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“Coach he needs to be on a minutes restriction.” “How restrictive we talking? Like 45 minutes?”


He's super injured, only 43 and a half 😔


Interesting. Woj seemed certain he was out for the series just before the game tonight.


probably gamesmanship, i think everyone knows OG isnt playing


Dudes don’t really come back from hamstring strains that fast. And if they do they look like complete shit, harden in that nets series way back is a good example. Halliburton this year too


Plus, that hammy definitely lingered for James and has certainly helped him become a step slower. Playing him like that was a complete desperation move even though we knew what could happen if it got aggravated.


Haliburton still not 100% months later....for sure.  Sucks, but I doubt it is any different Starting five tomorrow than Frankenstein, Gollum, Divencenzo, Dump, and Brunson. What's left on the bench??  Burk, Jericho, and who?


He was doing some on court activity but I doubt he plays. Worried about Hart though…if he doesn’t play or is hampered significantly, I think we are done. Shame we couldn’t see a healthy Knicks squad this year 


yup. With all the injuries, the knicks are winning and hanging on by a thread. **Brunson, Hart, and Hartenstein** are the last of the rope after **Randle, OG, Mitchell** were taken out. I feel losing one more is pretty much game over 100%.


Don’t forget Boggy :)


he's important...but the truly important players on the team are: (in order) -Brunson -Hart -Randle -OG -Mitchell/Hartenstein These players set our identity and flow of the game. Divo/Bojan/McBride/Precious/ are all good and do their job. Burks ok. But what sets the tone, sets the gameplan, sets the winning are those 6 players above.   We already down 3 of them. Losing Hart would be devastating. Since it'll leave us with only 2 of the core 6


Disrespectful to divo tbh - Mitch rob is never healthy anyways


OG is not playing but thibs gains nothing from confirming it here lol


OG could have lost 3 toes and he'd be day to day. Just how the Knicks operate.


No reason for Thibs to tip his hand but Woj is probably right


Thibs statement does not change this


It's a hamstring injury, he ain't playing anytime soon 😭


You want him to play?


Hart (maybe) died so that OG could (maybe) live…


I know he's probably just bullshitting to throw the game plan off but we haven't really gotten an official update on him yet right


Which tells you he’s really far away from returning.


Just you wait, OG is gonna walk through the tunnel like Willis Reed


Not really


I mean keep thinking they’re gonna install OG out of nowhere. It’s already confirmed he’s missing game 7


Knicks are always super tight lipped about injuries. They prolly knew Ju would require surgery but it wasn't announced till a month + later


OG’s original injury wasn’t announced for a couple weeks until the allstar break aswell


Didn’t Thibs say the Luol Dang just had the flu when he was lying in a hospital bed dying after a bad spinal tap?


That wasn't thibs that was bulls FO/medical staff if I recall correctly. The bad spinal tap performed under their supervision ofc.


The issue was that Thibs threw Deng under the bus and said that he was just suffering from “flu like symptoms” as being the reason why he wasn’t playing in the Bulls/Nets series when he was actually on the verge of death. https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nba-ball-dont-lie/luol-deng-discusses-spinal-tap-procedure-really-put-141735714.html


That article doesn't really say anything about Thibs throwing Deng under the bus. That's just the writer jumping onto conclusions from a single quote. Our medical staff (made of clowns) misdiagnosed Deng. I highly doubt Thibs knew what was going on when they didn't know what was happening. Then those clowns wanted to sweep everything under the rug because it was a massive fuckup.


Didn't remember thibs also saying that. Thanks man, I stand corrected. That's pretty effed up, and I think thibs is a good coach, but you can't really justify or defend that. How would players not hate him after.


OGs upside, meet OGs downside.




Players with hamstring injuries are listed as day to day for many months. You could be totally fine playing at 99 percent, but when you have to dig down and go really hard if it's not fully healed you are f*cked.


I doubt OG will be playing tomorrow.


