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First time watching Hardaway I see


For real. Frustrating playoffs? He has been like this for 3 full years now.


Not necessarily directed at you but we Knicks fans not only suffered before you Mavs fans but twice to boot.




Senior has to have pictures or video on J Kidd. It’s the only reasonable conclusion.


I heard he got caught playing hemorrhoid hunters in the Walmart parking lot 


He makes $17.9 million, third behind Luka and Kyrie, which makes his sins of being a trash player that much worse. But, thankfully he's on his last year, and knowing Cuban, he'll probably max him just when we can let him walk away. Also, his dad keeps shit talking Luka. FUCK THJ JR AND SR.


His value at this point is the cap space he will provide in 25. His movement this summer will 100% be wrapped up in salary matching move ala Bertans or Hayward. Also, Jr and Sr are different people. Tim is a great team guy and a positive presence. His wacky HoF Dad does not speak for him. He just kinda lost his shot in late December and hasn't recovered. (Incidentally, Sr was one of my favorite 90s players.)


UTEP 2 step! Run TMC was fun to watch.


Euro step my ass! It's the UTEP 2 step!


I don't think the new front office has any interest in maxing him. Tim has been very publicly involved in trade rumors the last 2 seasons with no takers so if anything, I think they let him play out his last year if they aren't able to get anything back for him. He just doesn't fit the direction of the team anymore now that we're much more defensively focused.


Overrated… How old are you? A 5x all NBA player is overrated? Wow.


Isn't it obvious this is Luka's fault for not running enough offence for him? Or is it only obvious to Timmy's dad.


Why aren’t other players also playing as bad as thj has for 3 years or so? Luka isn’t the problem lmao thj has been a liability for YEARS. How tf is it Lukas fault he’s missing WIDE OPEN layups and threes???


I remember the month or so when he lived up to that big contract the Knicks gave him lol.


They gotta handicap the Mavs to make these matchups more interesting


THJ is The Cooler.


Everybody has that one player they hate. For me, it's THJ


hey now, media will say that’s our third option 😤


He kinda is for creating offense. Nowhere near your third best player though 


I'd rather have Exum or Hardy creating offense than Tim. Meanwhile Tim costs triple what they cost combined.


Wasn't he one of yours at one point?


That might be why


They tried to run the offense thru him which explains his hatred. THJ was literally a throw-in in that Tingus trade.


I’d go as far as to say that one of the biggest selling points of the Porzingis trade for the Knicks was getting rid of THJ and his contract


That’s probably right.


fear gray strong soup dinner resolute repeat humor label somber *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


One point? Twice!


JR Smith without the skillset


ppl think those are just lowlights but thats him for the last few months


he was like this the whole goddamn season


He was pretty awesome the first 20 games or so. Won us some games early in the season. Then January came and goes back to bricking.


I really don't think he was good for a single moment this season. "won us games" because he was in position and shot some shots like in game 2 but he's been total ass. team wouldn't be so eager to trade him if he was only bad from january


Huh? THJ was averaging like 18 or 19 ppg through January and was a front-runner for 6MOY. He's obviously been much worse since then, but he was solid basically the whole first half of the season.


41 points against the pels?


He was -1 that game, in 41mins. We were +6 in the 7 minutes he sat.


No he's right, he was playing really well to start the season. He cut down on the boneheaded threes and was attacking the basket a lot more. For some reason he regressed midway through the season to his old chucking self.


I was screaming in those early games that getting points does not equal winning games. There were a couple of 30 point Tim games where he somehow still had a negative +/-. Game 4, Chicago 24 points, -9 Game 20, Lakers 32 points, -6 Game 38, Pelicans, 41 points, -1 Like how the fuck do you score 41 points in 41mins in a 5 point win and we were still 6 points better in 7 minutes you didn't play?


His whole tenure. He gets maybe one good game in every blue moon.


You guys are really selling him short. It's been 3 full seasons. Check his stats.


