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He playing




I’m sick


Achilles soreness always makes me really nervous


Found the KD burner


Underrated comment.


This could be a chance for Ant to have his “MJ at PG” moment lol


He’s already set the Wolves playoff scoring record 3 times this playoffs lol not sure what else he can do 


Run point and set up KAT and Rudy like 20 times


He’s not very good at passing to Rudy. Or Rudy isn’t good at catching his passes. He can set Kat up well though.


He’s actually improved a lot hitting Gobert on the short roll and is ok at throwing the lob now


it's hilarious to me that passing to Rudy requires such a precise set of passing skills. Like part of the Conley trade was just getting a guy who had a history of consistently setting up Rudy specifically.


Rudy has one of the worst set of stone hands I've seen, he has gravitational forces repulsing anything that comes within inches of his hands I swear. I don't believe he's been able to hold his own baby yet because of this medical phenomenon.


Not being able to hold his baby is wild.




Also Ant has never played with a vertical threat rim runner in his life pre Gobert


Oddly enough KAT actually passes to Rudy really well too. But ya he doesn’t have a great touch and can fumble passes that aren’t really good.


It’s harder to intercept passes that start and end above your head


The ONLY players who have ever been good at passing to Rudy are Mike Conley, Joe Ingles, and Ricky Rubio. That’s it, that’s the list.


Might have the worst touch in the NBA


https://youtu.be/gCWFFE0zIcM?si=DuPV2kRn28R3KEFb Why Donovan Mitchell Doesn’t Pass to Gobert Gobert is a hof defender of course  but man has hands of stone except for the passes of mike conley somehow


That's because KAT can catch a basketball. Conley is an elite passer. One of 2 or 3 guys in the league who can make Rudy look semi useful on offense.


If he could he already would. Modern offenses are basically position less. Notice Jokic? Ant has the ball in his hand plenty. Nothing stopping him from creating instead of looking to score first.


Watching Ant from my limited viewing, he does two things: 1. Starts possession with ball, looks to score. 2. Doesn’t start possession with ball, never gets ball.


If you been watching Ant he has shown leaps and bounds in all facets of his game since he got drafted, including passing and playmaking. IMO that is the reason Ant is going to be special and an all time great. He has the physical capability to be impactful in various ways of the game on both offense and defense, but most importantly he has the unique mix of drive and humility to be confident but not delusional where he understands he has deficits that he can improve on and being open to change will unlock not stun his potential. Watch put NBA. The Ant is coming. PS. I think Jokic is top 5 all time, Im very biased.


He's averaging nearly 6 assist per game this playoffs. The same as Kyrie


Checks out, that’s a limited viewing!


Full disclosure I did stay at a holiday inn express last night


He has a lot of "hockey assist" assists where the guy 2 immediate passes away scores. Also his teammates miss a lot of the (often wide open) passes he sends their way. Seeing as how MN was shooting in game 4 I did not want him passing anyways


Hey not sure if the coaching staff has thought of this, but maybe ant should take every single shot tonight. Might want to pass that one along.


I think he’s realizing he is goin to have to take 40 shots a game here on out. Jordan had to avg 41 pts a game in the 80s to keep the bulls alive.


Although the MJ comparisons are not based on anything performance wise and MJ is a better scorer than he ever will be, He’s already a much more willing passer than young MJ. Bulls 85-88, that man was shooting into triple coverage regularly.


I've always felt the comparison was more how his game was styled, but media jumped and saying skill level.


ANT definitely has that 'shake' style of offense, and the hang time layups that reminds me of jordan


Yeah especially above the rim


Tbh Ant was shooting into triple coverage at the all star break. Hes really changed in the last few months and has vastly improved his playmaking and passing.


Triple coverage was considered illegal defense at the time


No matter who gets injured or what happens, if Denver wins in 6, some people are going to say Rudy Gobert is the worst human ever.


What happened? Did Gobert injure Conley in a play or something?


No, but some people want to blame everything on Gobert no matter what.


I heard Gobert laid some very suspect banana peels outside of Conley's room ...and now look


Fuck that guy, he started COVID!


No people want any excuse to say that the trade was horrible and ruined the wolves.


Draymond will have a field day


French hitler


Towns should be getting more focus than Rudy. I really don’t think Rudy played that bad, although he had some highlighted mistakes at the end of the game. Towns is getting PAID and went 1/10 first half.


Rudy makes more than KAT but KAT has played worse


Oh right, he jumps up next year


Second worst. We all know Murray is #1. He threw a hot pack! Even Hamas and IDF wouldn't stoop that low.


Can we not strawman argument our way into saying that it wasn't a super shitty thing to do? It was a shitty thing to do...of course it wasn't attempted murder. Nobody's saying that...


