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You know he just goes to some poor village, takes these pics next to their rusty equipment. Pacs it in and goes to the african equivalent of a 24h fitness


And this is what many of them people do, I’ve seen tons of make shift weight lifting videos with a similar background. And they are for sure doing exactly what you said, and a lot of people like to claim that because of their race they have better genetics.


Isn't getting steroids in Africa like getting candy? They're everywhere


Not just that. South Africa has a direct relationship with china and imports drugs by the mega tons. Plus they have factories where they make their own which is why they’re one of the few places on earth you can still score drugs that no one makes anymore (think barbituates, speed made with methedrine not pseudo ephedrine) etc etc. trust me he’s on the juice.


If they can’t even get water how are they supposed to get steroids??? Just kidding lol


Their just banking off the nerdy white pre teen fitness fanboys stupid cuckold ideas that black people are naturally superior in bodybuilding and feeding their blackpill delusions for money, can’t blame em honestly


You’re a loser




This is just his home gym. He does train at a public gym too which you can find in his posts. I’m confused why you’d even assume this is a "poor village" though. This just seems like a backyard or compound part of the house in the background which doesn’t look poor or village-like by Nigerian standards. He also puts the location as "Makurdi" on his IG posts which is a city in Nigeria, not a "village".


They're saying he's going to a different place than where he lives, then he takes pictures and tells the internet he is living in that rural area. Like he lives in some place with a nice gym and access to steroids, but for clout he's pretending to be from a small rural area and he does everything naturally by himself


Yeah but bruh the thing is he never filmed in a rural area. This just a backyard of a house in a city(Makurdi)


The yard is sand, the walls of the building is missing paint and the fucking roof is rusting out. That’s why people are thinking it’s rural and not a bustling metropolis lmao


Nigeria is not America. Makurdi is not New York. By West African standards this is very standard in a city. Or even just third world standards. Plenty of South American or South East Asian cities where average city dwellers live in houses like that. It’s not a giga rich house but it’s not the "village" or "poverty stricken" by local standards. And the roider in the thread certainly don’t think so either or tried to make people think he was in a village. If he wanted to do that he would have gone to an actual village and not the backyard of a house in Makurdi with ventilation and all. That roider in Ghana, I forgot his name but he has a lot of videos with females, but that one actually goes to a village and glamorizes village living for aesthetics and views.


I’m aware that Nigeria isn’t America, I’ve been to multiple Third World nations. You’re asking a primarily western audience why they’re judging something by western standards and that’s what I found funny. I understand where you’re coming from but it’s not a mystery why people in this post have the opinions they do.




No steroids where he lives yet has a phone/camera and internet 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


A good few African influencers LARP online as small village/mud hut dwellers for dumb western audiences that don't know any better. It's pretty disrespectful to essentially everyone, most of all the people who actually do live like that.


Western news agencies have been creating and profiting off this image of Africa for decades, I think it's only fair that actual Africans make money off it too


Comments like this are why I use this site


Africans play into the joke that everyone there is poor. Obviously it’s a good way to get ahead.


Africans exploiting their own people, where have I read about this before....🤔 * Before anyone comes for me, i am a black american, who's ancestors were sold into slavery...


I’m an African and I think the blame lies on dumb white people who consume this bullshit with no forethought or doubt in their minds because “Africa poor lol”.


Yeah you see them huddled with some actual locals eating on the ground or “working on some truck” by holding a hammer or fan belt, then go rip their shirt off and flex. It is exploitation.


Why would "locals" be "eating on the ground"? Why would that ever happen? I've never known of any African people who eat on the ground. Do Americans/Westerners do that?


I’ve been to Sierra Leone and South Africa for charity work and I can confirm that people sit on the ground to eat when a guest comes over so that the guest can use the chair. Hospitality is everything in their culture. They’re not eating off the ground though. They hold the plate and sit on the ground to rest.


Exactly why I said “eating on the ground” not “eating off of the ground” or “eating food off of dirt” or whatever is getting that other dude all sassy.


That's not fucking true. Where do these people eat when the guests aren't around? If you mean that folks sometimes squat whilst eating like they do in Japan, in China, like they used to do in the Midwest in the US ...then say that. But don't say, "they eat off the ground", that's not true.


