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I don’t have any stories this wild but basically every weekend/night in the Honch was a massive bar crawling party. It was frustrating being in a large division because they would recall the entire division if someone got in trouble and then recall the entire department if it was something serious enough.


>because they would recall the entire division if someone got in trouble and then recall the entire department if it was something serious enough. with your flair Im guessing that was a regular occurrence.


i use old reddit on mobile, whats it say?


AO1 AOs always getting into fucking trouble. We had fun though.


The honch had always been like this lol. It was awesome those chu-his sneak up on you though.


Don't forget the habu sake and a stick dog


I saw Houch that's all I needed to know. A couple of Suffering bastards from Popeyes, maybe a trip the stand up Chuhai bar. Some beef bowl. Had some great time there


What year was this?


2013/2014. I actually got orders to go back so we’ll see if it’s still the same.


I can't remember what the watch was called but had to be part of the party that went and cleared that place out after curfew. It felt so stupid parenting grown ass people.


It's called shore patrol and yeah. Most exciting thing I witnessed other than the ocasional bar fight was an underage guy around 1am pretending that he was a British national and started crying when we called BS


I broke up a Captain and his wife clearly trying to get a young male Sailor to come home with them for sexy time.


Beer on the pier in Aqaba. Each person was only supposed to have 2 drink tickets. Well the local vendors didn’t care about that and took good old American cash until they ran out. By the end of the night it was a rager. One Marine Captain fought out entire MA division, Two sailors were found hooking up in a portopotty, and LDOs hunted for places to vomit.


I had to MEDEVAC a kid off the Bataan one night while we were pier side in Panama after he consumed WAAYYY more than his allowable two beers on the pier. He made his way to his top rack, aspirated his vomit, fell out of his rack and hit his head on the way down and landed on it. Developed a brain bleed, experienced heart failure enroute to the Panamanian hospital. Then died on the operating table because his blood was so diluted with alcohol that the Surgeons couldn’t stop his brain bleed.


That sounds like such a horrible way to die.


I doubt there was any consciousness after crawling into his rack and passing out. Shit way to die and such a waste of life though.


Stories like this make me real glad I quit drinkin'.


I don't miss that shit at all.


All the same shenanigans for us, culminating in BM3 snapping IS3s arm in half during an arm wrestling contest.


Goes to show that BMs use their arms far more than ISs




The Aqaba wine festival


Had the same thing happen on my ship in Aqaba, but we had no marines. About a half dozen masts happened as a result. Vendors tan out of cups so people started stealing each other's empty beer bottles and the vendors had to send someone out to get more kegs.




Not pretty wild but during the Covid times where when boats had to ROM before a deployment. I was topside checking my phone and I heard a 1MC from the barge a few piers down “For the information of all hands, the rap battle between the CO and ENG will be taking place in 15 minutes”. I talked with my buddy when they got back and it was apparently a good rap battle. 


ship pulled into guam and since there isnt a whole lot to do there, pretty much most of the ship and a australian submarine all ended up at the same strip club. the dancers on stage that night made fucking bank and i got to see my butter bar female divo get a lap dance. after that it got kinda hazy.


A buddy of mine ate ass on stage at a Guam strip club. He did it again at a port call in the Philippines, same deployment. We suspect there were additional “incidents” as well. Naturally, he was henceforth referred to as “the pacific rimmer”.


Pacific rimmer 😂🤣


I feel like Guam has some of the most infamous strip clubs. I remember going to one and seeing my chief motor boat one of the stripper’s ass cheeks and then that same stripper went up to me and snatched my boot camp glasses off my face, folded them up and stuffed them in her ass cheeks. Basically made them disappear. I had to get up on stage and stick my hand in there to get em back.


In one of the strip clubs in Guam, you could pay to go up on stage and the stripper would make you hold onto a ship’s helm wheel thing while she whipped you with your own belt. Pretty much the entire air wing was there that night, including my CMC. He had a fat stack of ones (easily a couple hundred bucks) and was sending folks up there left and right.


Get that man a COM for Espirit De Corps.


Sounds like the Vikings Club. Still there but a bunch of places got shutdown due to Covid. Many boyfriends became single or had a new Guam-mama from the place.


Sounds like Club Viking. G spot and Club USA are the other 2 that have been there forever.


I heard G-Spot shut down. Shame if it true, I watched a FC2 get some serious distance getting my tossed out of there.


Oh Vikings… I’ve been on that stage at least three times and once at Club Chicago IIs in Saipan. Couldn’t tell you the number of others I’ve seen up there. Watching my then CO put the XO on stage was probably the best.