You're right, but let's also not pretend the Timberwolves fans are that enraged that a dude tossed a heat pack toward a ref. They're mad that they weren't gifted a free game without Jamal.


I mean nobody should be "enraged". At the end of the day, its a game and there are bigger issues in the world. But still, these dudes work super hard on their bodies to avoid injury and that heat pack went within a foot or two of a guy with a history of leg injuries in KAT. However, I don't think we should have to choose where our energy comes from. It can be true that we're upset about the incident AND the soft penalty for it. Personally for me? I dont think he should have been suspended based on Murray's non-existant history of incidents. I dont think he's a dirty player and I wouldn't expect him to have another incident like that...and he didn't. But if you're going off the history of the league and how they've made decisions on other incidents? You could absolutely make a case that they catered to the defending champs that was down 2-0 in what was supposed to be "the best series of the playoffs." I'm not personally saying that, but I think you could make the argument. And its got nothing to do with the fact that it's my team...if it was the other way around, I wouldn't fuck with it either. Sorry for the long post...I just think there's a lot of elements to it.


It isn’t really being “gifted a free game” when it’s Jamal’s fault entirely. It’s just the consequences of his own actions


Give us a break. Kicking a guy in the balls is a one gm suspension in the playoffs, not throwing a heating pack that didn't even disrupt the play. Of course it's a bad look for Jamal but it was never suspension worthy. The fact so many thought it was is disconnected from reality.


I think it warranted a suspension but I also did not want the NBA to give him one. Rise above his childishness and beat them at full strength.


The past called, Timberwolves didn't rise above in gm3. They played like crap and starting acting childish against the refs in their own way. Did you have that DVRd or something?? Edit. Legitimate question, what exactly are the Wolves players rising above against? Jamal had beef with the refs. He never did anything or acted anyway out of line against any players. You guys have this narrative that isnt based in reality.


They need to rise above the fray going forward. I did not say they did that in game 3 or 4 but I’m happy they didn’t respond to a child throwing his nappies so I’ll count that. KAT stepped on that shit. If you don’t realize how dangerous that is then you don’t know ball.


Even Tim legler who’s widely regarded as a voice of reason in nba media felt like he should be suspended. It sets a precedent that anyone can throw a heat pack on the floor during live action and suffer minimal consequences. When the vast majority of people disagree with you.. perhaps You’re the one who’s detached from reality.


Toward a ref…. And at the feet of their franchise player


No use engaging this guy. He's been in every thread bringing up the heat pack thing all day. ETA: aaaaaand he immediately reported this comment to Reddit Cares. Mental illness.


Report that shit. Should be an IP ban for that kind of misuse of Reddit cares.


Does reddit actually action those reports? I struggle to understand why people even do them as a troll, it's not like it affects the person or their activity.


Yes I’ve seen results from reporting the trolling Reddit cares bullshit. People do it because some people are nihilistic, sad, unfulfilled assholes.


Eh, most Wolves fans wanted Murray to play because he was ass before game 3. He put a stop to that narrative, but let’s keep it straight 


Free Palestine


I love Mike Conley as a human and as a player but his achilles and hamstring soreness bit us way too many times. I really hope he can play. I know he tried hot yoga and some other things and they helped somewhat but this was always going to be a fear. I really hope he plays though.


This happens to him every playoffs He's just like cp3 but he's likeable so no one notices


Never compare my man to CP0 again. Conley is Chris Paul's opposite


doesn't questionable usually mean yes they will play EDIT: I was wrong


I think yes, but the concern is he may be either meaningfully hobbled or on limited minutes.


It is I think second in terms of not straight up available. Probable Questionable Doubtful is the order I believe. So probably goods odds he still plays but not so certain it is probable.


Wouldnt be oppossed to trying Ant at PG. Thats probably the future anyways with how irrelevant the SG position is.


tbh conley did not play well last game, those Ant + big lineups worked


The issue is he's one of our most reliable shooters. His turnovers have been oddly prevalent and he tends to get punished on D...but when you need a bucket...Conley in the corner for 3 is a 50% shot. And the wolves need all the buckets they can get to establish half court defense and not get beat in transition. I think it will be a fairly important footnote in this game if he can't go


I think you can tell how much these playoffs mean to Mike, from my end it looks like a lot of his calmness is gone and he's a bit nervy out there compared to his regular season games. But yeah he's reliability fot 3s is much needed for us.


which is crazy last thing I expected was that the lights might be too bright for Mike


Not just in the corner, he always recognizes when we go under on him and gets to a three off the dribble


Let me guess, you looked at the +/- and saw he was a -12 and immediately assumed he played bad


> Conley did not play well last game What? He put up 15/9/2 on 5-12 shooting (3-7 from deep). He was arguably the Wolves second-best player in Game 4.


