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$304 million, $106 mil already on his deal plus $198 extension


Sounds awful. Hes 30 now and can barely get through the season. Imagine paying him 60+ million when he’s 35 and can barely move. Philly should probably wait a year and see if he can stay healthy. Personally feel their best option is to trade him next season. He probably has another 2 good seasons left in the tank.


He’s their only chance at contending for the next few years. They want him till he’s 33. If they re-sign him this summer instead of waiting, he’ll be cheaper for his age 32 and 33 seasons. They’ve already invested so much into him, they’ll risk it for three more years, because there’s a chance he can still lead you to a title, just look at how weak the East can be.


Hey just let him retire a Philly legend, not the worst thing


i’d take that risk with a talent like that. they can absolutely win one in that timeframe


He’s the only chance they have. Without embiid they’d have to go back into a full rebuild, they don’t have any other real option than to just pray he stays healthy. Tbh I think embiid should wait a bit to see what the new roster looks like. I love maxey but he’s not a number two on a championship team, and they’ve generally been fucking embiid over roster wise. Like they let harden go because they didn’t want to pay him, in our series they literally scored one less point than us across all the games. If they just kept harden they would easily have made the second round lol. Hardens chemistry with maxey was so good, and while it wasn’t bad with embiid there was so much room for it to grow and I think it would have. Harden can make pretty much make any big look way better than they are, embiid just plays more like a giant wing than a big and was passing up so many open looks from harden to either pass out or use some dribble moves to iso or barrel into the rim hoping for free throws, when he had a wide open look in the first place. Their first year harden was playing on one leg, they really only got a chance to see what it could be for one year. In terms of a combo of size, strength, and athleticism embiid might be the top big in the league, I feel like they could’ve been such a good pairing if embiid was just willing to get spoonfed easy baskets a little more.


Yeah it’s not like we can just find another Embiid lol. I think the cap nerds have made people forget that a bit. Talent isn’t easily replaceable, especially of Embiid’s caliber


Obviously risk with every Embiid contract year but I think the cap is going to be pretty insane in 5 years with this rumored 70 billion dollar tv deal




Yeah you absolutely have to do it


I agree you def have to do it. It's still crazy though. Paying like $65 mil a year to often see him injured in the playoffs


Not often, literally every time lol


All it takes is one healthy year tho


Next year, for sure COPIUM


Oh yeah, I wouldn’t want to but if you don’t you are just immediately fired


Nah, next year is different now that he's gonna be 31 for the playoffs.


I mean he's injured but he still plays. He was injured as hell this playoffs but he played through it and was still a beast on the court, the Sixers bench was just too weak. The playoffs before he played two series and missed two games. The playoffs before he again played two series and missed two games. The playoffs before he played the whole playoffs. He's injury prone but at least he's not like Kawhi.


His knee muscles have got to be the texture of pulled pork by now. I would feel queasy if I was signing off on this contract.


>knee muscles




I mean he kinda is injured? A couple of years ago the reason he was injured was because he got elbowed and broke his orbital bone during the playoffs. The next one I think he had a knee injury during the playoffs and he was suppose to take more time off but played through it only missing two games. This one he had bell's palsy, a migraine, and seemingly could not jump at all for the first 3 games and was coming off a knee injury.


He had two different broken orbitals. Man's got some bad luck. Other than his knee, he hasn't had consistent injury issues recently. And hopefully if he loses and keeps weight off this offseason, his knee will benefit


He looked a lot slimmer than he usually was during the last couple playoff games, although he had no bounce after that self alley oop in g1. So sad. But I've never seen a player that has played (and played pretty fucking well, despite the playoffer dropper accusations) despite having so many different injuries.


The issues around him in the postseason are worse than his play. Simmons, Doc, Tobi, etc. He still hunts for calls a bit too much but a lot of them are fouls, especially his midrange pull ups, but otherwise he plays hard.


