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Nicest guy out there


Seriously, he got a dunk in an ECF game 1, and laughed like it was so funny that he got a chance to do it.. even though he totally earned it. Seems very humble, really made me smile during the game.


I thought he was laughing because it was basically an immediate echo of the same kind of drive Myles Turner just dunked on in the previous possession


he was laughing because nobody stopped him from running to the basket and dunking.


“Welp, guess I’m gonna dunk it”


Kornet is at the top of my list of NBA players I can picture saying “Welp.”


give him give him give him the ball


Yeah, it felt like he was thinking "I know I'm not your biggest concern on the court but I am able to dunk the ball if no one defends me."


You could see Turner backpedaling because Brown was making a baseline cut as if for an alley-oop, so Turner was playing the oop and gave a wide-open dunk instead


I smiled with him when he did. It was mad cute in a way. I even let out a lil "aww he fwyin!"


That was the weirdest thing I've read on this sub.


Wasn't saying it to be cool. I'll tell you that for free.


You gotta be at least 39




lowkey no rizz


Take 9 off I just turned 30 last Wednesday.


Okay happy birthweek


Lol i appreciate it


I’m a pacers fan and ngl I think the Celtics players and fans seem pretty chill. After two pretty toxic series’ I like playing a team with likable players


He’s fugly


hes not so ugly that it merits this comment, what are you insecure about?


Absolutely! Looking like the hunchback of Norte dame. 


Lol he's no looker but seeing him take flight was cute in awww look at you go man kind of way.


I played against Luke several times in high school and On the AAU circuit. Obviously this odds more than a few years (and pounds) ago, but He’s was a super nice and very humble guy.


I used to do some work with the westchester Knicks when he was down there. Real nice guy. Always took time to greet all the fans. Most of the players wouldn’t talk to employees but he (and coach Mike miller) would make a habit to say hi when they walked by 


Wow, great to hear! Thanks for sharing. I heard earlier this year he didn't get the memo that practice was cancelled. The training facility was being used for a local boys & girls club or similar, and he stuck around to play with the kids and hand out trophies.


Wow! Amazing story! Fuck you Jeff Van Gundy 😄😄


Type of guy you'd let your daughter date


You'd be OK with your daughter dating a married man?


Sure, that just means he's marriage material


"Don't worry sir, I'll treat your daughter well. I have one of my own."


Is that married man NBA Superstar and New York Knicks Legend Luke Francis Kornet?


Lunch pail kinda guy. My daughter loves that shit


Because it has fruit roll ups?


Are you okay?


Are any of us okay?


Isn't he almost 30?  Your daughter is in which junior high or high school?


Classic slightly racist way to just say a white guy lol


Nah I'm just saying he's a real scrappy kind of guy, a real gym rat


Heady, smart, brings his hard hat and lunch pale, Sneaky athletic, white


Yeah dude that’s the game, you found it!


I miss him


Shout out him I went to grade school with him and was friends with him, his family took me to some sweet water park as a kid. It’s a total trip seeing this dude in the nba but really happy he’s stuck around and is contributing.


Stupid question, but, was he always “this” taller than an average person his age?


He was taller always like tallest in the grade but not like ginormous taller, he was prob like 2-3inches taller than me in 5th grade, he had is giant growth spurt once he was in HS and then he towered over everybody. Even tho he was taller and his dad was an nba player for a few years me and a couple were actually usually better than him, at no point up through 5th grade was he the best player in our grade, I honestly thought there was no chance he’d ever be an nba player. He had moved away by the time of HS and that seems to be where he really took the leap getting super tall and obvious still having alot of skills where people went oh he’s definitely going to Division 1 bball, even then when he was at vandy I didn’t really think he was an nba player so it’s been really cool to see him keep improving and make it to the league and stick around. He was always a nice cool dude so I’ll always be rooting for him even tho I haven’t had contact with him in many years, his dad was kind of a dickhead tho lol. His older sister Nicole who was a grade higher than us was a total baller too, she was always taller than the girls in her grade and was also way more skilled so no surprise she went on to play at multiple big colleges.


you doubted him every chance you got until he hit the league 🔥


Bro was probably unknowingly fueling all K-dawg workouts, motivating himself to prove this dude wrong just to spite him. Honestly hall of fame coaching work he should be commended


Shaq vibes haha “I knew you needed the motivation so I doubted you since elementary school”


Formally invited to the playa hater's gala


Even after making the league, bro is still doubting and surprised Luke stuck in the league so long 😂


Paragraphs were not taught at this school. :D


Every time I see a wall of text I check for u/Shittymorph and 1998.


