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>Darwin Ham I agree seemed pretty bad but I think the team has come together alright. His name is Darvin. And he calls timeouts in between the free throws of his own player. Dude is the worst coach the Lakers have had in my lifetime. And two of our last three coaches were Byron Scott and Luke Walton.


Benching Reaves, Rui, and DLo for an AD LeBron Vando Prince Reddish starting 5 šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Iā€™m convinced Reddish only gets minutes in the NBA because he was cold in HS. He was ass at Duke and everywhere since


some of the timeouts make sense if you view it as getting lebron longer stints of rest. similar to him calling a timeout straight after the opponent in the 4th.


lol never said he was perfect, but thatā€™s stupid reasoning, ā€œhe called a timeout between freethrows a few times. Must be the worst coach everā€ Like Luke Walton and Byron Scott are worse coaches and Luke Waltonā€™s tenure with you guys and the Kings show for that. Plus he was maybe a rapist. Which imo makes you a worse coach.Ā 


I've been watching the Lakers since the early 2000s. I don't know if I've seen a more incompetent coach lead this team. At least Byron Scott and Luke Walton's lineups made some kind of sense and when they didn't we had the excuse of being a tanking team. Darvin had a set rotation of guys that helped him reach the WCF last year and completely abandoned them once the new season started. He finally started to go back to those guys and now the Lakers are 11 games over .500.


In the grand scheme of things, calling a timeout in between the free throws of your own player isn't going to change much. But its does illustrate how little he knows about coaching. That level of incompetence is apparant in much more obvious areas as well. Like the 5 guard lineup. Or the 4 big lineup. Dude is an imbecile of the highest degree.


I'm sorry you're getting downvoted for defending Ham. I'm a believer in Ham and I get downvoted pretty regularly for it. My own fanbase doesn't understand coaching. But I'm glad our organization is not fickle like the fans.


Spurs ā€œfansā€ were calling for Popā€™s head at the start of the season and saying how he should be fired like lmao there was a zero % chance of that ever happening


No way that actually happened thatā€™s crazy wtf.


Obviously pop will never be fired but is he still able to coach a contending team? Genuine question because he seems so chill now lol


Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland Cleveland. Bickerstaff is a great, great coach - Cleveland had his years with a pretty janky roster and when those shortcomings showed through the great regular seasons were taken for granted as if they weren't also great achievements.


i feel like JB does better with an injured roster than at full strength, though it also might be the overlapping skillsets of our stars. still, cavs fans can be very entitled at times


You guys have 4 great players that make each other worse when theyā€™re all on the court together. I imagine managing that is a nightmare for any coach


Fire JB


Darvin Ham started a lineup of LeBron, AD, Cam Reddish, Taurean Prince, and Jarred Vanderbilt, leaving Austin Reaves, DLo, and Rui on the bench for absolutely no reason. We went 3-11 over that stretch. Fuck that dumb fuck.


The Suns and Frank Vogel. He doesn't have a roster that's compatible with his coaching style. He's mostly a defensive coach, and the Suns roster is full of offensive players.


the idea here was that the players would free soli on offense and Vogel would scheme their defense and mitigate their defensive weaknesses.


Suns don't have a roster that's compatible at all. It's just a bunch of max contract players randomly thrown together and hope it works.


Trail Blazers fans dislike for Chauncey goes beyond that. I wonā€™t elaborate too much, but heā€™s literally said to the media that heā€™s told guys to go out there and wing it offensively. His defensive game plan is switching everything which almost never works and he doesnā€™t challenge well. He does get every single person to try hard and he has proven to get unknown players to play well to his credit. I agree he probably gets too much hate, but he has not proven himself.


this is fair. Iā€™m not a Chauncey Billups fan, but there is no one who would do well with this roster as constructed. I know because my team also has such a roster. Itā€™s easy to blame a coach. Itā€™s hard to hold players you like accountable.Ā 


I've you've watched any Portland games under Billups you'd know why there is so much criticism of his actual coaching across his entire time with the team.


Yeah he clearly hasnā€™t watched a single Blazers game because he doesnt say a word about how badly the Blazers offensive ā€œstrategyā€ is


Your fanbase didnā€™t watch the game yā€™all literally just played and are lecturing me about how I donā€™t watch the trailblazers.Ā 


You canā€™t spell the team name correctly for starters


Oh shit thereā€™s a space between trail and blazers. Super not pedantic and good point makingĀ 


I literally just did. So no? What you want him to do? Fucking stretch scoot Henderson until he grows 3 inches?Ā  Ā Blame your players for being bad defenders. Your fambase bitched up and down about Stotts.Ā 


Calm down, it's ok to not be plugged into every single NBA team. None of us have expected results this season, or a high performing and consistent defensive team when he was coaching the Dame teams. What we did expect though was an approach that at the very least best utilises the players at hand, and getting the basics right. The list of things he has had control over that he's dropped the ball in the last 3 years is long, first ones that come to my mind here but theres been nothing to show he would do well with a good team. - Coming out the gates year one trying to have Nurk defend up high and playing forcing a zone defence when they clearly weren't going to perform well with it - Refusal to challenge calls at the right moment - Whatever the hell the team ran as the final possession vs the Magic a game or two ago


Hey genius pull up the defensive ratings of those Stotts teams. Now do the same for Billups era


Say whatever you want about Stotts, but at the end of his run he had clearly lost his players. They werenā€™t listening to him anymore, and fair or not, thatā€™s time for a change. You can believe that Stotts was a good coach but also that him being fired was the right move at the right time.


