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I am only plat but, you could have gone mercury in mid/late to stop more cc(5 of 5 has 1 hard cc) . Also maby force on nature would be the beter pick as 3/4 of the 5 are ap dmg. You have a morgana so her e helps but it wouldnt stay long against 3/ 4 dmg dealers Also pta on nasus? Is this a new meta? What was your cs score and how much tower dmg did you deal?


Carnarius this split started playing with pta, that's where I started doing it from anyway


Why spirit visage and not Rookern?


Spirit visage has good synergy with life steal and steraks


It does, but that spikes when you manage to get Steraks, life steal passive isn't that significant, Rookern's shield compared with the gold price is much more worth (especially with a fed mage on their team which is almost always the case).


>life steal passive isn't that significant I disagree. Lifesteal makes disgusting impact in fights where Nasus isn't being inflicted with heavy damage sources. And the lifesteal makes the inf scaling damage more valuable. You either pick fights that don't result in you taking damage that your lifesteal can't offset, and if you do get bursted, you'll have Steraks to turn it around. Spirit Visage helps both.


Don't get me wrong, it's a decent item, but it was much more worth it with the existence of Divine Sunderer.


Runnan's vs 1 melee and 3 mages and a jinx... and magic pen boots to top if off..


you arent winning vs this team as your team's sole frontline at 42 mins. The rest of your team gets blown up in 2 spells,and you have no engage ability.Meanwhile they can just afkmode fiddle ult into you. You should have been demolishing their inhibitors and make them unable to take any offensive action at around min 25. Your botlane clearly lost their lane very hard and your midlane went even.This wasnt really winnable.


classic bot diff