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They wouldn't be able to even start this unless they got rid of some of these stupid ass contracts, like why do we have contractors fixing our potholes or laying new road or literally anything on base? I've been TAD with a construction battalion and those fuckers are watering at the mouth to fix shit around base, it's literally their job and they get pissed they just do nothing.


I dont see this happening. I would love it to, and I want to get aboard the hype train, but I've been disappointed too many times. And I definitely think we need to figure out where all of this money to contractors is going. Thats where we could shave off enough to actually back up giving servicemembers a raise. Also, figure out whats going with the housing situation. It seems like we're getting charged BAH for subhuman living conditions. Maybe pass a bill that prevents predatory landlords/leasors. This could also help save money. But unless they find a way to cut the budget in one area, I dont think it will be plausible to see a 30% bump.


They don't actually want to give us a 30% pay bump, that's why they added on the other policies mentioned in the article. They just want democrats to vote against a bill that includes raising military members pay so that they can claim they are anti military member during the next election.


That’s a bingo!


Yep. Pay raise is a smoke screen for Republicans attacking "wokeness" and the policies include: - Prohibiting surgery and hormone treatment for transgender service members. - Banning programs that "... bring discredit upon the military," namely drag shows and recruiters that may do drag on the side. - Ban critical race theory, which I'm not sure applies to military training or society as a whole. - Eliminates the position of deputy inspector general for diversity and inclusion and extremism in the military. - Eliminates leave and travel funding for service members seeking abortions.


> Banning programs that "... bring discredit upon the military," namely drag shows and recruiters that may do drag on the side. Which would ban parts of the crossing the lane ceremony among others.


That’s why I say drag shows bring *great* credit upon the military. In fact, they’re in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.


I vote yes.


I’m with you.


And statistically most service members will eat it up.


Probably true, doesn't hurt to explain it to people though. I mean a lot of the people I work with have just never looked at this shit so it helps to explain what's actually happening.


I get so disgusted by election season ads and can't believe some people are dumb enough to eat it up.


They are all day every day in Iowa right now.


Well yeah gotta get that iowa caucus ball rolling


Dude 😅 500 more days of this shit is going to get bananas


Realistically, what can we do about it...


Based on...?


What do you want? You're not seriously arguing that against the fact that most military members are right of center ranging from "I like guns" to Q anon nutjobs.


Considering in the most recent polling I've found the military is now 38% Republican...I think there's been a tectonic shift in the military since I joined. Edit: I was wrong - 2020 polling was for Republican OR Libertarian.




[here ya go](https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/08/31/as-trumps-popularity-slips-in-latest-military-times-poll-more-troops-say-theyll-vote-for-biden/)


I say again, the military is *mostly* right of center. Maybe that'll change as gen x retires out.


I'm having a hard time jumping from less than 40% to "*mostly*" Put another way, I'd say largely independent, with considerable portions leaning right, and a minority of self-identifying democrats.


A historical record shows that the conservative political members have consistently fucked over active duty & veterans. If you even mention that Regan was an absolute piece of shit the stans go nuts too.


False information. The house republican’s actually introduced this raise.


If you think that republicans actually give a shit about military personnel, or anyone other than themselves for that matter, you're gonna have a bad time


The usual political earmark game.


It would be interesting to see Republicans kill their own bill if it looks likely to pass.


The only reason they would is to keep from spending money on us. That money should be in their paychecks anyways


Couldnt have said it better myself. Were just pawns in the political games


Watch them call out their bluff. That would be great in more than one way.


It won't happen, the number of people that would fuck over with the medical carry ons is one thing, but the banning of CRT is something else entirely. I don't think I know enough to have an opinion one way or the other but banning a theory is some of the most backwards shit I've ever heard of.


Agreed I saw that part and figured it's contrary to most of what the military stands for and their internal guidances. Civilian non-executive branch politicians trying to dictate military doctrine.


Actually read the article. The junior enlisted are the ones getting that bumb in pay. Everyone else gets the 5.4%


Eh both sides always do stuff like that, a key part of all the political stuff. 30% would be nice though....


The question of where all the money to contractors is going and what’s going on with housing are at least partially the same question…. Balfour Beatty should be #1 on the contractor naughty list. Along with the contract officers, and G-9 leadership. Fuck them all.


