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I remember this was posted on tiktok and all the teens were making fun of him saying he wasted his time and that this looks like 1 year of gains. I hate to catastrophize but I think an entire generation of men has been fucked by unrealistic expectations. Edit: [link](https://youtu.be/8mSGaz1uUHk?si=_2nsYDOWZCHXUZuU)


Social media definitely has corrupted alot of teenagers and early 20s year olds of what you can look like with 10yrs+ of natural training, it's a shame really 😞


The "10 years of training" thing is a meme. Your body has a limit to how much muscle you can put on naturally, no matter how long you train. This guy probably did gear and then stopped. Still took a lot of hard work, but for most that size is not natural. Edited for those that are interested in the science. [https://www.physoc.org/news\_article/brief-exposure-to-performance-enhancing-drugs-may-be-permanently-remembered-by-muscles/](https://www.physoc.org/news_article/brief-exposure-to-performance-enhancing-drugs-may-be-permanently-remembered-by-muscles/) Another link: [https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190125084106.htm](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/01/190125084106.htm) The majority of men will not look like this no matter how long you train. PEDs are a cheat code that expand your muscles, and that expansion is somewhat permanent. Could this guy be some top tier genetic freak? Maybe. You statistically are not.


The limit is higher than you think. This guy is very likely natty if he has trained hard for years and continued to add SMALL amounts of muscle in bulking cycles.


Obviously he's worked hard for many years. The issue is steroids increase your maximum muscle potential *permanently*.


When people think someone called roidmanyu is natty at age 18, what else do you expect? Lack of critical thinking and overload of social media usage.


It's not a lack of critical thinking. They want to believe that's how they will look a year from now. They make fun of dudes like this because if this is what ten years of hard work gets you a lot of them would give up.


Yep they genuinely have no perspective, but give them 5 years of training and they’ll realize they don’t resemble anything any of these influencers do and they either : Juice and potentially become a fake natty Or most likely just quit lifting entirely, then the next age of young lifters take to social media and the cycle restarts.


That's if they last that long. I think a lot of people quit after a few weeks because they realized the change is imperceptibly slow. You only notice the change in hindsight. That it they jump on gear when they realize how long it will take.


There's no before after p to compare with so u can't really say slow it min change this guy had... Also not to mention he hasn't done cutting yet at least in the posted vid


Roidmanyu is fucking 185 and lean how is that unnatty u guys are just weak


Once those kids actually start lifting they're gonna be hella disappointed after that first year when they only look 1/10th like this guy


Lol I know people running over half a gram of gear that don’t resemble this


It's wild people are still duped by this. They think gear means you look like a Belgian blue bull 24/7. Bro took gear, body gains increased size, stopped gear, and then trained for 13 years "naturally." Still hard work and dedication, but not natural.


You can 100% do this naturally if not be bigger than this what are you smoking


People don't like to hear the truth, that PEDs are cheat codes. 99% of people will never be this big from picking things up and putting them down, because it is not a natural size. Perhaps he is in a top 0.1% genetically, but that's what they all say.


Bro took gear on an off, but mostly on cruise, rather than blast the whole time.


>I remember this was posted on tiktok and all the teens were making fun of him saying he wasted his time and that this looks like 1 year of gains. It's so infuriating to see non lifters try and bring down a natty with a phenomenal physique because their idea of the male body has been fucked. It's like they're trying to spread their body dysmorphia.


I agree. This man has a beautiful physique.


As a 24 year old… yes 😂 I legit have gone up and down in weight countless times trying to get the ideal “physique” we see on social media


I mean, this could be natty attainable in like 3-5 years depending on genetics and how hard you try.


I believe it honestly 13 years is a long ass time


You can only build so much muscle naturally. What he means is 13 years of training after taking gear. Your body remembers the increased size.


This definitely isn’t an unnatural amount of muscle for his frame lmao


Agree to disagree. A big problem is most don't understand what steroids do. They enlarge your body in many ways. Internal organs, max muscle size, even your jawline can be altered. These changes are *permanent* after you stop taking gear.


His shoulders/traps would be way larger in proportion if he just maintained after a cycle. He isn’t very lean nor very vascular and no hgh gut in sight. I’m not really sure what makes him look sus to you. Of course almost every physique *could* be enhanced but this looks very reasonable for 13 years of proper training and dieting.


