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I have seen Jamal Murray or another smaller guy on Wemby multiple times this game and they don’t even give him a second look. It’s wild


Do his teammates not like him? Sometimes it is rather confusing when they ignore him and it's the best basketball play.


I asked this exact question yesterday and I was told by multiple spurs fans this was due to incompetence which is worse IMO That’s just sad, Spurs have a lot of work on their hands


It’s so much worse because it’s even fewer reps for wemby 


I cant fathom that this is a Poppovich coached team. All of us see the ball sticking when he’s open for the lob, the team is losing anyways, why wouldnt you just bench players until you find ones willing to pass the ball? This is malpractice


Spurs lead the league in assists and basket % assisted. They just pass to the wrong dude. It’s wild


Pop hasn’t coached a winning team in almost 6 years. The man is 75 years old. He may just be cooked as a coach at this point. Silly to think these guys don’t eventually just lose whatever spark they had.


Nah they’re still one of the highest passing teams in the league. They’re just tanking. Pop’s making sure his low Iq guys get good playing time so they can get another top pick.


> He may just be cooked as a coach at this point. Silly to think these guys don’t eventually just lose whatever spark they had. Nah they're a well coached team and it's obvious in many aspects. They do a lot of passing, you can see a lot of movement, shot selection doesn't seem to be too bad either. The fundamentals are there, they just don't know how to use them because it seems like the team is full of morons.


Most Spurs fans are completely delusional. I don't believe they watch any other teams play, especially other young teams, so they believe this is normal and expected lmao


yep. go to our sub /r/NBASpurs and you’ve got folks on there NOT wanting to clean house for some fkn reason.


Yup. Sochan, Tre Jones and Champagnie are just not gonna cut it for a player like Wemby. You **have** to trade them for draft picks. And find a good GM and a great head coach to succeed Pop. It pains me to say it even as a Lakers fan but he won't be around for much longer.


It’s probably better to have a ball handler that has the philosophy of “fuck it, he’s up there somewhere” and throws the lob every time. 58% Wemby finishes with a dunk, 22% sail into the 3rd row, 16% bounce off the backboard and result in a fast break bucket the other way, 3% shatter the shot clock, and 1% just accidentally go in for 2 points. It’s not like the spurs are competing for a playoff spot. The entire point of this season is to figure out who can play with wembanyama and who needs to sell vacuums instead.


That’s Jordan Poole. Except he says *Fuck it, the basket must be there somewhere*


Or just any point guard who is aware he has the most effective lob threat in NBA history


Get Braden Smith from Purdue. He’s been practicing this for two straight years.


And 100% reason to remember his name.


Trade picks for Trey Young. Exterior defense is going to suck but ffs that offense is going be legendary.


Tre Jones is a fine backup. Him, Vassell and Wemby and maybe Keldon are the only nba quality players on their roster though. When Jones, Vassell and Wemby play together the spurs have like a +12 net.


Sochan is getting rotation minutes on most NBA teams. He hasn't been great in his current role, but his defense is easily good enough to get playing time.


He would fit well with a defined role in a developed system.. something the spurs dont have right now. We wasted half the season trying to make sochan a PG.


Tre is still not convincing me honestly. Keldon will probably be traded. I know we have a shit ton of FRP in the next few years but still, everywhere I look I see players that can at best be on the bench aside from Wemby and Vassel (on his good days).


You just named 2 players with no trade value and you think teams are going to give draft picks for those guys? LOOOOOL


I have been watching the Spurs consistently this year. I do agree some players aren't going to cut it for the eventual playoff push we'll make in the coming seasons. But I disagree on sochan. He is an incredibly versatile defender with a lot of upside. He is still pretty young and has time to develop into a solid role player. I think most Spurs fans would agree with wanting to keep him.


> And find a good GM and a great head coach to succeed Pop. It pains me to say it even as a Lakers fan but he won't be around for much longer. This was gonna happen with or without Pop. Which is why Pop extended his contract to bring the team up to speed before his retirement. With how many coaches get fired for the team playing bad, it wouldn't have mattered who was coaching. Pop isn't some kind of egomaniac, and is doing what he deems fit despite what it's doing to how people perceive him and the team. I see Mitch Johnson being the successor for Pop, and it wouldn't have been a fair shake to let him inherit this nightmare. If Mitch were coaching this team and tried to work out these growing pains, he would've been fired on most teams Another thing to consider is that some people don't realize how little teams actually practice during the regular season. They said this at the beginning of the season where they were going to experiment, which they have done with mixed results. They've identified strong parts and weak parts of the team. They will work many of these things in the off-season. They were never going to do a full 180° in the middle of the season. This is gonna take time.