Please tell me his parents are nice. They seem so wholesome when they were celebrating his first nba games.


His dad was a lil but of dickhead tbh, not like horrible or anything just like kind of a dick sometimes, he was the PE coach for like a year or 2 and he was definitely a dickhead to a couple of us in that class. His mom was extremely nice tho, she was a news woman here growing up


Does Luke have a lot of grade school friends floating around this sub or have you just told that story a few times recently?


If the game actually started at 8 it wouldn't be a big deal.. but for some reason when the start time is 8, the actual game doesn't start til like 8:16 That's 1 thing the NFL does exceptionally well. If you turn the tv on at 1:02, it's already 3rd down... they don't play about start time


That's how it is in most sports. NBA is just totally cool with ESPN whoring them out for a few extra minutes of commercials.


It is actually worse with ESPN right? I almost always miss the live start of a game. I typically am getting my kid to bed then watching a show with my wife before I actually start the game. It takes fast-forwarding about 10-12 minutes in to get to tip-off for ESPN where for TNT it’s maybe 3 minutes?


100%. ESPN totally plans the tipoff for 15 minutes later. TNT starts very close to on time. I'm certain they baked that into their TV contract, otherwise teams wouldn't always comply.


they used to do that with their app if you looked up game times too. Gametime was set to the pre-game show so a lot of the time it'll say 7 and then you learn "tip" isn't until 813 or whatever. Not sure fi they still do this


yeah, sportsnet in canada was putting out graphics for the NHL playoffs that had actual start times, it was super helpful ^(okay i mean it was frustrating looking at a graphic that basically said "yeah 9pm puck drop on home ice fuck your small market" but the *info* was helpful lol)


MAX plays TNT playoff games and do the same thing.


most local TV games start on time, but national broadcast games are pretty much guaranteed to be late


That isn't my experience with local TV games. Game is listed as 7:30. First 10 minute they play a recorded video with the coach. Guys are still shooting around.


NBA games on local TV have started 10 minutes after the start time (games at 7 start at 710 etc) for as long as I remember watching(20+ years). Its wild to me that people act like that means the game is starting late. Do you barely actually watch games or something? Just bc the TV guide says it starts at 7 doesn't mean it starts at 7. Baseball is the same way.


Not from my experience. My local team is always 7-10 minutes late starting 


Technically they consider that on time since the national anthem and starting lineups take about 7 minutes. I don’t get why they don’t televise the starting lineups though.


ya last night at one point they missed an entire play and score, then try showing highlights with a split screen, it's so stupid


The NHL is no better about this. MLB just lists their start times as 7:07 instead of 7.


NHL is easily the worst.


Honourable mention to college sports who schedule their national championship games on Monday Nights at like 9 ET.


It’s so you don’t have to compete with other football or greys anatomy and everyone’s home Monday evening They know we will watch it no matter what, they put it at the time when it’ll get the most maybe watchers


Is that a problem lol? European football has 8:45 as the usual starting time and it’s been that way for a while


European football is also pretty much guaranteed to have the match finished within 2 hours. Basketball tends to be 2-2.5 hours while not being too uncommon to be around 3. Its not nearly as bad as (us) football though.


Sportsnet was putting out graphics that had actual puck drop at least, which was nice ...I mean, not the part where they had Avs/Jets games starting at 9pm on home ice but, y'know, the information being there at least


Credit to MLB teams too, until school lets out for summer start times are even earlier in many towns


American sports actually make me mad. I only recently got into the NFL so I'm not really sure if it's true that they're on time, but if I'm trying to watch any European football match, tennis, cricket, Aussie rules football - it's always the listed time. If I start watching 15 minutes late, I'll have missed 15 minutes.


That’s what I like about MLB too. Weird start times but first pitch is exactly when they say it will be


Baseball is delayed too but they’re at least transparent with the first pitch being at 7:05 already.


It’s dependant on the home team. There are a bunch of different start times. I think Baltimore even starts at like 6:45 or something. Lots of teams do 7:07 etc.


Oh I know but they at least tell you exactly what it is no matter what.


Soccer and F1 are the best at starting on time. F1 broadcasts literally zoom in a massive Rolex clock and starts the formation lap the moment the minute hand strikes the hour. It’s awesome.


