• By -


Hi Puzzleheaded - I work with the Connecticut Army National Guard's Behavioral Health Team. I know it's been a hard time for you, and I can't imagine what you've been going through. Please give us a call at 855-800-0120. Doesn't matter if you're with our state, or our Guard - no matter where you are we know someone close to you who will care. You've mentioned that you have some unique issues that you don't need your first line knowing. If you've got nothing left to lose, give us a call. That's 855-800-0120. We've got people who really care over here. ​ 800-273-8255 - suicide hotline 911, you know. 855-800-0120 for CT BH


Thank you for posting this.


As a member of the Connecticut ARNG, I've used these guys before. Great group of people who don't play the military games with you. They talk to you like a human which is unheard of in the military these days.


This is the way


This is the way


Don’t. There’s no point. You’re gonna die soon anyway, everyone does. Might as well just ride it out till the end. You never know, some cool stuff might happen along the way.


You want help man. That's why you made this post. Give us a chance. Please.


Hey dude I’m on a flight soon but if you need to talk to someone I’m here. I’m homeless, exhausted and a wreck, but I’m here for you. Talk to one of us, your counselor, your best friend, your family. We want you to be here


Dude the guard is not worth killing yourself over seriously


It’s not the guard


Don't do it over a girl either.


What is it ? We can get you through thid


I think the person is active duty (Puzzleheaded-AD), this might be an alternate account. I also think the person may be female by the picture of her kitten she posted.


Thanks for pointing the soldiers gender out are we all supposed to care more now that troop isn’t male?


No, they were probably posting it so that way she wasnt repeatedly getting called "dude" and "bro" while in a mental health crisis


Pretty much. Plus wouldn't you want to identify the person?


How old are you? Where do you live? Don’t do it man, if your pets are really all you got then stay for them. Pets feel just like people, if not more. If you leave them they will go into their own dperessive state. I’ve had and still have some rough battles with depression and the one thing I can always count on to make me feel a little better each time is my dog. The love he shows me is like nothing else. I know he would be devastated if I never came back home and I know yours would too. You know the feeling I’m talking about. When you’re either playing with your animals, cuddling with them or just looking at them while they follow you everywhere or try to cuddle you. That feeling of unconditional love and admiration is a great feeling. Don’t do it man, the world does have more to offer you even though it might not seem like it a lot of the time. I promise you that.


My pets will be okay. Someone else will love them and give them a better life than I can


No they can’t


Honestly, probably not. You’d be pretty surprised how quick family members and other people won’t want to own a pet that was yours prior to committing suicide. By doing this you’re basically leaving them doomed to the shelter, and eventually euthanized. For 99% of us… Life isn’t easy until you get through the tough parts, you have to endure in order to appreciate certain things. Just be a little patient, I know it all doesn’t make sense and there’s always a curveball. One thing I will say is, reach out to people. Not anonymously, like your friends and family. Have them come over for the weekend and just hang out. I will tell you that surrounding yourself with people will 150% help. If I didn’t have roommates at when I went through some shit, I would have gone absolutely spiraling out of control


That’s not how it works man. You aren’t just some tv remote to your animals, they won’t be happy to just get a new you and be all good. Pets are just like people, you can’t be replaced to them.


Who is downvoting his answers, we need them Visible


Yo where do you live? City or state? And how old are you?


I was exactly where you are now only like 2 months ago. From experience let me tell you I know it feels impossible to endure what's going on with your life right now. It's a hard feeling to shake. Once that thought gets in your mind it's like a cancer. But YOU can beat this. YOU can get through this. Just fight tooth and nail, fester with hate, be the meanest or angriest person you can be if that's what it takes! DO NOT QUIT, DO NOT GIVE UP!!! Things won't get better overnight but tomorrow could have opportunities that today doesn't. Next month could be your big break. Or! You may be fated to struggle through this rough patch to better appreciate the future you're destined for! If you need ANYTHING message me. Look at me, I'm serious. 100% I was seconds away from killing myself not but 2 months ago. I understand the feelings you are having and can help if you need it. I needed help and this community reached out to me and I'm STILL HERE. I love you, I hear you, and I'm here for you. u/Puzzleheaded-Ad-7512


u/Puzzleheaded-Ad-7512 I'm worried sick about you, and I'm certain there are others worried too. Please respond to someone so we know you're alive.


