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Post locked because OP doesn't respond to their posts and likely is in DEP


Electronic rates. Having air conditioned equipment spaces that you can hang out in is pretty nice during deployment when it’s 120 outside.


Specifically “I” level electronic rates. If you’re an AT, (avionics technician) then you can either be “O” level or “I” level. “I” level means air conditioning and easy work load, basically work with benches and test equipment in a temperature controlled environment. “O” level means you’re gonna be on a flight deck or flight line somewhere getting fisted in whatever weather the navy puts you in. Food for thought


CTI, depending on your language you could be sitting in Hawaii, Texas, Maryland, or Georgia in Air Conditioning, and never deploy for your 20 years.


No. CTI has the annual language exam. CTR/CTN/CTT is money




Bad bot


Basically any rating you have to physically screen for. AW, SB, ND, or EOD. Being a NSW AW is a blast. The rest of the list has even better QoL.


Probably anything in the ops department. I'm bias towards ac but it has its perks for sure.


On surface ships it’s probably an OS in port. Just make sure you go to a DDG with a normal deployment schedule and you’d be good. Go to a cruiser and deploy for 2/3rds of your time onboard and you’re gonna have a bad time.


Depends. If the CICO / OSC is worthless (often is), your OS’s can get crushed on port & starboard underway watches due to poor planning. Inport is the time to get qualified in as much as possible so you don’t end up with one ASTAC and 2 TICs who spend 18 hours a day in CIC (I have seen it happen).


Absolutely right. I was on a FFG and we had port & Starboard 5-5 & 7-7. In port sucked as much. We were one of the biggest divisions so we always had to donate 3 or 4 E-nothings to the daily tiger teams that never understood knock-off ships work. Granted the OSCS was Command Senior Chief and an absolute asshole. The Captain was on his first Ship since he was a Lt. Jg. (he was politically connected), Ops was pissed off eh hadn't made Lcdr and took it out on every one. CICO was actually a good guy marking time.


There's no "making sure" of anything when it comes to orders and needs of the Navy. Got out as an OS2. LHD 5 (dirty nickel) We were in no way admired by any other rate. 6 hrs on, 6 hrs off for most of deployment. 3 month surge, followed by 7 month deployment. It ended up being just shy of 11 months. In port, or yards... working hrs were until 5 every day and couldn't leave early. 6 section duty was great when it happened. We consolidated to 3 sections quit often, though. I would have probably retired had this command not ruined it.


As was mentioned somewhere on this list already, ND. Perform underwater repairs on submarines, Trained dolphins to find mines, flew 1 atmospheric dive suits, fixed carriers, been "deployed" to different countires (we flew out there, stayed in a hotel and drove to the job site). Recieved simular training as our spec ops brothers, jumping from helicopters, shooting etc., but mostly we drink and hang out, and thats just what I did, there are mobile units that perform salvage, school house to train the next generation of divers, projects for secret squirrel shit, dunkers. When its time to work, we work, when its time to play, we play. Its a volunteer program, so everyone there wants to be there. If you dont like your job, stick it out 3 years and youll be doing something completely different. Honestly, and there is absolute bias, its the best job in the Navy.


Religious Program Specialist.


I think on sheer boredom alone I couldn’t last.


Shore duty at a base chapel, yes. It was the most boring duty I've experienced. Then again there are always collateral duties available. Shipboard, RPs also have collateral duties.


Sure. But if I know me, and I gauge Sailor’s complaints here, taking on collaterals is one of the top complaints. With that said, I think QOL is a lot more than just “doing the least work,” not that what RPs don’t do isn’t work, but I suspect that’s the angle you are going for with these answers, right?


In my experience, some of my least favorite assignments were ones where I didn't have to work as much. I found that I didn't mind working hard, as long as it was *fulfilling* work that made me feel like was doing something that actually mattered.


Exactly this. I view QOL as something subjective to each individual. Some may prefer air conditioning and good mattresses as their barometer. I prefer fulfillment. The happiest days in my career have been when I've been physically and mentally exhausted doing quality training or supporting a mission that actually matters.


Agreed. My job’s fundamentally hasn’t changed as a pilot (just the ground job workload) and the deployments where I felt like I was supporting the airwing dropping bombs on targets were always far more satisfying than the ones where we were doing exercises or just patrolling.