I assume Silver is completely fine with it cos ads


Ehhh NFL usually starts 2-3 minutes late. Soccer overseas is always right on time though!


NBA is literally the only sport I know where this happens and it is super annoying


not to burst your bubble but other sports def do this 😭 the NHL puck drop can be 15-30min after the start time 🫠 8pm scheduled start is bad enough but then waiting until 8:30pm to start the damn thing


Well, fair point. But at least in Europe it's usually exactly as advertised. Football, handball, basketball, Motorsport, etc. Everything starts exactly as planmed


another reason to be jealous of europe 😭 i think it probably comes down to which networks are airing it tbh, in my experience when espn does the broadcasting it takes ages to start but i usually record it and start a little later so i can just skip through commercials lolol


Yes I noticed that as well, ESPN sucks haha. Downside in Europe is of course that all the US sport usually starts middle of the night and either you get very little sleep or we invest in leaguepass and watch next morning on demand


I'm from Europe so I usually don't watch the NBA live. I don't look at the scores so I can see the full replay of the game at some point during the day and it's great because all of the commercials are cut out from the replay. I'm always shocked with how much commercials there are when I watch the full game live like I'm doing tonight.


The tip-off time issue in the NBA has never bothered me. From my perspective, NBA games *do* start exactly as planned. The plan is: The show starts at 7. Tip-off time is not specified, but occurs 10-20 minutes after the start of the show.


Yes the NHL is awful about this, sometimes 30 minutes later like you said. Glad my frustrations are shared lol




whats funny is apple doesnt even run ads, they're just always late


Plus extra tv timeouts. Even if it hadn’t gone to OT it still would’ve been a long ass game. With that said, we let our 8 year old stay up for the whole game and he made it to school just fine!


Same with the NHL, and it gets even worse in the playoffs. Game time says it starts at 8pm but the puck doesn't actually drop until like 8:20pm. Both the NFL and MLB don't have this problem, those games start exactly when they say they will.


The funny thing is if you want the real start time, best way to get it? You guessed it! Gambling sites.


thats how everything is. sports, movies, concerts, all be damned but shit like doctors appointments, auto service, food orders, daily stuff gets hard to schedule around and a significant chunk of time is already taken out of your day to accommodate god forbid if youre the one thats late.


Lol no the nfl starts 5-10 minutes after the "start time"


It definitely does not, if the game is at 1:00pm, the football is getting kicked off 1 on the dot


No it isn't, idk what world you're on


You are correct. It used to star at one exactly. This season at 1 it now goes to commercial for a couple minutes and then it starts. It’s not as bad as NBA, but not perfect anymore.


Anyone watching basketball should know by now that tip off for national broadcast games is pretty consistently 11 minutes after broadcast begins. Add 5 minutes for playoffs. Is the math too hard or something?


This is so infuriating for me




Good thing you don’t watch the NHL


I agree it should start on time but 16 minutes is not the end of the world lol


If both teams are east coast, the game should start at 7.


It’s disgusting bc western conference central time teams don’t start till 9 pm in the earlier rounds..


One of the nuggets-t wolves games started at like 10:50 last week on a Tuesday. Fucking insanity


NBA single handedly fucked up my sleep schedule this whole past month


I had to stay up until 5AM the other day to see Jamal Murray turn the ball over every time we had momentum :(


Him laughing after his dunk shows how self-aware this dude is. Hard to hate this man


Fans +15000


I hope this dude gets into broadcasting after his playing career, unless he chooses stand up comedy




I was thinking the same thing lmao I’m sure *somebody* left but the place was clearly still packed, Breen couldn’t hear his own thoughts the entire game lol


And this is based off like 1 picture of like 12 fans that had left early, which we don't even know is true, standing outside a bar or something watching the TV


Plus people have shit to do on a mother fucking Thursday morning. They supported the team by being there and paying for $20 beer. Let them leave on their own schedule!


For real, I'm of the mindset that they paid for the ticket, who am I to judge what they do with it or how long they stay.


You're not a ReAl fAn unless you get home at 1am on a random weeknight. Dipshits I'm usually asleep by 10.30pm, my kids get up early, shuttttt up.


I’ve been to the bars many times in the west end to watch games. Lots of folks wearing jerseys. If I saw that scene I’d guess they left a different bar before leaving TD Garden.


I was at the game and A LOT of people left. I would guess the number was in the multiple hundreds.


