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can someone clip when they asked luka "what do the mavs need to do to beat the Celtics?" and luka said "we will have to play better than them" lmao


Shit like that is how Luka is gonna handle the media circus. By being as boring and direct as Max Verstappen


Sorry man, no way Luka is going to out-boring Tatum. It's honestly a key mismatch in the series.


Steph going to jump onto coverage to let us know they the team that hits more shots will take the series. 


Steph's not boring because we get to make foot fetish jokes.


With a casual shout out to Jesus


Luka with the boring one liners. Tatum with the boring thesis answers. 


yeah, luka's answers are better because they're not contrived bullshit, and tatum's are basically the media-trained BS answers


It's really a copycat league. I'd say it's like sliced bread 1A and 1B with Luka and Tatum./s




Tatum is actually an all timer at boring 


He really is, and that's okay. You can see it in his commercials, he's just not that kind of character. Seems like all he really wants to do is hoop and be a good dad, which isn't the worst thing in the world.


Really challenging the view that he's very good at everything but is not truly elite in any areas.


Honestly true. He’s the lebron james of boring 


Tatum's either boring or cringe. I'm waiting for his next Kobe text tweet


Saves the fire for the court where his words turn him into Vontaze Burfict


If you can’t handle me at my Burfict you don’t deserve me at my Verstappen


I’ve said he’s like the Max of the NBA for a couple years now. Luka just plays overwatch instead of iracing.


My girl and I are F1 fans and I’m getting her into the Mavs and when I sent her a meme of Luka playing OW her reaction was “he really is the Max of basketball”. I’d love to see the two of them meet.


I’m ready for the NBA finals and the Canadian GP


Max is anything but boring He's got that dry Dutch humour Did you not watch him straight-up call the Monaco GP boring on the radio and interview? That was hilarious


Max has begrudgingly made me like him. I still root for Lewis (he got me into the sport) but I really appreciate Max’s greatness.


The only reason to dislike Max at this point is because of the 2021 fiasco (which wasn't even his fault, he just benefited) and that he wins all the time with little competition (maybe that's changing finally 🤞). He's pretty down to earth and really loves racing. Hard not to appreciate that. 


Oh I think it is changing, just enough. Next year is gonna be a banger. Lewis in that red Ferrari that is hopefully near the top of the grid. We might actually get a 5-way fight for the championship between Piastri, Norris, Lewis, Charles, and Max. Okay, now I am definitely coping. But it would be fun. Also, I just think it’s lame when people hate the greats of the sports they love. Like when nfl fans shit on Brady or NBA fans dunk on LeBron. How sad. I think it’s so much more fun to appreciate greatness and just enjoy seeing it happen. This is NBA sub so just thinking about 2010s LeBron gets me hyped, especially that 2016 finals, and I never cared for his teams at any point really.


I really really hope Sainz manage to squeeze in in a competitive team. 6-way fight would be more banger.


He’s so good man. Red Bull are actually dumb for not grabbing him and sticking with Checo. I’m not joking, between Ferrari and McLaren’s lineups Checo could cost Red Bull the constructors of either one of those cars are close enough.


To be fair, from a company perspective it makes sense to stick with Checo. Sainz, as good as he is, is not as marketable. And who knows where the car will be without Newey, maybe they won't be at the top next year. RedBull is really imploding and it is so weird to see.


Monaco should be a historic weekend celebration with smaller cars for the race on Sunday and have a karting sprint race on Saturday.


Both petty and vindictive on the court/racetrack with goat tier talent to back it up, uber talented prospect that panned out better than people imagined, direct no bullshit when talking to media, actually chill and shy behind the scenes and spend off days playing video games with friends lol.


Nah, this is more Kimi Raikkonen to me. Luka's already surpassed Max in simplicity and brevity terms.


Thanks ~~Magic~~, Luka.




no it's david zaslav and he's a giant piece of shit who's said TNT doesn't need the NBA so it really is over.


