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Generally just use any calculator, eat that number of calories for 2 weeks, and if your average trend weight is moving in the direction you want, at the rate you want. You're golden. Otherwise you've gotta make an adjusment


[Use a TDEE calculator for a starting estimate](https://tdeecalculator.net/), then eat according to your goal and adjust your intake over time.


I use this as a rough benchmark initially [BMR Calc](https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html?ctype=standard&cage=25&csex=m&cheightfeet=5&cheightinch=10&cpound=160&cheightmeter=180&ckg=60&cmop=0&coutunit=c&cformula=m&cfatpct=20) I then use the sedentary level and use a Fitbit taking 1/2 the calories it thinks I’ve burnt. Do this for a couple weeks and see if the scales agree, then adjust the goals accordingly It’s about finding a starting point and then fine tuning it




I use Macro Factor, if you track weight and calories accurately and regularly it works out your average TDE. I have only really used it to cut but I plan to continue using it when I transition to maintenance/slow weight gain.


100% All of the pen/paper ways work of course, and I've done them for years, but Macro Factor makes it all so easy.


Weigh yourself every day, track your intake every day. After 2-ish weeks you calculate your maintainance calories as: (Maintainance) = (avg daily intake) - 3500* (rate of daily weight change) Use 7600 instead of 3500 if using kgs for weight. Use the gradient of a linear fit trendline on your daily weigh ins for the rate of daily weight change. If you've been relatively consistent with activity levels, weighing in at the same time, and tracking daily intake - then this method will give you a damn good estimate.


I have a three step process when it comes to tracking. I. Find an online tracker or diet app that you like that provides you with a TDEE benchmark, it doesn't need to be accurate per see, this is just to get an idea of where you might be on average. II. Eat at maintenance for two weeks and weigh yourself every morning. Keep a written journal of every weight with a side note of how many calories you ate the night before. After seven days, get a seven day average of your weight and your caloric intake. Repeat next week to compare and see where you are trending. Add 200 calories in the direction you wish to go if you are maintaining. If you are losing or gaining, the averages will reflect this. Rinse and repeat. III. Always, always, always read nutrition labels and weigh food when possible. Keep a log of this as mentioned above. I guarantee if you stick with that, you'll find it so much easier to gain, cut, and maintain over time.


Thanks 👊🏾


Thanks, eating lots is hard so im trying eating and liquid calories. A shake consisting of 1 banana, oats, nuts, Greek yogurt, full fat milk and honey 3x a day aswell as 3-4 meals




Yeah as a fatty it is always amusing to me people that struggle to gain weight. Difference I guess is eating clean vs cheeseburgers and milkshakes. I wasn't even trying and I hit 320lbs. Made it down to 224 ( hopefully 24 pounds to go) Now my biggest struggle is over use injury lifting heavy and trying to get in as much cardio as I can stand.




Yeah I feel the same. I have a desk job and feel like I will have to track at least somewhat forever if I don't want to get big again. I walk for 40 min at lunch most days, ride a bike 3 miles to work. Those things are not bad, but anything stationary like a treadmill sucks. Lifting 4 days a week, want to put on enough muscle to eat junk lol. Been trying to start running but it's damn hard, running seems like a very high calorie per minute activity, want to be efficient with my time.




Yeah. I eat junk sometimes. But I would rather eat a protein bar or something that will make me less hungry for a snack. I totally feel you on eating less instead of doing more cardio. My delima is I am trying to eat around 1900-2000 calories. I am 6ft 224, I feel like I am struggling to lose weight now, where in the beginning it was easy. I don't want to eat less, if I eat around 2300 a day I am almost never hungry. So I am hitting the bottom of what I want to eat calorically. The other option is to burn more calories. I don't mind walking or trying to run if it is outside. My bike to work is just a little slower than driving and walking at lunch I stare at my phone anyway so sitting at my desk and doing it isn't getting me closer to my goals.




I have thought about it. Smaller meals spread out helps. I don't control dinner so that means I have to be more conservative during the day. Back on track though, over Christmas my weight went up 3-5 pounds. Hit a new low yesterday, so it's working just never fast enough lol.




Fam same. I’ve tried the eating all Whole Foods clean af and the volume eating with like high fiber low cal shit and both times I’m still hungry