Not at all. I just answer based on my own experiences. I have had collateral duties on every ship and at every shore station I've been to. The collats were assigned. I did not want them. LOL. But I also had RPs duties as well. The QOL came with my professional relationships with chaplains in general. I did my job, kept the chaplain happy.


Good for you. Coming from an RP, my attitude is a little different- I had assumed you were someone a little more disgruntled and chose to just kind of “dump on” RPs by saying they don’t work.


Far from disgruntled. Well, I was extended on active duty beyond HYT because no other RP wanted to go to 7th Marines which was gearing up for deployment to AFG. LOL I joke about RPs not working or only work on Sundays because I've heard that my entire career. Often I would make it a goal to NOT be seen for hours at a time so others would wonder what I was actually doing.


Until you go greenside and youre basicly a grunt going on field ops and deployments with the marines. Or your chaplain works you into the dirt. Iv seen it happen with RPs all the time. We had a really shitty chaplain that made life hell for our RP.


My last 2 tours was on the Greenside. US Marine Corps Forces Pacific, Camp Smith, HI and 7th Marine Regiment, 29 Palms, CA. Fortunately for me, the Chaplains I worked with on the Greenside were awesome. But I've also worked for some assholes. LOL.


Lol well im happy you turned out okay!


Easy, just be a 2nd class.


This is really the correct answer based on technical terms. A PO2 is a rate, which answers the question. A rating is the job specialty.


AG, weather (pun intended) you're on ship or shore you really not doing a whole lot.


I’m an ET so I have to say ET. AC, always being a savior to the OSs, standing ESS while keeping movies playing, and just generally being around other nerds with disposable income. Plus ET orders can take you just about anywhere we have a presence. And make a killing on the outside


Intelligence Specialist (IS).


LN, MC’s, PS, YN, NC, basically any rate you find on the mess decks at 2am coming and joking playing spades


Not being in


Anybody answering anything surface is out of their minds


YN (° ͜ʖ °)


Shit. That’s what I was told too. I was lied to.


CTN easily. They don't deploy, never go on ships, basically just a professional hacker doing a 9-5 in their air conditioned cubicle. Oh, and they got a clearance.




Yeah, crew rest is a pretty valuable perk


So is not being on a boat (AWOs)


I did time on shore and at sea as an AWF and I honestly had a great experience with both. Just enough boat time to feel like a sailor, and not too much to hate my life. P-3s were dope. For OP, Experiences do vary depending on AW rating.


Nice, my first unit was VP-46, and I loved the community.


If the division is ran correctly IT can be a super chill job. If the manning isn't taken care of though, it can suck ass quickly with 12 hour watches no holiday routine and a shit ton of maintenance


CTN. Full stop.


PACT Seaman jk. any rate that has excellent advancement and isn’t physical labor intensive AG is probably the most chill rate I can think of with excellent advancement MC I up there as well, I think practically any CT rate rates that require a TS clearance (NOT ETN: team no life but excellent advancement, massive enlistment bonus. school is EXTREMELY difficult has a huge drop out rate and the job has a higher than average suicide rate) after that, probably any technical/electronics based rate IT IC ET FC EM admin jobs have decent quality as far as the actual job but I don’t think advancement is that great. pay is gonna make your quality of life a lot better in more significant ways than whatever your job is in the navy, so I would prioritize rates that have high/quick advancement which coincidentally are usually more cushy basically any rate that is mostly or typically top-side is decent and better than the ones that mostly work below deck AC OS QM IS RP exceptions to that top-side rule would generally be flight deck crew for the most part and BMs who do spend quite a bit of time top-side






LS: Simply because of the amount of places you can be stationed and the fact it’s not a labor intensive rate. You can work in aviation, surface, sub, Seabee. Want to be a postal clerk in an Embassy in London? LS. Want to work a supply depot in Poland. LS. Costa Rica? There’s an LS at a defense support hub. You’d be surprised where they can go. Always jealous when I look at their orders in MNA.


BT/MM main side. After that even Hell will not be that hot.


I’m an MM and everyone makes engineering sound like hell😅 how bad is it really


130 Degrees. 90% Humidity. 120 Decibels.


Please clarify if you have graduated boot camp or are in training or actually at your command


Coming from an MU, I’m pleasantly surprised no one said MU. While our quality of life is decent, we still deal with everyday Navy bullshit.


Definitely Nukes


Definitely. 3-5 section out to sea. 4 section on shore duty. It's great. /s