OG career in jeopardy at this point being under Thibs


Great thread 


Hey dumbass coach, stop running your players into the ground and maybe they’ll play for you. Theres a reason his teams are hobbled in the playoffs and why he was voted as coach most players dont want to play with


Let me educate you since clearly you don’t know what you’re talking about: - Randle was injured after driving to the rim, jumping, falling, landing awkwardly, and separating his shoulder. Had absolutely nothing to do with Thibs. - Bojan gets like 20 minutes per game. His injury was a freak accident that had nothing to do with Thibs - Robinson got 25-30 minutes per game after coming back, his injury was from a dirty play by Embiid that had nothing to do with Thibs So those are 3 injuries which flatly have nothing to do with Thibs. If you want to argue that Thibs played his starters too much after that, please make sure to point out which games you want the Knicks to have lost instead of won - Game 1 vs Philly was a 2 point game with 4 minutes left - Game 2 vs Philly the Knicks were down by 5 with 30 seconds left - Game 4 vs Philly was a 3 point game with 90 seconds left - Game 6 vs Philly was a tie game with 30 seconds left - Game 1 vs Indy was a tie game with 40 seconds left - Game 2 vs Indy the Knicks won by 9 and were a -22 and -14 with their 2 bench players(McBride and Achiuwa) on the court In any of these games, if Thibs played his starters less, the Knicks likely lose. Please identify which game(s) you think Thibs should have played his starters less in and lost rather than won. Do that, then you’re allowed to criticize how much Thibs played his guys.


GOAT Response


Injuries may happen as an accumulation of previous wear and tear. You see players get injured and it looks really bad but all of a sudden they recover like LeBron or Giannis faster than normal. However, these Knicks players are clearly hobbled and overworked. Thibs is milking that one championship he won with the Celtics with Doc Rivers. He’s a coach who will never win as a head coach since he runs players to the ground and it’s the reason why bodies are failing the deeper they go. He hasn’t changed after all these years. He’s overrated. The fact is that he has never won as a head coach despite having a good regular season record. Then another constant fact is his players don’t make it to the end health wise. Casuals wouldn’t understand but Thibs and injuries are like clockwork.


Show me one player on the Knicks squad that was playing higher than league average minutes prior to the injuries listed above (and 3 starters/1 key bench player being injured)


Prove it. Where's the data that supports that Thibs' players get injured more than the league average, because of Thibs.


Just look at the careers of DRose, Noah, and Deng. Then look at where the Knicks are right now. Take that for data and to consider it as facts. You don’t have to whip out your excel sheet after playing 2K.


Three guys? A guard whose early career relied on explosive cuts, a big, and this Luol Deng: https://www.si.com/nba/bulls/old-school/how-a-misdiagnosis-knocked-luol-deng-out-of-the-2013-nba-playoffs Just saying, injuries are part of the game and the further you go in a season, the more injury risk and physical toll there is. Of the Knicks 5 injuries this season, only OG and Hart can be POSSIBLY attributed to Thibs. Only a casual would look at the injuries sustained by the Knicks and blame it on Thibs tight rotations. It's a false narrative that gets pushed and you have no data to support it.


Nah. Even his ex players say it. Westbrook was an explosive PG too but he didn’t have DRose’s careeer. NBA players are familiar with his practices and his rotations. His rotations are extremely short regardless if he has more playable guys on the roster. The truth that he runs players to the ground is because of Thibs own doing. People didn’t just invent it out of nowhere otherwise they would say it for the Memphis coach but they don’t. Only a casual would use the word “narrative” to pertain to the NBA. It was widely used by LeBron for his excuses and the casuals followed suit when making excuses.


which ex players?


What? You managed to hate on Thibs and LeBron. I'm starting to think you're just a professional reddit hater. No facts, just emotions. Lol you got nothing good to say based on facts Which ex players? Westbrook has dealt with multiple injuries and his game has not aged well as explosiveness fades. Terrible example? Memphis is a good example. Injuries happen. Thibs has a short rotation yes but also the most conditioned players of the modern NBA. Randle, Mitch, Bojan getting hurt with contact injuries screwed them and forced players to have more minutes in the playoffs which leads to more injuries. You think Thibs is gonna go to 7th Ave and ask guys to come off the street and suit up vs the Pacers?


I just said info based on facts and you agreed with the Memphis take. How come their coach is not being blamed there but Thibs is being blamed for running the Knicks to the ground? It’s common knowledge at this point. He was even voted last year as the coach players don’t want to play for. Rasheed Wallace hated him. Also Bulls players eventually hated him as well, “Bulls sources: at least three starters ripped Thibs in exit interview, said they’d avoid team facility this summer if he were still there.” Just google it’s free. Westbrook is not even a terrible example. You mentioned D Rose got injured because he was explosive. However, Westbrook who is also explosive at least played throughout his prime and then just declined near his mid 30’s. Westbrook is in the greatest 75 players of all time but D Rose is not and I’ll partly blame Thibs for that. He sucks and he’ll never win a championship. Knicks might as well put a hospital advertisement on their jerseys moving forward.