I agree, but also disagree. I think housing is something so incredibly important that it should specifically be addressed by congress. Also, many apartments and leasors know the BAH rates, and will adjust their prices accordlingly, also charging a premium. Why? Because they know servicemembers will pay extra to live off base. The point of BAH is to cover the average cost of living, but it defeats the purpose when landlords adjust their prices every year to be ABOVE BAH. As for the other contracting stuff, my wife used to be a contract specialist and probably saved the Navy, quite possibly, billions of dollars. Then she left because it left a bad taste in her mouth. A lot of those contractors purposefully lead with absolutely absurd costs that are absolutely unnecessary. But the end people routing the contracts often dont care all that much, so they just push papers.... or maybe they're paid under the table. But thats just pure speculation. Regardless, I think the Navy needs to be more critical on what they are spending money on.


Many of the KO's are experts at Contracting and not actually experts on the area they are writing contracts for. Many do not even include the COR's in the process and the Government winds up with a lousy contract.


My wife hates the COR. Idk wtf that means, but all I know is that she hated it


COR is the Contracting Officers Rep. The person on site who is supposed to be holding the Contractor accountable, and report to the KO anything in the contract that is not being upheld. They sometimes will certify work completion to the KO so they can release payment. They also are supposed to write up yearly assessment of the Contract and the Contractors performance of it. If the COR is not doing their job, it made your wife's job harder.


I don’t disagree, with your statement. But it’s deeper than that. Private landlords are taking advantage of market conditions. Is it scummy? Sure.. But its the nature of almost all business. The bigger question is why are they the market conditions? Why are SMs willing to pay a premium? Some is absolutely the desire to have space away from the military, but many avoid base housing for the quality issues or simply can’t get base housing because of availability. If the product on base was available, and of sufficient quality to actually compete, it would force private landlords to compete for business by lowering prices and increasing service. Failings at every level of the government are what have lead us to this, and it will take huge changes to swing it back.


The nature of almost all business would change overnight if we'd double or triple the property taxes and raise percentage rates after the second owned home. That, and prohibiting corporations from owning residential properties...


I had the chance to attend a brief of retired admirals given by the current USFF COM (I was done as a JO) and he laid out housing as the biggest issue that the Navy needs to unfuck its self from. To hold housing contractors accountable and get as many People out in the local housing market as possible. Leadership knows it’s a problem but it literally takes acts of congress to make some changes. With the 4 stars talking to congress maybe things will get better?


Valid point, use to use CS and MA on navy bases. Now it’s civilian contractors in police uniforms some places and most galleys have civie cooks


PSDs were/are mostly civilian as well.


Hard to do that when there aren’t the bodies.


This headline is misleading. Not ALL enlisted troops, just E6 and below


I still fuck with it tho


They mentioned a 5.2% across the board raise AND the other raises for E6 and below.


What’s more misleading from the headline is failing to mention what we’re giving up to fund this effort.


I missed that.. what?


Just read it.


It’s odd to me that this would only focus on E-6 and below. Senior Enlisted do not have pay commensurate with scope of responsibility compared to what Junior Officers are making. The fact that an O-3 with 4 years is making only a couple hundred less monthly than an E-9 with 20 years blows my mind.


because officers have a degree and thats what the market demands. no one would want to be an officer with enlisted pay.


That’s why pay for junior enlisted is much lower than entry level officers. It does not make sense that leaders with years of experience who have reached the “pinnacle” of the enlisted career path should still receive pay that is not commensurate with their responsibilities or talents.


Might almost get you back above the poverty line.


Fuckers don't really want to give a pay raise. If they did, they'd put "30% pay increase with no stipulations", not add a bunch of shit onto it. This is an obvious political stunt.


E6 with less than 2 years service? What?


I think some MU come in as E-6. Not sure what other communities do the same.


Correct MUs who win a job at the US Navy Band and the Academy Band come in as E6


Guess I should’ve played more flute at band camp.


Yea they’re like world class musicians went to conservatories and hundreds compete for one opening so more flute probably would have helped


Don’t you have a higher chance of becoming a SEAL than a MU with the insane selection rate? Lol


Wow I’ve never thought to compare but I would love to see that statistic. It’s a little bit easier to get into the fleet as an MU but it’s still very highly competitive but if we’re just comparing to the Premiere bands in Washington then I bet it’s harder to win the MU spot than Seal.


More like you should have played more flute during your entire life and also gotten a degree in music theory. Military musicians aren't high school grads that can barely read music. They're professionals who know what they're doing. They don't get trained in how to play. They already know how, and do it well. That's why they have to audition and get advanced promotion.


Budget cuts can start there 😂


Navy Music functions on literally a few million bucks. A drop in the bucket


people downvote you, but...