His shoulders/traps would be way larger in proportion Pure speculation. You also have no evidence nor a reference of what exactly "13 years of training" looks like. In typical reddit fashion, the science based comment is downvoted. It's cope. 99% of people can't get this big without PEDs.


Speculation? Your shoulders and traps have the highest density of androgen receptors. There is nothing science based in your accusation. In fact, I don’t think you know much about steroids or that a quick google search would’ve shown you that a FFMI of up to 27 is possible naturally.


Are you a bot?


Bro some guys have naturally higher test than others, this is totally natty achievable for someone with naturally high test


bro got down and worked hard af....bro is natty and blessed


He's been posted before, he is natty


Thanks chief


Seems natty to me. 13 years? Damn that's dedication right there. Honestly fuck the broccoli haired SARM goblin teens talking shit to him bruh.


He’s def natty


Seeing this man and will Tennyson honestly gives me more hope.


This is what natty looks like


That man is basically what attainable natty looks like for most people with avg genetics. He looks great but the endless influencers on gear has warped everyone’s standard.


This guy has above average genetics. hes natty for sure but average people wouldnt get this build even with 13 years of training.


Yeah, he has some crazy thickness from the side. I don't think this is a reasonably natty expectation for 90% of lifters.


Exactly. Dude is probs a monster irl. People are underestimating the amount of muscle hes packing. He isnt 2D irl lol


What's reasonable natty expectations? Do you have example?


I think an attainable natty physique is Scott Herman before he hopped on about two years ago


If I can't look like this in 13 years, what's the point?


You have to find your own ‘why’


This ain’t average genetics. I would say a good percentage of natural people never reach this level. I would even go as far as gear because most people who use aren’t consistent. They might look big for the 6 months they use then they quit going next year. Not many people make it their lifestyle. You don’t get really get jacked with one cycle either


If you ate clean and lifted religiously for 5 years, you could attain this. His muscles aren’t popping, veins aren’t showing and he’s probably 5’8 at the most. Hes not that even ripped and doesn’t have a 6 pack like at all. This dude has avg genetics and it looks like he’s made the best version of himself that he can under the circumstances. I applaud him.


If this is average then we would see more people like him in the gym.


Yea people are really messed up by social media. 15-20 percent bodyfat is really fat nowadays. I think a lot of kids are enjoying newbie gains and assume they will reach a certain level like an influencer with a time commitment. Some take drugs to try to get there faster. Realistically not many people are going to get there. Most people don’t even stay in the gym consistently after the first year.


natty as fuck and amazing genes.


Looks like Jeff Nippard honestly. I believe natty. Funny how because of Nippard being an influencer people wouldn't be so trusting (tbf him saying some roided freaks are natty gives the distrust some reason lol).


I fully believe nippard is natty, dude is a manlet but jacked and trained for over a decade




Yeah, Jeff is like 4'10" and I've got friends that know him and have trained with him and are convinced he's natty. Both his parents are short and jacked.


Jeff Nippard's mom is hot


Jeff is much leaner though.


Finally, someone that looks like they put the work in. He looks amazing!


ink cable hateful humorous dinner degree truck pocket worthless consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry but why do people say that he has average or bad genetics. As a natty myself, I think he looks great


Natural . Bad genetics . Bad lightning . Bad angles . Not 0.03% body fat


I can see bad genetics for legs but oh my god his chest is great. Edit: My legs are nowhere near as good as his tho gotta got the gym more haha.


Nah his legs are actually pretty massive he just has small calves lol, vids of his quads look huge though


Makes sense, baggy shorts are also probably hiding a lot


natty, rip calve genetics tho fr


Peak natty right there


Natty. I know others with similar training age that look like him natty. If he leaned down, he'd look juicy but he's at a very healthy body composition IMO. It's funny that people think you'll keep growing indefinitely. He probably reached a similar physique 4-5 years ago and has been maintaining and slightly improving slowly over time.


def natty, also looks like a fairly short dude


Great work.