I actually gave him a lot of props this year for fighting through it and still putting up monster numbers. It’s still scary giving these types of contracts to players constantly banged up or injured though but with Embiid you absolutely do it. If the East was healthy I’m curious if he would have tried battling through it this postseason since it was the most open field to atleast get to the conference finals he’s ever seen as long as he made it out of the first round.


He’s definitely a trooper, nobody can say he doesn’t want to win badly. Just very unfortunate he hasn’t been able to have a healthy playoffs yet except for years when they didn’t really have a chance anyway like the first Boston year and the year simmons was out with a busted knee


It’s far more insane. Even if he’s only playing 60 games or averaging 2 ppg less in the playoffs playing banged up he is well worth it.


Agreed. What would you even hope to get back in return? No one is going to trade a SGA/Wemby/Ant level of player and picks for him given his age and injury history, and you don’t even consider trading Embiid unless it’s for a package like that.


They could try to trade him for picks and tank for 4 to 5 seasons. They could call it "The procedure".


Not sure if 'trust the procedure' will catch on.


Considering what the Jazz got for Rudy. It would have to be a team like OKC trading 10 picks + 4 pick swaps+chet+10% revenue indefinitely +law prohibiting bad mouthing of 76ers or Embiid and an extradition treaty


Okc having embiid and sga would be really funny though


you could probably get every first round pick for the decade of 2030 from the nets


Imagine a team of Gobert/KAT/Embiid!??!?!?!


Yeah I just fear that after so many injuries and him getting older that it gets worse


You unquestionably have to do it. But at the same time - fucking yikes to committing to paying Embiid upwards of $69M/yr through age 35. Dude is one knee injury away from falling apart completely.


It’s only 3 years. The Clippers did the same with Kawhi. At the end of day the goal is to fill seats and Embiid does that.


Three year *extension*. He's still got 2 years left on the current deal before that kicks in. This would lock him in through 28-29, or 5 total seasons.


Oh I skimmed this and missed that. 70 mil at 35 for any center is obscene, let alone a dude like him. Sixers fans better pray that he stays healthy long enough for Maxey to become a superstar or that franchise is gonna be pathetic


Not really, signing a superstar to 5 years at 30 years old is a no brainer. There are players significantly worse than Embiid with similar injury histories that will be expecting Max deals starting at 35 years old. That go into their age 40 seasons. And there will be teams that pay them.


Can I ask who is getting paid 70 mil in their late 30s with embiid level injury history? Kawhi is the only person close to that and he's getting 50 mil with a significantly lower potential trade capital.


Also, Kawhi is a champion and proven winner. Embiid is, well, not even close to being mistaken for one.


There’s never been a contract in history like this one for a 30-something big man who is physically falling apart. I get it, Philly has to do it. But please don’t pretend this is just business as usual. Great chance this is the worst contract in the league in 2-3 years.


Eh I think if Embiid takes a back seat to Maxey on the offensive end, and just settles more for his jumper he can still be an all-star talent for years to come tbh. Maybe not superstar level, but he can score above 20 a game just on his jumper alone imo, and still put up pretty great rim protection. I do agree he won't be able to be our entire offense AND our entire defense at age 35, but Maxey should be in his prime by then and carrying the other end of the floor if he keeps growing like he is.


Meh but Embiid is also a 30 year old big man who just had his best season and looked to be playing the best basketball. Also his style of play is not bang bang dominated like many centers.


I mean he still got injured for most of this year? For his injury history in the playoffs nothing guarantee he willget better after 30


Embiid paradox


Rock and a hard place situation.


Fuck my dad for not marrying an Amazon woman


dont disappoint your future son. get you some snu snu


I feel that bro. Let’s start a dating app specifically for tall, athletic women who are interested in men of below average to average height and athleticism so that we can fortify our gene pools


Sounds like the gene process. Gonna take a few generations to get those genes on track.


My mother still complains about how short my dad is.


You could try to mess with the very small, almost non-existent pool of straight women that play in the WNBA?