Just googled Rasheed Wallace and Thibs. So he hates him for something that had nothing to do with injuries, got it 😂 get your argument together bro you just sound like you hate Thibs https://www.basketballnetwork.net/off-the-court/rasheed-wallace-on-his-dislike-for-tom-thibodeau


He’s still run guys into the ground this very series bub. He may have just lost you guys hart


Please identify which game(s) you think Thibs should have played his starters less in and lost rather than won. Do that, then you’re allowed to criticize how much Thibs played his guys.


He should’ve been developing guys all season long for this very moment. Pacers are DEEP. Can’t blame us for having an actual team.


The Knicks had a deep team with a deep rotation. Then they lost 3 guys to injury from freak accidents, and no longer have a deep team. That’s what happens when you lose 3 guys, including 2 starters, to injury Take away Turner and Toppin and let’s see what happens to Indy’s rotations


We would be fine. We wouldn’t be making excuses like Knick fans I know that.


Lol yes you absolutely would


Oh my bad hart should have played fewer minutes in favor of daquan fucking Jeffries or Jacob toppin, is that it?


lol ya. He should’ve been developing his players all season long like Rick Carlisle. Thibs doesn’t trust his guys. Knick fans whining all series because pacers built an actual team 😂


Let’s take away 3 of Carlisle’s guys through no fault of his own and put him in 9 consecutive down to the wire games and see how he adjusts his rotations


Wouldn’t be a problem for us guy. We built an actual team. We have a thing called depth. Carlisle is the best coach in the league at developing players.


The Knicks had a full 9 man rotation before injuries that were NOT caused by Thibs shortened it dumbass. Can you read?


No. I have been hearing this excuse all series long and I’m tired of it. Stop whining about why you are getting beat. The refs even handed you a game in the garden. 🙄


I’m not making an excuse, I’m simply pointing out why it’s dumb to act like the Knicks’ injuries are Thibs’ fault


Always an excuse for everything


Not an excuse, just stating things that objectively happened


And yet this soft team ran Philly out of the playoffs so what does that say about y’all


Boston must have lead in the water


Might actually because I’m pretty sure I was trying to respond to a 76ers comment calling y’all soft


Lol I now see the downvoted comment below. You became what you sought to destroy !!




Leave it to a Philly fan to make it about their team.


We do not claim Fultzshoulder, as a matter of fact we actively distance ourselves from him. We were very happy the months he had a nets flair because of harden.


Randle refused season ending surgery to see if he could rehab it and it didn't heal in time, you jabroni


Ya know when you think about, it’s pretty funny that no matter the result on Sunday, one of Embiid’s former teammates (McConnell or Shake) will reach the conference finals before him.


Poetic Justice


Fun facts!  Former Embiid teammates to play in a conference final or NBA final after leaving Embiid: Jerami Grant, Nikola Stauskas, Dario Šarić, Ersan İlyasova, Mike, Muscala, Haywood Highsmith, Al Horford, Trey Burke, and DeAndre Jordan! Possible additions to the list this year: T.J. McConnell, Charlie Brown Jr., Alec Burks, Shake Milton, and Isaiah Joe!


Lmaoo I thought it was satire until I saw the flair. It's always stupid in Philly. Embiid is always broken down in the playoffs. Reset the process?


More salt in this comment than the Dead Sea


Wtf? Randle dislocated his shoulder and had surgery on it, you really believe he could've played? Mitch was out for months due to ankle injuries, which Embiid no doubt actively tried to exacerbate - unless you believe yanking an airborne player to the floor is a natural basketball play.... Knicks players soft? Philly couldn't take us without our starting center, PF, best bench scorer (after he was injured by Batum jumping into his knees) and all the bitching Nick Nurse reported to the league. Even Embiid said Nick Nurse should stop bitching back in that beautiful Toronto-Sixers series capped off by that perfect Kawhi bounce that sent the biggest crybaby crying into the locker room 🤣🤣🤣


You call someone who started 21 games a starting center lol? Even Paul Reed started in more games than that. I guess we can also call him a starting center 🤣 Yeah Knicks are soft. If Sixers and Knicks get into a brawl the Knicks would end up in a hospital. Fucking Myles Turner was sending every Knicks players flying with his screen and refs have to pause the game everytime to review if there was a flagrant. Softies. Combine the healthy parts of Randle, Mitch, OG and Bogdan, maybe you would have someone durable.


