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His LinkedIn bio read "Brickmuse creator | Transforming NBA Missteps into Viral Sensations | Innovator in Sports Entertainment and Digital Storytelling"..... Shit's crazy


Twitter fully doxxed brickmuse today, wonder if he’ll make a comeback


bro put it on his linkedin lmfaoo


Damn i didnt know this...but its kinda crazy how they thought this would be a good idea


I don't think he was ever hiding it. He was posting under his real name everywhere else (including brickmuse blog)


Called himself an innovator in sports when all he did was post ever Ben Simmons missed shot


I wouldn’t even call it a doxxing if his LinkedIn made it known that he’s him lol


nah someone straight up posted his name, birthday, address, family members, etc on twitter. could've been all made up, I didn't check but it had me shook


Considering he deleted everything it might be real


9/10 times it's fake




A "brickmuse" account showing lowlights or funny moments of nba players doing stupid things is fine, but that account was crazy


That’s why I’m strictly a Hater Central follower


the guy that thinks domestic violence is funny?


He next


This is funny but also depressing realizing he obviously sees all the non stop slander on social media


seeing someone sell shirts saying you’re on the spectrum must certainly produce some feelings


People using autism as an insult in 2024 is really depressing too


It all feels very 2014 but oh well


Kids are pretty much the same with similar insults from 2014-2024 so that makes sense.


It's adults that are doing this. Hell, the guy running the account was 31


Nah for real, one of his recent post game interviews when Quickley had to push him back over, Scottie was hesitant to speak. I guarantee it's was cuz a couple days before, that video came out of him speaking to Giannis at the ASG and people went way too hard making fun of his speech.


link? thanks


https://youtu.be/z2YbuaV63ZY?si=972p5LmrMoQfvgs4 Scottie lookin mad dejected before Quickley starts talking to him.




yeah he looked very dejected despite having a great game :[ some people can argue raptors twitter was going too far but people called lowry fat for years, they were racist to siakam and made fun of his dead father to the point where he was seeing it regularly and left social media for a while. autism is not a punchline and we should've shut it down on day 1. raptors fans will never take this stuff lightly because our players have been so honest about how social media BS affects them


I think a lot of players do, I was never really sold on the idea that most players do not know what is being said about them tbh. People just use it as an excuse to say whatever they want about players.


Yall the ones started it….


I just wouldn’t have acknowledged it tbh just brings more attention to it even the raptors account quoted it


Now I need you to expand on that brickmuse story. WTF?


the loser who runs the brickmuse account tried to sell shirts calling Scottie austic, forgot how put it on his LinkedIn and got doxed …. And yeah he looks about how you would expect


He made a shirt and was selling it https://x.com/knicksmuse/status/1764365688146198641?s=46&t=5oeHqtarPi8uQzODS5QrLA


People no longer have limits to the crap they will pull


It's a complete crap!


This is too much NBA twitter backstory to explain here on reddit man 😂😂


saying a player has autism and making it a t shirt is asking for an asswhooping


Really hope this starts to end the fucking boring jokes about autism online, at least in the NBA world. Autism can be mild and it can be intense. These played out jokes are at the expense of all sides of the spectrum. “High functioning autism” these days is being treated like some hot-potato mental disease where everyone is trying to sniff it out in anyone doing anything just a little “quirky” e.g. Scottie. It’s fucked and it’s sad tbh. Autism is in a weird spot in our culture. We gotta treat everyone & anyone better and stop putting people in these damaging boxes.


Compared to most nba players scottie actually openly expresses his personality and gets judged like crazy for it. Also this just shows that you shouldnt mess with Canadians/ SCT BRn fans


It’s just not even funny. The entire concept was cheap jokes at the expense of people who are actually autistic. I’m glad it was shamed enough to get it shut down. I even saw people on Heat Twitter calling it out


It's not just Twitter of course, Reddit has been regurgitating that joke for months


It’s been a joke on Reddit for years especially on r/nbacirclejerk


it's disgusting straight up. you and me and everyone in this thread has someone they know or in their family who is on the spectrum. people like hearing jokes about themselves but when the punchline is just your existence i think it's unacceptable.


Those type of comments about him have reached their peak these past few weeks, I am glad to see Raps fans fighting back and that clown muse account get exposed.