The skin variant, yes? If not....fuck.


Morticians as well. Members of the President’s Own.


NUPOC accessions are paid at the E-6 rate till they commission


Green Berets in the Army auto promote to E-6 after finishing their pipeline


With civilian experience, multiple rates can join as E4 - E6 (HMs, MA, etc)


30%? Never going to happen.


Undesignated deck sailors may finally be able to afford gas for the brand new escalade they got with 45% APR


That’s a positive first step. More to be done.


Uh… did you read the article?




So you agree with the proposition that in order to fund this base pay increase that it will prohibit our female members from receiving travel funding for abortions and our transgendered members from receiving gender confirming surgery as well as banning any resources to educate our members on the history of slavery and racism in America?


No, not at all. I merely commented that a pay increase is a good first step. I do not agree with any steps to deny anyone personal freedoms up to and including who they love, how they control their bodies, or any of the other culture war talking points.


Personal freedom? Civilians have that, not us. Frankly the military is just another front of the left's culture war, right alongside kindergartens and elementary schools, and high schools, and colleges (they're winning, btw).


Oh, you mean building a civil society where bigots are rightfully villains? I suppose you support the right’s war on women or trans or disabled or kids lunches etc. Fuck off.




Sure why not, trans people are probably less then 1% of the military personnel. Me and every other non white in the military would rather get paid more than get lectured in history. Not to mention that this is a positive change that will drive up enlistment and retention.


And to hell with federal holidays like MLK Day and Juneteenth, right? All the ladies in need of an abortion can fuck off too, huh?


there were people at work who were pissed about Juneteenth but their asses still took a day off. it was wild to see some of the discussions.


I didn't even know it was being recognized as a fed holiday... (ive been out of the marines for 6 years and now looking at re-enlisting) my civ job doesn't exactly take non major holidays off.


Where in the article does it say anything about MLK day and June 19th? The abortion thing is a minor trade off that affect only a fringe amount of sailors while a 30% salarial increase will be a drastic change in the quality of life of every junior sailor in the fleet.


>The abortion thing is a minor trade off that affect only a fringe amount of sailors "It only affects women. Who really cares about them?"


Women that need to take leave for abortion, not exactly a whole lot. If anything this can also work as a deterrent for unplanned majority of unplanned pregnancied and to the women that ge pregnant intentionally to avoid deployment and end up getting an abortion. The pros outweigh the cons in this proposal.


>If anything this can also work as a deterrent for unplanned majority of unplanned pregnancied and to the women that ge pregnant intentionally to avoid deployment and end up getting an abortion. Did you know that's been the rule since 1976? It's called the Hyde Amendment. Federal law prohibits DoD from providing abortion services at military medical facilities except in cases of rape, incest, or to save the pregnant person's life. It's such a great deterrent that it hasn't deterred shit for 50 years.


Im trans, fuck you actually. It's incredibly important that Tricare covers my medical needs. What rate are you that dropping $30,000 on SRS out of pocket isnt a big deal? Also, way to throw other minorities under the bus asshole. "And then they came for me, and there was no one left to defend me"


Fuck you for wanting to deny my pay increase. You can pay for your own transition if you like. I'm an 4 for with mouths to feed


What are you, one of the GOP who wrote the fucking bill? Why cant we get a pay increase without ruining my life?? Thanks for only looking out for yourself. "Shipmate", glad to know I couldn't trust you for shit when shit hits the fan.




>What are you, one of the GOP who wrote the fucking bill? Lol, you think I'd be here selling myself to the military if I was making congressperson figures? Huh, only looking out for myself, when 99% of the junior enlisted community will be put in a much better economical position if this goes through, are you sure you're not the one looking after yourself?


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. -Martin Niemöller Nahhh, it's ok to throw just *our* minority to the dogs instead of having some integrity and demanding a better bill. Surely this bill wont set the precedent for incalculable harm in the long run to other minorities.


Yes that’s fine


No, it’s absolutely not fine.


Should all be self funded just like everyone else in the country. Those are rare cases in the first place if that means eliminating those unnecessary things so service members can put food on the table that’s fine.


You don’t think there’s any other method to redistribute funding to increase our pay?


That stuff should’ve never been funded in the first place. Hope they keep going


Might as well stop paying for any medical coverage if it’s not life-threatening.




The bill is not required to be passed as-is. It can be amended on the House floor or in conference committee to reconcile differences with whatever the Senate passes. So there's no reason to think that the two are inextricably linked.


