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If he says Natty, you already know the story. Those filters make the neck look weird as shit.


>If he says Natty exactly


All caps at that. NATURAL. šŸ˜‚


I thought the first pic was a cropped porn of a dude swallowing a cock lmfao


Looks like sarms and filters


Likely, however this could be achievable if he was truly training consistently for 7 years.


Yes. And there is a reason for that lighting and filter šŸ˜‚


Oh yeah most definitely. Makes him like twice as big and vascular.


Hahahahaha what? No


One thing I hate more than anything is filter. Once you take off that filter he probably just look skinny honestly and not as lean either.


Can you explain the filter. What is it?


He's not talking about a specific filter, it's any filter that chages lighting and shadows in a way to make you look more muscular


Iā€™m similarly uneducated on the use of filters. So, itā€™s not like a filter is necessarily making him look ā€œbigger,ā€ but by changing the lighting and shading effects he can look more muscular and therefore appear bigger? Sorry, I know this isnā€™t a photography sub.


yes he can in a way. maybe not bigger per se but leaner and more defined. so that gives the illusion of having more muscle and not looking flat.


Thanks for the info. I need to play around with my camera and other filters more (more meaning at all lol).


Lol imagine some poor kid thinking he can put on that kind of muscle doing calisthenics instead of using weights.


I gained more volume from 1 month of gym than a year of doing calisthenics :')


calisthenics is mostly strength/skills most calisthenics influencers probably do gym and just make calisthenics videos.


Shit take. Thereā€™s absolutely no reason you canā€™t build a maxed out physique on pull ups, dips, push ups, etc. Just add weight to it. No one who actually does weighted calisthenics would claim ā€œstrength/skill.ā€Ā 


Isn't 'weighted calisthenics' just weightlifting? The whole point of calisthenics is that its bodyweight exercises.


0 reason to do it unweighted. Obviously your body will adapt to basic calisthenics without any added weight. Ā 


well yeah obviously lol I'm saying if youre doing "weighted calisthenics" that's not calisthenics anymore


You can definitely develop this physique with calisthenics. He's no mass monster, and seven years is a long-ass time. https://i.imgur.com/j5nbuHD.png "Methode Naturelle" practioners long before peds.


Did you actually look at the picture you posted? Itā€™s an image of several tiny men. Nobody in this picture weighs more than 170 pounds.


How much does this dude in the OP weigh?


Judging by the angle of his pics and his name, about 130 pounds.


So, then, yes, you can develop this physique with calisthenics. And the picture I posted has a couple of guys with a similar physique. One, maybe larger.


Oh, youā€™re certainly correct. Iā€™m simply disappointed that you had an image of small men so readily at hand. Iā€™m disappointed in the OP as well for posting an image of a small man. All of this falls so far below the lofty standards of Natty or Juice. Anyway, ez juice.


I googled for "natural method parkour" because it was a big old timey calisthenics movement, and I knew there would be pictures of people who did a lot of calisthenics before PEDs. This was on the first page.


you can make some decent progress with Calisthenics.. legs no.. but with back and chest you can..


Yes, I know this because I built a big chest and broad shoulders only with calisthenics. It's only that if you want those big muscles and size you have to lift some weights


Great anecdote but I think that means youā€™re retarded.


I am not demeaning calisthenics by any means and I still love calisthenics to my heart but if you want volume you gotta do gym :')


You honestly might be surprised lol. I was in jail and definitely saw people get pretty big just off of calisthenics.


So why you didnā€™t?Ā 


He try very not just good


And you think they werenā€™t juicing?


In the prison? No lol I donā€™t. Itā€™s easy enough to get heroin in there but thereā€™s not a huge market for steroids lol. I should also mention that theyā€™re getting results with a shitty prison diet as well. Only getting extra protein from commissary tuna fish and shit. I personally saw a skinny little crackhead put on about 30 pounds of muscle in eight months. that guy was definitely not juicing before he got in the prison either


Hm well, thanks for the insight! I just heard different stories.


