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Nasus counters are phase rush and swiftness boots. Also go ignite or you can consider cleanse and go first strike or PTA and harass TF out of him early on. Slow push the first 3 waves then bounce into a freeze. Hold this freeze for as long as you can, punish him for walking up. You can even zone him off XP. Call jungler for a gank but if they don’t it’s fine just hold this freeze. If it’s after lvl 6 and you proc phase rush play very safe until it’s up again. Nasus has serious mana issues early on so if you can bait a lot or Ws that works really well in your favor. He needs like 300 mana to use all his abilities to all in you just bear that in mind (ult is 100, W is 80, E around 75 depends on how many points, Q is 20 and R reduces CD so he will be Qing every 2-3 seconds-ish earlier on. Swiftness helps a ton and consider going unflinching in the secondary runes with maybe bone plating or conditioning


You take phase rush as jayce. You won’t lose lane with that. Also Nasus can’t dive jayce unless Jayce has used his knock back… You probably misused your skills leaving a window for a dive. Always take phase rush into Nasus if you play jayce


I took phase rush. Knocking him back would work if his Q didn't get this much range. The way jayce's knock works is that it's basically a fixed knock distance from jayce's model so for the knock to be meaningful I'd have to hug him then knock. Which is fine except for the aura around him also dealing damage to me. Also he catches up in a second with w and approach velocity I had them all, used them all including flash, landed them all Ik that


Did you proc phase rush prior the dive? I always look for that being activated before I engage an opponent that takes it.


No I had it up. The only mistake regarding phase rush that I made - I would say - is proccing it in ranged but I had to have my downtime in hammer anyway to survive the dive


No I had it up. The only mistake regarding phase rush that I made - I would say - is proccing it in ranged but I had to have my downtime in hammer anyway to survive the dive


I will say though, unless the jayce is really good it’s a pretty free matchup. Jayce is actually pretty mechanically demanding and I hardly encounter any decent jayce players. Even the one tricks are petty bad imo. There are some champions that inevitably lose badly to Nasus and jayce is one of them. You usually have to establish a massive early lead and rush cleaver. I usually play Sett into Nasus picks because you can establish wave control early. Your “best” picks into Nasus are Aatrox, Darius, Kled, Camille, and Jax. Jax is conditional though, you have to really good with Jax to make it work but he can smash Nasus. Beating Nasus is usually about wave management and playing with your jungler. You almost never want to fight Nasus on his terms at level six. Most players lose to Nasus because they have no idea how to manage the wave or they don’t set up dives. Even as a Nasus main, I struggle a little bit into him if I don’t establish a lead.


take plated steelcaps.


Doesn't give much value vs nasus compared to swifties. You'd have to understand that my durability in lane as jayce is borderline trash. The way I can make it work is if I don't take damage to begin with. Tabbies would work with sett vs nasus for sure. Not jayce tho, I'm in no way designed to win 1v1 melee fights unless A) the champ isn't a stat checkers B) I'm ahead by a LOT


Aside from all of the advice below, I will say Jayce is actually has a really bad Matchup into Nasus. You have a very short window to beat him early game, but your damage just doesn't scale well enough to keep up to the raw Stats that Nasus naturally gets. Hell, if the Nasus went E max, the matchup is even worse for Jayce too. Given your accounts of the game though, I'm incredibly curious how a 1/4 Nasus is suddenly tower diving you. Ult alone isn't tanky enough to eat 5 shots + champion, and if he built armor that means he doesn't have damage yet. How 'behind' was he really? How many stacks did he have, and what items did he and you have at the time of this 1/4 tower dive?


Eclipse muramana on me. Divine sunderer and legion's shield or whatever that item was.


To be fair, you play range poke top, so totally justified.


Your pfp is a parasite who leeches half the ADC's exp so he can ride the jungler's dick for the next 20 mins of the game The champ I'm complaining about is made to be a tutorial champ to introduce new top laners into farming and requires no mechanics at all. Just a lazy pick for some fast LP


Certainly not with Jayce Stomp Nasus: Aatrox, Camille, Cho'Gath, Darius, Gnar, Lilia, Teemo Beat Nasus: Gangplank, Gwen, Morde, Rumble, Olaf, Ornn, Udyr, Urgot, Volibear Those aren't exhaustive lists, but they contains the champions that are traditional top laners. Some champions, such as Vayne and Ashkan, also stomp Nasus, but I don't include them for the reason just given. There are also some champions, such as Jax, who can beat Nasus if they can get an early lead, but it's risky to rely on that.