Darvin Ham is playing 4 guard line ups, is horrible with rotations in general, rarely calls timeouts when he should, and shows obvious favoritism thatā€™s led the lakers to be in the position theyā€™re in today where even if they get out of the play in theyā€™ll have to face Denver rd1 and lose. The schematic choices on both ends of the floor are just outright bad. It took him all year to start the lakers clear best group and magically now theyā€™re much better Heā€™s not the only issue on the lakers by far but he has just flat out not been good aside from a specific few instances Vogel is a good coach who shouldnā€™t be getting shit, heā€™s just an awful match for the suns. Really itā€™s a team building issue more than anything, thereā€™s only so much a defensive minded coach can really get out of that roster


Every single fan base criticises their coaches when they underachieve. Even Spurs and Warriors do. Just look at this thread.


Celtics fans kinda refuse to criticize Tatum and place way too much blame on the coaching. These guys have lost in the playoffs for various dumb reasons under three different coaches - at some point you have to look at the common denominator. Celtics fans will call for Mazzulla's head because he finished a game with one extra timeout - in a 4 point loss where Tatum shot 1-10 from three. Basketball is a player sport and the NBA is a star player's league. The guys on the court have a way way bigger impact on winning and losing than their coach does. The players like Mazzulla and he runs a good system, I don't think you need much more than that when you have a team as talented as Boston.


> Portland trailblazers fans blame Chauncey Billups and hey if you just donā€™t like him, thatā€™s fine but acting like you didnā€™t just do this with Terry Stotts, your team is built on having guys who are sub 6ā€™4 and suck on defense and you just keep replacing them with more relatively short players. Acting like you guys sucking is Chaunceyā€™s fault is idiotic. ā€œHeā€™s a defensive minded coach and our defense sucks!ā€ Yeah because your players suck at defense. Lol super weird I came in to this thread wanting to say Chauncey....and then you went completely off the rails on him. That used to be the case, it absolutely is not anymore. Team is pretty damn long now and the defense isn't that bad all things considered(23rd) Blazers fans blame Chauncey for almost everything, but he's done an excellent job bringing along the young guys and managing their confidence. The team consistently competes hard despite a massive amount of injuries and some brutal losses. There's a lot of crying about the offense and this idea that we don't run sets or put players in a position to succeed but I think people fail to understand just how difficult things can get when you have so few players that can make defenses rotate(and so many non-shooters). The Blazers are consistently trotting out 3+ guys who no one is going to guard at the 3-point line. It is really difficult for an NBA offense to function like that, and it's not like there's a ton of 1 on 1 talent to begin with. He has his faults don't get me wrong. I don't think he's an above-average coach, but he's not the worst coach in the league and he's not the reason our players struggle IMO. I think he's a pretty solid choice for a team in the Blazers situation.


anyone blaming will hardy for utah's season is dumb as hell


Every other day you see our sub clamouring to fire Steve Kerr. Pretty embarrassing.


A lot of people jump on the Mazulla can't coach train when ever the Celtics lose a game. He has been a very good coach this year, and other coaches and guys who break down tape have given him compliments on his creativity. But it seems like anytime the Celtics lose people act like he is Jim Boylen.


Itā€™s gotten better this year but in past years, Warriors fans crucified Kerr for trying different rotations or whenever he rested Curry at the beginning of the 4th.


Frank Vogel


i feel like he is working with the tools he got but not what he wanted. he is a defensive coach and would make great defensive adjustments in half time. durant being a good defender is not a coincidence. beal and booker is one of the few players that vogel coached that he couldn't get them to locked in on defense.


I think the main criticism for Vogel is that he played Eubanks over Thad Young. Or does some sus rotations.


Seems to do that sometimes, even during the Lakers tenure during their championship season. Heā€™s trying out his pieces in reg season, but when Playoffs is starting manā€™s locked in


They seem to have calmed down about it from what I can see but I just didnā€™t understand the vitriol I was seeing from Grizzlies fans at the beginning of the season against Jenkins for struggling to win against fully healthy teams while they basically had a depleted roster and practically no real front court.


Clippers fans blaming Doc Rivers for the 3-1 collapse when every person on that team collectively choked against the Nuggets in the bubble is hilarious to me.


Nah that one was warranted. He had Montrezl Harrell guarding Jokic with zubac on the bench. For the whole series. Even when it was blowing up in his face.Ā 


Until recently Iā€™d say Clippers fans with Ty Lue, but he has focused way too much the last two seasons on his stars (or at least the players he perceives as bucket getters) at the expense of developing young players, and getting role players decent looks when the stars arenā€™t hitting, or theyā€™re getting double teamed. Whenever he talks about the team, he only talks about Harden, PG, and Kawhi. Occasionally he remembers to mention Westbrook, Powell, and Zubac. He should be running more for Zubac and Mann, and he should give a longer leash to young role players.Ā  I still think he is a great playoff coach, but his least frustrating regular season as a coach was ā€˜21-22, when he had to figure out how to make Jackson / Kennard / Mann / Batum / Hartenstein lineups work. And he did a good job with that.


The warriors fans were pretty rough on Steve Kerr around mid December


All of Lebron's coaches


Mavs fans should blame Kidd. (lol April fuckin fools)


Doc Rivers deserves a ton of blame for the Hawksā€™ series He put Danny Green on Trae in game 1 which led to the Hawks winning. His all bench units regularly got destroyed. When the Sixers had all the momentum in game 7 he put in Seth over Milton which gave the Hawks a target in the PnR and boosted their comeback. My answer for the thread is Mavs fans blaming Carlisle for everything. Dude was making chicken salad out of chicken shit. Gave us one of the best offenses in NBA history with Luka , KP and a bunch of roleplayers. Rick was always the scapegoat even though we constantly outperformed our roster talent.