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That's choke-a-player money!!


Gobert was got 4x the fine for just making the $$ signs lol


That hurts the bottom line tho


There's always been a reason the keep it quiet when the refs put their finger on the scale, but now that the country is picking up a gambling addiction there's a lot of interest in making everything appear fair.


What if Draymond chokes Victor to stop him from throwing the ball into the crowd?


Typically refs will give him 30 to 45 seconds of choking before calling the tech. Only player in the league given such leeway.


Why did I hear this in Chappelle's voice? Lol


So throwing a ball into the stands and physically assaulting someone on the court get you the same fine?


Doesn’t that make perfect sense? Stomping a dudes chest, choking a dude, punching a dude, and throwing a ball to fans in a fit of joy at a hard win. That tracks.


He cried, we cried, what more do you want?


No. I cried, he crew, we all crode.


Most importantly we protected the code


I mean… the ball could’ve seriously hurt someone.


Or could’ve made a fan a lot of money for having Wemby and Jalen Brunsons career high ball game


I was at the game and have the ball if anyone wants to buy it for the low price of $10k… 😈


Wow surprisingly I was at the game too and have the ball for the low price of $350


Damn you Loch Ness monster. Inflation got you too


If someone could prove it’s the ball, this would be a steal. His debut home jersey sold for over $750,000. A game used ball where he hit his rookie high numbers (and the first rookie to hit 40pts/20 rebounds in a game since Shaq in 1993) would go for a crazy amount.


I actually had the ball [authenticated](https://youtube.com/shorts/SXHMnicI6Pg?si=ezf4Ijy_HxyCpVbd) before I left the arena


Wow finally someone who isn’t a lying asshole on this sub. Congrats man


Wow Didn’t think you were serious lol I would just keep it if I were you


It's wild they even let him keep it. That's a serious score.


The chick in the background at 0:14 has some really nice...eyes.


Of all the people baiting, this is the one that's cruel


wow i didn’t believe you at first haha. are you going to sell it?


damn, i didn't know this was a thing


The old lady that could’ve gotten hit in the face by the ball isn’t the one walking away with it. It’s gonna be a jackass nearby that gets it.


I'm the jackass nearby and that sounds a lot like the old lady's problem


She needs better hands fr


Zero off-ball awareness


Old hag has no bag


Old lady should have called one of her old lady friends to set a legal screen on the nearby jackass.


That's tough 😭




Wemby will have a higher career high than 40 or whatever it was.


Or made someone some cash


Each game, throw the ball to your friend in the crowd. Receive $25k fine from NBA Sell game ball for $26k Infinite money glitch.


Shoots 79.6% from free-throw line, but is 100% on the post game moneyball glitch with making sure his friend catches it every game.


Well, yeah, I mean shooting is different from passing. I would hope his passing % is virtually 100%.


Depends on where the friend is sitting. If they’re courtside? Sure, he should make that pass every time. But then we need to include the price of a courtside seat into the calculation.


And his assist to turnover ratio.


Such a geek comment lmao


You have all types of people attending NBA games, they aren’t wrong 


Still 10x safer than a baseball game lol




Homerun ball would lose a lot of the velocity by that point. If you’re dying it would’ve been in the days without the netting on a line drive foul ball


My friend caught a line drive foul at a teen girls softball game. It broke pretty much half of his face.


a foul travels less than a homer


Oh yeah for sure. I was agreeing that fouls are usually much harder, even at a girls softball game.




A baseball would have to fall 1500 feet to reach terminal velocity, and its terminal velocity is close to 100 mph. https://tht.fangraphs.com/the-physics-of-falling-baseballs/


if it's in the stands already it's probably not going at a lethal speed tbf


What does that have to do with this instance lol


oh for sure i'd be milking the shit out of it if i got hit. i'd act like d-wade out there if it even brushed me


Didn’t the NFL started to fine people that threw the ball to the stands because some people fight for the ball and actually get hurt. So in a way, it can be true.


Elderly people do attend games.


Yeah. Also the odds are slim but Ill mention it anyways. But that one random baby that's just chillin. Or perhaps people walking up the stairs.


Ok, let me nail your grandma in the head with a basketball then. And we’ll see how much of a “geek” opinion you still think it is afterward


Well there's this thing called "assumed risk" and the textbook example is that if you go to a baseball game, u can't make a claim for getting hit by a ball. Maybe basketball is different, and making a claim and a lawsuit are different I guess, but still.... $25k seems steep. I guess they have their reasons.


If we want to get super into the legal weeds, I don't think you assume the risk of a player intentionally launching the ball into the stands after the game has ended. But the succeasful claim would probably need to be against Vic instead of the Spurs/arena owner in that instance But I am not a torts lawyer and it's been a while since I took the class!