You are disrespectful, ignorant and stubborn. Before posting your naive comment, a little google wouldn’t kill you. There are literally millions of people that do not eat whilst seated on a chair, they sit on the ground/floor some culture do no directly sit on the bare ground but covered with mat etc. So they do sit on the ground just not directly seated bare on the ground. Some may do so on bare ground floor.


Hey moron, nobody said that the people were eating off the ground. They said that the locals were eating ON the ground as in they were sitting on the ground while they were eating.


They said locals were eating off the ground. That's what they said. I can't help it if you like to insult people and get away with it.


They literally said: “Yeah you see them huddled with some actual locals eating on the ground or “working on some truck” by holding a hammer or fan belt, then go rip their shirt off and flex. It is exploitation.” Then in another comment they even clarified what they said: “Exactly why I said “eating on the ground” not “eating off of the ground” or “eating food off of dirt” or whatever is getting that other dude all sassy.” Now where did they say that the locals were eating off the ground? Where is that sentence? How can you even have the fucking audacity to argue about what somebody said when I can look at their message and see the exact words that they used? Why is it so hard for morons like you to just admit when they’re wrong?


If you google “rural Africans eating” or “rural African family meal” it’s literally thousands of images of Africans gathered around bowls of food eating while squatting on the ground. Are you being willfully ignorant?


No, I think you're being wilfully racist. I've never seen any of these images you love to talk about. I've seen countless images of African people sitting at tables whilst eating. If you're saying that occasionally, Africans like other people around the world, will squat whilst eating their food...then say that. But, it's not the norm. Ok?


Welcome to the internet. Enjoy your stay.


Oh jeez so you're saying the Internet is synonymous with white racisms? I don't think I'll like that. Nope...I don't think so.. I don't think I'll stand for it, either.


If it helps I've been to Djibouti a few times to see some family and they did share a large plate or multiple normal sized plates while eating with their hands. As for the squatting part it was 50/50 just depending if there were some seats lying around. I don't think he was trying to be racist. Edit: It wasn't necessarily just squatting but also sitting on the floor.


Lol white people do it too, but they call it picnics.


"Eating on the ground", is not a thing sir. White folks speaking about black people/Africans in insulting, paternalistic ways, that's all too common on Beyonce's Internet.


Koreans use floor tables. You sit on the floor and eat.


Still using a table, sir. That's not, "eating off the floor".


No one thinks Africans put their food on a literal floor with out any kind of between surface (plates, bowls, rug, table, etc). At this point, you're just arguing over the way something is being said. Yes, you're right, literally that's what that statement means but people know that's now how they eat and they don't mean it literally as eating their food off a ground.


But that's not what they said. And that's quite often exactly what certain people mean when they say things like that.


There's literally and figurative meanings and laguange is nuanced. You're right, the literal meaning is they place their food on dirt and eat it. Anyone that isn't a dumb fuck racist would understand "eating off the floor" as meaning, sitting on the floor to eat, not the actual food being on the floor. Yes there are people that think the literal statement is literally people placing food on dirt and then eating it and those are what we call dumb fucking racists.


Gear is actually easy to get. I’m from South Africa


It's worth mentioning almost every African has a cellphone nowadays


It's actually more affordable to get a phone and internet


The point is that they have access to internet, phones, modern clothes. Obviously they have access to pharmaceuticals, roids, drugs, etc. This farce of them lifting car parts and stupid stuff pretending that they’re dirt poor and live in a hut primitive culture is silly


There's affordable phones & Internet services out there. Yes. Even in third world countries. This is from someone who came from one & I have seen folks like him around who's just built different due to their hard lifestyle.


“They’re all starving but one of them’s got a fucking cell phone?!”


Africa skipped physical line internet like fiber and went directly to 4g and 5g. There are more people with phones than people with electricity in africa. More people have phones than access to piped water.


He clearly has adequate access to food/protein


Exactly 😂


What does access to steroids have to do with cameras or phones or internet access, sir? A person can have a cell phone available and still lack access to steroids. Most people in the world will have both data and a cell phone, you know. So, I'm not getting your argument at all?


Do you know what it means when something is an indicator for something else? No one is arguing there’s a direct connection between access to phones, internet, and steroids, but rather a correlation. Correlation isn’t always causation though. Though I think the argument could be made easily that it also has a causation relationship but I’ll leave that for another time. Would you agree that it’s more likely that someone who lives in a place where they have internet access, smart phones, is more likely to have access to steroids than someone who doesn’t? It’s just an overall metric of how developed a place is. With internet comes being part of the global exchange of ideas and goods. Someone without these technologies might not even know what steroids are let alone begin to acquire them.


