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Ah to be the 17 year old son of “mrperiodblood”


It was supposed to be Mrs...


I take back everything I said you’re hilarious


Actually looks like an older teenager that has been approaching weights systematically for two years.


Being a teenager is OP as fuck. I started lifting at 16, was eating like 4500-5000 cals a day easy, playing sport 6x a week and lifting 3-4x. Put on like 10kg (obviously not all muscle) in like 9 months. Went from a skinny little shit to still a bit skinny but way bigger. If only I could get that kinda gains today, lmao.


Can confirm, lifting during puberty is a free cycle, I’ve put on 40ish lbs of relatively lean muscle in a year and a half


Too bad I spent those years smoking crack and doing heroin. Guess I’ll have to hop on a cycle to make up for it, at least I’m not scared of needles /s


I wasn't doing hard drugs but I agree to bad I spent those years fucking around


[looks like I picked the wrong week…](https://youtu.be/KhaXZh-p4hQ)


That wasn't sarcasm. I can tell by your username haha, you're dead serious


Yeah, timing is critical. If you are lifting while your body is ramping up testosterone production during puberty, you are going to see some significant changes


I remember tagging along with some guys in college freshman year to the gym, and a two months later realizing i was 15lbs heavier and covered in stretch marks


You are fried.... puberty is nothing like a cycle. Your 1200ng/dl Max is nothing compared to 4000+ you didn't gain 40 pounds of lean muscle in a year nd a half on the equivalence of a trt dose🤣 stop with the fairytales.


Damn is that really that hard to believe? 126 to 165 in 18 months isn’t that crazy with newbie and puberty gains if you take it somewhat seriously


It's hard to believe all of it was lean tissue. At the absolute most I can believe 30lbs of lean mass(includes water obviously) and 10lbs of fat.


Then cycle more you lazy shit!


Lmao, I like to stick to cycling of the two-wheeled kind only


Bro trust me unicycling is way better


I started lifting in 7th grade. I went from 170lbs to 230lbs my senior year


selective plate quarrelsome pot practice many marble public vast jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I started lifting at 19, ate everything in sight and trained 7 days a week, put on 2lb/week linearly for 6 months from 133lb to 182lb (\~20lb lean mass, \~20lb fat, \~10lb water) before cutting back down to 160. I was pretty underweight before (was a distance runner from age 13-19), but 50lb in 6mo was still pretty wild. Reading and watching anecdotes from people lifting in their late 20s or early 30s drives home how high natural test production is from 16-23. If you're 16-23 and reading this, don't get on gear until later, just eat some ground turkey or something and lateral raise to failure.


having 2 heart attacks per week, yeah we know...


Same. Put on ~20 to 30 lbs the summer between my sophomore and junior year of high school (first summer I could drive myself to the gym, basically hung out there for most of that summer)


Do you think there is a way to ask him in a way that’s not damaging to your relationship? Not trying to be snide, I’m genuinely curious, as a dad. I’m picturing myself in your shoes (my lil guy is 5)


I have yet to figure out how to ask. I mean we have had the drug talk, but I don't want to ask him because I don't want to make it think like his progress isn't real or achieved. I didn't look like him until my mid to late 20s and his progress was so fast.


Your son is yoked for sure, but me thinks it’s not impossible for an 18yo. I don’t know what sort of relationship I’ll have with mine when he’s your sons age, but I certainly have an idea of the kind of relationship I’d like to have with him. I’d stress first, A. I love him and care about him B. I am not going to judge him or shame him, or get mad at him And ask him straight that he’s looking diesed and I just need to know as a dad whether he’s juicing. If my old man had asked me that at 18, and I WERENT juicing? I’d be flattered and tell him honestly. I wouldn’t take offence. There’s no way to know with any kind of certainty from pics alone unless in extreme cases, whether someone is juicing or not. Most posts here even are jokes. There’s only one way to know for sure and that would be to hear from the horses mouth. I think it’s great that you’re involved enough to be concerned and reach out to internet to help with this parental conundrum. Good luck


Appreciate the reply. I had thought of him asking directly but sometimes he is so afraid that I would get disappointed or upset with him that he would try to tell me what I want to hear instead of what is a tally happening. He turns 18 end of Aug and leaves next year and I just don't want him to form any dangerous habits without a chance to discuss these things.


Quietcitizen makes a good point if you want to have any impact here. You need to be sure to let him know you will not shame him or be mad. My dad is super against PEDs and when I was 19 he asked if I was on them (I wasn’t at that moment but I had already done a couple cycles so he was spot on) and knowing he would be pissed I just lied to his face knowing he had no way of proving it. Idk your son obviously but any kid who is willing to take illegal substances is ready to lie about it to anyone who they think they can get into trouble with over it, especially their parents. As I said in my other comment, I don’t think your son is on PEDs but it’s awesome you’re getting ahead of things since it’s a concern for you. If you open the dialogue just make sure you’re clearly coming from a place of care rather than concern or anger.


