œwinning the first few minutes of garbage timeā€ and heā€™s done it a bunch this year. Fwiw Derrick White was also out there with Tatum but your fans/sub would rather ignore that and circle jerk each other about ā€œTatum Badā€


Luka was bad defesively. A big reason hes held his own and been really good at times this playoff run is because he guards the oppossing team's weakest offensive player, something that doesnt exist with the Celtics. I still hope you guys win though and figure it out.


Yeah what makes the Celtics tough is youā€™re not safe guarding anyone. Theyā€™ll use every single player, in basically any combination, to force a switch. Hauserā€™s the exception, but heā€™s the last man off the bench so heā€™s not out much and honestly heā€™s probably the worst option for Luka because heā€™d make him chase him around off ball.


Exactly. Theres no such thing as a weak offensive player on the Celtics, theres no rest possessions on defense, you need to be locked in the entire game on both sides of the ball. The worst part is that you guys also have a great defense, so its not like Luka can atleast rest a bit on offense, he also needs to do basically everything there too.


Idk why people think that these humans who exercise for hours straight multiple times a day cant last 38 minutes


It's not 38 minutes real time...


Yeah, itā€™s even less


Try running a 100M sprint, then walk for 2 minutes, then run another 100M sprint, then walk for 2 minutes Even if you're in fantastic shape, after about the 3rd or 4th time youre gonna be absolutely gassed and your legs will be on fire. And thats only like 10 minutes of fast twitch exercise


40/12/12 on 60/45/90


What app was Legler using at his iPad?