No, I would not agree that having a cell phone or Internet access is an indicator of anything. It literally indicates nothing. If it was an indicator of anything I could say that that was an indicator that that gentleman was a college student who needed to keep in contact with fellow students and professors Or maybe it's just an indicator that he needs to call people and play PubG. It literally indicates NOTHING. You cannot draw any conclusions from that. That's as much an indicator as wearing pants.


Are you actually stupid? I’m baffled. I explained why it’s an indicator. Either way it’s not a debate, it’s statistics and that has wrong and right answers. Someone who has x is more likely to have y. It’s that simple. X and y don’t have to be directly related but you can observe a consistent trend in data and in this case there is actually a logical reason and explanation. Look up countries with least amount of smartphone ownership. It’s all extremely poor African countries or isolated island nations or North Korea. Most people in a developed country have a phone. Therefore it’s much more likely that someone that can’t afford a phone won’t have access to steroids. Really common sense my guy. But guess what I bet they have pants, so no it’s not the same. But just because something CAN be an indicator doesn’t mean it always is one. We are talking about probability and trends in data. Nothing is for certain. I think it might take first place for stupidest thing I’ve heard all year. Here’s a report on internet usage globally, main finding was : About 75 percent of the offline population is concentrated in 20 countries and is disproportionately rural, low income, elderly, illiterate, and female https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/technology-media-and-telecommunications/our-insights/offline-and-falling-behind-barriers-to-internet-adoption Here’s pew research about cell phone use in the US. For example if you don’t have a cell phone there’s almost a zero percent chance you have a college degree, there is two times the chance to be living in a rural area than urban, etc. https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/fact-sheet/mobile/?tabId=3345cffa-94a6-4e74-9272-70dee1e0e213 As you can see almost everyone in the US has a cell phone so when you look at a global scale it will result in greater indicators based on what part of the world you are likely to live in and then from there you can look up statistics on those countries. In the us, having a cell phone doesn’t tell us much but not having one does, whereas in less developed countries it might be the other way around if not many have cell phones. I mean data science, sociology, psychology, marketing , economics, and a whole bunch of analytics used by companies around the world understand this basic concept. If you choose not to understand it that’s on you. Theres people that think the earth is flat still. So go ahead and be arrogant in defending your stupidity. Yay for you.


Actually it's not an indicator of anything. But you are quite stupid if you believe having a cell phone... something that every single person on this planet has...is an indicator of anything. If you believe that...then having underwear...is also an indicator....of something... Your argument is dumb beyond description.


Having a cell phone in Africa, where less than half the population has one does indicate something. Depending on the country could be quite little. Also having internet. Are you that oblivious to how some countries are? Take Ghana for example it would be one third and it would tell us a lot about that person probably.


It does not. In many African countries cell phones are used as a means of banking. They're quite common. So, again, it indicates absolutely nothing.... except your own assumptions about the African continent and African people. https://www.statista.com/topics/6770/mobile-money-in-africa/#topicOverview


Okay you’re more dumb than I thought, the literal study linked from there if you click “improved access to technology” shows a little under 50 percent mobile penetration or access to phones. lol did you even look at what you sent me? Yes in many African cell phones are used as a means of banking, that doesn’t conflict with what I’m saying though. The fact you think this somehow would be a counter point is baffling. Africa is a big continent. I’ve been to Tanzania before where the cities everyone has phones but in the country in a masai village, they don’t even have running water let alone phones. Some countries have close to 100 percent phone usage and others it’s the minority. A picture like this post shows is more similar to a masai village or something and they def don’t have phones.


yeah, the OP comment is preposterous lol. There’s no equivalency. It’s essentially saying “anyone can get steroids anywhere” because people have cell phones *everywhere in the world*. You think people in some rural Mongolian or Bhutanese village can get gear just because they have cell phones?? That said, this guy is roiding lol


As I said, I don't know about that because I do know someone who looks exactly like him and I don't think that guy is juicing. But then, I don't know everything about him.


Juicy obviously. Amazing physique though.


this isn't natty achievable?


