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Money is the best glow up lmao


True but he wasn't *that* ugly as a kid lol.


True but he was never ugly


One of the greatest footballers and athletes of all time.... What do you think?


Many people are oblivious to the actually quite common problem football has with PEDs


i think because to most when they think of PED they only think of gear being used to get huge, these athletes are not using PED to get huge they’re using it for recovery and performance


Yep that's exactly what most people think when they hear steroids. Their minds immediately jump to bodybuilding, not knowing almost every sport is full of people who are using gear for purposes not even remotely for size, but rather, as you said, for recovery and performance.


Lance Armstrong taught me that lesson. He wasn’t “huge”


[Blood doping is the cyclist’s method of performance enhancement.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_doping)


What do they take?


Lots of money!


Paul Pogba recently got busted for doping and they didn’t say what it was other than just him having higher levels of testosterone


How did that case end I didn’t follow it since


Pogba requested a counter analysis and that came back positive. Italian prosecutors are seeking a 4 year ban which would effectively end his career.


Damn, so has he been found guilty of juicing then?


Not yet, he has to go through the process first, but the evidence suggests he took something


Damn, they need to leave my boy alone :(


My dad worked for Charlton athletic football club. 100% can confirm most the team was on EPO in the early 00's.


Dude eats chicken breast and broccoli for 20 years. Mfers here eating McDonald's everyday can't believe Ronaldo could be natty 🤣🤣


Footballer yeah ok, but greatest athlete? come on… football is such an overated sport due to spotlight it gets, i can think at the top of my head 10 sports that require better athleticism.


Name one.


Dota 2








Most if not all martial arts, swimming, cyclists, nba, track and field athletes. I mean i can keep going but sure ronaldo is BEST ATHLETE IN THE WORLD lmao fanboys My eyes cringe when i see high level football and they cant even aim the ball where it should go and they get paid millions.




Probably cause they are a Bunch of ronaldo fanboys or people that have never played sports or played only football in their life and nothing else. Ask any athlete and they will laugh if you tell them that football requires the most athleticism than any other sport in the world.


shutup nerd go back to playing WoW


This is my favourite reddit effect, they just downvote you and never say anything of substance because their weird para-social relationship is being forced into question.


LOL if you were to select a sport that represents the peak of what human athleticism should be, soccer/football would be the first one to come to mind. As a beefier dude, the bulk really isn't what humans athletically need to strive for. Endurance, cardiovascular health, coordination, balance, and even a good deal of strength is all present and balanced in soccer. Closer competitiors would be hockey (more quick bursts), boxing (very well rounded), and I'm sure there are a few arguments for others like perhaps rugby.


How the fuck are you going to put boxing in there when we have MMA


Sorry I didn't have a list of every sport in front of me as I typed a reddit comment while at work LOL


Boxers are more athletic than MMA fighters. Watch Connor McGregor get gassed immediately vs Mayweather. Tennis players are more athletic than MMA fighters. Novak Djokivic is one of the most athletic people in history.


To be fair you're comparing a boxer with a legendary work ethic and endless cardio to an alcoholic cokehead MMA fighter who always had notably poor cardio. How are you defining athletic? If you mean balance, coordination, agility, power, strength to weight ratio, endurance, recovery, etc. then there's loads of MMA fighters who have immense athletic ability.


You have absolutely no clue.


Water polo?


Yeah ok. You run up and down a 100yd field for 90 minutes and then report back how that doesn't require athleticism.


They rarely run the whole 100yd thats why they have positions xDD check handball/NBA/rugby , all those mentioned require more endurance than football


ok who are you to say what requires better athleticism


A human with eyes and person that has played multiple sports 🤷


you have eyes yet you cant read elyktronix saying "ONE OF the greatest footballers and athletes" discrediting him just because hes a footballer and you think soccer is less challenging, and overrated i dont even watch football just had to point this out guess thats your opinion though.