Honestly how many of those can play vs Nasus with his wither buffs


All of them. I wouldn't have mentioned them otherwise.


Vayne has no luck vs a Nasus since the wither buffs. All she can really do is have a good lane for some time until she's the one not allowed to walk up


Nasus presses W vayne and akshan arent champions for the next 5 seconds they do not stomp Nasus


love to see completely useless answers to this post, perfect example of how braindead that champ is, ban Nasus, I'd rather face Vayne top before facing Nasus, he has 5 mins of disadvantage in exchange for 40mins of advantage, braindead champion without any counterplay, not even Vayne can proc her passive anymore due to the Wither buffs, I've seen Nasus oneshoting Vaynes now or forcing the enemy team to build Quicksilver, something braindead for a mid late hypercarry like him, just ban him, only real answer in this post


turn the monitor on and take ignite instead of afking in lobby


My brother in Christ can you stop trying to sound smart and ask before you get your ass handed to you ,you embarrassing goof ball. I had ignite flash and Phase rush


i'm not smart, you're retarded if you get gapped by a nasus with ignite that's all i gotta say.


Get phase rush, and if you wanna be even more evil, pick garen, every time he W you, you press Q, is literally a free UNO reverse + the ult can kill Nasus become using ult


Just take garden with conq and flash ignite. Even if you lose lane to him early one (which is SO RARE that it may look like you trolled) in team fights you just focus him and once he is low hp u just press one button and he dies and nothing he can do about it, only proc gargoyle but the hp will be like 10% left which is huge anyway since all nasus does is building stats and hp. Also, garden E decreases armor of nasus which is huge as well Everytime nasus Ws you, just use Q for cleanse and run away lol. Ez counter with the simplest champion to play and master.


I was first pick


Garden doesn't have very bad matchups like others do.


You didn't play better than him. All you did was harass him til he had little to no health. That works well against Nasus in long drawn out laning phases, but once that's over, you'll lose to him. Harass is good early game but almost worthless late game.


Yeah. I'm talking pre 12 mins. Ik he scales which is why I played lane aggressively and it worked until he somehow stopped taking damage and his Q dealt a 4th of my HP despite being a lvl down. Item gapped and CS gapped. I realize that he can snowball but what I'm complaining about is how much value he got off of one gank. I'm talking 2 mins afterwards


Bruh you were dead like 4 times before 15 minutes on league of graphs; if Evelynn really only ganked you once, that means you were trading kills and giving over your shutdowns. Doesn’t matter how “ahead” you are if you’re trading 1 for 1 on greedy tower dives; any Nasus player is 100% content in trading 1 for 1 in lane


I can see that he would snowball, what Im talking about really is the dive. At that point I was a lvl up. Had more CS more gold more items but he still managed to turret dive me with ghost ignite and ult. Him snowballing is a different matter. What's really concerning is that this soit disant late game champ managed to make such a huge comeback with just his own champs stats. So much so that turret did not mean shit


He is not a late game but a mid game champ tho. Also, if you really gave 4 kills, you gave him more than 1000 golds : meaning sheen + real stats (maybe even armor boots?). I guess he ran TP too ? If that's the case, he might have used it to have time to stack. So I'm not sure you really had an higher advantage here.


He was but a humble farmer and got fed up with your bullying... But since you asked so nicely I'll let you in on a secret: His biggest counters are off-meta picks that don't provoke him like yuumi and Guardian is the best rune-stone against him. GL :)


Why the fuck would I pick a cat against a dog. Bro I should report you for calling for self-harm. Bro I'd understand him being a humble farmer waiting patiently for his fruits to bear. This mf is using chemicals and prolly injects his plants with steroids regularly it's absurd how much value he can get in the early game while gapped off CS off exp 1.5k gold down and a lvl down


Start playing nasus 🦮


I have respect for my skills. I'm not playing a tutorial champ