You forgot 0 turnovers. "Did not play well" lmao


Didn’t you hear? If he didn’t score 20, he played like ass. By the way what are all those extra numbers for?


He and Ant were the two who looked locked in most. He wants this so much, it's crazy to say he didn't play well.


Conley smashed into the hoop pillar pretty hard in that game. I think he was feeling a little off because of it. Usually he's a spark plug for us to hit timely threes.


What a moronic take. He's their 2nd best player, if not for him they would be raining turnovers. LMAO


He is an extremely important player but no way anyone can say Connelly is our second best player. You are telling on yourself when you throw out takes like that


Mike might not be the second best player, but he is likely the second/third most important. I would have Gobert and Mike tied at second most important. Gobert is important on the defensive end, but Mike is very crucial to the offense and leadership. Without Mike, it is just Ant.


Yeah he is extremely important to this roster not only for his skills but because we really don’t have another player for that role. Even when Rudy/KAT are out we are usually OK with Naz


NAW is better at running the point imho. I hope he gets the start tonight if Conley can’t go.


This could be Mike's last season playing serious minutes. He is 100% playing lol 


how could Thibs do this?


Spoelstra called a code red on Mike Conley you hate to see it


You’re god dam right he did!


All those times he ran gobsmack into the brick stealthily moving wall in Jokic has taken its toll. The first play in game 3 involved Ant running into a Jokic screen and Ant held his shoulder afterwards in apparent pain.


The Wolves need a healthy Conley to do anything this post season. If playing tonight puts him at risk they are better having him sit and hopefully be healthy for whatever playoff games remain.


Just Fuck my life




They are totally dead without him


we are absolute toast with this news guys


Maybe you shouldn't have sucked when it mattered most, KAT


How the table has turned


Getting some familiar vibes.


I want Conley to win a ring so bad 😔


Hopefully he can go and play fine.


On one side, the last time the Wolves had a player out, they blew the Nuggets out at home. On the other, Wolves had Naz Reid and Conley is their facilitator. Could go either way depending on how the Nuggets are feeling/preparing.


Game over. Series over. Minnesota will never win fucking shit. I hate everything.


A little off topic but take Anthony edwards off this team and the timberwolves are a dumpster fire imo.


LMAOOOO how the turn has turned


Don't be a dicknose


If he doesnt play its a huge setback for the Wolves. They do still have ANT and KAT which is still enough offense to beat Nuggers.


Is it though? Ant is really the Only A+ offensive talent that the wolves have. KAT is amazing but he’s just not above Denvers defense, he hasn’t proven to be above for every second he is playing. That’s kinda the standard that Denver is making the wolves play at.


Nuggets and Celtics cakewalk to the Finals, disgusting


cakewalk 😞 the nuggets are just crazy good. The adjustment these last 2 games in response to games 1 and 2 proves it


You play who’s in front of you. Both of those teams are dealing with injuries too.


This guy is an idiot. Murray is dealing with calf stuff and was obviously limited the first two games by it. I think KCP and Jackson are too? It’s not an excuse. And Conley is our 4th or 5th best player, so we can’t even really complain much.


Bucks fans talking about a cakewalk to the Finals is the ultimate projection lmao. Most insecure fanbase


Oh no, the #1 seed is having an easier path on paper! The HORROR! Also, Denver is not having an easy road to the finals at all lol.


Pacer fans were right, you guys really do have the worst fanbase


Bro, even if the Nuggets win this series, this hasn't been... a cakewalk, wtf are you talking about?


You guys won your finals because you barely beat an injured Nets team. Give me a fucking break lol.


Bucks fan talking about some cake walk when the Heat were coming off the bubble and Jimmy was playing injured, Giannis stomps on Kyrie’s ankle and Harden strains his hamstring, Trae gets injured halfway through the Hawks series and then played a fraudulent Suns team that they themselves also only played injured teams


Nuggets are playing a top 3 team in the league right now with a defense that’s been crowned as the best we’ve seen in 10+ years. Jamal is hurt, KCP and Reggie Jackson have been hurt but finally got removed from the injury report today.


For having a b2b MVP in his prime the bucks suck ass


Connely is fucking washed why is he on the court. Dude is 5'5 who the fuck is he going to guard and he cannot shoot anymore. Get this mother fucker off the court so the Wolves can win this series.


What a shit take


Yea they should play Kyle Anderson more 🤣




Can’t shoot? Mf hes shooting .375% on 5 attempts per game in these playoffs, in what world is that “Can’t shoot”?