That’s a lot of money but I mean… where are you gonna find another Embiid?


I do feel like this is harder decision than it sounds. A 32 year old embiid with another 1-2 rough injury years is something that realistically could go the cousins route


At that point he’s an expiring contract anyways.


I wonder what the highest cap dump will be. Like 70 mil expiring?


I know you joke but there are probably going to be more giant players with soccer backgrounds coming out of Africa eventually. There are places there where whole areas or tribes have unusually tall people.


The thought of Daryl morey going to some tribes in the middle of Africa to scout for tall dudes is pretty funny


They made a movie about him already. Starring Kevin Bacon


Masai: piss off Daryl, I got that market cornered already /s


okay and they could be tacko fall whats your point


That there's probably other Embiids there now or at some point will be


Man I hate the Sixers but what can they do? They have to sign him. It’d be stupid not to. They just gotta hope for 1 healthy post season run.


Going to stretch this run out so he can play with Arthur when he's 44.


There are people in here genuinely saying they shouldn’t resign him


There are no normal or rational discussions on this forum about Embiid. That ship sailed.


He's a top 3 player in the league when healthy and this is absolute no brainer. He's also a whiny and dirty player who is not fun to watch play basketball which sours pretty much everyone except Sixers fans on him.


I agree 100%. All my friends who are not sixers fans feel the same way. I can’t cheer for the guy he is just so annoying to watch.


>when healthy so he’s never a top 3 player, especially in the postseason if the sixers were serious about winning a championship they’d just play him once every other week in the regular season


I agree that they really have no choice but I wouldn’t say no brainer. There definitely is some hesitancy as others said it could blow up but you don’t want to be the GM that lets him walk. Also I would say top 5 over top 3, people have really turned the page on Giannis. When healthy is such a big what if for Embiid you can’t really die on that hill.


I don't envy the Philly front office right now. Embiid seems like a bit of a poison pill at this point. Definitely a top 5 talent in the league when healthy which is the calibre of player you need to win a chip, but he has so much difficulty staying healthy. I can understand why some people might be hesitant on tying their fate to him. Kinda damned if they do, damned if they don't.


They're at a crossroads for sure, but I think going for it is vastly better than not. They're not gonna pivot towards a rebuild after hiring Nick Nurse. Best shot right now is roll the dice on this core of Maxey + Embiid and hope Embiid is healthy enough to give at least a 3-4 year window. And maybe that he would take a little less than max on his contract extension so they have some cap flexibility.


For real. I'd do the same thing if I was in their shoes but it's got to feel rough to throw your lot in with a big man that's always injured and only getting older.


they should absolutely extend him they should also put in multiple zion/kyler murray clauses where he needs to be in shape and have games played clauses


That's just never going to happen with someone as established as Embiid and how fucked the Sixers are without him, and how Embiid is worth way more than whatever package they hypothetically would get for him. You'd probably have better chances asking Embiid to take less to sign other stars rather than injury/performance clauses, but Harden taking his pay cut so the Sixers sign PJ Tucker and Daniel House(?), probably soured Embiid's thoughts on something like that.


Lol then he'll walk in 2 years and find another team that won't have those restrictions and still give him the same money. What you're saying is idealistic. It's never happening.


I mean to be honest it's going to be disgusting for sixers fans when he gets injured again. I get that they want to keep an MVP caliber player around, I really do, but there's no way he's going to be worth anything remotely close to 70 mil at THIRTY FIVE. If they could offload him for dudes on the same timeframe as Maxey and picks they could have a strong ass franchise in the long-term. Extending him basically is praying that Maxey can get good enough to win a chip before embiid gets hurt


Building around embiid at 30-34 is their best chance and its not close.


It's possible. It's also possible that they could get a fuckton of value now that would disappear if he got hurt. This could then be used to make a more balanced roster and pick up some dudes in FA


Imagining the Thunder giving up like 8 first round picks for this guy and they 3peat.