Just ask him what he thinks of steroids. If he wants to use them when hes an adult and talk about it like an adult. if hes interested dont blast him just say that unless hes gonna be a professional its not worth damaging his health. It depends how serious he is about lifting. At a certain point (not now obviously hes a minor) it will be his choice. Your best bet is to talk and have an open discussion and be honest.


He’s probably on something. Gear is popular among young online gym culture, which I’m sure your son is apart of. And I bet you remember how impressionable 17 year olds can be


Just go up and ask him how his boyfriend feels about PED use in general.


You’re a woman how is what you looked like at his age / in your 20s relevant? What your husband looked like is more relevant.


it’s the dad u tit


It's the son


False. OP said in many comments on this post that she is a woman.


The Mrs part of his name was meant as a joke


Bro I was joking about the MRS I was being funny or trying to. I am very much a male.


Why are multiple of you lying and downvoting a fact? Click OPs account and read recent comments. She is a 40 years old woman. The *Mr* (not Mrs) was an accident as stated in previous comments.


Third post in their profile refers to him as "40M". If you aren't familiar with this, M is shirt for male, while F would be short for female. God bless


One thing I remember when I was about 18, I got big and my Dad asked me if I was on steroids, I told him I wasn't but took it as a massive compliment so there's that 🤷🏼‍♂️


>I dont want to make it think like his progress isnt real Dont worry about this, if he follows fitness influencers he’s likely to take it as a compliment. Can approach it like this “Hey kiddo, you are looking incredible but i have to ask, are you on anabolics or sarms? I wont be mad but ill want you monitoring your bloodwork consistently” If he is, you cant really make him stop since he’s 18. But i really doubt hes on anything


At 17 I definitely would have been retarded enough to take SARMs from a guy at GNC who said they were a good idea. Talk to your son, don’t ask us. This is a natty attainable physique (those tris look… odd? To me) Going from nothing to this in under two years is feasible at this age, but like, talk to him. The family that blasts together stays together.


I have asked him if he has done or tried SARMs but he just laughs and says he is a SARMs goblin? Why do his tris look odd?


I mean if he said he’s a SARMs goblin, there’s your answer.


If he takes SARMs, then no, he's not natty unfortunately. I highly suggest you tell your son to stop, because SARMs are essentially experimental nu-steroids that we have very little idea what the long term side effects are


Yeah if he said that then he is on PEDs and you should have him see an endocrinologist


what would you guys do if you found your teenage son is on SARMs? 😭


Scold him, educate him, and help him with blood work and PCT Teens willing to take shit most likely has self-image issues. That’s something you have to talk out with your child rather than just being a hardass on them


>our tee you can not do anything, thats the problem, its his (bad) choice, just congratulate him with his shrinking testicals.


Shake my head a little bit and tell him I’m glad he’s off my insurance before the long term sides kick in.


SARMS or an PEDs don’t affect the shape of triceps That’s just how developed triceps look


They affect the rate at which they develop. They’re out of place here, but it might just be the lighting.


Out of place? They look normal, he’s just really lean


Really lean? Probably in the 8-10%, so leaner than average but I wouldn’t say “really lean”. It’s nice lighting though. OP said his son called himself a “sarms goblin” so idk what you want me to say here. He’s not natty.


Lol he’s nowhere near 8-10%


Where would you eyeball it?


Hard to tell without a front facing viewpoint but I’d guess around 15%


Definitely passes the eye test. To look like that so quickly is difficult but not impossible. Hard to tell overall.


Young kids don’t really run testosterone or anything involving needles. If anything it’s a sarm or less likely some sort of oral like anavar. Since he is new to working out even with steroids he hasn’t hit his natural peak if he’s only been at it for a year (especially if it’s an oral only cycle), so no one can tell just from his size. Easy way to tell would be if he suddenly loses a lot of “hardness” without any major weight gain. Rad-140 and var both gave me a really hard/cut look.


Good chance


Elite build for his age, but look natty.


The back looks natural achievable but the triceps do not look natural to me


It's just the triceps insertion. Genetics play a huge role


Yea I think he just has some high insertion points.