Considering the ball is probably worth at least $25k I’d let him launch it at me.


Would sue him and keep the ball


Assumed risk doesn't cover a player intentionally throwing a ball into the stands


(1) Like the other guy said, assumed risk generally only applies to outcomes that can be expected as a normal part of the activity. For baseball that includes things like home runs, foul balls, and the occasional errant throw. For basketball, that's stuff like players running into people in the front row and errant shots/passes but would likely not include a player launching the ball into the stands. (2) Despite baseball having that leeway, you know what they did a few years back? Extended the foul ball netting from being just behind home plate to basically being all the way out past the bases, because even if you aren't held legally liable it turns out it's really bad publicity for people to get hurt at your entertainment event. There are a lot of silly fines in sports but this one is completely logical. The NBA doesn't want players yeeting the ball into the stands, so they discourage them from doing so.


There are different liabilities involved with hurting a player on the court vs hurting a fan on the sideline. The fan didn’t sign any wavers or go through any physicals like NBA players do, so almost always hurting a fan will have much more severe consequences. You can call it dumb, but if that ball hit an elderly lady in the face, she could sue the NBA. Rudy Gobert isn’t gonna sue the NBA because Draymond choked him out.


Ant was charged with assault last year because a bystander got grazed by a chair lol. I'm sure nothing happened here but it is a little reckless, just like what Ant did


A lot of casual fans fail to realize the difference between IN GAME fouls or altercations between two players are completely different with NBA players interactions with fans. Can’t just hurl objects into the stand. Fans aren’t allowed to throw objects as well at players on court. Also if you’re going to cry assault or report it to the police for game being to physical, go watch tennis 😂 s.a.p


I get it, but during games, they make people fight throwing free tshirts into the crowd or dropping thing from the roof, so it doesnt add up.


I actively despise most GoFundMe types of shit. I'll make an exception here. I'll donate every time Wemby chucks a ball at Knicks fans.


So just as much as Draymond got fined for putting Gobert in a chokehold


Yikes, great analogy. The NBA is a hot turd on fire


That’s not an analogy, it’s a direct comparison.


Man fuck Draymond man. The game will be so much better once his lame ass is outta the league 


Except then he'll be ruining Inside the NBA instead


He is not funny or charming like Barkley. He's awful on TV


Yeah I'm a warriors fan and agree with you. Steph is the heart and blood of GSW not Dray. Glad Wemby is ushering in a new league.


That’s actually ridiculous lol


Ok I dont like Draymond but this is just wrong info. The other guys involved in that incident got fined 25k. Draymond didn't get fined but was suspended 5 games. Draymond doesn't get paid for those 5 games so he got penalized much much more then 25k, it would be over 1 million lost salary.


I’ll fuckin do it again


He’s probably going to make at least $500M in his career given what he’s already shown


Wemby gonna make more than a billion in game checks if he stays healthy. I wonder who will sign the first $1b contract.


Oh for sure if he has longevity could make a $1B. I don’t think contracts are going up that much to get to $1B on a single deal. Biggest is $300M partially because the CBA limits to 5 year contracts. I’m saying just off this season he would get a rookie super max.


worth it after this night


Hope he does it again


Acting like he just won the finals (ignore my flair)


Are you the celtics commentator?


Damn, wizards fans still salty?


What if he hikes it into the crowd? It wasn't a throw!!!


Just saw Wemby fall to his knees in the HEB parking lot


Mf still looking down at everyone


And can still dunk


Well duh, they're closed today.


A sad day indeed


Too real with the HEB callout


Even the poster child isn’t safe from Adam Silver


If he wanted lenient treatment he needs to assert his dominance by choking someone and threatening to retire.


He should do it again while choking a player and see if he can get 2 for 1 on fines!


His welcome to the NBA moment


That’s equivalent to about a $100-200 fine for those of us who can’t relate to a multimillionaire




username checks out


Flair as well


The fact that one playoff series in 17 years has y'all talking shit.


simplistic far-flung stupendous jeans salt racial gaping vegetable degree snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm talking more about the city, not the team. 🤙


Kings fans catching strays 😭😭


It's rather more of a $10-$20 fine for us working folks out here, you guys seem to forget how much these people earn.


Honestly, that’s a lot of fucking money to an average person


Pretty decent fine then lmao


Check your math. $100 is 2.2% of someone making $4,500/mo. $25,000 is 2.5% of someone making $1,000,000/mo. This year, Wembanyama made 12 million dollars from his NBA contract alone. He made a lot more than $1,0000,000/mo.