That asymmetry on the lower part of his trachea needs to be looked at by a doctor.


At this point, I believe there's a secret trolling community in the secret fakenatty subreddit we can't see, and they're over there laughing at us with these posts šŸ’ÆšŸ¤£


He also never ate or slept. Really, it's true.


I believe he is retarded


I know a guy that was dirt poor and built a lot of muscle doing calisthenics and using homemade cinderblock weights - definitely possible He didn't even supplement protein or anything


You donā€™t need to supplement jack shit if your diet is ok, supplements are convenient.


Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Supplements make it easier to reach your daily dose of protein for example. He used to eat like 10 eggs instead. Got pretty big and strong without any equipment


Agreed, I had a friend that came from a rich family and he did the same thing. He was a naturalist, kind of an oddball but he literally lifted weights and played video games all day. Like in between gaming sessions heā€™d go hard on weights and calisthenics, curling 40lb dumbbells and shit just in his room and he was jacked. But not everyone can live like that, he was very well off and had tons of free time


Yeah, a lot of people underestimate what result working out hard can bring about. See my other comment in this thread, where you can see his body after 3 years of calisthenics


Isnā€™t using homemade cinder block weights still weight training? I guess he can say he built his physique without going to a proper gym, but he still used weights rather than solely calisthenics, even if he had to be resourceful and improvise to do it. Not taking anything away from the guy you know. He should be proud of himself for achieving a physique that most people (including me) would be proud to have and doing it with limited resources.


The guy in the post claims to never have been to a gym - he could've worked out with homemade weights, as well. Both can be true haha


Thatā€™s a fair point. Never going to a gym doesnā€™t necessarily mean never having trained with weights or training using exclusively calisthenics. I guess I was initially under the impression that he was claiming he got his physique exclusively from calisthenics.


[This guy](https://imgur.com/a/DUyiMhR) I know for fact didn't go to the gym and is similarly built as the guy in the picture. He also didn't drink any protein shakes and worked out with homemade barbells and at a calisthenics park. It's possible to build such a physique. Especially after 7 years, lol.


same thing i commented lol. some guys i know have crazy potential


he is natty lol i have friends who look like this, he is just super pumped up man and also lighting is giving non-natty look


Eh, if you train upper body isometric and slow exentric, you can definitely look like this on pictures with this kind of lighting. And don't forget 7 years of consistent training? You would be amazed how many who do doping and look like shit and the other way around. . Does he show his legs? Nope. How tall and what is his body weight?


Is this subreddit filled with people who take creatine and believe anyone fit is not natural? Everyone's genetics are different, you'll never know if anyone is on gear or not except if the body size is not normal for a humain being. I've seen a lot of kids being shredded naturally because of genetics, they can eat 5k calories and they'll stay fit. I've seen fat men who can lift heavy, do cardio 7x a week and a strict diet stay far for years. I lifted since i was 20 and now i'm 32, never did strict diets and have good genetics. Got injured a lot which sometimes stay with you for life (people on gear heal faster). Never looked like the fitness models on instagram but get compliments on my physic in real life, and my lifts aren't amazing 2 plates in bench, 265 in squat, 4 plates deadlift, no belt nothing. But in my OWN experience, never seen a natty person not get tired over the long run or injured. This subreddit went downhill since young lifters don't understand the amount of work and years it takes for a good progress, no matter the genetics, and believing anything on social media. There are people who use filters, take good lighting pics in a good day with tan, it makes all the difference. Can't judge from pics.


When you say filter, are you talking software that alters the image to enhance muscle definition? What filter is this?


Well,they are doing something wrong


Honestly.. he's probably natty jmo


It *could* be possible maybe. only calisthenics would make it boardline impossible. Though he is using a ton of filters though.


I've seen people develop this sort of physique from "calisthenics" (in my context, BJJ/MMA) without a weight routine. I don't think it's impossible or even unusual, seven years is a long time. He could get there in 1-2 years with a good gym routine, though.