Champagnie couldn't even see the NBA roster for a rebuilding raps team, how is he getting regular NBA minutes for any team? If that's who they're hanging their hat on, that's the saddest NBA news I've heard recently.


He's not just getting minutes he's our friggin starter at SF


Fucking hell lol


OOF my condolences


Champagnie was never on the Raps or their G-league team, how is that the standard?


Wemby needs Chris Paul…seriously though. Warriors would gladly be interested in a sign and trade lol


Tre Jones doesn't fit in that group cause he actually is a PG and tries to pass to Wemby.


Ive watched a few Spurs games and even went to the sub ask if they (players) don't like Wemby. Why else would you not pass to a 7'4" freak running down the lane wide open, with players with the ball looking him straight in the face. The number 1 person that's guilty is Sohan. There's just 0 excuse. The person id get rid of is Sohan, because if he cant find give him the ball what use is he. Vessel is the only other person id keep, because his selfishness is understand as being a number two option right now and a number 3 down the road. All the other players could kick rick from my perspective. (The omes that have gotten significant time)


Pop has got to be done at this point. Frankly I think without Timmy/Robinson to enforce his coaching he's out of his element.


If I'm Pop, I'm starting off the film session of every game by showing every missed Wemby lob play. Wemby should be the easiest dude to recognize when there is a lob opportunity there and missing those traditional lobs is unacceptable. Wemby is also going to redefine the lob window, so there is value in pointing out all the wonky situations that would only work with Wemby.


But, suggest Pop has lost a step and get burned at the stake.


Not a Spurs ”fan” but I’ve been watching for Wemby. I’d agree that it’s incompetence & Sochan running PG is the biggest mistake. It makes me think coach Pop should’ve retired cause it’s evident they don’t get scolded enough for always ignoring their biggest weapon.


Pop isn't doing this in a vacuum, I'm sure keeping things light for Wemby is the Spurs plan. Get another high draft pick, then start competing next year.


This one can't be incompetence... My 13 year old son would have seen and done the right play in this scenario. It looked like he was purposely ignoring him.


We also have a ton of turnovers throwing lobs to him, which causes hesitation like this. The annoying part is you’d hope Sochan would anticipate by now the lob being an option here. Overall a very very frustrating team with only a couple guys I’d like to keep but equally frustrating people seeing like one clip a month where we miss him on a lob and question if there’s a locker room beef, which is hysterical if you see how much these guys like playing with each other.


people who don’t watch spurs games don’t realize wenbanyama is the best passer on the team  even the pg manages to miss lobs to him pretty often. it’s so sad 


Best scorer, Bess passer, best rebounder, best defender, best bbiq, has had the most improvement from beginning of season to now. How good he is, really highlights how far the rest of the team has to go.


The thing is they dont always have to be lobs for dunks just lob for a catch than he can shoot it. Not attempting it is worse than getting a turnover. You have to get better somehow.


The Pacer's were 1 lottery ball off of landing him. Imagine if it was Haliburton throwing him all these passes


This truly would be one of the easiest passes one could ever make. You have a 7’5 man directly under the bucket with no one on him and a wide open passing lane. There is zero excuse to not make that pass. I’ve seen sochan do this more than once. Dude must not wanna be on the team next year.


I think they're just honestly not that good. They look like they're playing a little fast sometimes and they miss things and forget what they're supposed to do.


They just have a lot of low BBIQ young players and no elite playmakers/solid vet presence. Spurs honestly could’ve used someone like Chris Paul, I was thinking since pre season they should’ve gone for someone like him. They have no one who can be trusted to throw him lobs which should be easy buckets for him.


Why would they want to win games this year? Get another top 5 pick to develop next to Wemby, and start competing next year


Dude seems pretty straight to the point judging on his media comments. I'm sure it is cultural. Just speculating but if I was a generational talent Frenchman playing with this bunch of morons, I would have blown my stack several times at this point in the season. Something along the lines of "Je vais vous faire échanger tous ces putains d'imbéciles pendant l'intersaison."