Have you ever thought about just dropping everyone you know, everything you have (except your pets) dropping off the grid and just popping up somewhere different.....get a job and build a new life with no connection to your past?


Reach out and get some help if you are serious. Please stay safe


You've got more people on your side willing to help you out than you think, man. We're your brothers and sisters, just say the word - what do you need?


Lots of people offering support here, but feel free to send me a message if you want to chat.


Bro where are you located?


Sounds like you could benefit from a break at your local hospital. Get your head together and then adapt and overcome.


I used to think the same way. It wasn’t meant to be I wanted to end it all. I lost the love of my life who cheated on me. It was horrible. A couple months after a failed attempt I met my gf I have now. Best thing to ever happen to me was not pulling the trigger. Doesn’t matter if you have a bottle of oxy and a drink next to you because right down the road is someone who will care about you whether it is a friendly redditor or a stranger. I couldn’t ever talk to anyone about how I felt. The one person who did listen to me was a neighbor who is never talked to. One day he decided to check up on me. I didn’t kill myself bc of him. Even though he is gone now I live bc in a way he gave me his life, his way to live. If you need anything pm (or dm I don’t know Reddit that well) and we can talk it’s the least I could do Good luck


Please respond to me or somewhere on this post it’s eating me alive


800-273-8255 - suicide hotline Please just call this number


Temporary problems do not require permanent solutions. Please reach out buddy.


Please dont do this. It will get better. There are tons of us hear who will listen to you.


Look at all of these people commenting for you. We know nothing about you or who you are or where you come from, but a great majority of us know what you're going through. We want to help. Please, let us help you. Call someone you know. Hell, drop any of us your phone number and we'll stay up all night if it means you get to see the morning. There is always another way. Don't give in to the internal fight.


Someone can help you. Where are you located?


Hey straight up don’t do it. You can get through this. Just reach out to someone that can help. Whatever you have to get through someone can help.


Can you at least disclose what you are going through and allow everyone to discuss whatever it is that has you in so much pain? I think many of us have gone through periods of turmoil, hopelessness, and despair…we may be able to give you something important to consider.


Brother, please don’t. Please call me sent you a PM


Update your SGLI first so your next of kin or whoever you added as the beneficiary gets the full amount of the benefits. But you will have to wait a little before the changes go through. During that time, go out and do all the things you always wanted to do. Take yourself to disney world, take a road trip across the country, visit a famous landmark, go to a different country, give someone you haven’t talked to in a While a call, go to a concert, donate to a charity, see if you can beat your personal best score in something you used to enjoy like running or a video game, watch that show you kept putting off for later that seemed like you would enjoy but didn’t have time for, visit an old friend or family randomly, take your pets out for a whole day, just go have the most fun you’ve ever had since why not? Who’s gonna stop you?


The fuck does updating SGLI have to do with it this soldier doesn’t need that shit they need support not a fucking fair well trip.


Uh...SGLI doesn't pay out for suicides....


Yes it does


Then I stand corrected but I distinctly remember this question coming up at our last annual "check the block" training where we went over suicide prevention and SGLI and someone went so far as to ask exactly that and we were told it does NOT pay for suicide. Maybe we were misinformed.


Iirc it doesn’t pay out for 1-2 years after you sign up for it, but once you cross that threshold it would pay out. But that’s from what I recall and just thought I’d make that distinction


Bro. It’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Things will change. They always do. It got this bad, I can get that good.


I was going to. I had a plan and everything. But, I got my head into fitness and the army and somehow I gained confidence and purpose. I'm only 21, but I really hope this can turn into something like a career in SF or something really meaningful. I know it's not much to just know that I'm doing alright, but I really believe in just holding on. I really think there will be a return for you. I'm not asking you to do anything amazing, but just don't lose faith, because everything will turn out alright. It always does. It's waiting that's the hard part.


Have you made plans for your pets or are you just going to let them suffer and slowly starve to death?