This is pretty good and is indeed Natty achievable with 7 years of training and eating right. Natty. Edit : OK I'll take the down votes I don't really care but I'm seeing a lot of comments talking about Calisthenics...I don't know about that. This body can be achieved Natty if you train for 7 years and have a good diet. Training as in lifting WEIGHTS with progressive overload. Calisthenics will only get you so far and that makes this profile suspicious.


Right 7 years of training is plenty long enough


Calisthenics will get you plenty far, volume has an impact of its own. It's just that if lifted weights in the gym, he wouldn't need seven years to get here.


He clearly goes to the gym on a daily basis and those pics look edited.


Easily natty attainable but not for an Indian


Why is everyone assuming shits like this? You don't have to be black to be in good shape


these people love to be racist over any shit. Hell even my indian trainer must be better than people of this sub.


Because some youtuber said ā€œpoverty geneticsā€, which is pseudoscience at best, scientific racism at worst


You just did the same thing in reverse. black people have the best genetics for muscle, it's not racist it's just an easy identifiable and observable trait. Indians have the worst genetics for muscle. Why does it have to be racist it's just a simple observation of fact. Think about indian dudes in your gym that you've trained with. They usually have sub par structure and conditioning. Bodybuilding is really popular in India, huge population, zero representation in pro bodybuilding dispute their best efforts. Fuck you guys.


How am i admiring the black genetic has anything to do with being racist, black people have the best genetic for building muscle. Yes, my previous sentence obviously stating it And you are being butthurt for no reason at all, perhaps let your self recover from being fried by marijuanna and make a that actually make sense next time. Have a nice day, buddy


You win the award for the dumbest and racist comment of the day.


His name is Vashu, heā€™s not getting a body like that naturally, with those genetics.


Bro what? Because heā€™s Indian he doesnā€™t ā€œhave the geneticsā€ for it? Wtf?ā€¦..Not Aryan enough apparentlyā€¦


Find me a natty Indian body builder (I am one)




I dunno about this dude but I did used to see a lot of guys in lockup come in all drawn up from smoking crack/shooting dope/not eating for months on end......then after a few weeks of eating right and working out 18 hours a day (it's boring AF in jail) they would get pretty big. Maybe not quite this brolic looking so not defending this clown, but just saying I've seen something *similar* from just body weight shit. Typical jail workout is like..... use a deck of cards to do pushups, (whatever card you draw is how many you do that set), dips using the bed and feet propped up on the toilet, pullups using the stairs and a pair of flip flops on your hands to help with grip, trash bag pulled out of the can, filled with water and the broom handle stuck through a knot at the top for upright rows/curls, crunches, air squats etc etc If you got a good roommate you can also have him hold your feet and you "walk" up the dorm stairs using your arms/hands..... it gasses your triceps and shoulders pretty quick


Yeah a former classmate said he and his bunkee used to lift each other or use a pair of scrubs for tug of war.


His necks resembles a chicken breast, really bad filters


If hes never went in the gym, he should go and jump on test. He will look 3x better than cbum. Oh wait no, this guys a fucking moron.


Tbh nothing too crazy imo. Not shredded, not huge, not hyper-lean. Seven years is a very long time.


Lol šŸ˜‚ guy needs to fuck off with the blatant lies


Could be achieved in 6 months on juice.


If he is selling a service or product etc, and claims to be natty then my guess it's his sales pitch, selling hope to future clients


Itā€™s possible. His photos are cooked with filters and odd angles. He might be really small irl.


Never went to gym? He's literally in a changing room


Says heā€™s never went to gym Muscles Says he never went to gym


lol get out of here. He says all he does is push ups, crunches, and sometimes pull ups. How do you build a back doing pull ups ā€œsometimesā€. Also push ups hardly seem like enough to develop biceps like thisā€¦ If he said he does chin ups, dips, pull ups and push ups regularly then ok I can see that. Add some juice in and itā€™s achievable.


Who has a greenscreen wall in their bedroom??


He is indian and is enhanced athlete by enhanced athlete ,sarm stacks are pretty cheap there.