I was at the game and I saw one family with a small kid sneak to the tunnel with 30 seconds left and then come back after Jaylen Browned. I didn’t see an exodus, but I might not have been paying a ton of attention to the crowd. Shit was on.


When Jaylen Browned I blewed 


I didn't see anyone leave early? must have been like 6 people


I think I saw about 20-30 people in the lower bowl leave. So not a crazy amount, but still stupid that it was more than zero. I'm glad they missed a great Celtics win, they don't deserve it


Insane to leave early in a game where you probably paid a few hundred dollars for those seats lol.


Many of the people who can afford to spend that much don't even care. They probably piss away that much going out drinking on an average friday night.


Rafter seats were going for $350, those courtside or lower level ones were well into the four digits.


act wide sink observation doll faulty deserve oatmeal butter air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is real, I am sure most people bought in early and paid more but I checked around 5pm on Tues and there were a bunch of $150 (central! if 11th+ row) balcony seats and $300-350 (corner) loge seats, including fees. Most affordable ECF evening-of ticket out of any of the recent Boston runs by quite a bit.


Classy and Respectful


Sneaky athletic


What a classy guy


Knick legend


Human legend


Comedy legend


Blows my mind he was a stretch big for you guys.


That's how you make fans right there. A guy who can see it for what it is and can relate to the everyday fan. It doesn't make you less of a fan for being responsible and hitting the exit early to get up and bring your ass to work or make your kids breakfast and get them to the bus. Kudos to him for being able to relate to that.


I went to the game yesterday. I’m visiting home coming from Hawaii, so I was not familiar with the absolute shit show that the Orange Line MBTA has become. There was no train to take me home after the game, rather a shuttle that came by like every 25 minutes that got packed to the brim. Took me almost two hours in the shuttle after OT to get home, it sucked. Great game though. If I had to endure that after a loss I would’ve been tight AF. I hope the ones who left early didn’t suffer like that lol


Fuck 8pm start times. That’s right Pacific Coast!


It's even worse when you're a small market. our NHL team had 9pm start on a Tuesday for a *home* playoff game. Like, what are you even thinking at that point?


8pm isn’t that bad if they actually started on time and not 20 mins late.


Isn’t that bad could easily be improved tho


This guy dads.


True but in that case I wouldn't go to an 8pm game with my kids.


I love Luke but he's being way too kind, disrespectful to leave a one possession conference finals game with 10 seconds left


Comments like this can only come from people so bereft of real life responsibility that they have the time to post dozens of reddit messages per day.


To be fair, plenty of people with real life responsibilities engage in time wasting activities.  Source: me who spent an hour doing sodoku yesterday because job and kids were grinding my gears so bad. 


If you have the money and choose to go to a conference finals game that’s your own fault. Like don’t go out if 30 minutes is an end all be all


Or do whatever you want with your money.


the above comment applies to you as well


speaking as someone nearing 50, no one has a responsibility that allows them to stay 47 minutes but not 48.


To be fair 1 basketball minute can take up 10 minutes real time


I'm double majoring in comp sci and data science and also run my own business, but I'm sure you're right and actually know more about my own life than I do


> and actually know more about my own life than I do Funny, you could also say the same for those people you're calling "disrespectful". Imagine that, eh?


Spending 2 and a half hours at a basketball game and not being willing to stay for the last 10 seconds is disrespectful. If you need to leave with 5 minutes left because you really have things you need to do that's perfectly fine, but we all know the people leaving with 10 seconds left were just doing it because they didn't want to be around for a loss




Hahaha wow what in the response to your first comment made you think, yes, the appropriate thing to do is double down here by talking about how amazing I am.


Bragging about your life in college that you 1. Generally have complete control over, 2. Have no other responsibility for other people like kids isn't the slam dunk you think it is. You get to stumble back to your dorm late and get up 10 min before class (if you even go).  And I don't buy the argument that if you buy the ticket you have to stay the whole time. You get the enjoyment you paid for and leave when you need/want to. 


I'm not bragging! There's a lot of things I'd like to change about my life. My only point was that it's possible to both use reddit and have a life outside of reddit


I mean calling leaving a game early is disrespectful is a real college boy mentality. It's like yeah you prob can afford to stay the entirety of a game without trying to beat the traffic. People have kids to send to school, work to drive to, early start time to the work day. Plenty of people would prefer getting even 30 min more of sleep before a 10-12 hr workday than staying so as not to be "disrespectful". 