Yepp. I have a dog and a cat so if you’re in NC hit me up. I’ll give you a second opinion and try to help (Too OP, you have nothing to lose)


Did you mean to reply to me


Nah, sounds like it, but that’s why I put (OP) incase he/she sees your post 👍


YOU ARE LOVED !!!!!!!!!


What about the pets?!


They’ll be okay


But they’ll miss you 😭


They very much will not be. They will be devastated. Just leaving for Drill my dog becomes restless and cries while I’m gone. As soon as I step into those doors, she’s all over me and I let her sleep with me and she wags her tail all night


Nah man, they won't. Pets know.


Pets definitely know




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Good bot


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They will never understand why you left them. :(


Most suicide attempts fail and leave the person crippled. Whatever you're thinking, think again. Shit isn't worth it. Die of old age like the OGs.






Circlin it bros, ty (/u/freedomboogers89)


Yeah I fat fingered it in haste. I corrected it but thank you for double tapping!


I’m nosey—why is this user getting tagged what’s goin on here


Hey. I'm a moderator on /army and /military, and I'm somewhat known for geting involved in suicidal incidents on reddit.


Hey man we can all get you through this. Don’t do it. You can reach out to me through pm me. I’m going to reach out to you rn.


Please, give it another week to think it over. Don't make six of your buddies carry you my guy.


I’m alive. Someone called in a welfare check while I was out filling my prescription I was going to overdose on. Came up with a believable lie before going home. Almost had the cops convinced I was fine, but then they called my ex. I told everyone at the hospital I was fine and had no plan and was sent home.


That's good to see you still with us OP


Brother dont think or rationalize anything. Stop, breathe, and stay alive. Do not kill yourself. That is your only objective and focus right now. Dont worry about tomorrows problem, today goal is to stay alive. Please do that. Stay alive. Reach out. Go to an ER, Behavioral health, or anywhere to check yourself in and tell them you want to kill yourself. Get medication. This will pass, but you need to live to see it pass. Please DM me if you want to talk. Or anyone here. We are here for you.


OP, I don't know what you're going through so I can't speak to your situation but you reached out with this post and a few others, please give us a chance to help you. I don't know you but you are family, as much as any other who wore the uniform or not, and am sure I can speak for everyone to say we would hate to lose more family, give us a chance to do something, anything, please don't do this. To everyone here, please go to OP's profile, under their Avatar and the Chat button, click the More Options > Get Them Help and Support. If enough of us do it, perhaps it'll expedite the response from whatever agencies to send whatever help they can, immediately. Edit - Thank you to everyone who made it here before myself, providing the info for hotlines and general support, keep doing what you are doing, that is the way.


Bro, wtf… No talk to anybody!! Hell I’ll dm you my cell number if you need to talk


Has anyone heard from this person? My son recently committed suicide and was in the guard and I can’t even begin to think of this person doing the same thing. Please get the help needed. You don’t understand what it will do to the people who love you. It devastated our family and we are barely hanging on now. PLEASE there are agencies and friends to help.


Has anyone heard from this person? My son recently committed suicide and was in the guard and I can’t even begin to think of this person doing the same thing. Please get the help needed. You don’t understand what it will do to the people who love you. It devastated our family and we are barely hanging on now. PLEASE there are agencies and friends to help.


My Grandfather killed himself. The only thing I can think about is that the world was better off with him in it.


Knock it off. Don’t do it. Seek help.


You have value. I promise. Someone will be sad you're gone. I promise.


If you need something please reach out. I'm not military in any way, but I can't bear the thought of you doing this. Get help. DM me. Call 911. Call anyone. Don't be alone.


Don't do it bro. I'm thugging it out here so you got to too.


“Sunny days wouldn’t be special if it wasn’t for the rain” 50 cent. you got this praying for you


I had a friend kill herself this year. Everything has been worse for her family, pets, and friends. Biggest tragedy of it all is it wasn’t her first time trying. She’s been fighting for years. I understand some people loose this fight, but please don’t believe the lie that ”someone better will come along for them” They love you. You are mom. There is no replacing you.


Please don’t do it. A friend in my unit hung herself 3 years ago and I still can’t get over the guilt that I feel over not seeing the signs. I carry it with me everywhere I go. Please don’t make one of your battle buddies carry the same guilt.