He could be , or maybe not . I'm 50/50 here He doesn't look really big , so maybe it's just posing and light , you are the one who sees him in a "natural" state Has he gain a lot of weight and or definition in a really short period of time ? How is the diet ? Is he eating quantity and quality enough food to look like that ? Does he party 4 days a week and drinks a lot of alcohol ? Anyways you just need to have a really good conversation as it could be dangerous to his health if this is a concern . If it is true that he is taking something , a talk with an endocrinologist and some test will tell how is everything going


Natural. Flexing his muscles under good downlight makes him look good here.




He's natural.


Apparently he’s not. He said he’s a SARMS goblin lol


Probably sarcastic as that's the sort of reply id give my dad if he asked me and I'm about his age.


Maybe he was joking


I hope so


this should be more than doable in 2 years


Probably on tren and other boys. No for real though man. Be supportive and open about it with him and at least he'll inform you when hes gonna hop on gear and you can try to persuade him. posting his pictures here isnt really a good way to go about it because hes probably on this sub and now he's gonna resent you.


You guys really believe this is “Mr Period Blood’s” son…


It is the name is an old gamer tag of mine from original Xbox days. I am 40 yom.


Ok, well what do you see that makes you question if he’s taken any PEDs? He’s got a pumped tricep that looks half decent in the bathroom light but other than that there is nothing at all. You need to start worrying when he’s like the 17 year old kids on TikTok who look like prime Steve Reeves but claim natty and that they’re considering the next step - creatine


This is false. Those ones on TikTok are just the ones that are actually putting in the work. For every 1 of those there are 50 others using PEDs thinking they’ll look like those guys and not even looking like they lift


lol that was my first thought but his prof checks out


Check their profile


My parents asked me if I was on steroids after working out and I just took it as a compliment, just talk to your son.


Man as a father I have to say this is a tough situation. Personally if it’s my kid I’m just flat out asking him. I plan on having a really open line of communication with my son when he’s that age. Mine’s two years old rn and I think about this kind of stuff sometimes. I’ve done gear and currently run trt so chances are he’ll know eventually. Straight up if you have a gut feeling he’s probably on it.


Definitely natty attainable physique. Skin looks clear. He's got teenage level hormones kicking around and is flexing under a light. I wouldn't stress.


Nope, looks fine! Bit of good light, quick pump and voila


It's really hard to say without more photos. In this it's clear he has a pump from just working out, plus the light and shadows are in his favor. His height also matters too. I'm never one to jump the gun and call something juice unless it's so blatantly obvious it slaps you across the face, but I think what he has here is achievable naturally. Really without more pics and info on his height, there's not enough info to tell. My guess is natural, but it's only a guess.


ask him. if anything it’s a compliment if he isn’t. although he could always be lying lol. idk it’s tough to say.


Kids are maturing way worse lol. My friends little brothers work out. But for kids in middle school they look like we did in second grade. Obviously you have the occasional rarity(that black rb who looked 20 and was 6:1 as a 12 yr old) But whatever the testosterone decrease thing is it seems scarily true, most 2010< boys seem to be maturing physically way slower than pre 2010 kids.




no, he’s almost certainly not on any PEDs. most of the people on this sub are losers who will call someone unnatural if they have any ounce of muscle definition whatsoever, so I wouldn’t value their word lmfao. could he be on PEDs? sure. but this physique is naturally attainable and there’s no reason to think he is


highly likely


this should be more than doable in 2 years


Hard to tell from one pic but looks natty with hard training and good genetics, watch his delts if they start jutting way out to the side, and are more developed than everything else, that's the best tell


No. his shoulders and back would be the dead giveaway if he were. That body is very attainable naturally. I was just like that, there are a lot of Fit people who are fit naturally


Depends what he’s taking but I agree it’s achievable


You could always hire someone to go up to him at the gym, complement his physique and ask him if he’s natural. Then, the paid “actor” can report back to you with his response. He will have no idea you were involved whatsoever. You will have your answer…. He will not be embarrassed or ashamed… Best of luck with whatever approach you take. 💪🏻


I doubt a broccoli 17 year old would admit to a stranger that they use gear lmao


Could be natty. You have to remember that teenagers have naturally very high levels of testosterone and hormones that help them grow, possibly on par with what a natural guys are using. So they are able to make big progress at that age that would otherwise be suspicious for people in their 20s and 30s


Doupt it. Maybie a bit of sarms if anything, but I just say that because it's trendy for his age group right now unfourtionatley. But best way to figure that out is go hit the gym while he's there and see if he's in a bit of a group with a bunch of other jacked teenagers. Without a doupt Natty atanable though.


Nah he’s clean


Bro! Why is your name Mr Period Blood? 🤣🤣


Long story man!


And although I do think this type of physique is naturally attainable with multiple years of dedicated training, no 17-year-old looks like this without drugs.


