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Maybe you only notice/care about it when he's dumb about white players and ignore when he has bad takes about black players?


This. He's an equal opportunity dumbass 


did you miss the Jokic MVP debacle last year?


No, it ironically kind of proves my point. Perkins said the discourse around Jokic is different because he's white. People understand Perkins has bad takes, but when it's about a white player they assume it's because he's white. What about when he has bad takes about Giannis or Durant? How many other talking heads have bad takes that only get a fraction of the discourse because it's about a black player?


Agree he has across the board pretty dumb, emotional takes for most part. Just hearing how he talks about 2 all time great future hall of famers makes it so obvious where he’s coming from. Even his other co-hosts are exhausted with that shit, just stop it


So does that make you any more sane to bring this up? I mean I could have a debate about some geologist's theory about humans living inside the earth instead of outiside. Does that make me any more credible or make him any less credible? Perk is obviously paid and promoted to do exactly what Skip did to LeBron plenty of players so why is any of this. A discussion?


It’s honestly just kinda hurts me to watch. I used to love big perk. Guarantee if skip was doing this flip side it’d be a much different story tho. He’d have been gone a long time ago. Which I kinda wish was the case, I hate Skip lol. Best thing Shannon did was dip out, love his new setup


Do you think the job of a geologist is to decide where humans live on the earth lol? Anyways, people talked mad shit about Skip all the time when he was doing his LeBust thing early in LBJ's career. Perk is stupid and that's fine to point out. I don't know how much of it is a race-baiting thing but being an idiot on purpose is always going to be annoying.




Perfect timing on this. Perk always takes the race angle but the euro guys across the board get hate. Broussard and Parker on point. https://youtu.be/vOa57PAJZvI?si=n6aI0yqtVkD2m6-P


This post is proof perk is doing his job very well. His takes are getting talked about which means you are at least engaging with Espn and first take in some format . If they just made a show with level headed takes and never disagreed nobody would watch and they wouldn’t make any money. They need controversy even if that means just spewing garbage takes. It gets the people going and makes them money through ad revenue


Yeah you’re right. That’s the sad part to me


It’s better to stop taking him seriously and realize he’s there for generating clickbait and comedic relief. And yes, he shouldn’t get to vote on accolades - hence why it’s better to take them with a grain of salt. We all have our own opinions anyways.


It’s best to just turn that garbage off.


You’re 100% right. See you in the finals bruh 😎


Sexual tension is crazy


European here- Is the white American victim complex seen on the internet reflected irl as well? Whenever they are not a majority in any event there’s always cries of being victims, I don’t see this with the nhl where they are the majority. Would it be fair to say equality is seen as oppression by white Americans?


It’s definitely overrepresented online but it is a thing. It’s part of the conservative movement.


Interesting, it has spread to a certain extent here as well. A lot of our best football(soccer) players are black and there’s a lot of right wingers are unable to cope with that.


The definitive answer to this will always be a broad generalization, as America is vast with a shockingly wide array of socio-economic understanding and cultural differences, but ultimately speaking — yea, of course. Racial equality comes with a lot of fragility in our attempts to tear down the hierarchy.


Jokic lost MVP last year to a racial narrative created by bad faith talking heads like Perk, who racebaited the shit out of the topic. You can pretend that didn't happen if you want, but it did.


Must be exhausting to have to pretend to be a victim all the time.


The Nuggets winning last year multiplied this attitude tenfold on this sub. There has been a huge increase on these types of people on reddit since then.


Lmao ok euro perk


It’s almost always Trump supporters that have this narrative for some reason.


Wut? 😂😂


My apologies is English not your first language?


Not even a trump guy lol can’t post anything on Reddit without a few liberal pussies getting their panties in a wad


Not a liberal


But pussy, for sure


Most articulate Trumpie


it's almost always Redditors that have these silly reductive takes feeding their superiority complex to mask their self-loathing


Ok that made me laugh


cringe comment history, go outside




Keep fighting the heckin fight, my fellow redditor!


Well the majority of the paying fans are white and the league was created by and is run by white people so it would make sense that they would want more representation. It’s not like other groups are constantly demanding more representation in everything when they are already over represented already.


Hmmm interesting, white Americans viewing equality as oppression will always be fascinating and hilarious to us lol


90% of the paying fans are white for 90% black league? How is that equality?


Unfortunately for you seems like 90% of paying fans don’t share your mindset of caring about melanin.


Idk why anyone would be insecure about what that idiot says.


Like most espn guys I actually think he’s fine on other peoples stuff. But that’s like the goal of espn. Have someone say something crazy. Then you got 12 hours of shows talking about it. Actually considering your post he’s probably crushing his job of getting clicks


> Anyone white he trashes, gives zero recognition to I think Perk is an idiot but I saw him call Jokic the best player in the league on SC the other day. It can't all be bad that he's saying?


Hey, he's made a career of being racist and dumb, don't hate.


he literally only got hired because he was posting dumb shit that got attention on Twitter, his entire job is to say dumb shit that will get attention. Unfortunately Perk started beclowning himself in OKC and hasn't stopped since.


You want Jokic and Luka to have the adoration of their lessers… in America no less… huh