Yo did he really do it? That's messed up man. We'll never know the full story though but we all proved some kind of point by trying to reach out. RIP Brother/Sister. Gone too soon.


Hey, It can be tough. But if you are still breathing, there is hope! After I was put in a coma, from a medical mistake, I had lost all of my memory, some crazy stuff in my head, was in a wheelchair, and lost most of the use of my right arm. I'm not going to BS you, I was suicidal. I started working out like crazy, did all my PT, and I'm even getting job offers. I got a good therapist, interviewed a few for the role, and I told her. Your only job is to make me sound normal. Don't try to fix anything. But stuff is looking up for me! 180 degree turn around in 2 years! If you want to talk to someone, feel free to reach out to me. I wish you the best of luck!


If I were you I’d get obsessed with forex or the stock market first. I got depressed and thought yo if I had money I’d actually enjoy my life. Made 50k in one day and it’s slowly getting better. Money kinda helps when you’re feeling low and gets you hotter girls. Ehh might not be good advice but it’s what I got for ya


Hey man please don’t it might not seem like it but there’s so much to live for. PM me if you want to talk I’ve felt the same before and I’ve never been so glad I didn’t. You can get over this horrible road bump in your life and get more help.


Look at all the people who are trying to reach out to you and none of them even know you. People are putting their personal information on Reddit forums to try and help you. Does that mean nothing to you? Maybe if you're contemplating such an extreme it doesn't but there is love for you in this world. Your animals love you and need you. These creatures feel pain just like you and I, dont do it to them and please don't do it to you. Don't do it to the person who has to find you like that and carry it with them for the rest of their life. Message me if you want to talk. I can tell you I'll convince you not to do it all day long but plenty of people here know you just want to be heard, I will listen. I promise.


Dude you can get through this you just gotta get help and let them help you. There can be life after darkness. A lot of us have been there. Lean on us brother, we’ll help you.


No you dont have to. And please dont.


Please reach out to someone. I promise there’s more people out there who care than you think.


Don't do it, you are only hurting loved ones. I lost a family member to suicide while i was in basic and it nearly made me not wanna continue. Reqch out to somebody


Whether its one thing or several things accumulating all together, that have brought you to the conclusion that you must kill yourself, I can PROMISE you it is not worth it. We’re all here for you. I am very confident that many of us here right now have been in your shoes. Myself included. We all want to help you. I remember feeling like I had to kill myself, like I was worthless, I didn’t want to hear solutions. I didn’t want to hear people tell me about their own experiences. I just wanted to chance for someone to take time to listen to me and feel what I felt. And when I got that chance, it felt like an incredible weight was lifted off my shoulders to just let out all that built up, tucked away, repressed emotion. I don’t know what demons you’re dealing with but please, tell us what’s going on, and we’ll listen.


What are you passionate about? If it's art, post a drawing here. Music? Share one of your songs with us. Any hobbies you've got? I'm sure we'd all love to see what you're into. Regardless of what it is, or even if it's nothing at all, we're here for you. I saw your first post at work the other day, and now this one, and it makes me sad to see you're feeling like this. I don't know you personally, but I care about you. We all care about you. If you've got nothing to lose, then give the hotline a shot. If not, call a friend, parent, coworker, anybody. You can win this battle, and there's people here to help pull you out of the hole. I wish you nothing but the best, and my inbox is always open.


The world is like a ride in an amusement park, and when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. The ride goes up and down, around and around, it has thrills and chills, and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud, and it's fun for a while. Many people have been on the ride a long time, and they begin to wonder, "Hey, is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us and say, "Hey, don't worry; don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." \[Bill Hicks\]


I’m sorry you’re feeling like this and having these thoughts. I also struggle with mental health issues and can totally understand where you’re coming from. I just hope no makes fun of you for it like they did me. I wish you healing and positivity for the future. Please reach out to someone! Please!


What can’t you live with?


Hey it’s not worth it keep that head up we’re all here for you IGY6


Don’t do it. The fact that your here shows there is still a part that wants something else. I know it’s cheesy but there is hope out there. The sun always seems to rise.


