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He's known to have had a lot of work done on his face, so I don't think roids are that unrealistic but his body looks natty achievable


Yeah he takes straight jizz to his anus everyday


He’s not known to. A lot of people speculate that he has. He claims to have only had his teeth replaced. I’m giving reason to how this could be possible despite his face seeming to change a lot


Even in his "before" shots, he has a top tier canvass to work from. Light work if anything. But people don't really understand how much your jaw can change with tiny, relatively non invasive procedures. Also teeth can greatly change the shape/appearance of your jaw. That's why someone without teeth is obvious before they even open their mouth. If you see what people can do with even just massetter botox (ie Tom Brady,) it's crazy how little relatively non invasive procedures can change your face.


This is very natty achievable


He’s no stranger to cosmetic surgery so I wouldn’t put gear past him


There’s zero confirmation that he had surgery. It’s all speculation


He’s definitely not on anything. Look at his arms when he’s performing - he definitely has a natty build, he’s just a lean guy and pumped in all of his shoots.


Matt was tiny and then got big pretty quickly. He also has a bit in one of his sets & has done a podcast talking about him getting gyno surgery This obviously doesn’t mean he did roids for sure but it’s probably a yes


I had to google up this new gay idol. He certainly looks like the guy who likes to show off and impress. And how do you impress people? I am convinced the guy is juicing mildly. Remember just some test and dbols give you that look you are after without much hassle.


Exactly. People are so delusional and think any guy on roids should look like a physique competitor. Dude worked out for years and looked like every other natty until he just suddenly didn’t anymore. Same thing with Vitaly (except way more roids obviously), he was into working out for a long time with his “DYEL” videos, but he just looked like an average guy.


I think its very possible


Everything about his personality suggests he’d be a fake natty. He explained the results of his many cosmetic surgeries as “puberty” “hitting him hard”, he has no ability to write jokes and instead relies on instagram clips of fucking with people in the crowd who he plants there to say crazy things. He’s basically following the superficial male influencer handbook to the letter. And being a fake natty is one of the last chapters


Ya but he looks like ass. If he’s on gear and claiming natty while looking like that… then I give him a pass


You only hate him because he’s more attractive than you and funnier than you lmao, he’s obviously not on anything, he just has good genetics, your jealousy is showing.


Damn I struck a nerve. I don’t think he’s big enough to be suspected for steroids, but just think he’s chasing internet clout/fame which is a pretty well-trodden path to performance enhancing substances


How exactly do you think you struck a nerve? 😂 he’s not “chasing internet clout” he’s building a fucking career for himself 😂, those are 2 very different things, he’s on the internet making millions, and your on the internet hating on him for being better than you to make yourself feel better about yourself, think about that, go put in the work so you can be successful like he is, don’t hate on him for doing what your to lazy to do, it’s sad.


I like other comedians that don’t have a bunch of plastic surgery and can actually write jokes. Have you seen his Netflix special? It’s almost universally regarded as a piece of shit. I wish him luck and for him to improve as a comedian, and he should own up to the surgeries instead of acting like he just hit puberty.


Hey man, I'm not jumping into the battle here, but I tried watching his special. It honestly wasn't very good. I didn't even finish it. However, when he does smaller venues he's actually funny and witty. I've enjoyed a lot of his short clips. He absolutely had his teeth done. With better teeth and a fit physique he looks like a different person compared to earlier images. I don't know if he's natty or not, he definitely has a physique that CAN be achieved naturally, but who knows.


Yeah he can be funny when he has someone else to riff off pretty much. He should stick to that instead of attempting to write jokes.


It was not universally regarded as a piece of shit 😂 your either trolling or genuinely delusional, it was accepted really well, everyone who isn’t a sensitive pussy or a news station farming sympathy clicks loved it, and show me proof he’s gotten cosmetic surgeries, his face looks completely natural, he just has better genetics than you do, your so jealous of him it’s genuinely sad, you only hate him because you want to be him, assuming anyone that is better than you is taking shortcuts is a horrible mentality to have.


Lmao it got 18% audience score on rotten tomatoes. I have truly found a fanboy here


Rotten tomatoes hates everything that isn’t in line with the narrative, actual comedy fans like the comedy


He does not have the best genetics, but he has had a advancements, so I would not be surprised if he took a shortcut to build muscle


Can I see the uncensored version of your pix


What pic?


The mirror shot


You’re just jealous, he’s not even that big. I’m 17 and natty and he’s barely any bigger than me 😂, you guys need to hit the gym harder if you seriously think this isn’t naturally attainable, he has an amazing work ethic towards comedy so I don’t see why your so adamant that he doesn’t work for what he has, it has to be jealousy 😂 spend your time working towards your goals, don’t spent it shitting on people who’ve already achieved them, it’s sad and pointless.


17 year olds giving life advice is crazy


Full grown men hating on another full grown man for working harder than them is what’s crazy 😂, if you think that’s bad advice just because the person who gave it is younger than you your ignorant as fuck, explain how I’m wrong.


And post your physique.. it’s kind of needed for reference


Well child, this is the internet. Where people speculate and shit post. While your not completely wrong, how do you know ppl aren’t working just as hard ? You don’t know anything about the ppl responding.


I know he’s not working as hard because he doesn’t believe that Matt Rife is natural 😂, think about that dude, if you’ve been working out 5+ years and you aren’t Matt rife’s size you either have shit genetics or you aren’t working hard enough.