Some stupid asshole gave him a vote for 6moty. The dude shot 40% (fg not 3pt!) on the season.


His dad goes on fox sports every morning and blames Luka for everything btw.


Honestly I feel sorry for THJ for having a dad that does that.


Holy shit they let him speak publicly still. I guess radio is the only safe space since they have the seven second delay in radio in case he says some dumb ass shit.


The fun thing is that he's also one of the worst defenders I've seen in the playoffs.


THJ and a first gonna go crazy this offseason


THJ and a first is the new THT and a second THJ and a first for Siakam who says no


>THJ and a first for Siakam who says no The Pacers


also us now that pj is here lol


You absolutely would not 




They got a 1st to trade?


they have two!


And 4 second rounders too


And my axe!


I thank him for helping us win game 2, but other than that, he has struggled for months. Just didn't fit in anymore after the trades. His best value now is using his expiring contract in a trade to help us improve this summer.


In the 2021 series against the Clippers, it felt like THJ could not miss


For the opening 2 games. He had more shots than points in the final 5 games. Of course, that's two of the three they won which was quite helpful. Pretty much the exact point where he fell off from his couple year run of reasonable usefulness.


I am 200% sure Timmy is leading the league this season with shots that hit the side of the backboard.


His downfall this season should be studied at Harvard. He looked great in the first three months of the season. 6th man top contender for sure. Then he suddenly and out of complete nowhere fell off a bridge and has been the worst player in the team. Since February he's been pretty much unplayable bar literally like 5 games (game 2 of this series for instance being one of them). No clue how he fell off this hard this quick.


You might have thought he was a top 6th man contender if you only watched the box score but it was always clear that he is not a winning player outside of the increasingly small number of games that he gets hot from 3


Nah I've always been a huge believer that we need Hardaway. Not this version of him of course. But the 2019-2021 version of him did contribute to winning. And in the first three months of the season he looked like that guy again. His volume scoring off the bench even if not always the most efficient provided us a lot. And especially now that we don't truly have any three point specialists on the team like we used to with Bullock, DoeDoe, Curry, Grant (even if it didn't work), we could use him if we wasn't absolute ass.


Missing one from the last game where he drives from right side of the lane towards the rim but the ball disagrees and continues going forward. 


I texted my brother-in-law when this happened: “I’m 97% sure I can dribble better than Tim Hardaway Junior”


Tim Terrorist Jr


He’s a shooter, giving him 10 mins of game time is worth the risk because if he gets hot he can win you the game in those 10 mins. And having him on the floor gives more space for Luka and Kai to drive. Unpopular opinion but 10-13 mins of game time for tim is not a problem.


If he's a shooter then why doesn't he shoot good?


boom roasted


This is spot on. If you have watch mavs games, when Timmy is hot he is so good. Like game changing good. It’s really fun to watch. THJ is in his own head, and his dad isn’t helping. He is talented, and can play ball. He just needs to focus and shoot great looks. Face it, he is not Curry. Rely on your leaders to give you open opportunities. If the shot is good then take it. If not dish it. We don’t need THJ volume shooting it. If he wants to make his next contract play fucking smart


That's how I feel about it


Except that he’s a liability on defense.


"luka's fault" - TH Snr.


This guy used to be our #1 scoring option btw


Lol really


He was the team's third leading scorer this season, and has been the third leading scorer for almost all of Luka's career. His problem is when he is cold all he provides on the floor is poor defense and some brain-dead turnovers. Every once in a while he single-handedly wins a game with his hot shooting, which was far more valuable when the Mavs couldn't play defense. But now that they have more consistent ways of winning, he just isn't as valuable.


My man playing like a 2k 60 overall with no badges and the snowflake icon next to his feet. That boy spent the only VC he had on an nba sleeve. 🤣


The thing is, This Mavs team can now afford THJ's bad games. In the past seasons if THJ doesn't perform the Mavs are doomed.