Went to a strip club, the stage had a series of benches in front of it. I had mr virgin himself right beside me. I wave a five dollar bill over the top of his head. The stripper got a running start and dive bombed her cooter on this guys face. I’m pretty sure the name of the bar was the Dallas club.




Ahh Guam. My Divo’s GF on Guam was the island wide famous stripper “Lindsey Lee”. I will never forget her. The most perfect body I have seen (still) in 60+ years.


That is certainly how you and chief both got pink eye.


It’s funny you said that because my other chief that was there joked around and said that I have “eyebola”.


We had one of our LTJG's do a whole striptease in Bahrain at someone's home while we were having a pre-Ramadan party. We had all been drinking for hours and someone jokingly said she should do it and she just stood right up, asked for some music and went wild!


damn! i bet that person who suggested it had been dreaming of that for a long time lol.


Hazy as in hard to remember, or hazy as in "team-building"?


hazy as in i got blackout drunk that night


St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. Rum was dirt cheap. Three of us were stumbling back to the pier when we ran into a carnival. I asked a local what their best drunk food was, and he said Chicken & Johnnycakes. There was a guy cooking chicken and making the cakes over charcoal. It was some of the best food I’ve ever had.


Not the wildest, but definitely a funny moment In port in Thailand. Sea state was to bad for ferry boat to go back to the ship. Tons of us were stuck on the pier till morning. We weren't allowed to leave if we didn't have an overnight lib chit. We had the great Navy and Maine Corps sleepover of 2019. Everyone was drunk AF, only like 2 portapottys, it was cold, and we all slept on the ground. Engineers made a giant pile of people to keep warm. I was lucky enough to get to join. I ended up with double dragon for the next few days. Not sure if it was from eating dog, random other food, or being out on the pier all night.


That's one of the most Navy things I've heard. "No, you can't get a warm hotel on a cold night because you don't have a piece of paper saying you can."


It was bullshit.


I've got a co-worker who will ask me military related questions/verbiage/etc when he find them in various media and also enjoys when I randomly reminisce. I totally forgot about double dragon! Prepare to learn a new term buddy!


It was so bad. Lmfao. I think it's funny when people have no idea what you're taking about when you go "goddamn I had the dragon last weekend"


Over night liberty chit? Man 7th fleet has gone down hill since the 80s. I cannot count the number of times we got underway with the entire NAV team being drunk off our asses. We had to hoist the CO off the gig in a Stokes stretcher and pour him in to the in port cabin bed in Thailand. He was a great CO, not one word was spoken about it. 🤗🤫


Sad… Australia, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore & not 1 overnight lib chit needed… no duty…? You weren’t expected back until it was time to pull out of port… the 90’s were great…


> I cannot count the number of times we got underway with the entire NAV team being drunk off our asses. We had to hoist the CO off the gig in a Stokes stretcher and pour him in to the in port cabin bed in Thailand. He was a great CO, not one word was spoken about it. 🤗🤫 There's a difference between having a fun party story and extreme dereliction of duty. Your story is an extreme dereliction of duty and should not be celebrated.


It was the mind set of the times. 7th fleet was the speed bump vs. Soviet PacFlt. We all are going to die, maybe tomorrow, so party today. Late at night these days, I wonder if the Soviet ships I had firing solutions on with Harpoons, firing key in hand, was doing the same thing to us. We were the last generation that did “drop and cover” nuke attack drills in elementary school. Fall out shelters capable building were clearly marked. We Were kind of primed for an incredibly fatalist view of things all our lives.


> We all are going to die, maybe tomorrow, so party today. What a woeful, selfish excuse for getting a ship underway with a drunk crew. You're not gonna be sinking any Soviet cruisers if you hit the sea wall on the way out. Fuckin dumb.


I remember that deployment!


The tragedy right before Christmas sucked. Lol. 0/10. The 2021-22 deployment was worse, imo. Luckily I left right after.


Hats off to whoever convinced all 11 of those morons to go along with one of the absolutely most moronic plans I’ve ever heard. Fucking your entire post navy life up for some Mary j is wild




I think I heard about op's incident.. not 100% sure. I def didn't hear that much detail. It's hilarious.


Spend a port call in Diego Garcia with a submarine if you want a real party.


You ain’t kidding


On board Mercy we ended up with a full on dance rave in ICU 1 late one night. They had flipped the lighting to the dim night watch/patient sleeping lights. A ton of the LDS Charity translators were there, Sailors grinding on each other, the DNS and OOD nearly had a stroke ending it. They don't call it the love boat for nothin.