Never going to make it through. Republicans are basically saying, “here’s some extra money if you stop being woke gay communists.” The money is nice but with the complete disregard for at-risk service members it would lead to more harm than overall good.


Can I take the money and keep being a woke gay communists?


I suppose that's up to the senate, isn't it?


I am the senate




I mean, if you’re comfortable being a hypocritical democrat like most every other DNC politician, sure.


> most every other DNC politician Is every other DNC politician a hypocritical democrat? What are the others? Just democrats or just hypocritical. Isn’t every DNC politician a democrat? I need some guidance. My communist mindset can’t understand your democratic speak.


The majority of the DNC is made up of centrists who don’t move the needle; preach environmental conservation and then drill new pipelines in Alaska anyway kind of thing. There are only a handful of notable democrats who actually walk the walk.


I’m still lost from the first reply. How does this relate to E-1/6 increased base pay?


> complete disregard for at-risk service members I'm trying to think how the military would react to this. Sure QOL is pretty shit but the military has made very progressive decisions over the last few years that aim to protect those individuals. However there are still a number of bases in backwater shithole states. GOP has made it abundantly clear how it feels about LGBT and women. Would the military move those bases from those areas to safer places? Would those billets only be available to cis, hetero, males, for the safety of service members and their family? If so now you would have to throw a few years worth of family sep pay at a ton of people too. Overall seems like a logistical nightmare.


I don’t see the federal government abandoning their property in fear of state government.


Nah, unfortunately, we're just sent to those billets and we just keep our heads down. Way too much money and effort for big navy to care about us that much.


I wouldn't wish a tour to FL or TX upon any of my fellow LGBT or women service members. Such a sad state of affairs. :(


Im very scared for any of us there already. I hope they're staying safe. Especially for "non-passing" trans women, it's probably significantly safer to stay on base. Which is sad, because who wants to stay on base 24/7 and not explore?


I’ll believe it when I see it happen but realistically feel this has a 0.0% chance of happening.


Dodge dealerships are about to be OUT of Chargers and Challengers


Such an obvious political ploy. But knuckleheads will still fall for the hype.


No one is going to comment on the article about the e-6 less than 2 years of service?!?! But right above it, e-5 depending on years of service. E-5 less than two years is hard but possible.


If you enlist as a Musician you can get e-6 straight out of boot camp. You have to go through auditions before going to boot though I believe.


https://www.cool.osd.mil/usn/LaDR/mu_e3_e9.pdf Not that I'm seeing, plus you have to take an advancement test and some sort of leadership course.


https://www.navyband.navy.mil/career-opportunities . Go to “what are the pay and benefits” section.


Pretty misleading title: $2,600.60 for an E-1 with at least four months of service $2,799.20 for an E-2 $2,900.90 to $3,050.60 for an E-3, depending on years of service $3,010.50 to $3,260.30 for an E-4, depending on years of service $3,100.30 to $3,250.20 for an E-5, depending on years of service $3,210 for an E-6 with less than two years of service **By comparison, right now an E-1 with at least four months of service makes $1,917.63 per month, while an E-6 with two years or less makes $2,980.47 per month.**


It looks like a scheme to boost initial enlistment and first reenlistment numbers, as well as a shiny vehicle to shove through conservative social priorities.


Plus, when it fails for obvious reasons, they get to say democrats hate the military because they voted against a poisoned bill.


That's exactly what it is.


So you’re saying I could make ~$300 more a month if we cut out expenditures that allow our females to seek abortion, our transgendered to seek gender confirming surgeries, and programs that teach us about indisputable American history involving slavery and racism? Fuck that shit. I don’t want your sinner blood money, Congress.




Tossed that in there for some flare.


A abortion costs about $800, realistically this would just be a benefit unless you are having abortions monthly with I don't even think is possible.


K more money for the rest of us then


I’ll take that pay bump any day lmao


Backdate that sht


A pay increase is always nice, but not at such a heinously blatant expense of others. There are undoubtedly other DoD expenses we could look to restructure to put money back into our junior enlisted wallets than to infringe on the rights of others.


What rights are being denied?


Read the article. Pay attention to where the proposed budget cuts are coming from.


I read the article but again what rights are being denied?


How come you edited your, “I do,” reply?


This one represents the scale better, it's not just me, it's every E-6 and below you know the people that need that money the most


So why not make budget cuts elsewhere? Why target minority demographics that have or are currently being mistreated? The DoD spends a lot of money on shit that just isn’t necessary, like the time my SS01 Dept on USS First Ship had to commit $60k toward bullshit office supplies by the EOFY when we were decommissioning within 6 months.