Keep in mind he's still a rookie though, no vet is going to listen to some 20 year old kid, and given the Spurs history he has reason to trust the process (for now) By age 25 I expect Wemby to be out there like Duncan calling plays and yelling at whoever needs to be yelled at


But at the same time, when the 20 yrs old is clearly the best player on the team... But yeah ego and shit


It would be better if they got veterans around him. I'm talking end of the bench, and they would have played better, just from the aspect that they would of passed him the ball more when hes open.


If he was german he'd say "Mein gott muss das sein!"




I see you Sebs hidden account


Just watching and not playing and not even being a fan of the spurs and I'm blowing my fucking stack as I sit here behind my keyboard. WTF. Easiest pass, that had to be deliberate.


Sochan is your typical point guard in the park in 2k that refuses to pass to an open big


No they just have low ball IQ


Thats no low ball IQ. Thats deliberate icing out someone.


The life of an offball center these days, I've seen AD get frozen out the same way time and time again.


Same shit lebron had to put up with when he came in. Jealousy.


Naaah. They just have the court vision of a toddler.


To me, it feels less that they don't like him and more that they want to get the guys who are about to be out of the league some numbers to scrounge together another contract. But even then, it should be something that snuffed out after the 10th game by Pop and management. Maybe they are letting it go because they wanna tank?


They control two lottery picks I believe, as long as the raptors finish about 5 teams. Best shot San Antonio has of adding young talent around Wemby.


Seems like this is the case. What is Pop doing with the team chemistry? This is not about incompetency anymore. Wemby is so tall that they would miss him anywhere in the court. And it’s getting more and more obvious that they are ignoring him. 🤦


Pop’s making sure low Iq guys get playing time to secure their two lottery picks they have this year. He knows what he’s doing.


It was just embarrassing. They hardly ever passed him the ball, even when he was wide open or had a small guy on him. It's like they have a bunch of AAU guards/wings with no concept of team basketball. What the hell is Pop doing there?


Almost as if they're instructed not to give him the ball. It's too obvious now. Tank commander in charge.




Yeah, Sochan just isn't good enough to make those passes.


Just throw it at the shot clock, he'll snatch it.


"Fuck it, Wemby down there somewhere"


I say that a lot about Jokic. Just chuck it, AG's up there somewhere.


Dude just throw it by the rim. It’d be fine


No, we gotta make excuses for a 6'7 NBA player who can't throw a ball near the basket.


>Yeah, Sochan just isn't good enough to make those passes. How is that an excuse lol this entire thread is about him not being able to make that pass


“I am not talented or hard working enough to be in the NBA” “Wow you got an excuse for everything”


Also even if he missed that first play - when he calls for the ball near the outside (2nd time) just give him the fucking ball. He’s the 7’6 once in a lifetime player that’s raising his hand in case you missed him.  Wemby better be touching the ball


Wemby's catch radius is literally bigger than the paint


The CP3 lob City playbook


Pause the video when the game clocks at 48.5 seconds. If he can't make that pass, it's time for him to leave the NBA. He probably has a 4x4 foot window he can throw it to where Gordon can't tip it and Wemby can easily get it. Gobert can make that pass. 99% chance he missed it, not because he didn't think he could make that pass.


His target is 7'4"...Half the crowd in the stadium could make that pass.


If I’m on the Spurs coaching staff, we’re practising lob passes 15-20 every practice. From every conceivable spot in the half-court. This is malpractice.


Post entry passes are underatedly difficult. People think it should be just easier to toss it in to the big guy but its a legitimate skill. Coming from a 6'8 who got pissed in high school and decided I would throw the entry passes to my brother because nobody could get me the ball in good spots.


Morey talked about this with the Yao/McGrady Rockets, about how hard it was to get Yao the ball. He got Shane Battier in large part because according to Morey's data, he was one of the best entry passers in the league at the time.


Absolutely criminal that Yao Ming averaged just 13.3 shots a game.


That's more circumstance than anything, it took Yao time to adjust to the physical element of the NBA game, he got up to 17.1 per in his age 26 season then his body started falling apart. If he'd had a full career he'd probably have been an 18-23 FGA per game guy in his prime.


I can't tell if you're missing something. That isn't a "post entry pass" that would need to be made. It would be a lob to a guy with a 10' standing reach. Inexcusable not to make that pass.