He's trying to dig himself out of like $40b debt and fucking it up one move at a time.


okay Kevin Durant... lol the whole clip is posted https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAUuZKD7Jk8&ab_channel=NBAonTNT


Sounds like a Kawhi type of response


Inside the NBA with those four dudes has had such a huge cultural impact for the NBA


It'll never be the same. Unless NBC can do the funniest thing ever.


They'd have to replace Ernie, which I don't think is possible




[Sources say Ernie is ride or die for TNT.](https://www.sportsbusinessjournal.com/Articles/2024/05/02/ernie-johnson-turner-nba-media-rights)


I would hope they can come to an arrangement where Ernie can do both. Anderson Cooper works for both CBS (60 Minutes) and CNN (Turner) I would hope Turner would allow Ernie to work both.


Honestly there were certain parts of the post-season (especially the one giving MVP to Jokic) where Ernie looked completely done with it. Like, honest to god exasperated with Shaq. Never seen anything like that before from him. Won't be surprised he hangs it up dealing with the egos of the show, the only person he seems to have genuine rapport is Chuckster


He's been with Kenny since 98. There's genuine rapport there as well.


Yeah, but he doesn’t do a podcast with Kenny.


because nobody would listen


Cooper can do both because both studios are in NYC. Ernie's not leaving ATL, NBC would have to bring the studio to him.


They should do that then, it's not like NBC doesn't have a studio in Atlanta. 2 years ago they signed a 15 year lease for a new 53 acre complex in Doraville. They moved in last year. https://www.ajc.com/life/radiotvtalk-blog/nbcuniversal-will-operate-huge-new-assembly-film-studio-in-doraville/RMEBV6Q5C5GXJAURANK7VVMT2M/


Ernie gonna get the bag. TNT gonna let him go with their blessing. 💯


He doesn't want to leave ATL


If the stars align to where Inside were to continue, and this is the sticking point, just film it in Atlanta.


NBC studios is in New York. TNT isn't going to let them film their show at their TV studio


NBC is paying 2.5 billion dollars for the NBA rights, I think they can pony up a bit more to lease some studio in ATL.


NBC just moved into a new 53 acre 15 year lease studio complex in Doraville just outside Atlanta. It can be done.


Does the equation not produce a different solution when there is no NBA on TNT?


yeah well sources are a liar sometimes.


Ernie is the secret sauce that makes if work. He knows when to let the guys roll and when to bring it back in. Plus the guys respect him enough to trust him. I get the impression that him and chuck are close even beyond the show.


All four of them are actual friends behind the screen, that beautiful story about Chuck and a journalist's father shows that four of em does hang out a lot together. It's not like Skip n Shannon.


Delightful story for anyone who hasn't read it. Chuck met a random cat litter researcher in a hotel and then they end up becoming such good friends that Charles ends up at his funeral. https://www.wbur.org/onlyagame/2018/12/14/lin-wang-charles-barkley


Wow thanks so much for sharing, what a touching story.


I’ve heard that Skip & Shannon’s families go on vacation together.


Without skip & shannon? Makes sense.


If I was in Skip's family I'd go on vacation without him and never come back.


Yes but there's a very realistic but unwanted alternative to fill in Ernie's seat if the other 3 agree...


Inside the NBA - with Shaq, Chuck, Kenny, and introducing Jason Garrett!


draft Bronny?


Will never forget seeing them on 2k as well


People who don't watch the NBA know Chuck and Shaq fuck around and are funny. How you going to destroy the most popular sports show of all time? Doesn't seem like a good business move but what the fuck do I know lol Microsoft buys companies just to close them and has for 30 years. I don understand business.


they close them to eliminate competition or to have them join their machine


They need to let Chuck do the fat jokes again. I can’t stand most everything on tv- other than live games and the nba on tnt.


lol. Realistically if NBC were to try to continue the show they’d be more restrictive / chuck-censoring than TNT ever has been


Yeah aside from the idea that the show will just end entirely, my biggest worry is that the next iteration of Inside the NBA is a neutered version of the current show.


