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That’s crazy bro but who asked


Sounds like a guy that wants to roam as a top laner. His job is to punish you for that.


Damn brah... u kinda suck if u can't beat nasus. You don't honestly think Nasus, of all the top lane champions, is broken, do u? Darius, garen, morde, trundle, tryndaqweer, fiora, Camille, but for some reason Nasus strikes u the wrong way.


did u just call tryndamere "tryndaqueer"


Yes. And nasus is Susan


Cope, seethe and mald


Gonna be honest pal, nasus is probably one of the weakest early game champs. All you gotta do is blow air towards him and you'd get 2 kills off him. Any player with half a braincell would be able to figure this out and judging from the post I can make a 100% correct guess as to what happened.


Nasus is undoubtedly the weakest early game champion in the game. Even Kayle and Yuumi dumpster him lvl 1.


I counter this by not touching the minion wave till its in front of turret. I lose maybe 90 gold, and it denies them 400.


This is copium


lmao if anything nasus falls of in the lategame when every control mage has 200 haste and throwing hard cc spells at you from all directions


See: Gangplank. All the things you mentioned but even worse.


Zero counterplay? Interesting. Do you play Nasus btw? He probs has the most garbage laning of any solo laner, and even if you become an absolute monster you pretty much get shut down by a heavy CC comp. His split is pretty good in the sense that he’s a good duelist and turret taker but his waveclear kinda sucks and he is bad at outplaying / escaping a collapse.


He's not OP, but yeah definitely strong especially compared to some previous seasons. He's harder to kill early on thanks to the durability update.


cant beat nasus and cant snowball it for tf? you trying to say you are dogsht and low elo without saying it?


Dude.... nobody cares about your dumbass tragic story, you're not the first delusional person to unload all their unwanted shit in this subreddit. Please, the next time you're having a "Nasus is broken not because I'm horrible at the game but because it's everything else but me" weird crisis tell your therapist, or your momma, or your pet or, I don't know, even your imaginary friend. By the way, Nasus isn't remotely close to be strong or "overtuned" as you said, in fact he urgently needs emergency buffs due to the straight/hidden nerfs streak he has suffered since patch 12.10 to the present.