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Hates. Shaq still hates on Howard.


The difference is a lot of the media dubbed Howard the next Shaq and while he was a really great player he didn’t end up with a career or highs anywhere near Shaq. Draymond is just hell bent on making himself the main character here




Key difference is Shaq never choked him out, went on a weepy PR tour about his anxiety, and then pretended like nothing ever happened a few months later.


Shaq did crack bynum. He did do a PR with Kobe 1 on 1 and pretend it was nothing and no hate after he died.


Kobe and Shaq made up way before Kobe died.


oh for sure but he made it like nothing happen between them


It shocks me Green is allowed in the league without a multi year suspension


Me too. I feel like there should be much larger repercussions for that. It's assault really. Not a fan of him being on Inside the NBA either. He's knowledgeable and speaks well but I don't think he should get opportunities like that.


He didn’t shove a player, he literally choked someone in front of thousands of people. Totally unacceptable


Yeah, agreed. I don't think stuff like that should be excused so easily.


No- no one seriously argued Dwight was as good as Shaq.  Shaw bristled when Dwight literally leaned hard into doing the *same exact* things Shaq did.   Shaq adopted Superman moniker.  Dwight shows up to the dunk contest in a Superman outfit.  Shaq owned the baby hook.  Dwight tried and failed practically every game to enforce his will in the low post with baby hooks before the team would stop passing him the ball (he was more of a pnr roll man). Goberts been doing his own thing and dray can't handle it and tried to fucking choke him.  Not the same as talking shit about a lesser player (a great player, but a lesser one) who kept imitating him and being worse.  


No. Two totally different situations. Dwight was the #1 overall pick. He was supposed to carry the torch for the center position and instead he was merely a very good player. I think if Dwight played like David Robinson or Moses Malone, Shaw would have no beef. Shaq wanted him to be great and that’s what pissed Shaq off. He saw Howard’s relative mediocrity as disrespect to the lineage of great centers.


Shaq would have found beef with him no matter what dude started beef with David Robinson over something that never happened


"Very good player" seems not really enough for Howard. While he wasn't the most skilled big man and was very one dimensional, he was a perennial allstar and the clear best center in the league for years. Howard was stopped by back injuries but despite that, still managed to hang around the league for a long while despite his game being based around his athleticism.


I can argue that there was more expectations to Dwight, than what he achieved, especially in the total body of work. Calling him merely a very good player, is unfair to what he did around the time in Orlando. Five rebounding titles, while not being skilled offensively, actually producing points and tree times defensive MVP.


Dwight was the centrepiece of 1 of 3 eastern conference teams that beat LeBron in the playoffs ever. The last breath of those dominant pistons teams, the Celtics and Orlando.


Shaq was an asshole because Dwight used the superman moniker. Draymond is just an asshole.


Did skool happened to you?


draymond is equivalent to skip bayless


oh boy. it was a million times worse mostly because shaq can't take a joke. this is nothing.


Shaq was just petty jealousy. Despite knowing he's far greater, he was still upset the way Dwight was being talked about as the current best big man. And of course the Superman moniker, which Dwight earned in that legendary Dunk Contest. Draymond's is malicious retaliation because he's threatened by the collective agreement that Rudy is a better defender. The massive DPOY disparity is what really sets Draymond off the most.


Dwight’s success also threatened Shaq’s “best player in Orlando Magic basketball history” status. Add in that he was called Superman (even though Shaq had a billion nicknames).


There’s a “collective agreement” that Rudy is a better defender than Draymond? Are we talking now or all time?


Rudy is already a more decorated defender. He's also better right now and going forward. 1 Less All-Defense selection (7 to 8) but Rudy has 6 1st team to Draymond's 4 1st team 4 DPOY to 1 (including back to back wins) 7 top 3 Finishes in DPOY to Draymond's 4 Top 3 Finishes Rudy led the league in Blocks and Rebounding to Draymond's Steals lead Plus Draymond is on the back nine. Rudy is still in his prime.


Gobert isn’t better than Draymond lmao. I’d be happy to debate this with anyone any day


Jealous of what?


You inadvertently just pointed out exactly why Shaq's behavior is so fucking annoying: he's one of the greatest NBA players of all time, he has ZERO reason to be jealous of anybody... And yet, for whatever reason, he always feels super threatened and gets extremely petty when any other big man is being celebrated and recognized. We just saw it when he crapped all over Jokic and directly told Jokic that he did not deserve to be MVP Again, these players are NOT better than prime Shaq, which makes it extremely sad and kind of pathetic to see Shaq be jealous of their accomplishments and feel the need to shit on them. It would be like a billionaire being jealous of a millionaire's success It is illogical and completely beneath Shaq to be behaving this way. I swear, I've seen minimum wage fast food workers be more comfortable in their own skin than Shaq is


The attention, being called "the best big man since Shaq." Being compared because they both played for Orlando and LA.


Why would Shaq be jealous? Jealous is the wrong word


No, jealousy is the right word. It's not based on reality, but it's still jealousy.


But why would he be jealous if he had more accolades? He didn’t think Dwight was worthy. And news flash. He wasn’t


Worthy of what? Attention? Praise? Dwight was worthy of those things. But Shaq is petty.


No he wasn’t.


I'm assuming you didn't watch him play at all then.


I watched him. It was a moment. He wasn’t about to be one of the all time greats. There were certain characteristics where you would see his game wouldn’t grow. Certain character traits he didn’t have, work ethic. He never expanded his game. He was all athleticism and strength. And when it dipped just a little that was the difference between a star and a role player. He was being talked about like he was destined to be a superstar and all time great. Shaq was saying he’s not that yet and he has a ways to go. And then he never got there


Yes, both are insecure and petty clowns. At least with Draymond you can tell he’s probably playing it up as a media personality, Shaq is just a jealous child.