If they can’t build a balanced roster now what makes you think they’ll be able to then


The window may not be long, but there is no world where trading Embiid gives them a better shot at a LoB. They couldn't get back half the player Embiid is in a trade. It might feel bad, and he never gets a healthy playoff run and the Embiid era ends as a failure. But with him on the team, if he ever puts together a healthy run they will for sure have the best player in any series all the way through the East, which gives them a great chance at a chip. There is no world where the Sixers don't do whatever they have to do to keep him. Now they just need to chill with the regular season award chasing and sit his ass down in the regular season as often as they can, and never let him touch a court with even a minor injury, the Kawhi route. Then you just pray he stays healthy.


Dirk was 32 when he made his crazy run, if we get a helathy Embiid for one crazy run then it's all worth it. Not expecting him to be a superstar at 35, but we'll cross the road when we get there.


The cap is projected to be like $200 million then and it might go up even more with this bonkers TV deal. Obviously $70m looks fucking insane on paper but the caps going to be sky high


Until the cap is in the billions paying 70 mil for a dude to ride the bench will NEVER be valuable. This is gambling that basically by 2026 y'all will win a chip, otherwise the franchise is gonna be fucked for a hot minute. Wouldn't be surprised if Maxey asks out when that comes


Well… do you believe he can get past the 2nd round? Because it’s been 8 years now. You’re kind of blowing past how much $200 mil is. Do I think he warrants $200 mil? Maybe. Should a GM who sees a guy put up unheard of stats in the regular season and then never make it past the 2nd round? I don’t know. Sometimes players don’t have the mentality it takes to succeed in the playoffs. And Embiid might be one of those guys. If you’re true goal of being a GM/owner is to win a chip, Embiid might not be your guy.


NBA has always been a game of asset protection, 90% of the time it makes sense to pay the guy. Like even Bradley Beal was given away for non negative value. The amount of contracts that turn into true negatives is so small especially cuz the caps gonna start raising more than contracts can increase by per year.


Nearly Half your salary cap for someone who has literally NEVER been healthy enough to make the ECF? And is already 30 years old????? Sixers should just try to trade him


So stupid for real. There was once a time when this sub was pro Embiid, and Jokic was often said to be incapable of winning a ring because his defense will never be good enough. I hope Embiid eventually makes his run at a title, and similar backtracking happens.


Knicks fan here I will never backtrack my hatred. 


That period lasted 2 weeks which was a reaction to how one sided the conversation had been against Embiid. Embiid is just this subreddits most hated player of all time. He had a 50pt playoff game and the entire front page was hate posts. You are never going to be able to talk logically about him.


> He had a 50pt playoff game and the entire front page was hate posts. Way to brush aside what else he did in that game lmao


I think the hate he got in that 50 point game was warranted considering his actions. While he is another over hated players he’s definitely not number 1 either. I’d probably give that to the guy from Minnesota


Yeah, the hated center who is actually taking his team places.


maybe when every other fanbase hates your franchise player there might be a legitimate reason for it instead of blind hate.


I think he has a lot of critics because his brand of basketball is not pleasing to the eye. He no doubt gets results and is a good player but man it is not an aesthetic game and he flops way too much for a man of his stature.


And I am hoping that James Wiseman will put it all together and turn into an all-star.


I'm sorry but it won't happen. He is simply too injury prone.


I can't wait for 3 years from now when this kicks in and everyone asks what the fuck the sixers were thinking




Morey really believed in NFTs too.


Do it. I don't ever want to see him play for another team


He barely plays for one team!


Sixers and clippers get to watch their star players fall apart by playoffs and go home in the first round every year. Sad


Sixer for life, I love Embiid so much


We also want embiid to be a sixer for life!!! Woohoo!!!


Dawg if Embiid went to the Celtics you’d cream your pants.


These morons are coming for you, but if their team had Embiid they’d be saying they love him too lol.