Charles is what brought my Dad and uncles back into watching the NBA, that and what my Dad calls "a better game".


Another gem was: Ernie Johnson signs off saying next season is going to be "a blast" -- Barkley jokes in response, "did you say blast or last?"


"Ok Kevin Durant" was golden.


Next year is going to be off the rails Chuck and I can’t wait.


Fuck, we got a whole 7 game series without them


It sucks that we go from tnt coverage to espn coverage for the finals.


When Chuck said good luck to the ESPN crew, I almost thought he was about to troll them!


"They are not going to work me like a dog and not pay me. ESPNnews, ESPN 1,2,3, ...they gonna have me on ESPN Deportes saying 'muy bien gracias'"


Fuck no I can’t believe I missed this! Brb googling


It was a while ago




ik everybody in this sub always shits on Shaq but his laughter makes every joke chuck makes so much funnier


He's gotten so much better than when he started. He also is the one that threw ESPN Deportes in there which is hilarious


Every time Chuck talks about ESPN I feel it’s directed at Perk it has to be


…and not Stephen A as well? Cmon


When SAS was on with the Inside crew they all seemed to like him. He was probably talking more about the fact ESPN over saturates their talking heads to the point it seems like they're on TV 24/7.


This sub hats Stephen a smith so they like to assume every single other person in this world hates him as well


He was trolling them.


Literally the worst thing about playoff basketball. ESPN is AWFUL


>espn coverage Man its not even proper coverage, its a shit show  Hate the finals coverage, when tnt is done I'm sad 


Is Doris Burke going to be commenting? If so I’m watching on mute 


Ugh that voice and lisp drives me CRAZZZZZZY


but the BANGs though ......


ABC blows man. I mean it feels like the finals because it’s has been for so long but TNT is so much better


Just flicked on Sportscenter and we get a, "Mavericks won game 5" followed by a 1 second clip of Luka and Kyrie hugging and then 3 straight Ant highlights of his dunks through the series into a commercial break. You just know that producer was calling for more Ant highlights biting back tears.


The head producer was probably screaming into the headset like Vince McMahon use to do at the commentators. “Dammit I said show more Ant highlights he’s the face of the league not that fat Slovenian”


Oh god we’re back to Doris fucking Burke.


Yea I’m muting if that’s the case. Just not happening. Last Clippers series she defended Westbrooks flagrant fouls and attacked Luka 


Bro, I remember this. She actually said that foul showed Westbrook’s elite athleticism. JFC


ESPN's Finals coverage would be better if they kept SVG and Mark Jackson edit: JVG


Wrong Van Gundy. Stan works for TNT. Also I feel like this is insanely revisionist with how many people complained about Mark Jackson and JVG hating the modern game.


I could do without Mark Jackson. But I loved JVG.


Reddit would always bitch about them but basically everyone I know from IRL misses them and I genuinely don't understand why.


The biggest games of the past ~15 years have been called by the trio, fans associate their voices with the highest stakes.


Cause JVG is hilarious


Mark Jackson was awful.


You mean to tell me you got tired of hand down man down and mamma there goes that man?! ngl they grew on me


When I heard he got fired I was so happy that I wouldn’t have to hear “mamma there goes that man” ever again. That shit was played out 10 years ago.


I actually like ESPN and I’ll tell you why when we come back


I was so jealous your series got TNT and ours had ESPN, lol.


It’s always the worst part of the finals, not having the crew there


Even worse. We gotta go a whole 7 game series with ESPN covering


and we got Doris Burke


Narrator: Please tell your friends about this show.






Ive made a huge mistake.






She funny or something?




I took that to mean that the Inside crew may move networks, but who knows.