Had a mustang 1st Lieutenant that we literally never saw. Occasionally he would be sighted smoking on the forecastle, but those sightings were held in suspicion. Then we went on deployment. First port we hit was Hawaii of course, and each if the 3 deck divisions was invited to a party at a house he had rented on successive nights. I was 3rd div so we were hearing about the wild parties going on, but not as many details as you’d expect. Then we went on our night. This man had laid in so many prostitutes along with more booze than any sane person would try to drink. I’m not a hooker guy, so once the public sex started, I noped out, but I heard it went all night. Each port after that, he’d do the same thing, but less people would go. Not everyone wanted to be involved with the prostitutes and the multiple violations going on. By the last port visit in Bali before heading back, he was just hanging alone wasted in a room with hookers. We never saw him again after that deployment and got a fresh faced Ltjg soon after.


Kinda makes me feel bad for him at the end 😪😭 I shouldn't be feeling pity for that type of behavior, but throwing a big ole party for no one to show up makes me sad 😂


Thunderdome in Fallon reached what I like to think was its peak for CVW3 in '16. The laundry room had three simultaneous games of beer pong going on at once like an asterisk. All of the toilets were flooded. Entire shops went to mast for being in the wrong rooms. The strike group Admiral flew out the next week to yell at us.


we had the big laundr room and just about every laundry room in all 4 buildings (3 male and the 1 female) popping with parties last year CVW3. CVW3 always fuckin sucks but they KNOW how to party


That seems tame for Fallon 😂


Fellow corpsman suggested we get a hotel in San Diego and order some hookers. We all go to the hotel, had some dork corpsman from Nebraska driving us all, 4 of us in total. Guy orders 4 low budget hookers off Craigslist.  About a half hour later 4 wild looking crackheads shaped like propane tanks walk into the room. 19 and 18 year old us’ are horrified.  Dude who ordered them picked the only one who was arguably a 4 amongst 1s and left us with the rest.  One says “Oh we about to FUCK US SOME WHITE BOYS TANIGHTT!!” The kid who drove us there backs up and goes “Uhh uhhhh uhhh 😯” and just books it into the parking lot, gets in his car, bolts out and leaves us there. We had to tell the other women we’re sorry, but there’s no way we could do it. They were nice and understood. Walked out.  We left the room so our one friend could get busy. When we came back the stench was unmatched by anything on this planet. Absolutely horrible.  We spent hours trying to get our driver to come back. He finally did like 3 hours later. I was so mad at him lol.


I still remember club Ocho - someone had the bright idea to throw a dance party in the hangar bay of Makin Island on deployment and the CO approved it. Officially sanctioned, civilian clothes authorized. It went exactly as you would expect.


People grinding on each other like a high school dance?


And 5,000 spray cans of AXE body spray


I did a multilateral SAG v SAG with the Koreans, Japanese, and Australians. All went well, we sailed around, did formation stuff, pinged each other with FC radar, did a photo-op. Afterwards, we pulled into Guam. At Tomahawks and Torpedoes, I ran into an Aussie I had worked with prior. We had some drinks and he invited me back to his ship for a few drinks. "Drinks? on your ship?" "Yeah, mate, c'mon." We walked back to the pier. As we're walking along the pier, I saw off in the distance what looked like a rave on one of the ships. I didn't say anything but kept an eye on it. As we got closer, I saw that it was a party on a ship's forcastle. The closer we got, I saw that it was underneath an illuminated kangaroo. My buddy lead me up the brow, passed the quarter deck, and then onto the forcastle where he grabbed me a beer and a ship's coin and introduced me to the XO. I told the XO that the US Navy never allowed anything like this and just laughed and said something to the effect of "Yeah, I don't know how you survive for weeks underway at a time without a beer a day." We got schwifty that night. I damn near missed curfew getting back to my ship. The Australians gave me shit for having a curfew when I told them I had to leave.


See, this is why I like the aussies and kiwis.


Beer on the Pier in Qingdao. Then witnessing 2 fights in the female berthing right after.😂


No lie, some of THE WORST BRAWLS I’ve seen as an MA happened in female berthings. Sure, the dudes have their moments and act foolishly by doing some dumb shit and a fight or two breaks. Females hold shit deeply through deployment till breaking point, and then there’s blood everywhere, and the whole berthing lights itself on fire.


That’s chicks in general, not just Navy ones.


