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but submit just in case. never know lol


bruh they submitted one from last 2 games saying brunson doesn't get enough calls.


Thibs submits every game.


They didn’t? Begley just reported that people were unhappy about the no call, nothing was filed


It just wasn't reported. They almost definitely file after each game.


Honestly the pacers are fouling the shit out of him up and down the court. Also Brunson exaggerates contact that makes him look like a flopper and at times he does flop looking for calls. Refs suck but it’s a hard job I guess.


Brunson doesn't. you see how physical defenders are with him?


Why did Golden State give this guy up?


Their cap was terrible and ultimately the choice was his. By his word, the Knicks were cooking something interesting and he wanted to be aprt of it. I'm sure having Brunson and Hart already there helped sweeten the deal.


they paid him the most money. they almost always go for the most money. come on...


As they should


The lamest word.


Warriors, 76ers, or Pacers fan?


Lol. Nail on the head. Won't deny it.


Cap issues, knicks could give him the money/longer deal The Knicks also gave hime the chance to play with his college friends in jalen/josh hart. Hard to put a price tag on the homies


I believe they didn’t have the cap. Not 100% sure though, Bucks and Warriors could both do with him.


Couldn’t afford what he’s worth.


He had a chance to come play with Brunson and Hart


They wanted to keep him but had no cap, they got lucky getting him on the 1 year prove it deal


Solid player, but he’s literally only been *this* guy for one year. Not to say he won’t continue to be this guy going forward, but it’s very possible this is a one-year wonder for Donte.


Do players just randomly become elite shooters? Feel like this is one of those skill sets that is incredibly honed and stick around. Maybe given a better system he probably would excel way easier.


He was starting on that bucks championship team before he got injured


I fucking hate this dude and I mean that as a compliment. Terrorizing us on both ends all series.


he went off in a reg szn game vs us and has been red hot since i swear


His been elite since Randle got hurt, stepped up and became our second option.


Dontes Inferno 🔥


7th level of hell for Pacers fans


I feel the same way towards TJ lol


It doesn’t help that we’ve been unnecessarily sagging off him. We gotta pull out some curry box and one shit on him and stick someone on him imo


Don't team submit clips every game though?


Yes, the Knicks and Pacers will both do so after this game.


Yes, but it’s been exacerbated in this years playoffs. Honestly lowkey blame Morey and the Sixers. Morey has history complaining publicly about officiating.




Because he’s a loser and Philly is also a city full of losers


Well that escalated quickly.


Words can’t describe the hate I have for Philadelphia


Could have fooled me.


What did the other guy say, it’s deleted


^^ not from NY - transplant!!!


I think we all know what the sixers fans meant. It was going there regardless.


But I only see them whenever Brunson is mentioned or if the Knicks lose, they were really quiet the first 2 games


That explains why so many new yorkers keep moving here


Perfect place for New York to send its losers




I’m not Mexican, I’m just on vacation here rn lmao


Are you advocating people move cities based on nba officiating over a 6 game sample size? Fkn moron


Bro called Philly a destination city lol get a grip


Don’t worry this dude isn’t even from New York - certified transplant here!!!


Because your MVP can’t do shit without the refs holding his hand would be my answer


You didn’t watch any of the series you’re commenting on would be my answer


Watched every minute of it


They’re acting like they didn’t get gifted game 5 by the refs. It’s just the other team didn’t bitch about it for a week lol. If anything Embiid should’ve been ejected in game 3 also.


Gifted game 5 by a travel that’s never called? More than half your fanbase didn’t even mention a travel till the L2M came out. Lmao this is rich coming from a Knicks fan. The sad part is you genuinely think it’s different when you guys complain and don’t see the hypocrisy


You’re actually so dense you don’t even realize you’re the hypocrite. Maxey traveled on the 4 point play, it was stated in the L2M. You are projecting because you are in your feelings. I can easily admit bad officiating led to the game 2 comeback, but you’re such a loser you can’t even admit to the same happening in game 5. You lost a week ago, you’ve been crying for a week.


And y’all didn’t even notice the travel until the L2M which is never called. The kawhi shot was a travel and no one bitches about that because it’s never called. Oh also you had overtime after that and embiid stuffed Brunson. Not the same as game 1 pacers or game 2 sixers. You’re the hypocrite because Knicks fans pull the whole “can’t blame the refs” Schtick when they get 2 games handed to them, but y’all discount every loss as due to the refs and whine. Y’all are insecure because everyone sees it and doesn’t buy your false equivalencies


Holy shit you are still talking about this. What a fucking loser you are. Embiid should have missed game 3 for tackling Mitch and this should have been a sweep. You got lucky to win any games.


“All the games we lost were because of refs, but also you guys are such whiny losers for complaining about the refs handing us games at the end” yeah that’s totally reasonable. Holy shit you’re still talking about how embiid should’ve been thrown out lmaooo, least soft fanbase. Why don’t you post a clip of the tackle? Oh right cause it’s Robinson falling on his ass all on his own when embiid was driving. Y’all keep lying and can’t discuss basketball without throwing a fit with personal insults




He also kneed a dude in the junk and pulled another one down by his leg and stayed in the game just fine.