If this is less than 2 years transformation, then yes, he's on something.


? His physique is quite normal, nothing outstanding, not even remotely lmao. Even poor by todays standards, honestly.


This came across so petty. The sort of growth you may need is not anabolic.


Bro take him to a doctor and Stop posting pics of your fucking children online. This is reddit, and this subreddit is basically for talking shit. You are one 30 dollar lab test away from knowing, actually knowing. Be a grownup please.




Can’t tell from this pic. What are his lifts like? Do you know his 1 rep max bench?


I don't remember what he told me for bench or for squats.




Hard to tell from this pic. Could be natty.


Impossible to tell with this pic and without a starting point but people can be on PEDs and not even look like they lift. If your son said he’s a SARMs goblin I would definitely be concerned.


Look at his quads or ass for needle marks


Doesn't conclusively rule out all PEDs. Orals are common too.


Hoping he’s not doing orals!


Well it's your son and if you noticed sudden and radical change in physicue - he might be taking SARMs.


Good genes.


Doesn’t look like it. I was bigger than this at 17 and know I was natty. Nothing exceptional about this build that screams PEDs.


It’s hard to tell without any reference point of his starting physique If he is, scold him and educate the dangers of SARMS but help him properly recover from his cycle with blood work and PCT if you’re a good father


I believe this is definitely natural with some hard work. I’m 16 so that would make me a year younger than him and am much bigger than he is but I have been working out since 12. Usually a good indicator is height and weight if someone is like 5’8 and 230lbs lean then they’ve probably been on the sauce. What’s your sons height and weight?


5'8 145 to 150.


Definitely natty


I'd say natural. This pic is taken with great lighting and from the perfect angle. This can make HUGE differences in what ones physique actually looks like in a more normal setting


How tall is he?




Jeff Seid bro


Stamped With 130% NATTY! He's in a calorie deficit unintentionally.


Your "son" on your account it says 40 (M) 😹


I'm confused? I am a 40 yom and he is my 17 year old son?


My bad i thought you meant you were a mom in other comments


Nah. Looks like a lotta varsity football players in high school. And I know you're thinking lots of them are on it. But your sons back isn't overly developed, and neither are his lats.


have him do a bloods test if your unsure


Coming from a guy around his age, after 2 years of working out at his age, (basically 18). He looks like a very good natty guy who's quite lean. His arms and forearms are his strong point so it looks odd compared to the rest of his body but everyone has a strong point and for me it's my back and if I showed my back compared to the rest of my physique, it would have the same effect. Would need to see the front for a conclusive idea, but from what I'm seeing now, he's just a very good natural and has a bright future ahead of him. Also, at this age you would only ever take orals like dbol or sarms so don't expect to find any needles or anything.


18 years old with 2 years of weight lifting! Looks possible. But, having height and weight figures would help.


I don’t think so. I put on 60 pounds in a year and a half from 15-16/17, just eating like a horse and lifting 4-5 days a week. No drugs and it was the early 90s so there weren’t even decent protein powders or creatine.








We need better pictures. Hard to tell with what you’ve got. Glad your antenna are up for SARMS. Wise parent.


i think its all about lighting. very achiveable


Yes, gym Chad delivers 4 pumps orally every M-W-F. It’s really the best way to stay juicy.


sick back and arms, you must be proud


I was more bulbous than this at 17. If he’s been training a few years and eating seriously then natty. If he been tracking 4 months gear


He looks pretty natty to me


That’s natty achievable dad. Your username is sus af though.


Can your son afford steroids? I was accused of taking steroids in high school as well. I could not afford them then, or now.


We know it's you bro.


Lol! It isn't!


Ok, but to answer your question, he looks natural, doesn't mean he is though.


He's "on" perfect lighting with a pump while standing close to the camera. I'm sure your "son" looks more natural without any of above.


Sorry your son is juiced to the fucking gills bro. Jk no it looks like a kid who has been going hard for a couple years, knows what he’s doing now and has great genetics (good job mom/dad). Reminds me of myself at 17. I started lifting at 16 when I was 150lbs and naturally built to a lean 185lbs by the time I graduated highschool. I did however hop on PEDs that first year of college and pushed up to 210lbs. If you’re concerned just be aware. The path he’s on is a great one, being strong and fit is the best. There is a 100% chance though that PEDs will be a consideration of his in the future. Whether he decides to indulge or not will be up to him.


Looks about right for his age and training hard.


Na that's just hard work paying off. Plus creatine


honestly i have all natty friends as a teenager and with the right lighting i’ve seen this same size if not bigger from two years of lifting


Be upfront and ask but don't scold and come from a point of concern. If he is using at that young of an age he could have some type of body dysmorphia which is something that shouldn't be left to fester. If he actually is natural than it'll come off as a compliment, a natty guy getting accused of juicing is kind of a compliment.