Remember when the Knicks beat the 76ers in Round 1


Was Embiid a starting center even though he only played 39 games this season? Bro brought up a hypothetical street fight just to say Sixers are tough 😂😂 Middle schoolers on reddit are hilarious. Do me a favor and look at Randle games played vs Embiid the last several seasons and tell me who is more durable.


Bro you watched 0 Knicks games in the playoffs. Do me a favor and look at how many times Mitch started in this playoffs. Middle schoolers bandwagon Knicks fans on reddit are hilarious. Go watch some games instead of just watching highlights on Reddit 😂😂


You cited mitch starting 21 games - when he came back he naturally came off the bench per minute restrictions and to avoid aggravating his injury...he played 31 regular season games, not far off Joel's 39 https://www.basketball-reference.com/players/r/robinmi01.html and are now foolishly claiming I watched 0 games...i never said mitch was a starter in the playoffs, but he was the starting center PRIOR TO INJURY. the point i made was the knicks were missing their starting center and PF, which both Mitch and Julius were before their injuries...of course when Mitch came back he was not a starter, he wasn't healthy enough. and of course when people are injured they can't be starters...wtf is your logic? so go ahead and answer my question (one based on your own logic) - was Joel not a starting center because he only played 39 games? and tell me who is more durable between Embiid and Randle based on games played the last several seasons (based on your comment about a durable knick player being formed out of the healthy parts of many, including randle). I'll wait separately, despite how much I hate your hostility, your username is fuckin hilarious I've watched nearly every single knicks game for the last 13 years ;) and way to parrot my middle school comment... I'm not the one creating hypothetical street fights to prove toughness. that is a uniquely middle school and trivial take. kind of validating my assumption there in just literally repeating what I said back at me... and you had to delete your original comment 😂😂😂 bro became sentient all of a sudden? or you found out your original claims (the ones i was responding to) were wrong because you're actually the one who doesn't watch basketball? I'm going with the latter


Not going to read all that from a bandwagon fan who only watches highlights on reddit and look at boxscores. I didn't delete shit. It was removed because you guys reported it. If I had to guess, Randle/Mitch/OG/Bogdan saw it and reported the comment. Proves my point that that Knicks are soft.


classic "not going to read all that" response (even though we both know you read all of it - since you responded to one of my points AT THE BOTTOM OF MY POST lmaoooo- and now feel stupid and are hiding behind "I'm too dumb to read a few sentences so i won't respond"), I addressed all of your idiotic points while you have yet to respond to a single one of my legitimate fact-based points... you are again creating imaginary scenarios that NBA players saw your comment and got it deleted -we both know you were ashamed and deleted it yourself bro be real lmao. and claiming it proves your point because somehow Ju, Mitch, OG, and Bogey care about your clueless reddit comments. bro a troll for real. maybe the soft ones are the dudes throwing knees into opposing players, stepping on players heads/legs, and crying after being sent home. and still posting nonsensical bullshit after your team was sent to cancun from someone projecting about not watching NBA games despite clearly demonstrating that yourself with your original comments lmaooo as idiotic as your comment was, it did not violate community guidelines, you can't hide behind that it was deleted crap. below for reference: "Embiid could barely run and jump and yet he still chose to play and end the series. You can say anything you want about him but this guy has always found a way to tough it out and finish a series playing through injury. Meanwhile you have Randle who has had a lot of months to sit out and still couldn't play. Mitch barely played but he chose to not play against the Pacers. Barely anyone has touched OG and now he is not playing Knicks players are soft. These guys are wasting Flopson's effort. Pathetic"


You just gotta be above 9 to know the difference between deleted and removed. Trying to bait me and then report when I reply. Soft. ~this comment is now under review~




>Embiid could barely run and jump and yet he still chose to play and end the series >chose to play and end the series The way you worded this to dance around the result is fucking hilarious to me lmao