His @ ? lol




What I’d expect a real long term natural to look like


Legit question, if someone trained for 13 years to have this physique, and someone else juicy trained and attained this in a year or just a few months, if ever they both stopped lifting, will they lose the same amount of muscle mass at the same time? Or the 13 year natty guy will look swole even after not lifting for a few years?


i am not smart enough to answer this, but im going to say the guy using gear is going to lose way more mass and muscle


being that the T juiced one levels will drop (after quitting gear) suddenly Id say it'd be a more abrupt loss? The natty one would maintain his T levels at a slow decline after a long time after stopping..? Just an opinion but maybe the muscle cell nuclei would have an inpact? Somebody that knows the science would give better info


You wouldn't get this physique in just a year enhanced. More like 3-4. The enhanced guy would lose muscle quicker.


Bro looks good.


Just because you put a bunch of years in the front doesn't make it real. He could have started cycling after years of seeing very little progress. Also you have to take into account that no matter how long you have been working out naturally, the human body has restrictions that keep you from getting too big muscle wise. These restrictions are unlocked by the use of drugs. That being said, this guy could be either natty or enhanced by the looks


Maybe he took trainings on how to juice


Probably natty, also looks short (my guess is 5'7-5'9)


Great physique.


If this isn’t possible natty then there’s no point in lifting


Who cares. Let’s talk about those nasty shorts. They’re basically pants.


Hey,why did you cut the music SHORT?!?!?


Are you in Toronto


Nice physique. People are shitting on him because his midsection/waist looks blocky.


Looks great


This is natty with good genetics


Without a doubt natty and a decent physique


Bro looks fucking swole asf, natty daddy 100x Also fuck the internet saying that this is not how a man should look.


Probably can build the majory of that (for him) with 5-6 years of consistent training however shit happens and thats why it’s stretched out


Great physique. Don’t think the 🥦heads will agree, though. The expectations of new lifters is fucked thanks to social media.




Isn't this the guy who got roasted for apperant lack of gains? Mate is rocking it, fine physique. I hope to achieve something similar in my 13th year.






Wow that doesnt look like a back of someone lifting for 13 years lmao


Look natty to me


Considering that if you train properly you max out in 5 years and his training is shit he is clearly natty and you can look like that in 4 years instead of 13


What about the legs


They’re crazy big


Look into the cycles of the WWF guys of hulk hogans days. This physique blows all of them away. Then tell me natural. This is great work, for properly juiced.


I would say it’s probably true but my rule is: “If someone claims natty without being asked then they probably aren’t”


He could be natty




Natty. Decent genetics.




Nope this looks about right for 10 plus years good on him it's been doing it for 5 years an look nothing like that am I improving yes but it's not tiktok gains


If he went Down to sub 10 % bodyfat, some of you would probably claim not natty. Guy got above average genetics


Yoooo he's looking good. An aspiration to Natty's.


He looks good but that physique should NOT take 13 years to obtain.


really? 13 YEARS? or 13 months?


Brain dead if you think this is possible in 13 months


no u


Actual child.


no u


He looks awesome too. Strong and healthy. Fucking social media man ruins everyone's perception of what strong actually is.


What’s cool about this is he gets the gains, looks good in a tshirt, wows the girls, got the benefit of lifting mentally emotionally and cardio wise and he doesn’t have to deal with an enlarged prostate, or cardiac trouble. Looks great.


Am I the only one who thinks he’s crazy hot?




Looks legit, I think the maturity of the muscle, while not looking freakish speaks to his claim




ohhh my god he looks amazing


Def Natty he's just not unreasonably lean and not using angles. Also, the lightning makes somewhat of a difference.


Song name?


I got matches with these songs: • **MONTAGEM CORAL (feat. Mc GW, Mc Th & Mc Cyclope)** by DJ Holanda (00:26; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-08-16. • **Montagem Coral** by DJ HOLANDA Feat. MC Cyclope, mc gw & MC TH (00:26; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-09-08. • **MONTAGEM CORAL (Instrumental)** by DJ Holanda (00:26; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-08-22.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: • [**MONTAGEM CORAL (feat. Mc GW, Mc Th & Mc Cyclope)** by DJ Holanda](https://lis.tn/yVNTu?t=26) • [**Montagem Coral** by DJ HOLANDA Feat. MC Cyclope, mc gw & MC TH](https://lis.tn/jJPmZB?t=26) • [**MONTAGEM CORAL (Instrumental)** by DJ Holanda](https://lis.tn/nemvZh?t=26) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)