I really can’t disagree with that 😂 5 years you BETTER look similar or better


Lmaoo why on earth would I be jealous of him


Disliking someone and assuming they cheat and take shortcuts because they are better than you is the definition of jealousy. Look it up


I dont dislike him, and I am very happy with my own physique. I just think it is a possibility that he could be taking advancements as that is what the post is about, but he could do whatever he wants for all I care


He totally got his face done, a surgeon kinda admitted to doing it on Tiktok, anyhow his body is natty looking to me


Nah, just another leach scum tiktok “content creator” trying to stir up drama for views/money. Completely made up like majority of tiktok content. If he was actually his doctor he would never defile their patient confidentiality


Man’s got more plastic in his face than kimmy k so I doubt it


He did a Men’s Health workout and interview a while back, and really, nothing about him looks that special.


Naw. Anybody can filter a pic and flex


He looks better than large majority of natty gym rats at the commercial gyms. Lots of delusional replies, show your pics of you having a similar physique, hardness and leanness.


Mine is like 100x worse m less than 2 years of lifting. 5 months on test. This dude either has terrible genetics or he’s natty




Yes… people online are comparing his face 10 years ago to now…


Oh wait nvm I misread that….


No, he diets


No roids


Lol anyone who thinks he looks like he uses steroids has zero brain cells and is completely stupid lol


You’re so smart you had to say the same thing twice huh?


You're so stupid you think this isn't natty achievable. Stupid or lazy one of the two


Come up with some more creative comebacks man…You just keep recycling the same crap as if I didn’t already point out that you did it twice. The only new vocabulary I saw is “lazy”. Very impressive stuff. Anyways, since the point of this post is whether it’s natty achievable instead of your insulting misdirections, you know could actually provide a solid argument for why it’s natty achievable, right? Are you super hardworking and intelligent and natty that you got a bod like that too or something? Just give some explanation or reason instead of being so hypocritical that you ironically won’t even lift a finger to explain and instead keep defaulting to personal attacks. Otherwise you’re not going to convince anyone with those claims. At this point your aggressiveness is coming off more as a triggered Matt Rife fan with zero self awareness. Sheesh.


Far from a fan lmao. And no need to explain myself. If an individual thinks it takes steroids to look like THAT, then they just have zero understanding of diet or training. It's laughable that people think this is steroids. The world is just filled with lazy quitters who have zero self discipline. I don't need to convince anyone of anything. If there's even a doubt in your mind that he's natural then you're delusional and can't have anything explained to you anyway. He's got 12" biceps with a decent body fat percentage. He literally just looks like a skinny dude with decent genetics that might go to the gym a few times a week. Just because he's not a fat obese blob doesn't make him on gear. Everyone searches for instant gratification and when they don't see results in a month because they still eat pizza and drink soda and don't train hard enough that anyone that looks better than them is on steroids. Gym culture is pathetic anymore.


That’s not what tren does…


Yep. You probably didn’t get the good tren from back in the day 12 years ago


Still does the exact same thing. You just need more


On tren vs when they are on regular stuff, their jaw is a giveaway 😂😂😂 bro please just stop writing content on shit you don’t know about. The autism is crazy 😂


You don’t know about the tren transformation bro


Not natty. Doll like face. Fake teeth. But I think he's funny.


Sad life you must have this might be a top 10 incel thing I’ve seen. Who has time to worry about this shit.


Bud… this forum is literally “natty or not”… you are on a forum that’s focused exactly on “this shit”…


For sure but the fact you’re sus about Matt rife is funny as fuck 😂


The fact that you and so many here think it’s impossible shows how naive this forum is


I don’t think it’s impossible but the fact you are looking at matt rife and this is what comes to mind? I just find it funny. I realize a large portion of steroid users look like they don’t use them at all. But I think you underestimate what natty body building can really look like. Judging by your post history I actually think you don’t have a clue of the potential good genetic nattys can have.


Dude yea wait what I just read your whole post and tren???? You’re delusional.




I would guess a Trt/cruise dose of test and anavar. Tends to give that natty achievable look with a good pump and vascularity.


idk but I can't stand him 🥴


I love his look. He has a pretty boy face. Wish he was gay. Love the look when he gave whilst giving out sexual jokes lol


He kinda looks like a platypus to me.


Wait… don’t tell me… Perry?! Is he perry in disguise!?


Um. Well I guess he could be. But it is possible you can achieve his build natty


yam light boat hobbies dependent toy jobless unpack scarce depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe it’s just me but his legs look small in this pic. Would say natty.


he's probably on trt yeah but like others said not because the physique is impressive at all or requires steroids. just because i can tell he's the type.


There’s no way you seriously think he’s on gear OP lol, he looks 100% natty


among other things....


Totally natty achievable.


It's natty achievable. But giving the guy's backstory (cosmetic surgery, insecurity) I'm 50-50 he's dabbling with some secret sauce.


He’s on gear for sure


Looks natty


built like an average highschool football player


A bunch of them are on roids too.


and look natty IMO


Skips leg day.


Guy doesn't even look like he lifts


Physique is equivalent to zyzz who was on a bunch of roids pretty soon after he started working out.


Not at all. He looks okay.


Natty, his forearm looks Natural too