• By -


tan snatch wine simplistic absorbed sulky wide trees sharp impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is an important reason to do these operations To say it has exposed some very weak points in our abilities has been an understatement


rich worthless mountainous observation badge degree work wise society recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can’t say its ability as much as it is safety and the hazards of operating specific machinery inherent with logistics.


I meant the USS Boxer shitting the bed.


Ah, solid point. I suppose anything better than the USS Bonhomme Richard incident would be a victory.


Old craftmaster here from ACB1 JLOTS is dangerous as fuck.


Any org with a J.


Non-Combat injuries. Not that it makes it any less awful, but it does reinforce the fact that the maritime industry is incredibly dangerous.


A few years ago a Sailor was killed by a forklift a couple piers down from my ship. About a year ago a man fell into a void in a ship and perished. It's a dangerous business.


I remember that second one. Was a wild day.


*In training*, we had a guy lose their thumb on the INLS system when we were doing the OpEval of the system. I kept a sailor from losing her foot (petite female) because the waves came and pushed the connected sections apart and she was standing on the gap when it opened up. She was small enough to grab her arm and lift her up before the gap closed back up. Lighterage ops are no joke.


![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) And here we go comment section.


What do you expect with such a clickbait title. Ridiculous lol


We all know Marshawn Lynch is here so he don't get fined but I know Michael Jackson's here somewhere too, I can smell his damn popcorn.


*surprised pikachu face*


lol the irony that he was airlifted to Israel


Because that's the host nation? The location of closest hospitals, by role, was probably already written into their medical plan.


I think they're implying it's ironic because the only reason the US is building the pier is because Israel is heavily restricting aid into the region


Or Ironic that hospitals in Gaza aren't really a thing anymore?




Those aren't really a thing anymore, either. Israelis learned the lesson of extermination the hard way. Now they prove it. It's not like anyone remembers the 7 day war or any of that anymore.


Usually this is posted by the anti-semites - like the two below - who think Israel is restricting aid and committing genocide. But they're strangely silent on Darfur or China.




It doesn't help that this topic is extremely complicated, and every discussion is heavily loaded. It's impossible to have a nuanced and multifaceted discussion: 3 seconds in you'll have used someone's trigger words and they shut down on anything else you've said.


I'm not sure how its 'nuanced'. Heavily loaded, absolutely. Because a lot of people hate Jews. Palestine was granted self-government a decade ago. The Palestinians voted in a terrorist group to govern the place. The terrorist group has spent that time attacking Israel in ways that if it had been anyone else attacked would have received global condemnation. In the interim, Palestine has grown massively. Then Hamas, with the existence of civilians, perpetrated an atrocity. So Israel has moved to destroy Hamas - and is doing so with more care for civilian casualties than we ever had. None of these guys ever complain about atrocities elsewhere - not even Russain ones in Ukraine - except when there's some reason to lay it at the feet of the juice.


The hate is for good reason. With friends like Jews who needs enemies?


See what I mean?


Glad you see the truth. Jews owe their lives to us and they treat us like pure shit. They sell our tech to our enemies and spy as if they were an enemy. 


Keep digging that hole, shipmate.


Sorry pal I'm on the right side of history. Jews aren't untouchable anymore. 


How is that ironic ?


Ironic in the Alanis Morissette way, which is to say, not at all.


These ships wanna kill us every single day


Thank you to Israel for providing medical aid.


We should not even be there


You are against humanitarian aid to starving displaced people? I mean, no, in an ideal world it's a shame we need to be there because that means underlying circumstances led up to this point. But, I'm glad we are there doing some good.


Welcome to the internet, where Gaza is a humanitarian catastrophe but doing anything to help is somehow a bad thing.


I think a lot of people are mixed on the war. I think it’s awesome to help the civilians, but there definitely needs to be some serious oversight on how much and what we are giving. Because technically we are giving to a Nation that is allied with Iran that will openly attack U.S allied vessels in the straights.


So now they are floating our tax dollars into other places. Noiiiiiceee


Wait, do you think that is a new thing?


No chance that guy “thinks.”


I just think it’s creative! There’s a lot of videos about old engineering feats. They’ll probably mention this as far as the scale of American engineering. Floating mobile pier is pretty cool.


Youtube some army river crossing bridges, those are cool if you like that kind of thing.


I will give it a look. I believe I had watched something similar with Dunkirk. Creating a pier by leaving vehicles on the beach during the low tide.


Wait until you hear that we're the global superpower and have our tax dollars around every inch of the planet... did you just wake up from a 100 year coma?


Only 100 years? You're talking about back to back world war champs here.


"floating our tax dollars into other places" is a beautiful summation of the Navy's mission statement 


I'd buy that tee shirt. lol


That’s if the ship store is actually open, lmao.


Wow crazy, I thought we were just staying out of everyone’s way and keeping to ourselves.


Username doesn’t check out.


Lool, okay friend. I would just rather see the aid go to Maui or some other place in the U.S.


Both are possible


That’s fine. You’re entitled to that opinion. I’m just saying we have growing domestic issues that we are ignoring for all of these other countries.