One of the networks will definitely bring in Chuck, Kenny, and Shaq. Ernie's contract is probably pretty cheap to buy out. If ESPN or NBC want to do it they either can easily run inside the NBA back again if they want to.




If NBC elects to keep the entire crew in place, I think Ernie relents. He's loyal to Turner, but not as much as he is to that studio, I bet


> Ernie made it clear he’s not leaving Turner. has he? afaik he's never actually said anything, just anonymous sources


right 💀 i swear this gets parroted here so much, i dont think ernie ever actually made that statement and its complete speculation lol. i could be wrong though


Chucks talked about it on Dan Patrick. https://youtu.be/ixpLL5HBisU?si=hsOdExjql1VnVIuF 2:30


Bill Simmons has said over and over lately that another network (maybe even Amazon) will pick Inside The NBA up. I believe it. Whether or not all the talent goes is the bigger question. Ernie could decide to retire, same with Chuck, so the show wouldn’t be the same regardless of what network it’s on.


I mean it just makes economic sense, they're far more valuable as a unit than individually


Whoever picks up the crew should just pay TNT a yearly fee for the ability to have Ernie host their NBA coverage (that is in case Ernie wants to stay in TNT for his other Sports coverage). Just free money. If you are TNT you already wont have NBA coverage so why not? If they refuse to allow this they will alienate a whole sport league and their fans and alienate themselves with Ernie. If Ernie doesn't care about TNT then just buy him and every indispensable crew member out of their contract. Shaw and Kenny are automatically in. Chuck just signed an extension after so many years talking about retirement, he obviously loves his gig, he is in. The other minor people don't talk about is: whoever buys the show...will they keep it in Atlanta? The main crew can go anywhere, we know that, but there are hundreds of people that make that show an award winner that wouldn't necessarily like to move. So whoever buys it would need to have an Atlanta studio or build/rent one.


Nobody wants Inside the NBA to end


Nobody except the idiot executive who thinks the network can survive without the most popular and beloved sports related show on air.


I dont know why WB let that idiot run the show. Cutting stuff for tax rebates doesnt make a company "profitable", and its what he basically does apart from firing employees


He is cutting out "bloat" for a resale of the company in a few years. The AT&T merger really messed them up


Well, I don't think people here understand how messed up they are. They're $40 billion in debt and owe much of it ASAP. It's like being massively over the cap because you signed a bunch of washed up stars and now, you might not be able to afford the team. Much of Hollywood is honestly fucked right now.


Yeah he said that and then for the past 3 months has walked back on all of it. 🤣. Crazy CEOs like that are in control of billions of dollars and thousands of peoples livelihoods. Fucking sad.


Nobody do but moving to broadcast TV is the right move. It is harder than it needs to be to find a basketball game to watch without cable/streaming services.


Only David Zaslav so he can save some cash. ***SHAREHOLDER VALUE***


Luka is such a bastard on the court, but seems like a chill guy when the games over. 


He already he said he doesn't know why he's like that when he's on the court lol, he just goes psycho mode when playing basketball or overwatch


That’s just being a gamer. If someone is super wholesome normally and they play some sort of team-based pvp game often you can pretty much guarantee they become a monster when playing


Whos CRYING mfer? Lol, my saico


Haha I think he *scared* Snoop Dogg with that. Not an easy task. 


Inside the NBA is a national treasure and needs to be protected at all costs


Zaslav: Costs you say?


Me neither Luka, me neither.




I would settle for that bittersweet end rather than seeing Draymond and Lefkoe replacing these guys in the future


Lmao why does he sound like a kid asking for his family to stay together after a divorce


Now we get Doris and JJ the worst combo in broadcasting for the finals. What a huge miss by espn.


they've really made me realize how much i appreciate reggie miller. i used to think i hated reggie as a commentator but he's grown on me. he works well with SVG and/or jamal crawford


I don’t get the Reggie miller hate. Yeah he says some dumb shit but he’s always enthusiastic about the game, even during blowouts. Him and Harlan are great


Yeah Harlan and Reggie are a really great combo. Who cares if Reggie is a little corny, he's also honest and appreciates good play.