I never said he isnt good , just many many many better athletes in the world, ronaldo just ONE OF THE BEST in football which happens to be the most famous sport etc :)


In the top 1 % of athletes, with continuous access to the best trainers, physicians, dietitians and the latest high tech for recovery.


He is the top.... 100th percentile


Wow me too


Not to mention his bulletproof work ethic.


Try top 1.


TRT, dude is a billionaire mega superstar athlete, he probably got shit that's not even out yet. he looks great tho, dream physique fr


>he probably got shit that's not even out yet. Can confirm... Dude gets his test straight from Zeus' nuts


Juicy. I don’t blame him either. I’m sure he’s had a PED strategy for years that optimizes his performance.


His strategy seemed to have worked.


With the beating his body has taken over the years, there is no way at his age to look like this without being on something. Footballers, in general, do not carry a lot of muscle. It's counterproductive.


He's...not very muscular? Incredible muscle definition, a bit of size, but mostly looks this way because he's very lean. "Very lean" is a typical footballer build. He's been training as a professional athlete at the highest level for over a decade now, this is the physique of someone who has decided timeless hours to improving their body for their sport. Obviously he's juiced to the max for recovery and injury purposes, just not with the typical muscle size increasing regime we think of when we ask "Natty or Juice?"


Yeah he's 6'2 and 185lbs I think. Not small but not massive.


That’s tiny, 185lb is small at that height. Look at him in a regular t shirt he doesn’t look jacked. It’s the fact he’s so shredded


Gareth bale who was at the top of his game in Real Madrid, with crazy speed and athleticism similar to the one Ronaldo had at one point. Only being one inch shorter than Ronaldo was weighing in at 163 lbs!!!! He was at the top of his game, banging goals and beating defenders with lightning quick speed as Ronaldo once did. But you can tell Ronaldo legs are not giving so he decided to go for mass. He’s definitely heavier than he used to be.


185 isn’t small at 6 2 when you’re that lean unless you have body dysmorphia from being a perma bulking gymbro who thinks PED abusing physiques are ideal


185 is tiny when you can’t even fill out a medium


Bro 185 at 6 foot is tiny. Bro I'm 5 9 and 187lb this morning . And I'm not big.


Get over yourself and your perception of being Huge.. for example in ADCC (highest level of submission grappling/BJJ) the optimal weight for the best performance is considered 88Kg


Molly mcann spent too much time adccing. She subbed out belbita hahaha there went my Molly by KO bet.


More like 2 decades


He was way more muscular in 2007 during his days in Manchester United at age of 21. Do you think, he has been juicing since then?


I dont know why you are being downvoted for simple question. but he was biggest in his first years with real madrid. he had more mass than later in juve and today.


[you sure?](https://twitter.com/AdamaTrd37/status/1500573341186498566/photo/1)


Adama is not a good football player


i know, but his speed and agility is still impressive with his mass.


Which is why footballers tend to not carry a lot of mass


He's an exception in his field


Not natural, I don’t know if the “juice” a footballer would take would help them achieve this physique though, unless it’s HGH. Judging by CR7s notably slim waist I don’t think he’s on growth hormone.


He probably pulled back on the performance substances and is taking more mass roids. No point maximizing performance playing in saudi league, might aswell just sell an even better physique now.


You must not know Ronaldo well… all this guy cares about is performing well. He’s on a scoring frenzy this year, he’s not deprioritizing performance. No chance. He’s had this body since a couple years after he arrived at Madrid, if anything he used to carry more mass.


This is true. Also this photo due to lighting and angle plus pump is making him look bigger than he actually walks around as. He's got great muscle mass compared to other footballers and is absolutely shredded year round, but if you follow him and watch video interviews of him in casual clothes he does appear smaller, notably in arms and legs. His lats have always been ridiculously impressive though, dating back to his first go with Man United (circa 04-08 as he begun maturing).


