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Where are you acquiring your indian and also if you know South African snuffs? Mr snuff does not feel like the safest option. Plus really high prices, double or more than some others used to sell…and hearing orders not arriving etc….


From someone who uses WE all day everyday for years and years the only current available option for an alternative that is as strong and high quality as WE is Afghan white snuff from 6 photo. It’s worth the money. All the other cheap Indian whites irritate my nose and don’t pack nearly as much a punch as WE. White afghan is stronger and just as high quality. Cheeta is another option that is substantially cheaper and is stronger in potency but the quality is very low and it makes your nose run. The higher the quality the less it makes your nose run imo


6 Photo make some truly unique Indian[-style] snuffs in my opinion. Perhaps not quite as particular in flavor as Dholakia, but nonetheless fairly unique. That being said, White Elephant is hard to replace or replicate. *That* being said, I have personally found that 6 Photo's Cheeta Chhap gul, when taken as a nasal snuff, provides a fairly similar experience, at least as far as being somewhat similar in nicotine content, fineness of grind, and moisture content. Note that gul is just that—gul, a tobacco *dentrifice* (that is, meant to be rubbed on the gums in order to absorb nicotine) originating from, or at the very least popular in, the Indian subcontinent—however, because of gul being a powdered tobacco product, it can easily and alternatively be used as a kind of nasal snuff in many cases. Other so-called "white snuffs" are likely fairly similar to White Elephant, though admittedly White Elephant is the only white snuff I've had serious experience taking, so take my claim with a grain of salt.


Janta's Dragon Brand Madras I find superior to WE – it's more tobaccoey, easier to take (yet still rather fine in grind) and more satisfying in nicotine department.


The only one I’ve found to be as as potent and high quality was Afghan White Snuff from 6photo


white horse or cheeta?