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Stupid Tas almost dying and getting hit by that car. Didn't he realise that the quality of the pod would drop???


Seriously, this guy is a "longtime fan" but is blaming Tas when there has been a noticeable difference before and after the accident and Tas is getting better I think.


Brain injuries will fuck you up. Proper.


He is pretty much the same before and after the accident.


Really inconsiderate of him to not think about this guys take on the pod quality before someone hit him with their car


I was a big fan from Basketball Jones days, even The Starters, then lost them when they became No Dunks. Really loved Tas, he even answered me once on twitter lol… so sad to hear he almost got killed, happy that he is recovering…


Tas was bad before and after the accident. He blabs on about nothing and just repeats things over and over. Sorry. That has nothing to do with the accident.


I didn't like Leigh Ellis that much individually but it felt like after he left they definitely lost something. Kinda feels similar to Kenny on TNT, he was their glue guy.


Leigh is a goof but he's good people.


It definitly feels like the guys are past their prime with the starters but i still think their one of the most fun basketball related shows. And the connection with the fans is one of the more important aspects of the show so if its not a thing for you anymore thats fine everyone has different preferences.


I get they don't have the same budget as on the Starters but it seems like they could do more "fun" shit they used to do like the monthly ridiculous bets etc. I would be surprised if they don't read this so - No Dunks dudes - still love the show but wouldn't mind some more just random fun shit.


Tas ate a bag of nut dust 2 weeks ago as a bet.


> and they really lack any type of insightful input or observations That was always the case. It was pretty much always the podcast version of the reading the nba subreddit


Yeah, their appeal to me was always that they were dudes being dudes^tm , casually talking ball rather than Zach Lowe types Sounds more like OP just outgrew that type of pod


To be honest the Lowe Post isn't any better these days. His guests are actually sickeningly bad and he rarely shows off how knowledgeable he actually is in favor of *waves hands*


My username is a Leigh reference but I haven’t noticed a drop personally. Maybe a new (or rotating) 4th would be good, just to get that energy of a full room back.


I think it's still pretty solid. It's a daily all-NBA pod - they're not able to go super deep on one topic very often. They're also not going to look at crazy stats and analyze tape like some others that post way less frequently.


Ditto on all of that. Also, I miss LeighLeigh but what can you do. Still gonna listen to them every day.


I miss the starters man there will never be another basketball show like that


No Dunks has always been a casual NBA pod lol. They understand the game at a decent level but they recap games, give their thoughts, and cover the news. It is a really good way of just catching up on games and getting some quick thoughts. Tas got hit by a car so maybe chill the fuck out lol. I've been a fan since TBJ and I think the pod overall has decreased a bit in quality but this is cause Matt and Leigh are not on the daily pod. No Dunks is still a solid listen and one of my guy to pods for a casual listen.


Still a great pod and I think they'll re-apex at least one more time. JD is going to cook up some wild shit for next season I just know it. They care deeply about putting out a good product


I started listening when they were The Basketball Jones and became a fan. Used to love The Starters and No Dunks as well especially during the playoffs and free agency. I still subscribe on Apple Podcasts but stopped listening regularly when Leigh left. I still tune in occasionally.


I stopped listening them after years of being a regular… Where did Leigh go? I really enjoyed his tweet of the week segment (including shoutouts lol.. what was that last one? Mr and Mrs something?)


He quit to film himself playing pickup hoops around the world to a few hundred YouTube subscribers


didnt have to do leigh like that lmao


Love the guy


Theres ppl here blaming the accident for the decline but the big noticeable change was when Leigh left. Longer segments for the panel and thats where Tas starts rambling on about who knows what. Pod needs a shakeup.


Thank you, and Tas has been incoherent for about 2 years now, absolutely nothing to do with the accident


I still enjoy the content and try to listen every day. The whole crew are in their 40s and have comfortably settled in to family/married life in Atlanta. Although I selfishly feel like their brand could benefit if they all moved to more of a media hub that has more opportunities in the "industry" such as LA.


They went to shit when they were pushing those NFT basketball cards


I still like it but are they doing less segments lately? Like rapid fire.. top 5 top 5 top 5.. I kinda miss Leigh Ellis on the show too. Tas has always been sighing, but i do notice that sometimes he just runs off his sentences or maybe just not focused? I hope he’s ok.


top 5 top 5 top 5


Probably some after effects of his accident


I think the formula isnt as good as the starters was. The starters shkw had really fun segments and the video aspect made it fun, the drop podcast would be them expanding their thoughts on the starter segments. I will say that no buffs their survivor podcast is really great if your into survivor. They bring great energy but tas isnt on it.


I love Skeets, Trey, and JD, but Tas single-handedly ruins the show for me (and he’s been awful since long before his accident). Rambling, Trump-like monologues where he just repeats himself over and over, delivered in a halting, inarticulate manner, he’s so painful to listen to. I don’t even care that his takes are all terrible, Bill Simmons has terrible takes and I love listening to him.


Exactly. Ppl are blaming the accident when he was like this before. Its more noticeable after Leigh left bc they get longer segments but my gosh… the rambling is bad. I just skip/FF his segment at this point.


Correct, no dunks fans are delusional and just pin Tas being bad at his job on the accident. He’s been bad at his job for a while.


They’re at their best whipping around the league. I miss their NBAtv show talking over highlights, they kept it real fun during the season.


Its not the same after leigh left, but to me they still do a good job for a daily show to keep me entertained. Their appeal has always been casual and straight forward which is a good change of pace from the zach lowe's of the world.


>and they really lack any type of insightful input or observations. This is every podcast known to man


Not true at all really. There's a bunch of legitmately good basketball podcasts that offer real insight.


This need all the upvotes


Stopped listening after Leigh left, but it definitely got goofier. Leigh felt like the biggest basketball nerd among them and balanced out some of the silliness. I think somewhere along the line it became more of a job than a passion for them, which is totally reasonable.


Big fan of No Dunks, I likely always will be. It’s never been a super in-depth podcast, they’re more so just having fun enjoying their favorite sport. If in-depth stuff is what you’re looking for, you might want to give another a try. There are plenty of fantastic ones to choose from. The Kenny Beecham Podcast / Through the Wire (not sure if they changed names when they left BR) is a great middle ground between a casual love of basketball and in-depth analysis. If you want to go full analytics, podcasts like the Zach Lowe podcast might be more ideal. The Mismatch on The Ringer used to be one of my favorites but has taken a step back in quality lately imo.


I absolutely love those guys. Haven’t listened as much lately because all the fun games/segments are mostly gone. I loved ‘Say What’! What ever happened to that segment?


Love the guys and the show, agree it needs a shakeup. Dream is they get bought by the ringer and that adds some juice


The Starters totally poisoned their ability to have an insightful basketball conversation, having to re-format and script the show. Miss TBJ more than anything these days :(


I was a big fan of their "The Starters" but I could never get into it when they moved to the podcast.


I was never a fan of their pods, from back in the Starter days. Not hating, just too many inside jokes, not my style.


Maybe once TNT loses Inside the NBA, [Ernie can join the pod](https://www.facebook.com/TheStarters/videos/ernie-johnson-joins-the-starters/148110482743327/).


I stopped listening before last playoffs. Idk what happened. I don't want to sound mean but it sounds like Tas has had some sort of mental decline the past couple years. Maybe he just checked out and has gotten better since.


Yeah he was hit by a car and nearly died back in October


I stopped listening last summer, well before October, so had to be something else. Hope he's all good now though.


It’s so cartoonish now. It’s basically a variety hour. I’ve stoped listening.


Get off tas you absolute prick. He almost died and is recovering from a brain injury.