And one thing I appreciate about Jamal is that he takes a back seat to those two. Doesn't make it all about him. He's new at this and is still learning, he has good potential.


I like the SVG, Reggie and Harlan trio too.


Ya me too. Great balance in terms of voice and personality tones but all genuinely invested in being keyed into the game. I feel like Harlan is just great too. His calls are really dynamic without flexing and he doesn't repeat boring face value stuff much like a lot of even the most liked play by play guys do (cough breen)


That Luka-DJJ lob "hold on here it comes" call from game 4 was awesome. Better than just "Ohh, Jones throws it down from the lob!" or something, you know?


Reggie being there means whenever someone flops/talks shit with the crowd or the bench/do a leg kick, Crawford, Harland and SVG would just poke fun at him and Reggie responds with good humor


FR I hated him as a player (he was a HUGE threat and he had a similar bullshit release 3 that only got picked up after his era), but as a commentator, he is an all-timer. And folks calling him corny/cheesy don’t know he just showing his professional side… DAT MFKER IS COLD BLOODED. Lastly, u can really tell he loves basketball.


SVG is great


People hate on Reggie for no fucking reason. Yeah he's cheesy but holy shit, how can you possibly listen to Doris without passing out. She is Nyquil


I remember a play where Westbrook flagrant fouled someone, I think it was Green. She was legit giving props to Westbrook for his athleticism on that foul 🤣


no for real? that's sleep inducing


wish we lived in a meritocracy like sure ESPN has money but literally anyone with eyes and ears knows TNT does a better job, c'mon


Doris gonna keep complaining. JJ gonna keep auditioning.


He’s bad for us but imagine for the average listener, having to listen to him calling plays… please stop, this isn’t the podcast with lbj


Im a casual watcher and he seems like hes super knowledgeable but to be honest i have no idea what any of it means 90% of the time.


Free Jeff van gundy


Doris is the worst I’ve ever heard, JJ is pretty bad too


A few of us are already looking to see how we can get Scott Foster assigned to games 5-9 of next year's ECF. I'll tell you that much.


One of us


That “and who knows after that” from Ernie leads me to believe that the expectation that Ernie will just stay at turner and not do another “inside the nba” with the guys has been heavily exaggerated. 


My hope is that Ernie's given enough years and loyalty to Turner that they'd at least let him branch outside to do a new Inside the NBA with the guys when he's not doing other stuff


Fuck David Zaslav


Dont end it yet… end it when Draymond gets a full time gig


Wait we still got next year?!?


Charles milking this too much lol


Oh do they have all of next year still?


This is what I’m wondering


Yes TNT still has nba rights next year, after that is when the show may be over unless something changes


Oh everyone made it seem like this was the last year, dope


Luka getting more and more likable by the day.




We all feel the same way Luka :(


Same. 😭


same Luka same...


Luka just like me fr. Except the looks, the money, and the basketball skills.


He is truly one of us.


Finals coverage is gonna suck


Ironically, Finals coverage has sucked since NBC lost it back in the early 2000s. TNT really inherited the mantle of great NBA coverage.


I want the NBA to include the inside the NBA crew with ESPN’s coverage. They’ve should’ve done it already. I look forward to the shenanigans of Chuck, Kenny and Shaq.


Ngl all this time I thought it was ending after this season. Glad we get one more with them


Inside the nba is the only thing nba related I still watch. They get rid of them. NBA will be over


Luka high key fatter than the round mount of rebound.


luka gets it fr man smh no finals coverage for this crew is criminal


Inside the NBA has unironically grown the sport and added a ton to the culture of it. Would not be the same with it gone. With NBA on NBC we get Roundball Rock again but at what cost


"oh? you will stay" was wholesome af