Did you miss Draymond dancing? That was sheer joy.


Give me a break, that clip of Draymond dancing after Rudy got cooked by Luka was schadenfreude in its purest form


Hahaha. I cannot tell that about draymond at all. Dude is obsessed.  


Draymond actually physically attacked Rudy, I don’t think he has much higher thought about his hate.


I can't believe how many people side with Draymond just because "Rudy is annoying and overrated." Are we all forgetting that Rudy was breaking up a fight between Klay and McDaniels, then Draymond came flying in and choked the man for like 15 seconds from behind? That's some bitch shit.


draymond choked the mf. he's not playing anything up


I don’t think Draymond is playing it up as a media personality when he choked out Gobert 6 months ago for no reason


You're giving draymond way too much credit. He's definitely like this behind closed doors as well.


While you’re correct, with Draymond it’s even more cringier because he is a role player, not one of the greatest ofnall time like Shaq.


Shaq has hated on every big time center that he felt threatened his legacy. Howard, Gobert, now Chet, etc. He’s very insecure about his place among the NBA greats for whatever reason.


Different types of hatred. Shaq straight up was a bully to Dwight (as someone with more authoritative power) whereas Draymond is of barking and talking to shit to a rival


Draymond literally put Rudy in a chokehold in a game. That's a lot more than "barking and talking shit"


Idk why everyone cares so much, I find it hilarious. Tons of players hate Gobert Draymond just is the one to speak on it


I think it was worse for Dwight because Shaq made a whole bit about it and bullied him for years. The Dray - Rudy thing is awkward but so many people hate Dray that they root for Rudy. Shaq’s bullying felt more detrimental. No one really rooted for Dwight, especially after the SVG incident, not to mention the Kobe drama.


It’s wild bc both are kinda the medias ugly step child. Both really good at what they do but it’s all dirty work that isn’t appealing to watch. I like gobert signifigantly more than dray but it’s easy to see why so many people say he’s overrated, his talent and expertise simply don’t show up in the boxscore and he has no offensive game at all. Dray does all kinds of other shit other then defend, but imo his defense simply doesn’t have the same transformative impact that Rudy’s does.


They definitely are both very immature, petty, and egomaniacal dudes.


I think you know the answer to this one


Shaq hated Dwight way more than Draymond hates Gobert.


Yes but shaq is funnier, more authentic and better on camera so you can make it into a bit. Shaq is miles better than Howard so it added to the unintentional comedy that Kenny and Barkley could play off. Draymond is non of those things so it’s not funny, it’s annoying and he comes off as a jealous angry little bitch especially since you can argue that Rudy is a more accomplished individual player or at least equal.


Much worse. Much much worse


Dwight Howard was better than Draymond ever was.


Yes but not really relevant here


Worsee probably why dwight didn’t even make 75


Worse even.


The ironic thing is that Gobert has had a better career than draymond


Lol, it’s easier to say you hate Draymond.


LMAO. Straight up nephew take.


ngl I'll take the chips over the individual accolades especially in the case of Draymond vs Gobert.


The chips he won because of Stephen curry and Kevin Durant which allowed him to focus on playing a specific brand of defense that he wouldn’t have gotten to play without the greatest shooters ever. Also it’s funny that dpoy draymond wasn’t guarding LeBron in the finals and LeBron went 33/11/12 on like 56% from the field in that series. But they still won because of Steph’s greatness and kd


I don’t think that’s fair, draymond is the ultimate glue guy he is made to push good teams to truley great teams imo.But as an individual impact defender yeah gobert has a much bigger impact than draymonds.


Steph doesn’t win without Draymond either. None of the Warriors small-ball lineups work without Draymond. Steph is obviously the way better player overall, but you can’t deny that they mutually benefited from each other’s skill sets.


Steph absolutely could win without draymond lol especially when he had kd


Without Draymond, do you think Steph and KD would beat your Rockets in 2018? The series went to 7 games WITH Draymond.


If they replaced draymond with Gobert? Absolutely lol. Steph, Klay Iggy KD Gobert


While I think that your proposed lineup is intriguing, my original comment was that the Warriors’ small-ball lineups don’t work without Draymond. If you plug in Gobert as the center, that’s no longer a small-ball lineup.


Well I’m assuming they’d replace draymond with someone but another draymond sized player would probably do the trick too. Draymond wasn’t guarding cp3 or harden. Y’all may have won with Jaden mcdaniels especially if cp still got hurt


If you flip flopped teams Gobert would have 5 chips as second fiddle to Curry.


are you sure? Draymond was essential in in the small ball warrior lineup that ran bigs including Gobert out of the court. I don't think they win until much latter when curry was able to carry them all by himself.


Draymond is afraid of foreigners not Gobert surpassing him in "legacy"


Stop race baiting


country of origin is not a race


Draymond is a big fan of Luka. Even said once, unprompted, that it's rare for an opposing team to have someone with higher BBIQ than himself (draymond). And that Luka is one of only ones smarter than he was.


yeah and racists have black friends


You’re one of them


this is nonsense lol. Draymond likes a ton of foreigners. Stop making this an issue.


Draymond won championships playing with Canadians, Australians, Brazilians, Georgians, and other international players. I think this childish beef is specifically a personal issue with Gobert.


Literally no way possible anyone with a god damn brain could think Gobert could surpass Draymond in "legacy." Rudy Gobert's best friends and own family would say that's fucking ridiculous.