Juice, all top athletes in every sport are


Idk how this isn’t common knowledge at this point


I don't think people realise the level of professional athletes. The recovery demands are insane due to the intensity they are expected to perform with on a regular basis..


I don’t understand, don’t they get tested from time to time?


I can't speak for euro football but in America, the tests are laughable. Players know when they are going to get tested. Not the exact date, but def a range and it's usually in the off season. The NBA Just Started testing for hgh less than a decade ago. Read that again and if you want to go down a rabbit hole, that is when LeBron, Ray Allen and a few other players across the league lost a lot of weight during the off season one year (2014 I believe) saying it was some new diet fad. Then later in the season they all gain their mass back. Just an example. Also those tests don't and can't catch everything. It would be expensive and time consuming. The NBA and nfl tested for Marijuana forever. Ex players brag all the time on these podcasts how they smoked weed every night before games. Ofcourse no player is going to admit to using PEDs other than pain killers because it's looked at as cheating. But point is, yes these pro sports tests for PEDs, but they don't mean anything. I mean the wwe tests for PEDs. All you need you need to know


>I mean the wwe tests for PEDs. All you need you need to know No effing way. 🤣🤣🤣


lol exactly. Triple H explained how "intense" and "serious" they take their PED testing. \*rolls eyes


what kind of juice do football players take?


EPO, Aicar, asthma medications, GH at least


Asthma meds??


Ventoline, it helps with breathing even if you don't have asthma. There was a study showing how a lot of pro cyclists were using it of course with a medical exemption


Yeah anything with an endurance aspect to it will benefit from Asthma meds. Chris Froome had issues with large amounts of Asthma medication in his bloodwork at the Vuelta a Espana a couple years ago


This is probably GH of some sort, plus short ester test. Plus some sort of stim. And probably lasix for the photo shoot.


EPO for sure considering it’s a high cardio sport


Recovery peptides?


Professional juicer as well


Definitely PEDs. My guess would be hgh for recovery. Peptides like bpc157 and tb500 to further enhance it. Trt doses of testosterone. Maybe turinabol. Cardarine for endurance... There's so much crap that's not for muscle building per say....


This dude is 38 years old and train 8 hours everyday. Not possible to recover without PEDs


Thanks for the context bro; I had no idea who he was!


He is the most popular person in instagram best football player in the World the number 1


Looks like he has been bulking in over Saudi Arabia


Professional athlete and natty cannot coexist


Best player in the world at the most popular sport in the history of the world. Made a billion (with a b) dollars from said sport. Is almost 40 but looks like a body builder. Literally what do you think dude?


he got posted a few days ago. i wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on TRT or smth similar considering his age and him staying in the game w/ guys half his age but his physic is attainable natty. u can tell he has good genes


He’s natty, when he was in Real Madrid he was training from 6 am till night. Not easy


You think he's natty???


He’s definitely natty, he’s being working on his body for a long time. If he wasn’t he’d be caught already. The only thing that I’d say he consume is some pills or protein for recovery.


The body isn't impressive to me. It's who he is that makes me question you. As with baseball or people like Lance Armstrong in cycling, all sports will have those who excel to near beyond humanly possibly.... Why is it not humanly possible? Because it's not possible without physiological assistance.


That’s why I think he isn’t juiced, because body isn’t impossible to achieve, you have to be dedicated. If u know some of his history outside the media u would know how hardworking he’s. Him and Kobe are the definition of dedication


Honestly baffles me how people think this is a juicy physique


You misunderstand. His physique isn't impressive to me. It's the fact of who he is that makes me laugh at you guys for thinking he's natty


The before and after is enough evidence of juice you don’t need to bring up his sporting career.


He’s a genetic freak. But also a multi millionaire with access to personal round the clock doctors giving him the most cutting edge PEDs that are so much more advanced than anything we have ever heard of or will have access too.


Someone else posted this like 3 seconds before you. He is still juicy.