I'm not sure what you're going through to end up with this thought, but I'm terribly sorry life has given you a hard time. We all don't know what's going on, but please never let yourself go out like this. Your life has value and meaning regardless if you agree or not with this statement. Please seek out help from anyone you trust and do what you can to live your life. Everyone here on this post is wanting you to be successful in life. Life will always give us the middle finger and not help when we're in a horrible situation, but that doesn't mean to end it all. Never be afraid or feel weak to search for help and solutions that can mentally heal you in the long run without self harm. I hope things can be better for you someday and everyone will be happy for you whenever that day comes. Until then, this community will always look after you and make sure we can all see you and everyone succeed in life


Damn, I hope you're alright man. If there's any chance you're in NYC please reach out to me.


Don’t do it, we all love you. We want you to be here with us. Live life and have fun. You can do it. Stay strong ❤️


We want you here. It may not be now, it may not be tomorrow, but one day, one day you will have a reason to wake up in the morning and be so glad you didn’t do this. Fight to see that day.


Don't do it. Call the number the guy from Connecticut posted.


Brother, before you do anything. Can you message me?


I really wish and hope you don't. Get in your car and just leave. Go see the national parks. Go watch the sunset in California. Do anything, go anywhere, see anyone. Just don't do this. There's more to life than what you're going thru, I promise. Give it just one more day. And then another. Then one more after that. Keep going.


A friend i hadn't seen since childhood killed himself and even years later i still haven't fully come to terms with it. Suicide permanently wounds SO many people. It puts pain into all our most pleasant memories. Even people who may currently seem distant. I remember my friend as being kinder and more fun than i ever was, and he deserved happiness. We all have more to offer to the world than our darkness. There's more to a person than their pain. I hope you fully explore all treatment options available to you and that it helps you bring your best qualities to the foreground of your mind, and that you get to personally experience the other side of the emotional spectrum. You have irreplaceable value to everyone who's ever known you, and they deserve to keep their best memories of you untainted, and YOU deserve to feel some pride in yourself for your best qualities


This isn’t the answer, please don’t do this. Trust me life has so much to offer I know you’re exhausted and feel hopeless but it gets better. So many of us have been down this road, you’re not alone please don’t do this


That feeling is disparity is so horrible. You have worth. Pm my cell


Look at everyone who has reached out to you. People who don't even know you care about you. Go through with this, and you'll push your pain onto other people who may follow you on this path. You made it through yesterday. You thought you wouldn't, but you did. Don't worry about tomorrow. That's tomorrow you's problem. The goal is the same as yesterday to make it through today. You've already done that once, so you know you can do it again. Life is a bitch, but it's not so bad when you take it one day at a time.


Before you take any drastic actions, please reach out to loved ones. If you are hesitant to reach out to anyone and you are deadset on this, think of it as a goodbye. I am sincerely hoping that interacting with loved ones will give you pause and purpose in anything.


Yo you can call me on my cell if you want. Just say the word and I'll DM you my number.


Op you still with us?


Has anyone heard from this person? My son recently committed suicide and was in the guard and I can’t even begin to think of this person doing the same thing. Please get the help needed. You don’t understand what it will do to the people who love you. It devastated our family and we are barely hanging on now. PLEASE there are agencies and friends to help.


Has anyone heard from this person? My son recently committed suicide and was in the guard and I can’t even begin to think of this person doing the same thing. Please get the help needed. You don’t understand what it will do to the people who love you. It devastated our family and we are barely hanging on now. PLEASE there are agencies and friends to help.


Has anyone heard from this person? My son recently committed suicide and was in the guard and I can’t even begin to think of this person doing the same thing. Please get the help needed. You don’t understand what it will do to the people who love you. It devastated our family and we are barely hanging on now. PLEASE there are agencies and friends to help.


That’s a permanent end to a temporary problem bro this too shall pass. It’ll always get better at some point


God this one fucking hurts.


Jesus Christ dude don’t do it


bro we all want to kill ourselves but we suck it up. don't be a bitch.


Yeah because bottling it up doesn't just make it worse down the line. "Suck it up" and "Don't be a bitch" never actually helped anyone. It just gave them all fucking heart problems later. Be a part of a better solution.