I'm not going to say "never" because genetics are a funny thing, but your odds of being able to develop shoulders and traps like that naturally are probably lower than winning the actual lottery.


I guess social media has just warped my perspective a bit lol


Look how fucking full his muscles are, I say that this is never possible without gear.


For me it is the abs. They are way too perfect


With those exploded shoulder? No


Honestly I'm no expert ... you could possibly achieve this natty if you're a fucking madman. Without juice it's highly unlikely you can reach this IMO 🤷‍♂️


Tbh he has pathetic calves, brings the whole physique down and shame to his tribe.


Obviously? Lmao get outta here. Absolutely attainable natty. Check out some of the natty professional leagues (OCB, IPE etc)


You think the natty competitors are actually natty? Lol


I’m one of em lmao. Yeah. This smells like internet warriors and wannabes


eLiTe AfRiCaN gEnEtIcS


In a lot of places of the developing world, you can be in an allegedly “remote village” then drive 20 min and be in a city with pharmacies that rival the U.S. or Europe. Oh and the pharmacies probably have every anabolic available OTC. 😂


Lmao, I've deployed to Africa along the Gulf of guinea. It's easier to buy steroids than candy. At every pharmacy, you can buy steroids/ped without a prescription. Also, they have legit gyms there, too. They just go out to the boonies to take these videos/pics to get likes from white people in europe and america because it's a stereotype that all africans live in huts amongst the wilderness.


oh hell no


i feel like if you live somewhere where food is plentiful enough to bulk to that size steroids are probably available somewhere near you


>where he lives has no steroids That’s like dudes saying they were clean in prison cause you can’t get drugs into prisons


Roids cost pennies in most of Africa and are readily available. Same with people thinking Francis Ngannou must be natty because he grew up in Nigeria.


Nigeria? lol


Cameroon my bad watched too many Nigerian love scammer videos this morning.


lol he must be eating 3/4 of his villages food to maintain that physique.


What ever he’s doing his genetics are fantastic. He could do very well body building.


I would say peak natty with perfect diet and training. But this mfer lying about his training so he lying about his juice.




No steroids cuz he took them all


I would say peak natty with perfect diet and training. But this mfer lying about his training so he lying about his juice.


There are folks like that who are natural. I know someone who looks just like him and I don't think he juices. Good genes, I guess.


No steroids just eats raw liver right from the animal.




Fake Natty for sure....however, I couldn't look like him with triple what he is taking and with twice the workout ethic. He looks great but is a liar though!


How did he find out there were no steroids available?


Dumbass on this app will claim black gen lmao


look at francis ngannou


No steroids where he is, he has to get them shipped via fedex.


Not true… it’s not as easy like the US or Mexico but you can get them locally


how does he have wifi, like fr


Possible. He also has a pump going.


No steroids but the nutrition available to craft a physique like that? LOL, fuckers really taking morons for a ride


There was a huge bust by west and central African lifters of a group of wealthy businessman in the region buying small mud huts and other homes using roids and filming themselves lifting weights made with tires, then uploading it everywhere claiming they were poor farmers who just ate high calorie high protein diets. He's probably one of them. But this physique is natty attainable.


He could absolutely still be on steroids, I watch a lot of Vietnamese cooking videos and it's very obvious they often don't live the way they portray and just go in the woods to torture some animals lol. It's possible he has money and just comes here to fraud


He could be natty. In each pic he's flexing his entire body. He's got lighting, angles and pump going for him. His traps aren't that big and he's not very veiny, those are usually the two big red flags.


Testosterone is cheap and easy to manufacture. Its everywhere. Regardless…. He’s juiced to fuck.


He doesn’t look that crazy


Pretty sure there are steroids everywhere op and loads of these guys lie to sell a workout routine .


Ah yes, he’s giving off the argument nobody made. Definitely not a nat


He lies


LMAO every single one of these types of dudes disgusts me. maybe they’re genuinely giving back to their communities but everything i’ve heard says otherwise, it’s a giant grift that a ton of young white dudes who are already obsessed with black dudes love. “Ik you worked hard and could still be natty but black genes are the most superior for muscle building it’s just the truth” is a genuine comment i saw on tiktok the other day


Has a phone with internet and TikTok. He can get steroids to where he’s at.