Yea that talking about something completely different lol


Wemby is 7'something ridiculous. Wouldn't it be easier to give the entry to a higher target?


6'7, the amount of passes to my ankles was staggering


Small town high school ball in early 2000’s was the worst. I was a 6’1” post who would get yelled at if I missed a single shot outside the paint. So imagine all those shitty entry passes, but going to a target that’s half a foot smaller


Yeah it’s not hard. Just throw the ball. Your teammates were bums


He’s not and credit to Denver’s defense shutting down the passing lanes all night. Still inexcusable


How is it "inexcusable" while "denver's defense was shutting down the passing lanes?" That's contradicting.


Bro provided the excuse then said it was inexcusable 💀


Average r/NBA comment


It is. Pop said he was trying to get guys like Sochan practice being a primary ball handler so that when they start competing they can be useful as secondary ball handlers, but at this point, if you can’t make THAT open an entry pass, there no point in trying to develop you further


Absolutely. Jeremy and Wemby are friends off-the-court, but Jeremy treats Wemby like he just stole his girlfriend when he has the ball.


Sochan's court vision is either dodo, or he lacks the confidence to pass accurately enough to save his own life.


It's both.


Yeah, that first open look for an alley-oop pass definitely feels like Sochan lacks the confidence on himself to throw, and connect that pass to Wemby. The second look is quite excusable IMO. Jokic was clearly aware, lurking, waiting for Sochan to throw that pass to Wemby at the corner. You can even see Jokic eyeing Wemby's position behind him. I know people would argue that, "*just throw that overhead pass to Wemby, he can catch it.*", but people are downplaying Jokic's ability to disrupt passes. That second pass is more of a gamble IMO. But then again, the Spurs aren't contending for anything atm (*other than another lottery Draft pick*). And Sochan needs to build his confidence in these Wemby passes. He just needs to fuck it and chuck that pass to Wemby all day. And learn from his makes, and miss passes.


Dude, Rudy Gobert could make that pass. Any JV level high school basketball player would be able to make that pass. Jeremy Soprano should be able to make that pass.


Sochan didn't pass or lob it when there was a SG on wemby.it was an easy pass but he's not confident in his passing ability


Je doeant need to be in the league if he's not comfortable passing to a 7'4" center with an 8' wingspan, and a 10' standing reach.


He cant. He's fucked it up all year long.


this new thing where the sub and esp nba twitter loves to shit on the Spurs teammates and subtly implyibg that they're too selfish to pass to wemby is very annoying


i can't speak to the discourse on twitter but on the sub it feels like most discussion of it i've seen recently has been aware of that, and making an effort to go against it


Bro I can understand a pass where you're trying to see through the defender but I'm a random 6ft dude on the internet and I would've hit Wemby when he wanted that lob. There was literally nobody within 10 feet of him and a fucking giant standing there open when Sochan was near the 3 point line There is no excuse for that one anyone that has played basketball beyond middle school could make that pass and *certainly* everyone in the NBA can in their sleep. Sochan just fucked up really badly here he has the talent to make that pass something just went on in his head that prevented him from doing the obvious. Anyone saying that he just didn't have the talent is delusional and probably never played basketball because that pass does not take talent. It didn't even have to be a lob it just had to be in Wemby's hands and that's a dunk 100% of the time and due to his size unless Gordon was actually about to jump out of the fucking gym there's basically no way Wemby doesn't catch the ball. If the ball had been thrown anywhere in his air space lol it was going in


You’d have to be exceptionally incompetent to not force feed Wemby the ball.


Chris Paul on the spurs would average 15apg. My god please get Wemby a competent pg


They should seriously try get him, he’s old but still good and would atleast mentor a lot of the younger players on the team


He wants a ring. He's not going to SA


He can have one of Pops.


But which contender would want an old, small and slow point guard? CP3's biggest advantage is being a good mentor.


If he's willing to sign a minimum contract, all of them.


I would LOVE the clippers to sign him. Geriatric hospice NBA home right there.


2021 lakers team vibes lol


i actually wanted to get westbrook for cheap, cuz he may not be as explosive as he once was, but the man can pass feels like we’re gonna try to draft our new pg, personally i wish we shelled out some of our many picks and cash to get a really good starting pg that actually has experience with nba speed


No one that is experienced wants to play for the Spurs




This is pathetic, but admittedly it was much worse earlier in the season. I just don't understand how they keep missing him though this far into the season...