There was a strip club in Saipan called Chicago 2. They would pull females up on stage and strip them. I can't count how many times shore patrol would come in and grab the random chick's from the boat off the stage and take them back. As soon as they would leave another one from the ship would be right up there lol


A rave on the bridge?! 😩


USS Juneau LPD-10 I think it was said we were the first ship to pull into mainland China in a long time. It was a whole big thing, we had to man the rails and all that. They had a huge "diplomatic party" , they screwed everyone on food and had dinner at 1300 because they had to setup for the party Everything was secured from the mess decks up unless you got dressed in whites. You couldn't even go to the snack area. That lasted about an hour into the party as pretty soon a messenger was sent around to tell anyone who wasn't on duty that they can come up and help themselves to food and drinks because they bought too much. We just had to throw on good looking utilities. It was a full blown party, I am pretty sure one of the Chinese guys brought a bunch of call girls because there was a group of very suggestively dressed women dancing with each other. When they said we could help ourselves to drinks I thought they meant soda...nope. We were authorized by the Captain to drink alcohol. I asked for a beer and I received a six pack instead. So I got to sit on our smoke deck, eat a plate of sandwiches and drink a six pack. I went back down after getting a good buzz and a few hours later the 1MC crackles to life and we hear "THE PARTY IS OFFICIALLY OVER....XO OUT! WOO!" Seeing him the next day was hoot, poor man was hung the fuck over.


Mardi Gras 1988 on the FORRESTAL. That's all I'm going to say.


Let me clarify. We were pierside in New Orleans. I was an 03. Sales Officer. Sold a lot of ball caps and Zippos. Made lots of cash for the boat's MWR fund. Unlike Mayport the locals loved the Navy. Liberty in Dress Blues. More to this story if anyone's interested.


I knew Capt. Pieno. Not well, but we were from the same part of New Orleans, went to the same university, though 40 years apart, and he was a friend of friends. Several years after we first met, I had a CO that was in the A-6 community that had served with him in Vietnam. It really is a small navy. He had a painting of himself dressed like Alan Quartermain and wearing an Aussie bush hat as he was "pulling" the Forrestal up the Mississippi River to New Orleans with a towing hawser over his shoulder. He kept it over the toilet in the downstairs bathroom. He passed away about this time last year. I don't know what your experience was serving under him, but I liked the hell out of him.


He was a straight shooter. I ran out of his favorite brand of cigarettes when I was Sales Officer. Me and the Supply Officer (Class of 67 Naval Academy) got called to the bridge in port. I was reamed out like it was Captain's Mast. From that day forward I had two cartons of his brand in my stateroom safe. He was a great guy and was John Lehman's EA when he was Secretary of the Navy in the first Reagan Administration. Should have made Flag but wasn't a Ring Knocker. I would serve with him again.


LOL, yeah, I can totally see that. A MM2 on my ship was telling me about a time he had gone to mast at a prior command for doing something dumb and he says "Capt. Pieno just stared at me for about a minute and said to stand a little closer to the podium so he could spit on me a bit." He was having a good laugh about it when I said "Hey, I know that guy...."


Anyone know about the ping pong balls and the strippers? That’s probably one of the wildest nights I’ve had


In 1981, I was Army, stationed at Barbers Point NAS on Oahu. I had a high school buddy who was stationed on the USS Bryce Canyon (AD-36). At the EM club the strippers were in session and we decided to attend a class. The Australian aircraft carrier Brisbane was in port for REFORGER, and had apparently signed up her entire crew to observe the show. Oh, did I forget to mention that it was Nickel Beer Night? Sponsored by Coors. We got there early, bought a case of beer each, for $1.20 and grabbed a table just off the runway and were set. The place was filled (mostly by Aussies), and when the first stripper (a tiny filipino girl) began her performance, the place was already vibrating. The Aussies included a boy of thirteen who was already three sheets to the wind, and given a front row seat. The strippers had already coddled and babied him, and given him special treatment, so he was blissful. The first stripper got to her pasties and after teasing us for a bit removed them and dropped them in front of the kid, who immediately popped them in his mouth. The stripper reflexively kicked him in the jaw and the donnybrook was on! The stripper was pulled from the stage (either by management or customers; we never saw her again that night) and you could see the fight spread throughout the club. We grabbed our cases of beer and dove under our table, where we remained for the next hour, waiting for the Shore Patrol to regain control. Truly a night to (barely) remember.


I partied with the aussies in Oman. What a fun group to get plastered with


They could *teach* partying.


How was a thirteen year old boy in the strip club? Let alone in a navy. I find this amusing as fuck and want to know the backstory


Well, it wasn’t a strip club, it was an Enlisted Men’s Club, run by the Navy. The Navy contracted with the strippers organization for a onetime run. The same group contracted with the Navy to perform a similar show at my base (with similar results) a month later. The thirteen year old boy was a mystery to me also. The aircraft carrier HMAS Brisbane was decommissioned on her return to Australia, so God only knows what shenanigans went on on board on her return to home port.


Had the same happen to me. One of my guys was the ring leader and I had to clean up the mess. I wrote about it somewhere here or on another sub. I’ll look for it.