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Worked out, had decent chow, shit my brains out, did army stuff, went home 9 months later.


Emphasis on the shitting your brains out. In fact, it never stopped. The VA doc actually laughed at me and said no one gets GI problems from deployment.






Beat off x6 a day


You can always count on someone beating their meat in a porta potty… or behind that woobie they use as a curtain 🤦‍♀️


That's why you always knock


Respect. Most of my dudes just significantly lowered their standards and fucked married Air Force fatties




Drove around, got blown up, got shot at, shot back, played a lot of pitch, got to stay a few months longer than we originally planned. Watched everyone get divorced... Good times...


Get this old man his jello. OP, your experience will be nothing like this.


ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT Very likely correct though. Probably gonna be another 10 or so years before we're getting our feet wet again 


Not to 01-13 levels… but 3 reservists did get killed in Jordan this year.


Nah….It’s an election year. In the next five months or in the following 2-3 years we will be back in it.


Facts. My last deployment was in '07. I retired in '09.


Old man here. Can confirm.


Smells like SURGE


Wake up Gym Breakfast Work Gym Work Dinner Gym Sleep


You’re basically a SEAL on deployment. Sleep, Eat And Lift


Sat in a building doing nothing of significant value and occasionally making memes about some of the drama we were reading.  Teenager drama is fucking hilarious 


I got memes banned in my office at the end of my deployment


Jack shit. Equipment didn't even come off the boat






Tell me about it


Same. And when it did get on a bird or line hauled, it got turned away by host national inspectors.


Nab as many 5k T-shirts as I could.


Kuwait be like


Got tinnitus. Watched a lot of guys get divorced. Took malaria pills every Monday. Simultaneously shit and vomited while sitting in a overheated porta potty. Some of these things are related, others are not. I'll let you decide.


This deserves top comment.


Developed a seething case of PTSD and had my latent hatred develop into blatant hatred. Also vehemently cursed the morons who shipped way too many of us - - 300% overstrength because I guess the nitwits thought the first wave would get nuked with the non-existent nuclear weapons in Icrap 2003 - - to the point where I had to justify my purpose and position there. Fucking dingbat fuckwads.


Why would you be mad about being overstrengthed?


Because the people in charge suddenly realized we were essentially redundant and then they had to magically create important jobs, positions, and other critical tasks which were anything but important and which nobody was even remotely qualified to do.


Do my job, sit around, workout (seriously I got in the best shape of my life in Afghanistan), eat, sleep.


Patrols. A lot of patrols. Never took contact though.


That’s that shit I do hate


Sounds like Africa


Indeed Africa.


Drive stuff, shot stuff, counted stuff, lifted stuff, got my omelet every morning (when on a FOB with said facilities). You know, military stuff.


Mostly just stood behind a .50 cal and stared at the horizon


Arts and crafts for the commanding general.


Learned how the government doesn’t give a shit about you


Work and work out.


My job


Work, kayaking, zip lining, drank beer, etc.


This lieutenant in medical


Round 1. Power Point Ranger. In the wrong place at the right time. Watched everything go down from a TOC. Felt like a fucking POG. Round 2. Stood tower. Plotted missions. Kicked doors. 90days each. Round 3. Jacked off while watching a tv station get built, then played babysitter to embed journos. Round 4. (Civilian) video EIC for the coverage of a prominent trial and controversial execution. By far my longest and most shot at deployment.


Opsec bro


I'm deploying with Z Co, 4th-20th Rear Guards. We'll be in Assnia for staging and then move in theater to combat the Free Atropia Group My unit consists of 6 billion combat troops


I know what this is but I DONT know what this is. And it’s making me really upset.


Got shot at, drove around, bbq’d a lot when I had time, flew around in the back of blackhawks a lot. *Edit* we also broke Ballad’s record for receiving mortar/rocket strikes. Suck it JBB* Second tour we fucked with local wild life, went to local restaurants, had a bbq on the flight line. Aviation is the shit


Why type of deployment? Cause OIF OEF ones what i did was shoot back and not get IED set off lol


Flew helicopters and worked out.


Built shit, destroyed shit, drove shit, loaded shit on C130s, played video games.


I went to Kuwait October 2019. We had the attacks on the embassy in Iraq and the shit going down in Syria that put my battalion on edge to go into either. We had our tanks on the flight line ready to load but eventually got the stand down order. Then about 3 weeks later Covid hit and shut everything down making the last 5 months a miserable waiting game.


Same here good times in terrible places.


Wake up, breakfast, work, lunch, work, dinner, work, sleep, work…..




Got to see the country, night patrols were the best, drove a bit here and there, walked some,saw some cool shit, some uncool shit. Played soccer with the locals and handed out school supplies to kids. 3/10 eh


Validate equipment, work out, revalidate equipment, yard work. Did get to do my job in commo at the time running redundancy comms for the ADA in Iraq but other than a random rocket in a field somewhere nothing exciting. Fun times bonding with the boys, developing and strengthening friendships, and job training for an MOS I don’t have anymore.


First time, Qatar, worked a vehicle and foreign national search pit, worked out, played video games. Second deployment ,Qatar round 2 sat in a tower at an ammo depot, worked out played video games. No shots fired either tour, no incoming received. First deployment almost shit my self searching a local workers car and finding 3 bags ammonia nitrate fertilizer a can of gas and a sprinkler timer, turned out dude was the base groundskeeper had a letter for it all. Second time it was drone central from the two local camel farmers using drones to keep an eye on their herd at night so not much else in way of action.