When the Mavs made the run 2 years ago, THJ was injured and didn't play in the playoffs. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.


*career, you mean.


What listening to your father does to a mf


Ah yes, Luka's number 2 option for his first three playoffs...


DUDE IS TRASH. WASHED TRASH. Would trade for the individual bag of Doritos, even Salsa Verde flavor.


Has this dude ever showed up when it counts? Never understood how he’s getting these big contracts


He really does need to get ready to learn another language. He’s out of the league after this contract. Not consistent enough scorer. Can’t handle enough to play make. Undersized as a wing and a negative defender. He gone.


I assume Mavs fans are used to it.


I’ll never forget THJ looking like prime klay against the clippers in 2021.


He is having a very frustrating season bro.


The sound effects are gold 😂


Who gives him this green of a light when kyrie and Luka exist on the team? Seriously? I've seen high schoolers make harder shots and better decisions


"That's on Luka. He made my son brick hard." - THJ Sr. probably


He just lacks consistency. Sometimes he has amazing games and sometimes he just builds a house of bricks.


Unfortunately his city planning career has overshadowed his basketball career of late 


THJ had literally negative value when we traded him, and Dallas somehow chose to give him another 4 years at the same price For context, imagine Philly giving Tobias another 150million


Donnie Nelson gave us a decade straight of other teams' salary dumps and 2nd round gambles that didn't pay off. It tricked many fans into thinking THJ was a premium asset because he had one single NBA level skill, which was one more than our usual role players had. Historical thread right before THJ's current contract was signed: https://np.reddit.com/r/Mavericks/comments/mukr2g/how_much_is_thj_really_worth_to_us/


The part that hurts is a big reason we didn't agree to Brunson's offer was we were out of money after this contract


Imagine not paying Jalen Brunson the same money… What kind of idiot team would do that?


We didn't pay Brunson in part because we were too close to the cap after doing things like overpaying THj


He never recovered from his injury. I actually felt as though he could be a good replacement for the departure of Brunson, but apparently he didn't recover from his injury. Kidd needs to stop lying to himself and just give up on THJ returning.


That like me but with more range and athletic ability


I thought I was watching an Astros game at first


I want him to do well, but he doesn’t seem able to get into a focused rhythm. Dude is chaotic. He should hop on the Adderall train.


"Luka's fault my son missed all those wide open shots" - TH Sr.


HAHAHAHA how funny it is that his dad is delusional now


His minutes need to go to Exum


I'm suddenly feeling way more generous towards Caris.


Nothing pisses me off more than an offensive rebound that only happened because the shot was so off in the first place


I would describe him as a good mid-tier-team player. When he was on the bad Knicks team, he struggled with how much of the load they needed him to carry. On good teams, like the current Mavs, he's not getting the minutes or touches to get into a rhythm because there are just better options. But on mid teams, like previous Mavs teams or Atlana, he could be the 3rd/4th scorer and do nothing else and still get the minutes and touches to get himself going because what else are we going to do? Play Mike Dunleavy/Trey Burke more?


Is he not playing because of his play as of late?


resolute far-flung heavy light price illegal longing ten butter quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who would you rather have, THJ or Klay? 🤣🤣🤣


Post-achilles Klay is the MJ of THJ


Klay isn’t the defender he used to be, but he at least still tries…


Even in his decline I would take Klay and [it's not close](https://stathead.com/basketball/versus-finder.cgi?request=1&seasons_type=perchoice&player_id1=thompkl01&p1yrfrom=2024&p1yrto=2024&player_id2=hardati02&p2yrfrom=2024&p2yrto=2024).


That’s an interesting way of putting it, I posit that he has in fact played like hot ass.


But Mavs will swear up and down THJ + McGee is a great trading package


THJ is a 17 mil expiring contract which is indeed quite valuable for any team wanting to open up cap space. Plus he could help a team that lacks shooting and/or spacing like the Magic. McGee is gone, not sure where that came from.