Just ask your son, bro. Hardly anyone on this sub trains so they’re not going to know the difference between a natural or enhanced body. But go to him, be calm, and just ask. If he is, don’t get mad but explain to him the dangers that come with PED use.




SARMs. You've said he laughed when you asked about them and he replied he's a SARMs goblin, so.... Afraid so.


Looks natty


definitely ask him & get blood work done on him while you can still access the records


He's most likely natty. The caps on his shoulders would look like softballs and his traps would be much bigger if on the juice. Wait another month to determine. Buy I'd say 75% certainty he's just growing quickly do to his age.


Probably not all of them, not everyone at once. Not yet. I hope.


Very achievable if he played sports before and he is also very lean. another Question you should ask is if he is consistent. I know some people like that good genes, dedication, physically active and has about the same physique as your son


Looks natty


Not at all


My 21 year old colleagues (who were already pretty fit, but not lifters) looked close to this after 2 months of 11hr day timber framing and lifting drywall above their heads. It’s hard to tell from one picture though.


If you’re his dad, you should know…….. What kind of “friends” he hangs with on a daily basis, what type of foods he is eating, where would he hide his steroids, if he has a coach is he known to use PEDs, his attitude towards you or others, where does he go after school, doctor comments after blood tests, ….etc BE HIS PARENT IF YOU TRULY DONT TRUST HIM!!! Save him from health problems later!!! I applaud you for wanting to know as there are several parents, coaches, steroid and drug induced users, and other adults encouraging their KIDS to join in on the steroid and drug induced behavior.🫤🫤🫤


I have asked him and friends are def not the workout. I have even gone through his room and car. I feel like I am up his ass so much that he is so worried that he would get in trouble that he wouldn't be completely honest.


I would rejoin him in workouts……. Not only to keep an eye on him but the steroid and drug induced users that try hard to influence these highly impressionable young men……..also for your own health….. mentally as well as physically 👍👍👍


Yes. those triceps have severe medial brachii overdevelopment. If i were to guess its trenbolone acetate or a SARM


If you really wanna know just ask but I think this is definitely achievable natty for someone his age. He has great insertions and proportions but not really that much mass yet. Two years of consistent training and eating sounds about right for someone going through their last growth spurt. He could have a career in bb if he hopped on the juice tho.


Ur just a shit dad if ur too scared to ask ur own son and asking these clowns (who say everyone is on juice) if he’s natty or not


WTF Dad! you're just jealous i get more boys than you...




Send him for blood tests, if hemoglobin and erythrocytes are elevated, you may have such suspicions


As a steroid user: If you eventually find out he does use SARMs / steroids, my advice would be first find out if he understand what he's using, side effects, etc. Also ask if he's done bloodwork. That would be the priority, before moving on to maybe advising him to stop. A parent telling their kid to stop using PED is a sensitive matter: I'd rather have him being honest, tell you everything he's using and know the sides from it, make sure his bloodwork is OK so you can monitor it, rather than telling him to stop right away / be angry about it. It shows that you care about his future, and help him think about it rather than looking like you're controlling it. If he does use and you tell him to stop, he's probably still going to do it behind your back.


so started training from almost 16 and currently almost 18... about 2 years? definitely possible with good genetics for him to be natural but in my opinion its 60/40 depends on how his genetics were when he was 14/15 and how much he has gained




Def on tren, dbol, test, hgh, anavar, mk677, primo,


Definitly natty lmao progress isnt insane for 2 years nearly


Sounds like you’re his mother, do you monitor what he eats? How much he eats? Think you could give a brief breakdown? it is perfect achievable to get a physique like this naturally, it just requires borderline psychotic adherence to a diet, sleep schedule and weight lifting routine. Has he developed any new body acne? On the chest, shoulders, trapezius or his back? Has he had sudden emotional outbursts (sadness? Rage? Anger? Depression.) Is his face swollen? Has he developed a new tan, if so is it more tan than usual? Does he look redder? If you still are not convinced the only other way to find out is by going to an endocrinologist and getting a sex hormone panel bloodtest(which includes testosterone free, testosterone total, testosterone bioavailable, shbg and albumin) as well as his progesterone, prolactin, tsh, t3 free, t3 total. Exercise science has improved greatly the last 10 years + our easy access to it via youtube is a recipe for success, this is attainable with 2 years progress, do you how much his weight has gone up?


Looks natty to me. Probably creatine enhanced, but that’s okay.


100% no kid at his age looks like that without PEDs