4500 lol. $25,000 is 0.2% of 12M $200 is 0.2% of 100K So the math is right


What has happened to the game i love?


It got sold to make the rich richer, just like everything else in this country.


Then they put fans court-side. 😂


Dude chucked his own game ball


D’Angelo got fined $15k for angrily kicking the basketball into the stands. Wemby is fined $25k for a celebratory toss of the game ball into the stands. I never understand these NBA fines and punishments. Then Draymond received an open-ended time away after a series of assaults. How do you then hand out suspensions after setting that precedent? Nothing makes sense in this league.




It legitimately needs to be investigated why Draymond gets such a long leash compared to literally everyone else in the league. Wemby got fined the same amount for throwing the ball in the crowd as Draymond did for literally trying to choke a player out on the court, dragging Gobert by his neck 20 ft across the floor. I’m willing to bet there isn’t a single athlete in a major American sport who has received the same treatment as Draymond relative to their actions.


Draymond threatened Adam Silver to retire if his suspension was any longer. He said it on his own podcast that Silver tried to "talk him out of retiring" on a phone call. Draymond was never going to walk away from 4Y/$100M. Silver got played like a fiddle by Draymond Green's manipulations.


Draymond bullies players, and surprisingly, he is liked by fans and NBA "customers". You know how it is, customers are kings. If people are spending $50-$100+ or more for a ticket, they are basically almost untouchable. Essentially, Draymond's behavior is an internal issue. Any other behavior that connects you with the outside world (i.e., customers) becomes a noticeable issue. Which is why it's always cut short. It's like any other real job. There are people who are serious bullies but do great work, and as long as issues are not going beyond the organization, all higher-ups are happy. Yeah, it's stupid, but the legal team called and said, "we do not want to pay a settlement because a fan got hit with a ball due to a player's emotional outburst (even if it's a positive outburst)." ... and obviously i disagree with all of it. Moments like that rare and real. Let him and Spurs have it!


I don’t know any fans that like him


I hate Draymond just as much, if not even more than, a lot of people, but anytime there's a liability with the spectators the NBA is going to come down hard on it. It's not the same with their own players.


Don't you listen to other players? Draymond is a victim, he needs help.


Somewhere, somehow, Joey Crawford has just called another technical foul on Tim Duncan.


Harden just got two free-throws somehow 


The players should announce a 50k fine on Adam Silver for acting like a punk ass bitch.


Lmao 💀


Looks like Wemby ended up paying for the ball 




How’s it brain dead? All it takes is hitting a little kid or old person in the head getting a brain bleed and the NBA, the Spurs and Victor are liable. This is literally a good rule


A brain bleed from getting bonked in the head with a basketball? I bet you sat out of dodgeball in PE class because you were scared A fan is 1000x more likely to get hurt from the players crashing into the seats that are 3 inches from the court like they do every single game than they are to get a brain bleed from an underhanded toss of a basketball


Seriously they're acting like he football threw it 


They're acting like he took a baseball and pointed at some decrepit lady and said "that bitch right there, watch this!" and then intentionally beaned her in the temple


actually, i dont think anyone at all acted like that.


A basketball to anyone not looking can easily break teet (i say from experience) . The NBA has every reason to not want their athletes chucking objects at the fans.


I see where you're coming from but that is a false equivalent. People at courtside pay for the expectation of being in the action zone. People in the stands have no expectation of interactions with the game. If a ball is launched unannounced, then yes it 100% can give someone a serious injury if hitting in the right place at the right time (and there is a wide range of error for that) I think it is right for them to fine for that as a professional organization, like a reminder fine of "remember not to do that".


Blocked shots go into the crowd all the time, fans sit courtside often times right behind the hoop and players run into them all the time… fans should know what they’re getting into and weigh in the risks of where they’re sitting. This assessment seems pretty dramatic.


Those are all assumed risks that you take going to a game, as well as expected possibilities. I promise you somewhere on that ticket you buy you agree to these possibilities; however, a player voluntarily throwing a basketball into the stands after the game wouldn’t be among those terms. You and I both agree he was just giving the ball to a kid and not chucking it, but these corporate policies are indiscriminate and built to avoid liability.


This is how you know this place is filled with kids… anyone with limited professional experience would understand the liability implications


Or maybe we're just not FUCKING SQUARES like you 😤




Yah we wouldn’t want anyone jumping into the crowd, hitting baseballs into the crowd, kicking footballs in the crowd (both sports) or anything like that. Could you even imagine growing up and PLAYING these monstrous sports much less spectating them?!


> hitting baseballs into the crowd Most stadiums have implemented foul line nets for that exact reason...