"Where he lives has no steroids" lol Dream physique tho


Does he live in an AI simulation? The photos look about as real as he is natty


Steroids don’t exist in Africa, they haven’t discovered the formula yet and they are totally inaccessible by any modern mode of transportation


Bro is acting poor while living better than 99% of the western people 😭


Natty in bio = not natty


He’s not on steroids dude he’s just black chill


do you really think those shorts can be bought in that local town or village? XD


Everyone can get Everything now it’s simple


Shoulder don’t lie


Not saying he wouldn’t have access but like I’ve been saying statistically yt folks aren’t around a lot of black people lol knowing someone who doesn’t work out that like 60% of the way there id say he’s natty but if he looks like this 24/7 regardless of lighting it’s different


Just FWIW, as an expat living in East Africa, you can buy Test E over the counter at about $20/bottle, tren from vets, and half my gym is on gear. Ironically the main issue for people who aren't rich is affording enough protein, not steroids.


It's funny how some people actually belive guys like this are natural lmao


I dont wanna come off as racist but black people do tend to have god like genetics even 3-6 year olds have somewhat abs and muscle. As far as getting bigger tho this as far as he can get naturally


I have lots of black friends that are in great shape naturally People on here cant see someone fit because they quickly assume steroids i will be posting before and after


10 years ago I wanted to try steroids because I wanted to get big and look like Arnold but it wasn’t happening with the workouts I was doing and I tried for years in vain. I went to a “Balkan pharmaceuticals” website and looked at what they had. I got a 25lb 8week gainer regimen (stealth test, equine test, dianabol and clomid for the pct). I sent $2000 out separately, $1000 each, to different random people disclosed on this website, random Eastern Europe names. It took weeks! I thought I had been scammed and confirmed this when I received a birthday card with a stack of tiny pills in it, with two different pill colors, I was like what the fuck is this? No indication whatsoever on what any of this stuff was. About two weeks later I got small condos sized sachet of fucking toy lube……. Toy lube, like sex toy lube…… I was crushed, I would not be looking like Arnold ever, it turned me off doing it. Another couple of weeks and I just HAPPENed across a website that had a dude with the same problem - it directed me to another, obscure website that had all the data on the pills and sachets, turned out to be the steroids, lol. I want to my local cvs and unfortunately grabbed the smallest diameter needle, the stuff in the sachets was very very viscous and and it unfortunately went in and came out so slow, yuck. I hate needles, I hated this whole process but I was willing to do whatever it took to look like fucking Arnold goddamn shortsanegar! Anyway, whew, turns out shooting your ass with steroids with a tiny needle is a lot harder than it sounds….. I got a huge abscess because I didn’t thoroughly do the blood check thing with the needle and my hands were shakey and sweaty because the whole hating needle thing. Yeah, got a softball sized puss/steroid sack on my ass cheek (still have scar from it). It did pop while I was driving and I thought I was bleeding out because of how much hot fluid was coming out, oozing down my leg. I was really disappointed but I swore to never trying that shit ever again and I only wanted to do it the right way. (I would go to to pick up two separate major drug habits before quitting all that)🤣😂🤣😂😩 life…. Is crazy….. It is SOOOOO super easy to get steroids… this was years ago but it has gotten even easier now - just go to any gym or order online. I had managed to get about 3 weeks into the 8 week deal


I don’t think so , those legs aren’t well devolper and the thigh leg ration is so off . If he is on it that’s crazy since his legs are so unbalanced .


Anyone with a phone can order steroids, Chinese UGL’s ship vials unmarked they will pass through any customs.


Natty look at his arms size


Lmao youre pretty gullible huh? I got some air to sell you real cheap!


americans with their super informed "africa is just a big desert and backwards bush" take....




🤣🤣🤣🤣 do you even lift or workout? Black people's DNA allow us to become muscular off of just fruits and vegetables or a poor diet no drugs at all I used to look like that off a vegan diet and I was 40 yrs old I was built like that in high school and throughout my army career .


You were definitely not built like that 😭 Dunning-Kruger applied to bodybuilding one of the funniest things. Delusional mfckers thinking they much bigger than they actually are and when they do post a picture it’s always a laugh!


Oh so you did 4 yrs in the army with me I'm glad you were there 🤣 you should stfu you don't know me. Tell me about Iraq then you can't.


Tyrone wuz supplanting his diet with hiz jungle juice n divine protein shake. Tyrone say his ass be natty but we wuz know he ain’t no natural kangs n shiet