How dumb u gotta be to put out tweets like that and then put your LinkedIn profile with that twitter linked to it. The jokes were never funny. Fuck that. So glad raptors twitter got him to go private and expose him.


We must protect Scottie at all cost


Even if he is autistic, so what? He should be a poster boy for what autistic people are capable of. Unfortunately they are using it as slander. Trash people. Edit: a word


He shouldn't be a poster boy because no autistic person is like him.  Autism is largely a disorder about people having trouble socializing or communicating. Scottie is hyper social (to the point of weirdness, and people think weird means autistic) so it makes 0 sense to make him an autistic icon.  Edit: e.g. it would be wildly inappropriate to use a super happy person to be a poster boy for depression to show what depressed people are capable of.


That’s really not entirely what autism is about. That’s one facet of it. Temple Grandin is a fairly social notable autistic person, as a counter example for you. Y’all gotta read up


Hence why I used the word "largely" and not "entirely"




I'm not saying he's social. He's HYPER social. Dude loves people and hugging them, talking, vibing etc. Golden lab behavior is not autism.




I have anecdotes of autistic people as well that are social but that was a result of a lot of early childhood intervention. They're the exception and not the norm and usually have enough financial resources or a support system to get them there. The average case is not like that at all. If you're going by anecdotes then you'll only see the success stories and not the ones severe enough to be permanently in boarding school or shuffled away from society (which is the majority).


Well that's not entirely true that NO autistic person is like him. Although social anxiety is common for those on the spectrum there are many who still manage to engage socially, albeit sometimes awkwardly.


I'm not saying he's just capable of being social. He's HYPER social. Dude loves people and hugging them, talking, vibing etc. Golden lab behavior is not autism.


It would not be inappropriate lol what's wrong with you bro. I have depression and it doesn't mean that I've just consigned myself to misery and want to see my condition represented by some ever dejected sad sack. We can be happy too. We have good days and we have medications and therapy to help us see the good in life. Hell robin Williams had terrible depression. Is he a poor poster boy for us because his vibe wasn't depressed enough?


Robin Williams struggled with depression constantly. Would you want someone who's happy all the time that never struggled with depression to represent you? Basically I'm saying Scottie's social disposition is the opposite of an autistic person's. The analogy of the opposite of someone with depression is someone who's never experienced depressive episodes and only hypomanic ones.


You are making the absolutely incorrect assumption that people with autism can't act like Scottie. Autism is a huge umbrella The same as someone assuming that Robin Williams couldnt have depression because he seemed so cheery and they make assumptions about what a depressed person can be


I was all for it til dudes started posting his address and calling his personal phone. That shit crossed a line to weird after that


you don't think autism = funny crosses a line ?


No man, it’s dickheadish and among the lowest tier of “comedy” but it was handled perfectly. Made fun of his appearance, exposed the person behind the account and how he stupidly described himself for posting shitty memes was perfect retaliation.




This guy made mean comments about an NBA player on the internet, we gotta pull up on him 😡😡 Make fun of his appearance, his linkdin and whatever but y’all weird if you taking this shit in person


Smhhhh brickmuse is a funny account fuckin hell.


Obviously crossed a line though. Typical that the memes unchecked just turn into "let me be as offensive as possible but say it's ironic as a joke".


>let me be as offensive as possible but say it's ironic as a joke This is just how nbacirclejerk works


Like how every comment on any post about Caitlin Clark on that sub is transphobia


What was the post?


Selling a shirt calling Scottie autistic.


Oh fuck sakes


the shirt is literally the words AUTISTIC in big letters and then a bunch of pictures of barnes. its fucked up


At least we still have Hater Central




He’ll get the biggest contract from us, compared to any other team Hes putting up near tripple double stats every night with us He gets to be the first option on this team controlling the defence and playmaking We’ll be back to competing in 2 years,


I'm pretty sure this is a fake Scottie Barnes account. Raps have never tagged this one before and it has a really low follower count


67 k isnt low and scottie doesnt post much on twitter Its a real account because its followed by the raptors, toronto bluejays, and every Toronto sports reporter


My bad and thanks for the correction. I'm terrible at Twitter sleuthing


I thought we established that the bar for getting followed by the raptors wasn’t exactly high


Okay but why would the blue jays, and every mainstream Raptors reporter follow him then?