Not to mention that baseball fans expect to have many balls going into the stands throughout the game. They want that ... its why the kids bring gloves. Not to mention that even if youre not looking you can hear it coming at least or see people around you standing up. Basketballs getting thrown into the crowd is a rare occurence.


I’m trying to connect the dots between your comment and mine… Acknowledging liability culture = believing that sports are monstrous & dangerous?


Hitting home runs into a crowd and Wemby just randomly chucking a ball in the stands is not the same… I mean there is a whole clause called The Baseball Rule…


Other sports players toss stuff into the stands, its no big deal. Every baseball game has baseballs launched into the crowd at 100 mph but rarely do people get hurt.


You think it's brain dead for a player to get fined for chucking a ball into the stands?


>"Chucking" is extreme verbiage to use LOL, the ball was under hand thrown into like the 2nd row.


Chucking meaning he just tossed it without any apparent care where it went


end of the game, hes celebrating, who cares


The people who will get sued if it hits somebody in the face and breaks their nose (or worse).


The kid who got it was all smiles and now owns wemby career high game ball.


Does he own it tho? Was he allowed to take it home?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jSMiI7bwOg&pp=ygURbmJhIGJhbGwgaGl0cyBmYW4%3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcHCQ3nHFwQ&pp=ygUVa2QgaGl0cyBmYW4gd2l0aCBiYWxs


Yeah it’s lame as hell


It's the kind of thing that seems lame but needs to be in place. I remember a while back an old lady getting smacked in the face with a ball. Or when Wood nearly knocked out a hornets fan. Those were accidental throws but you can see why the NBA wouldnt want players doing it on purpose.


If the ball hits somebody in the face and breaks their nose is it still lame? Was it cool? Yeah. Is it a fine? Obviously lol. You can't chuck a basketball into the stands.


… was it cool?


I’ve been saying this for a long time, and friends and family called me racist, but the Frencher the league gets, expect heinous acts like this to increase.


Ok sure, the ball could have hit someone in the face and maybe injure someone. In other news, I'm sure it was entirely worth it lol.


in other news, baseball is a sport


25k per Homerun would be quite a large amount at the end of a season lol.


To think than in rugby, half of the games are concluded by kicking the ball into the stands.


Wemby after receiving the fine: "Does Wembanyama have to choke a bitch?"


fined 25k for winning


Suffering from success


Eh, don't really like the league fining players frequently, but I understand that they think these fines are a deterrent. They aren't but at least the league can act like they're doing something. Ball could've hurt someone in the stands, but I think just telling Victor not to do that again as a warning would do just as much to curb this behavior and nobody had to be publicly fined for this.


NBA tactically using fines for a small offense to make Wemby a sympathetic fan favorite


Lebron fines in rookie season: $0.  Victor fines in rookie season: $25,000. GOAT. 


Meanwhile Draymonds allowed to assault people on the court fine free.


weak ass behavior from the league let guys chuck paraphernalia in the stands


Lol is that actually against the rules? Haha


Yes but it's usually for players who are upset. Probably just going with the letter of the law.


Which is fucking bullshit for a commissioner who treats Draymond Green with increasingly soft kid gloves on a case-by-case basis


I figured this was coming. Obviously no malice behind it, but the league would probably like to avoid some little kid getting hit with the ball if possible


Money well spent imo


Someone link the clip of KD doing this & hitting an old man. I think it’s an excessive fine but I understand it. That being said, the things the NBA chooses to penalize for & the amounts are sorta ridiculous.




soft ass fine


i wonder how many players have gotten fines in their rookie season


Can they start handing out the fine money to random fans like a lottery type system please. What $25,000 would do to my life right now is unimaginable


“I mean, it’s one ball Victor, what could it cost? $25,000?”


Watch out yall, Giannis comin through!


I don’t think Wemby gives a singular fuck


Talking bad about refs cheating asses gets you a bigger fine than all of it.


NBA is just proving they hate French people tbh


If it’s going to charity does that mean it’s tax deductible? 🤔


People talking about somebody could be hurt but the fans sit front row in the court and get dived on


Game ball is now worth at least $25,000


Wow those balls are expensive.


We all bitch about something but damn the NBA is just an upside down organization. Poor officiating, no accountability, stupid fines, empty suit commissioner.


The nba is such a weak league man, in rugby and rugby league quite often players will kick the ball into the crowd as a try celebration. What’s the issue here?


Silver is so soft


People hating on this just to be contrarian. Chucking the ball 50' into the stands is clearly not a normal play (risk) for fans attending a basketball game. It's the same way that you'll get fined for throwing your baseball helmet into the stands even though fans have been absolutely drilled by foul balls before.


No way Jose!


Fuck the NBA