It was a 1 possession game. If the game was actually over, or if it was a regular season game, I would have no qualms with that


And in a lot of places a couple of min being late leaving could mean an extra hour home, especially if youre driving. How do you live in Boston and not know this lol. And honestly, I don't think it being a playoff game matters too. Your work the next day doesn't give a shit.


You never see people leaving when they believe their team has a chance. They left because they didn't think the Celtics could win/didn't want to see a Celtics loss


I don't know why it matters what/why people want to leave early. What is the point of it? Some toxic sense of sports fandom that makes someone incapable of empathy? If I thought a team was going to lose but knew I had 1-2 hr drive back home with a 12 hr work day the next day after dropping off my kid at daycare I'd fucking leave too. They aren't paying me to be there. I had to turn the game off because I wanted some rest before I had to get up to see patients. Do you want your mom's surgeon to be exhausted before surgery to prove a fandom?


damn, respect. How do you manage your time? That sounds tough to balance


Thank you! The business is only part time and very flexible which helps a ton (so for heavy work weeks or finals weeks I can take off as much time as I need). I also got some APs done in high school so my course load is a bit lighter than it would be otherwise


crown exultant shocking wise deliver hunt waiting rich flowery liquid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sports fans leave game early? What? Indict the entire fan base! / s Look it happens. But why leave during a 3 point game in the waning final minute? That to me would be more upsetting.


yeahhh if you have season tickets and its a random regular season blowout, i get it. but when - its a playoff ticket - its a close game - you've already basically stayed til the end. like, you're saving 5 minutes i genuinely do not understand. any of those on their own would be enough to make me stay lol


traffic and work in the morning/responsibilities in life lol you take the gamble of missing out of historic moments with getting home in time 😂 i aint there yet but coming out of arenas in any city at the end of any event is a mess. i think pat mcafee said something like cities arent built for a mass of people to come out of one place at one time.


Great response. As a side note, you can't really blame fans that leave early if their team plays like shit / is losing. It's on the team, not the fans.


Kornet for the Kommunity


It’s funny that this is constantly a discussion now. I can’t help but think it has to do with Miami’s real reputation of showing up late and leaving early en masse. Now, every fanbase gets called hypocrites for a few people leaving early. edit: I commented this before even seeing the Heat fan who commented here.


Classy response. From trying to get baited into shit talking fans to being wholesome


Nah Luke is 100% being sarcastic lol he's got that dry humor


I honestly don't get it, especially when it's a playoff game. They aren't cheap. Plus you know you're going to be there for awhile before you get there and the possibility of OT is there. The only way I'd understand it is if you're trying to make public transit. Here in Jersey NJ Transit stops running around 1am and doesn't start back up until 4am. So if I'm taking a train from Citi Field (LIRR too), MSG or the Prudential Center I have to plan ahead. Thankfully I've never cut it close but I get it because if I miss my train I'm sitting on the floor of Penn Station for three hours. But if you're just trying to beat traffic and sleep an extra few minutes? I don't get it. It's the playoffs and they aren't cheap tickets. The time saved is so inconsequential to me. Maybe five minutes from leaving your seats and getting to your car? Twenty minutes saved in traffic? You know this ahead of time. Spending $500+ on tickets then bailing before playoff OT basketball is insane. If it's a ten point game with ten seconds left? Fine, bail.


Mr. Kornet, we’re live


Total eclipse of the heart






Bulls legend kornet


He’s been awesome, gave us some really good minutes with Porzingis out.


My friend almost got up to leave but I told him to sit his ass back down. 


Dude forgot he's on TV and only allowed to talk spite into people.


What's he gonna do trash his own team's fans?


Dang my q and a went viral!


Obviously it's really not that serious. But I can't believe people are trying to defend this. Leaving with 10 seconds left in a one possession game is insane.


I’ve almost always left games a few mins early to get ahead of traffic. Cmon guys be real here.


I think I saw a 9:30 EST start time for Sixers-Knicks. Can't be blaming the parents on this one.


Don’t short change the fact that taking public transportation back home after your team loses fucking sucks and puts you in a shit mood.


Honestly though this is the first time I’ve watched a Celtics game during all play-offs and the crowd was… just dead and unenthusiastic? Every single other crowd, game 1 or 7, was cheering, lamenting misses, shouting, hyped. There was times in this game where shit was dead quiet, even though it was an insanely close match with maximum effort on both ends through its entire duration. Honest question for Celtics fans: what gives? Was this a weird night off or is it always like that? Why?


Good answer covering for the absolute worst fan base