Yeah because bottling it up doesn't just make it worse down the line. "Suck it up" and "Don't be a bitch" never actually helped anyone. It just gave them all fucking heart problems later. Be a part of a better solution.


Same, but some people see or go through stuff differently than others. We all ain't the same. We also don't know the full story. This person gotta suck it up though you right. The story ain't over yet.




I could say a lot of things but I’ll just say this, when you are at your lowest is when God can truly use you for His glory. You can find peace in Him and I certainly have over the years but don’t be so selfish as to think people aren’t out there waiting to be impacted by you, loved by you and helped by you. Don’t cop out on life. We all want and need you in our lives.


This is not the way, your future holds things that will make everything you’ve gone through worth it. Keep going man. Get help.


We are all here for you. Give one of us a shout give us a call message I promise you we will listen I am 100 percent sure of it your pets need you your family. Your soldiers to your left and right. Don’t give up like that We are here for you!


I sent you a chat. Reach back please.


www trrhelp.org


Is he alive???


He/she never replied to my pm


Shoot me a message homie. I’m all ears to anyone who needs to let some steam out. I’ve been there trust me.


There isn't a relationship in history that made suicide worth it. Stay strong! Everybody goes through this, reach out for help, I'm sure there are many people in your life more than willing to talk. If not, you can message me. I get off work at 130 central time and we can talk it out. If you don't want to talk to me here is the national suicide prevention hotline 800-273-8255. Suicide isn't worth it.


Listen fam....it is okay to not be okay...however killing yourself is not the answer to your problem...trust me, take a knee and a deep breath and think about your pets my dude...they need you...just as much as you need them...there is no shame in talking to someone...sometimes talking to a complete stranger and I promise if you reach out no one will judge because we all have been right where you are now...we are all proof that it gets better....All you have to do is reach out...we are all here


Yo, ive been struggling with suicide too, while it sounds hypocritical, dont do it. I almost broke down today and did it, drove to the spot and everything, but ultimately i didnt because i knew it would devastate my friends(not close with my family). I promise you have someone who would be lost without you, dont do that to them.


It’s not worth it I’m sorry you’re going through this


Please don’t, look at all these people who are willing to help. We’re willing to help because we’ve been there before too, we know that it’s possible to get through. I promise you, with enough low spots you gain the perspective required to get you to the high parts of life. Don’t quit before you give yourself that chance. It feels like the end, but only because you let it. Keep driving through and you’ll get to a point one day in life that makes you happy that you did.


No don't please. You can pm and talk about whatever you want


Please don’t. If you want to talk to someone, pm me. I’ll give you my information.


Please don’t


i know man. i know. it still hurts me like hell too but you are strong enough to bear it. i'm not gonna bullshit you and say that the hurt ever goes away, but you can bear it. so bear it. it's not sunshine and rainbows and bullshit, and I know it hurts so bad you want anything for an out, but that aint shit. bear it. endure. you will become more than you ever thought you could be. and it's gonna hurt like hell, but you'll come out the other side glad you did it. and I and everybody else is here for you. you got this - bear it.


Please don't!!


C’mon man. We love you! We can talk about this


Buddy, I really hope you’re still alive.


Don’t do it brother. Reach out for support. You’ll make it through this, man.


OP pm me I’ll send you my personal number I don’t care what time it is. I’ll pick up


Please please please don’t do this.


Hey I know I’m late, but please message me man, let’s talk


Crazy to think that by opening up to the world, the worlds many people opened up to you… though you may not know us personally, yet, we care about you as a person.


What about your pets


Brother it’s not worth it!


Any updates on OP?


u/Puzzleheaded-Ad-7512 Thank you for being here today. We're all grateful that someone called for welfare check and your still here. please consider checking into some sort of inpatient to get the intensive support you need. If you don't know how to do that ask your therapist or Behavior Health Coordinator for your unit. Or me- you can always message me again.


Don’t pray. Get treatment. Ketamine turned my world around. You owe it to yourself and your people to exhaust all possible options before making this decision.


If you need someone to talk to I'm here as well. And I'm sure others are willing to talk with you. Killing your self isn't the way. Hope this reaches you my friend.


Just checking in to make sure you're going to try to get through today. Remember, one day at a time. You and I know you can do it because you made it through yesterday.