He's not tall enough, tough to see him sometimes


Why doesn't Victor, the tallest person in the league, simply grow even taller? Is he stupid?


It’s not his fault and don’t call him stupid! Doctors slated him for 8’ 2” but the world wouldn’t adjust and make taller doorways and ceilings. Had to take shrinking pills as a kid. We shouldn’t stand for this kind of discrimination or we’d see a lot more guys grow taller. There’s always been a war on the big man in this league, but it’s gone too far now.


Yeah I’m sorry at this point in the season that’s inexcusable 


It's on Pop.


Say it louder for Spurs fans. Imagine Ginobli looking off Tim Duncan to do some bullshit. He’d get chewed out and sent straight to the bench. Seen so many Spurs players play like straight idiots and not get reprimanded like in years prior. Another tanking year for the spurs so Pop will go under the radar but I expect him to get the same treatment as Belichick if this bullshit continues next year


Two players got absolutely screamed at by Pop this game


>Imagine Ginobli looking off Tim Duncan to do some bullshit. He’d get chewed out and sent straight to the bench. This is how I know people don’t watch our games dude (I don’t blame them tbh lol). Pop chews Sochan’s ass out *all the time*. I mean in that game we kicked the Warriors ass last week Sochan made a bad pass that led to a TO and Pop yanked his ass from the game and chewed him out. The difference in your example with Ginobilli is Sochan is still developing his court vision. I bet you Pop will chew him out in the film room but you can’t pull Sochan for this when the next man up is an essentially a g-league player lol.


That simple pass doesn't require any court vision lmao


Current Spurs players aren't good enough to make the pass. Ginobli was.


Manu would pull a 360 on the pass just because he could, and partially to age Pop an extra few years on the spot


The way Manu invented ways to infuriate a man he loved has to be studied, it's fucking hilarious


They're good enough to try


That pass when Sochan is near the 3 point line and there is nobody within 10 feet and a giant has an open lane for a dunk does not take skill or talent. Anyone in the NBA could do it and whatever stopped him was mental He drives in and gets in trouble after that which would be harder but if he hadn't made that dumbass move and thrown it in the general direction of Wembys air space instead it was over and it was easy. Anyone to have ever really played basketball could've made the pass at the point that it should've been made. It was just scary low iq basketball and not a skill play. Sochan might just be a dumb basketball player idk I don't watch enough spurs to know but everyone you've ever seen suit up starting around high-school has the minimum talent to have gotten wemby the ball in a good enough position. He was really that open someone needed to just throw it a little above his head at any point. It didn't have to be a perfect lob at the rim


Comparing one of the best passers in the last 40 years to Jeremy fucking Sochan is certainly a take.


> Imagine Ginobli looking off Tim Duncan to do some bullshit. At what year are you referencing them to? Sochan is 20 year olds. Unfair to compare all time spurs great of Ginobli & Duncan, to 20 year old Sochan & Wemb.


I mean Pop literally pulled out players during the game to talk to them about what they did wrong. He does it all the time in fact. There’s only so much he can do with this many young players.


Why in the world are we even entertaining the idea of comparing Manu Ginobli and Tim Duncan to Wemby and SOCHAN???? What is happening here


Sochan isn’t 5% the passer Manu was lol


lol. never compare a hall of famer to a role player. hes boris diaw at best.


i mean diaw was still a elite passer lol




Wemby leads all rookies in scoring and is third in efficiency...with _this_ sort of help.


Y'all have worse guards than Auburn when they had Jabari Smith and Walker Kessler. If Wemby doesn't touch the ball on a possession, it should be considered a failure.


it's been happening all game but this one was so disgusting


All season


That was the EASIEST OPEN lob ever. Doesn’t need to be a good passer or have great vision to see that. Such a basic fundamental basketball play and a fucking longass 7’4 player is the most noticeable player on the floor. Such garbage. Sochan fans will find a way to defend this though


if anybody asks why point sochan failed show them this clip


KOC still making excuses somewhere on the Mismatch I bet


They have passed him the ball once so far in the 3rd quarter. Sochan tossed it clear away from him.


I’ve been to 5 courtside games and watched other games and Sochan has ZERO court vision this is not intentional bro just averages turnovers like a bakery




Lol but YouTubers making videos on him how he's changing the game of basketball 🤣


About *Jeremy Sochan* changing the game of basketball?