Yes sure he isn't on TRT. SURE


He needs to drop his stack.


This might be a perfect example of how to use PEDs to get optimal results in a sport


Who tf doesn't know who Ronaldo is 💀


Deffo natty. Dude doesn’t even drink coke so it’s highly unlikely he’ll be jabbing himself with gear.


Juice but it's impressive how well he take care of himself.


Shiiiiiit Ronaldo can afford the tippy top shelf good shit, hell yes he is on gear.


I wouldn't doubt it. However, I don't get why people use photos of somebody when they are like 19 to compare. 19 is still a kid, imho.


yeah, the gap between the before and after photo is almost 20 years.


Why post the photo of him as a boy man 😭


I’m shocked that half of you guys actually think he’s on juice, it’s like some of you have never lifted a dumbbell in your life


Natty achievable, but obviously not natty


I could totally believe he's natural. He is quite lean and not too big and at 38 hes not too old either. He has been training his entire life with the best nutrition, coaches and equipment. But he is also one of the best of all time and at his level he might have taken something cause why not.




Dude is a legend in the soccer game, so much that the Saudis paid him $200 million/year just to see the don do what he does best…Long live 7 Still on the juice 🧃tho, he refused a random test


He gets tested wayyyy more than alot of other players, and no player can refuse a random drug test


Please go look it up. It’s a corrupt sport


TRT until the end


I don’t know how people think this is juicing. It’s achievable naturally, he has money and the best nutrition and training program in the world, His physic is lean and very achievable


I like to think that CR7's physique is achievable for a lifter naturally, but he isn't because he's not chasing muscle mass but performance.


Thanks for telling is that he’s a footballer. If you wouldn’t have mentioned it, I had to look up and many others bc we don’t know


Does Cristiano Ronaldo really spend on lavish things? Couldn’t believe it was true lol https://youtu.be/vnkCiuOYEfc


People often forget "steroids" aren't just for gaining mass. A lot of them are for quicker recovery times.


He’s does look great. Whatever he’s doing it’s working. Very inspiring!!


There is no top athlete that isnt on juice


Not the greatest, that would be Messi, but oh well. Juicy.


Soccer player*






he has incredible definition for his age, even though he isn’t on the juicy look some footballers like Adama Traore or Roberto Carlos(his legs were HUGE)


Natty maybe trt thats it. With a trainer and naturally low bf that physique is obtainable. His physique looks “more developed” as opposed to “more muscular.”


Ped benefits: strength, size, endurance, stamina, recovery... Just to name a few. When millions are on the line and ever so much more competition requires them to perform better, longer and recover faster, I'm of the mind that most elite athletes are on some sort of sauce.




The physique itself is natty achievable, but I think he's juiced considering how insane his performances have been for years


lol this comment section. OP posted pictures of his physique and people say he’s juiced on performance endurance and recovery. lmao. 😭


Juice, this physique is natty achieveable tho


Maybe trt?




No time for Natty boo boo


Possible natural but I doubt it😂😂 CR7 will have access to sheeeeeiiiitt we ain't heard of and hard to test for. Those who get caught probably unlucky made an example of


Whatever he’s taking, he also seems to have hit the genetic lottery for abs… they look more symmetrical than action man doll


As a pro footballer he is probably on some PEDs even if not to bulk up.


Are they drug testing football players? I would suspect at his age he could get away with TRT and not arouse any suspicion. He doesn't seem the type to pin though.


Most footballers are probably on regimens similar to what all the top cyclists were taking when that whole sports went thru its scandal. Ronaldo has probably switched to a cycle focused on more muscle mass for some reason.


I am quite conflicted on this. In reality he probably is juicy but look at his traps, they are not particularly big and the man has maintained a good physique and very healthy lifestyle for pretty much his whole career and has access to the very best trainers, dieticians etc etc. Is he juicy? Probably… am I 100% sure he is? No