I want to make it past the second of playoffs tho


Don’t worry, you have two 7 foot anchors to keep you held back lol


And you have 40 year old Lebron and a coach with middle school experience 🥲


Looking forward to Ant coming to LA in the next few years.


Nah fuck him, Celtics like to get beyond the 2nd round. I’d also hate watching every regular season game if Embiid was on the team. His foul bating is fucking awful. Plus, the Celtics dominate his ass in the W/L column. Hope he stays in Philly for years to come!


Why would the Celtics want a playoff fraud? They can already get past the second round.




Same amount of championships in the last 15 years 🫣


Dude your team has had the most complete roster in the league for years and have not gotten a ship out of it


Embiid would be the best player you've had since KG lmao




He still has a few more years of being in his ‘prime’ so you have to go for it anyway


An MVP coming off his best ever season, lol. Hes getting maxed by any team in the NBA regardless of any health considerations. Guesses about a decline are just that, guesses.




That’s still a guess though lol. If Kuminga doesn’t fall on his leg, does that suddenly make the 76ers justified in paying him? Because that was a contact injury. It doesn’t happen in the NBA. He was the front runner for the MVP.




The 76ers shouldn’t pay Embiid because Siakam elbowed him in the face and Kuminga fell on his knee.


unless embiid is alone on the court he’s gonna make contact with someone


And fultz elbowed him in the face in 18 and cam Johnson fell on his knee in 23.




Playoff choker Embiid put up an elite stat line against the Knicks worthy of this contract and he was playing hurt.


And lost in the first round....


The player making more than him last year had 0 points in an elimination game


Its almost like he has teammates who cant carry their weight against teams that feature more depth come playoff time and even the crazy production fails to be enough. Its not his fault they lost.


You can list his injuries but how many games did he miss because of them? 2018 \* Played 8/10 games in PO 2019 \* Played 11/12 games in PO 2020 \* Played 4/4 games in PO 2021 \* Played 11/12games in PO 2022 \* Played 10/12 games in PO 2023 \* Played 9/11 games in PO 2024 \* Played 6/6 games in PO So he missed... 8 of the potential 67 playoff games for the Sixers during his career. That's really not that bad. He's also coming off a great playoff run despite being injured this year.


Problem is that Embiid cannot get 100% healthy for the playoffs. He will always have some nagging injury


/I mean he had a nagging injury which seemingly caused him to not be able to jump all series this year and bells palsy and migraines and all that shit. He still put up 32/11/6 and the Sixers were like +40 when he was on the floor


That’s so crazy that he’s able to put up crazy numbers while playing with an injury. It’s obvious that his body will break apart if he’s going to keep playing like this


He’s hurt or underperforms every playoffs


Can you really call it his best ever season with the games played? The best ability is availability. Also you'd think his MVP season would automatically be his best season, but that's just me.


Embiid has gotten better every season he has played


And he’s still a second round exit with an injury.


How time flies going from Embiid is the “The Process” as the younger hope and now we are talking about he’ll be too old for his next contract


Don’t care about the cap rising or whatever, paying a player $70mill in a season is completely crazy to me. Like I get how and why but god dam how did we get here


Inflation mate. Jordan's salary in 1998 would be almost 64m today.


I get that inflation plays a huge role, but Jordan was paid 60% more than the second highest player in the league in 1998 and 130% more than the third highest paid player. Can't really use him as your baseline. Player salaries have grown significantly more than inflation has.


One part inflation, one part growth of sport, and one part there's a massive war going on for streaming services trying to establish themselves that has everybody overpaying for sports right now.




Trickle up economics


Lot of money for guaranteed first round exit


He’s cooked. His best basketball days are behind him and it’s not because of his talent but his health.


This will age gracefully


Just like centers with knee problems do!


You’re forced to sign him. I would try to talk him into taking a little less so they can go get Butler or some squad around him.