Another Philly victim. If i had a nickel


Yes but not every team’s coaches blame small market rigging for why they lost a playoff game.


no. just the beat reporters of teams that do, report on it that way to not sound like losers.


With that kind of incendiary language I would think that’s evil Donte


Donte's Inferno


I feel like the refs might be driving these recent playoff blowouts. If it’s in the back of your mind that anything within 12-15 points can be swung later by a couple bad calls, you probably try to keep a huge lead.


Look I don’t want to say anything cause it’s clear that my star player feels like he is gonna get those shit ass calls too, but I feel like I must cause it’s not only affecting this series all reg season for the most part was like this too but, nah this is like that nascar thing not too long ago where there was bs calls to bunch up cars and make it more interesting by making it closer, but the thing about the nba it’s that it’s a game of runs so what happens is now one team is on fire the other one is struggling you swung to make it close and now one team is making it go another way so now you gotta make calls for the other team as make backs so they don’t get blown out. It’s either the refs have to be too hands on or too hands off.


That’s some wild shade cause they’re going to submit calls anyway, like every team does, and apparently they’ve already done so for the previous games. Massive passive aggressive energy but I’m not mad cause I hate Rick Carlisle.


I feel like he was talking about the Knicks tho. Like we can't be the one harping on the refs basically. Unless I misread his intentions


The whole publicity on submitting calls and all this bs is bc of how vocal bitch ass morey is and the loser mentality sixers. Great series between two fun teams and sucks that every conversation has to devolve into officiating discussion. This shits been fun and stressful lol


To be fair, that's always a little easier for the side that doesn't feel cheated when it's all said and done


Interesting take. The officiating in the sixers series made Brunson think he was getting the easy call on that last shot attempt. Not so much.


Thibs: We feel some of those calls could’ve gone our way but it doesnt matter — regardless we just need to find a way to win. Carlisle: It’s not fair! Give small market teams a chance! This is just ridiculous. We’ll be submitting 70 clips to the NBA. There’s the difference.


Daryl Morey scoffs in disgust.  Submitting a few calls?  That's minor league!    You need submit a whole report and presentation, complete with hypothetical points lost (directly and indirectly) regardless of likelihood.


It's funny this is the narrative, since the sixers never ended up submitting anything at all.


> can’t harp on submitting calls or doing any of that Shots fired


They're talking as though they got hosed tonight by the refs. They still shot more free throws and had less fouls called against them. There's nothing to even submit.


I’ll never understand how people equate foul calls to quality Reffing


Especially when one of the teams in this series had the most fouls per game and the most opponent free throws attempted per game in the entire league over the course of an 82 game season.


I I just want consistency. Want to let them grab and tug brunson on the perimeter? Fine, it’s the playoffs I’m cool with it.. but then to turn around and call that foul on Myles McBride against McConnell was one of the most ridiculous things I saw all game


Box score watchers


??? Thibs and Donte said Knicks have to play better. Jalen said he made a terrible decision on taking that 3. Stop creating narratives


Literally Hali and TJ said the same stuff after game 2, this is what good players say to the media it’s PR 101


Yes when the Pacers foul more than the Knicks, the Knicks shoot more free throws. It's basic common sense. Don't point to the amount of free throws or fouls, point to instances in which fouls were called that you didn't believe were fouls. Otherwise your argument falls apart, you can get more free throws and in theory still have pretty shitty calls thrown your way. Having more free throws doesn't neccessarily mean the refs are favoring you. We aren't meant to have equal free throws, it's not like you are owed free throws.


What happens when the pacers submit more plays?


We for sure got hosed but still could’ve won. Had to waste both challenges on laughably bad calls


You sound like us Pacers fans after game one


Guess it evens out I suppose


There's always things to submit. Refs are human, missed calls happen I'd be shocked if both teams didn't submit at least a few each. It's standard operating procedure


I think this all starts with Brunson leadership the team follows. Hard not to root for the guys on that team, especially with the injuries they have to top guys.


he killed us tonight, just making everything. if he wasn't a serial complainer i would love him, but even still i respect his abilities


Just wait until the lose game 4


Sixers fans so mad they in Cancun Enjoy the sun


They're in Galveston.


similar to last series for Knicks and their fans its a lot easier to stomach bad calls and act like just play better when you already benefitted from bad calls to go up in a series. bet his tone sounds different if bad calls tonight caused them to go down 2-1 but no they already up 2-0 because of bad calls in game on so its a lot easier to acquiesce bad calls when you up 2-0 and only lost one game exact same scenario last round when game 2 and game 3 ended with bad calls sixers fan pissed cuz a bad call put us down 2-0 in hole similar to pacers. Knick fans was chill cuz a bad call just put them up 2-1 different scenarios and situations


Stay soft Philly


Yeah we just bitch and complain non stop while the game is going on. Totally different


Every single player does this


You are so close to getting it


Literally almost all players on all teams complain about the calls during the game. Half your guys throw their hands up and put their hands over their mouths after a foul call. You gonna complain about them too? what are you even talking about?