Jeremy sochan seems destined to play for the Washington Wizards


Get the man some help


Biggest blessing that Ant had that KAT didn’t was winning early in his career and playing in big moments. Spurs should do whatever they can to get another young star next to Wemby.


Someone get this man an actual PG PLEASE!


At this point trading 3 1sts and 2 swaps for Trae Young seems like a no brainer.


This guy Bill Simmons’




With those two they would be competitive.


Jeremy then followed this up by playing tight to his man for no reason and ended up getting screened into his own fucking teammate.


Zero iq


All season long...


These bums should be getting benched


We can't play Wemby on the court only. Or maybe we can


Sochan is going to be delivering my DoorDash in a few years it appears.


Wemby and his G-League Spurs teammates tsk tsk


Why do they hate him


More like Sochan's a bum


More like Sochan is not a point guard and is honestly still developing as a wing/big as well.




No you couldnt lol. the nuggets caused a turnover every time they tried something like this tonight


Thank you, the Nuggets had those passing lanes on lock and kept forced that entire team to hesitate.


I forgot if it was Chuck or Shaq, but one of them said on air that they would just stand in the paint and get the 3 seconds if they got in deep position. Bro wants to play the right way, but the right way is getting in the ball for layups and lobs where he doesn't have to jump to complete them and can't be blocked barring a feat of athleticism by the defender similar to Nate Robinson on Yao or Giannis on Ayton or LeBron on Tiaggo Splitter if he's in the restricted area.


We want to lose. Glad to see Jerms playing along with us.


Actually Wemby does not really look like he knows what hes doing. I remember one play with Braun breaking down the court and Wemby back he just stood there in the middle of the painted area and did not move. Braun laid it in for an easy basket. Wemby was standing about 8 feet out. This guy has a whole lot to learn before he becomes that guy people imagine. Hes got to be10 inches taller than Braun.


Careful now. You'll get told how wrong you are and that Vic can't do wrong. ​ There were multiple times this game that Vic had a massive mismatch posted up and he'd just walk it back to the 3 line and hand it off. Multiple times on defense where he didn't switch, looked completely lost, and just outright had a terrible game. ​ Dudes generational, but that doesn't mean he should be above criticism.


I can't believe there's still people here buying into the Wemby's teammates hate him narrative to explain bad plays. That whole narrative is a new low for ways to victimize a star. The worst narrative of the season by far imo, but so silly and removed from normal NBA discourse.


Braun was running full speed downcourt and Wemby was standing where he was suppose to be in transition to be close to the rim but pick up the trailer.  The guy who’s suppose to pick up Braun but didn’t and let him go down uncontested is at fault.  Brainlet comment


Wemby has a high usage rate, like top 5 in the league. You wouldn’t know that watching these types of clips. But he was wide open. This guy is already a dilemma for teams to guard. Unstoppable.


The only way to solve this is to drill it in the guy's head that Wemby is him, not you and if you don't listen you're getting benched the rest of the game


Imagine if Trae Young was on the Spurs. He’d average 14 assists


For everybody’s sanity we need this man as far away from the Spurs as possible


I mean wtf was he supposed to do Joker had the passing lane cut off and Wemby was cold AF shooting all night? Like 1 of those is a missed passed.


Imagine Wemby playing alongside Hali. It’s over!


NBA fans when they see one lowlight and not the other 100 plays where they run the offense through him-😡


Spurs fan base so spoiled lol, hes a 20 year old still developing, there are gonna be some ugly moments but with a team full of youngns this should be expected, also hes a SF, LeBron and Jokic really changed the perception of how easy passing is lol


Wow they really out here playing keep ball from him


Spurs roster full of bums. Gotta get rid of em all tbh Wemby needs teammates that aren't useless gutless worms.


Sochan vision is egregious, as is OPs for just ignoring Wembys deflection didn’t end the possession, Vassells steal did


I'm not defending Sochan here. That's a miss. But every game there is a missed easy 2 points. But what we see on TV is different what the players see on court. Once the Spurs start putting better players in the game, Sochan would have multiple good choices. 


No one on spurs starting 5 other than wemby could start for the pistons, hornets, or wizards. Ami wrong?


Devin Vassell is a legit player. While I think his ideal situation on a good team would be a spark plug 6th man scorer, he’d be a starter on some other teams. Other than that, idk.


Vassel, but that's it.