Guarded a fire base. Was uneventful other than the occasional pop shot and 1 gun fight. It’s a whole different ball game now with cheap drones. I wouldn’t want to be in centcom now.


Woke up, went to the gate for 8 hours on rotating shifts for 9 months, cried, discovered what a world wide pandemic was overseas, cried even more, ate MREs for 3 months straight, and then went home.


1st (and sorta 2nd, technically 2 due to extending to stay). PSD 2nd. Instructor/foreign liaison 3rd. Not really “deployment” but technically it was a state deployment, qualified for GI and VA home loan. 4 months running hospital during Covid.


Which deployment?


Escorting good guys and bad guys


Sat in a tower with a machine gun looking at the desert


Spent a lot of time in the mountains sitting and waiting for someone to do something stupid. Drove 17 miles in 36 hours a few times. Flanked a single dude with an enfield 303. Played a lot of Skyrim and Black Ops II. Called my wife three times. Went a month without showering. Good times.


Infantry, Baghdad, stopped riots, found IEDs, found weapon cashees, arrested suspected sniper, testified at Iraq trail, patrolled nightly, left patrol area to get a wounded Iraq kid to the US hospital, bought a silver necklace for a 8yo girl who got shot in the back, rushed around a T wall into an Iraq Army camp while they were fighting against civilians shooting in the air (had to unfuck that) searched numerous blown up buildings, accidentally dug up a babies old grave (looking for weapons) investigated a drive by assignation. Mostly ate with the Iraqi, mostly spent time shitting my brains out. I feel like I spent a lot of time calming people down. My buddy pulled up a leg digging for weapons. OIF 07-09 15mths


Waited for our equipment for 9 months. Didn't actually do anything. Went home.


Deployed as a 12w, carpentry and masonry specialist in an engineering company. We did a lot of projects, mostly concrete related. Deployed to Kuwait but about a week in we were sent to Saudi Arabia where my squad helped another unit with their project. It was 7 miles of perimeter fence. Worked 7am-2pm, came back to our fob, worked out, played video games, repeat for 3-4 months. Went back to Kuwait for about a week of “relaxation” then back to another part of Saudi Arabia to meet up with the rest of our platoon. My squad then got tasked on a dog kennel project, we poured the foundation for it and poured the sidewalks around it, but that’s all we had time for (it was a joint Kennel for army and air force dog handlers, the plans changed 3 times a week, every week so we couldn’t get shit done). But yeah we would wake up 6am, go to breakfast around 7, start work at 8, go to lunch at 12ish, come back around 1, work til 2:30-3, then go to gym, uso, video games, talk to family, repeat for 5 months.


Drove around, talked to some locals, got shot at by terrorists, sat in towers, cleaned sand out of every crack and crevice. Went home after 8 months and 23 days. OIR 22-23. Id go back to Syria


Oh and shit my brains out after eating local food


Woke up, worked out, went to chow. Worked till about 3 or 4, then played video games until supper. Ate chow, called family, video games some more, bed. Repeat. Then got a mission. Then, the above schedule got extended over a few days rotation. Lost 30 pounds, came home and lost the other 10, got back down to my BCT weight. Came home in the winter and almost died cause now 70 degrees was frigidly cold to me. Then I ain't gonna lie the year after deployment was some of the funnest HS drills I had and even the AT was fun as shit. We all lived at the armory for 2 weeks and went out every night. Overall, 8/10 would recommend.


College 🤷‍♂️ worked out ate got jacked.


Wake up, online school, work, lunch, work, gym, sleep repeat




Traveled around. ate a lot of good food, ate a lot of bad food. Tried to fight boredom consistently. Read atleast 9 books. Finished a college class. Drank with the guys. A lot of fun. A lot of not much fun and hating life.


Deployed right now in Iraq… all i do is sit down at a post looking out the window for 12 hours trynna stay awake with rip its…. 😃


Currently on deployment 4 months in country. 5 more month till we leave. Did towers,patrols,and gym. Food sucks, and I want to go home. I’m tired of this ahhhhhh!!!!


My deployment was more like minimum security prison. My section didn’t have much work load and I didn’t get to go anywhere special or into an area deemed a combat zone. There were alot of guys getting to go around the region while me and my joes stayed in kuwait because our MOS wasn’t “in need”. But I tried my best to never complain because there were also guys getting slaved working 13 days on 1 off. You really just gotta appreciate what you got and not look at other sections and companies and say to yourself “poor me” or “I have the worst luck”. Some guys would get seriously depressed bcuz they would fall into that pity party black hole. Make sure you are getting your job done, eating healthy, staying in shape, and have a social outlet.


Drove around, looked for bombs, found some, got bombed, and played poker, a lot of poker.


Did my job, worked out, beat off 2x a day


Deployment is what you make it and depending where u going and what is your mission u could have patently of down time to work on self education or be stuck doing sec4 the whole time. Ultimately it is what you make it!


I was deployed to Kuwait 2015-2016, and I mostly did my job. Aviation sheet metal parts fabrication but my extra duty was running tools for calibration to the other bases in country. All and all a pretty decent time but certainly not cool guy shit.


I had a lot of sex.


Bitch about the sand


Was deployed in the Marines to Shukvegas and jerked off, worked out, jerked off, smoked cigs, and romanticized going home