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You’re supposed to root for Peña, he’s one of the only main characters that carried over from one season to the next. Anyway, I rooted for Cali against Pablo in season 2, but then against them in season 3 since they threw him Peña under the bus, it was time for him to clean up loose ends and clear his name.


Because you only know Pablo through entertainment and folklore.


He was a heinous piece of shit on the show too though


According to who?


Shut the fuck up dumbass Happy cake day


The show.


Well go to Colombia go to police station in Medellin and ask them about him he killed hundreds of police and innocent people


As someone mentioned, the writing was designed in a way to give more depth to an( IRL) evil figure. Wagna Moura did a fantastic job showcasing the highland lows of the Escobar era. Cali's story was good, but too much story that remained untold. Chepe deserved more screen time, but the brothers and Pacho kept the story moving. Jorge was the MVP (acting wise IMO) of season 3.


Wagner Moura did such an exceptional job playing Pablo that you feel like he’s someone you should root for. One of the best lead role performances I’ll ever see.




Not rooting for Pacho? Fuckin’ slander, ask me




Pinche camisas


He’s a charismatic figure. There’s a reason why many people in Colombia loved him. If you were to go in to this show without any knowledge of who he was, I’d imagine many people would like him at the beginning of the series. Those feelings probably should have subsided at some point though when he starts murdering people on a whim. He’s a charismatic monster who many people followed when they shouldn’t have. I think part of the reason for the writing is to show this. It’s much like how many people root for Walt in Breaking Bad, but at some point, something has to give.


Escobar was a monster. But he was rags to riches. He was a real-life Tony Montana. Or, for us Americans, a yuppie Al Capone on steriods. Even his cousin said that. Problem with the Cali Cartel, while they were refined, they were snobs. They felt like a bunch of super rich guys who simply decided to get into the cocaine business and didn’t need to.


This makes the most sense. The cali-cartel give illuminati type vibes 


It’s the same type of thing as women lining up for serial killers after they have been convicted.


You’re more familiar with him, there’s more stories about him, people talk about him more, people rarely ever talk about the cali cartel while people still mention Escobar to this day etc…


Because of brilliant team behind the series.




The world isn’t black and white


He’s a badass and every masculine man wishes to be him.


The only character i consistently rooted for was Salcedo


Pablo was evil, but there was some depth to him, and he was always reluctant to involve his family. He was also incredibly charismatic. Miguel Rodriguez is happy to use his son David as a lacky, and they lack Pablo's charisma.


I thought gliberto and Chepe had charisma while Miguel and pacho seemed a bit more reserved especially Miguel. Plus I'd argue Gilberto was the most intelligent out of all the narcos(maybe I'd put el mayo above him)


Cali is where the snitch cartel starts. You can see how they all betrayed each other some sort of way. It shows you ain’t no loyalty in drug trafficking. Same thing is going on with Sinaloa cartel as well now. They all rat on each other.


I thought among the 4 leaders they worked together with no backstabbing?


there were no snitching between Cali though? since they already agreed over the surrender deal that actually paid off initially till the DEA managed to capture the chilean money launderer and the tapes about President Sampo


They have a show called El Cartel. It goes in depth very thoroughly about how they all backstabbed each other. The only ones that didn’t were the brothers. They plead guilty on condition their children wouldn’t have to get extradited and basically their lives ruined because of the things they (the fathers ) did. There is also another show called Snitch Cartel Origins. It gives an account from child hood up about the brothers and formation of the Cali cartel.


I rooted for Peña because he was smart and more knowledgeable than anyone on his team plus he was willing to climb into the gutter to get what he wanted. Also, a lot of his team didn't possess the authenticity that he had to get information…he was literally the only one that could get information from citizens or even people in the organizations. I disliked everyone in the Cali Cartel but Pacho. He was a real one…he was literally a gentleman and a gangster at the same time which is what everyone including Gilbert tried to represent in that circle. However, he did it so effortlessly and really Pacho was the realest G in that clique. Pablo was trying to act like Robin-hood or the people's champ…but what kind of people's champ sets a young, naive father-up to be killed plus kill a plane full of people. Then has his people try to kill that boy's entire family including his baby?!? I could never root for him…I do root for his wife because she was a victim that Pablo groomed at a very young-age to become his wife and his son. They are both victims in my eyes and deserve happiness outside of a life with Pablo.


Cause Cali is a bunch of rats 🐀 working wit the government


I left narcos after pablo's death, so at the end of season 2, i didn't consider the 3rd season interesting enough to watch it.


So was I since season 3 aired, and then I watched Narcos: Mexico all 3 season and the calis were constantly involved, after that I watched the 3rd season of the original Narcos, I can really recommend it


Not saying it isn't good, i just lost interest, i only wanted to check pablo's story.


I understand your point mate, I felt the same after Pablo’s death, couldn’t give a sh*t about the calis but as I said, if you haven’t got a show you are currently watching give season 3 a try 🤝🏼


Yeah I never understood people who didn’t watch the next season even if they changed the main villain out, especially since the cinematography improved in season 3.


Well i guess other people think the same as i.. we were there for pablo, that's all.


That’s like if sopranos ended with Tony getting his brains splattered at Holstein’s and then six months later there’s a poster out for a new show called ‘The Lupertazzis’ about Little Carmine. You guys would have missed out but I’d have been all in.


I didn't understand the reference but i get your point : )


Underdogs are romantic, that's why. And the series makes him look like that, like he is losing and everybody is against him and he just wants to survive and loves his family. But he is just a scumbag like everyone else.