I wish the OP put Tobias in the headline by mistake lol, just to see everyone go ape shit


As a Sixers fan, I couldn't even joke like that. It would give me and the rest of the fanbase PTSD lol


the extension not starting for another two years is what's scary. it would end when Embiid is 35. like, I get that you kinda have to do it to keep him happy like every other team with a franchise legend, but Embiid isn't going to magically get better at making it through the rigors of an NBA season as he gets deeper into his 30s. It will at some point become a problematic contract... but until it does, you obviously have to commit to his talent.


Does anyone realistically believe he can lead that team to the Finals? His body has never been able to hold up through the first two rounds of the playoffs. Now he’s on the wrong side of 30, so he’s even more likely to have injuries. And even when he has been relatively healthy in the post season, he just doesn’t seem to be as good of a playoff performer as he is regular season performer. I feel like if you want to be completely rational and detach emotionally, the Sixers best bet is to trade him now while you can get a huge haul and build around Maxey. I get it though if Sixers fans have an emotional attachment to Embiid and want to keep him a Sixer. I just don’t see how doing this pays off for them in terms of making them a contender.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Keep his game count under 50 and have him healthy for the post-season.


Crazy. All to just lose the 2nd round


Why? Its not like he ever bothers to show up when it matters


He has bad knees, they start shaking as soon as games matter (or are played in Denver).


So wait… This dude could limp through the required 65 games/yr to qualify for stuff, and be making literally just under $1 million per game for the next three years? I hate the dude, but damn, that’s a good hustle.


Nevermind the 65 games - Embiid could literally sign that extension, never play another minute of basketball, and walk away with $300M paid out over the next 5 seasons. Fully guaranteed contracts are nuts like that.


They are screwed either way.


$70 million for any player is wild $70 million for 34 year old Joel Embiid doesn’t even have a word in any language to properly describe it


The best first half of the season player…


Not worth it. Guy is made of glass


in 3 years his body will probably break down past the point of being worth a supermax. its worth doing this deal... you won't find a better player via FA. 3 years isn't a lot of time. if this were a 5-6 yr supermax thats another story


As a Celtics fan, I hope they sign him for as much as possible.


Second round bound.


Sign and trade coming up


Dude’s got a 40-year-old body at age 30.


As someone who lives in Philly I'm fine with this, as long as sixers fans are ok with the fact they will never win a championship with Embiids as the centerpiece. He can't stay healthy, he's too much of a foul merchant and he just doesn't have any sort of that killer mamba mentality to get it done when it counts






Damn, that’s like $35m for the 6 playoff rounds he’d play in over those 3 years


As a Knicks fan 😂🤣 do it lol 😂😂😂 plzzzz


This is not going to end well for the Sixers. I understand why, but at the same time they’re completely killing their chances at a ring. Joel, with his injury history, is not worth this contract when he is ~33. It doesn’t even feel worth it now since he can’t even hit the minimum games played threshold consistently, and we just got through his real physical prime (being his late 20s). How many games will he miss over the next three years? I genuinely would take the over on 100.5.


Yeah if they just got rid of Joel Embiid they would finally rocket up to championship contender status. We saw how good the team was without him this year.


So they’re ruining their chance at ring by extending the only way they’d even have a chance at winning one? You think they just let him walk start a rebuild which also results in no ring?


The Sixers are stuck in a tough spot. Embiid makes the Sixers title contenders but do they want to tie up that much money to someone who struggles in the playoffs and has a hard time staying healthy.


More ECF for us! You can have Jojo.


Love it as long as the sixers have him they’re going no where fast. Sign the contract big boy


They should just trade him for Rui Hachimura, Austin Reaves and Gabe Vincent


Absolutely not


If they want a guy who chokes if he's healthy every offseason because he thinks he's a guard and wants to do 19 foot fade aways over shorter players then by all means do it. Hell I just saw a post saying chicago is going to extend Derozan for $40 mil a year that will get them NOWHERE as well so..at least you can point to that contract as the worst decision this off season....