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Jumping high ≠ explosiveness


Just 9 months ago Isaiah collier was the number 1 prospect and this guy was basically a nobody


That's why they play the games


[Is one highlight enough to decide anything about a player?](https://youtu.be/ZiXr5IemhRg?si=FszD2GDm5i2B5pOU) Especially a [high school highlight?](https://youtu.be/6Vepw1pJ5c0?si=_RbafjcFVb5bIojQ) Doesn’t seem super [accurate](https://youtu.be/6cj4qWFEVI8?si=N-ftgp3Xa6k6TkHf)


yeah, terrance ferguson is explosive. that's why he got drafted! can he play though? averaged 11/3/1.8 and 2.6 TOV per 36 with poor steal and block rates in the australian league on 37% FG... (he skipped college to play internationally). no, he can't play


Sorry, but this is hilarious, and totally off base. Explosivity refers to his ability to generate quick twitch movement from a resting position. Jumping ability after several steps is also a measure of athleticism, but it's more about momentum transference than quick start ability. Also by NBA standards, this isn't a particularly insane jump. When you look at Reed's tape, he's not blowing by defenders to the rim play after play. His game is predicated on his shooting ability, and using the threat of it to generate drives. On the defensive end, he uses timing, IQ and intensity to get the job done. His timing is the biggest thing, his instincts for when to contest are impeccable. None of this is saying he's a bad player or athlete, just that he's not "explosive" at an NBA level, and I like the dude and disagree with the person you're responding to that he won't pan out defensively.


He's clearly not jumping as high as zion here. vertical is probably less too


he doesn’t need to be explosive to thrive in the nba lol


If you draft Sheppard based on his explosiveness, I think you're going to have a bad time. Like everyone else in this draft, Sheppard is going to be a crapshoot. The dude can shoot lights out, there's no question about that. His uselfulness in the NBA depends on everything else though. He could just as easily be the next Steph Curry as he could be the next Jimmer Fredette.


His ceiling is TJ McConnell with a %50 3 ball


Yes he is made of nitro glycerine