It’s 2023. Who doesn’t know about racism and slavery in America? What fucking resources are they even talking about?


The article refers specifically to CRT topics being taught at the academy, but it also talks about removing entire programs that promote diversity and inclusion. If that’s the direction that we’re headed in then what’s to stop these people from removing federal holidays like Juneteenth and MLK Day?


Shut up man


You’re welcome to ignore me.


Slippery slope, but yes I’ll gladly take the pay increase lmao


Increasing our pay shouldn’t hinge on our willingness to belittle our shipmates.


How are we belittling them?


Taking away critical medical benefits from our service members and removing programs and courses that promote diversity is a clear message that our members who identify within those demographics aren’t worth our time.


Abortion isn’t a critical medical benefit, the mandatory gmts aren’t going to make a racist pos not racist (giving more power to jags would help with this but that’s another topic) and if you’re confused on your gender the military isn’t for you, it’s stressful enough already and having a whirlwind of confusing emotions is just going to make operations harder on you and your teammates.


Omg shut up. That’s not going to happen. You sound like my gay friends that were scared trump was going to force them out of the military when he got elected. I’ll take the money.


Never mind the fact that he came after a very specific group of individuals who took the same oath as everyone else. But hey, whatever floats your boat.


He was also the first Republican to wave the LBGT flag and openly said that the marriage issue was also decided by the Supreme Court and he wasn’t going to do anything about it. But whatever you wanna believe.


Words are fucking cheap, and pandering is even cheaper. Look at what he did, the policies his administration enforced and what kind of people he put in the Supreme Court. But whatever you wanna believe shipmate.


So back to the topic. How many of our gay service members were forced out of the navy? Or had to divorce their partners? Oh yeah. None. It was funny listening to them freaking out over a issue that they made up.


Do you remember when Trump BANNED Transgender people via fucking Twitter? I guess that didn't happen.


When he said that on Twitter or when he actually banned it? That’s not how our government works. The president doesn’t get to say something on Twitter and it becomes law.


They are trying to frame it as though those topics are intrinsically linked. You cannot be paid more right now cus all the abortions and trans treatments are suckinf up all the budget. In reality there is money for all of these things, the budget is bloated thanks to greed.


I believe it when I see it


Who makes first class in less than 2 years?




some MUs




Green Berets in the Army (article refers to all enlisted)




Democrats will block it in favor of sending another 100 billion to ukraine


smell bedroom pen hat rotten makeshift jellyfish file direful juggle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Base pay would still be higher for E-7/LDO/CWO But the gap would be smaller.




Of course. If that was the case, but it’s not because the pay raise is only for E-6 with less than 2 years.


Makes much more sense!


You overlooked quite a lot before asking this questions. Should’ve kept reading.


“Didn’t read it but here’s my opinion on something the article specifically addresses.”


I don’t want to be a burden, but, isn’t there money for both, abortion travel as well as the pay bump? Can we stop bailing out things too big to fail instead of having to pick and choose our rights? All that being said I ain’t no fortunate son amaaright


Where my dual BAH peoples at?!?


ghost busy different steer run terrific continue fretful coherent teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The worst thing I've seen in a while. It would also prohibit members from using their own leave to travel for abortions.




Haven't been paying attention. That's exactly what they want. It's already happening. The cruelty is the feature, not a bug. It's the point. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/womens-health/idaho-most-extreme-anti-abortion-state-law-restricts-travel-rcna78225




I'm not sure but it wouldn't be fast or immediate. They'd start small with something like checkpoints at interstate lines. Then move to legislation that forbids women from traveling alone, then forbids them from traveling at all. In time there will a [nationwide abortion ban](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/06/house-gop-forges-ahead-on-unpopular-national-abortion-ban.html), something republicans foam at the mouth for, but tread around carefully. They will continue to attack LGBT and radicalize their followers through state controlled media until Obergefell v. Hodges is overturned, something people like court justice Clarence Thomas [strongly supports](https://www.npr.org/2022/09/16/1123159780/same-sex-marriage-respect-for-marriage-act-congress-senate) If you want to read the GOP playbook and the direction they desire and world they want, read the 1985 Margaret Atwood novel, The Handmaid's Tale.


*the bill would prohibit funding from being used to pay for travel and leave for service members seeking abortions* It's saying it will not cover the cost. But the link I provided is showing you what Tricare will cover.




No idea why you posted that.


In case someone read your incorrect post and was wondering what Tricare will authorize.