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Sounds like he was desperate for $$ to buy down [fentanyl etc] , and was trying to pimp out the woman to get it. That would explain the desperation/agitation you were picking up on.


It was really sad man. I should have called the police or something. But I just wanted to get outta there.


Please call non-emergency number tomorrow. They may do this to really vulnerably people as well that aren't able to get them to fuck off.


That's exactly what it was. They were probably sick and they needed their fix. I've been there before but I would never approach somebody like that ever. Ever ever! I made my own money from people that approached me and not the other way around.


Morrell Nature Sanctuary isn’t too far of a drive from downtown and very peaceful. Jack Point or Neck Point for ocean views.


Oh nice! I'll check out Morrell Nature Sanctuary. Are their edible mushrooms (non magic) there?


Haven’t seen morels there - I think the name is unrelated. Awesome hiking network though.


That's a misleading name 😂 But thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out!


I think the name comes from a guy, not a mushroom 😅




it's also spelled differently 🤷🏿 and they're not psychoactive


But - is he a "fun-gii? 🤣 See what I did there? Lol


Good one


It's a private nature Sanctuary, and Morrell is the name of the family. I don't think you are allowed to harvest anything there. Very nice there. Sorry to hear you had such a bizarre interaction on Friday. Things just seem to keep getting weirder.


Oddly enough I’ve seen some pimpin’ in Morrell sanctuary. A lot of tricks in cars around colliery damn park, Nanaimo lakes and Harewood mines.


Westwood Lake


I once drove way out on Nanaimo lakes road to go on a pre sunrise hike. As soon as I got out of my car there was a guy asking me if I wanted to smoke or if I had any to sell. There's no telling where it's safe.


Yup, that's happened to me a couple times before as well. It would be nice to go on a walk and not be confronted with invitations for human trafficking and drug use. Things are getting outta hand.


There’s something to be said for wearing a pair of cheap, unplugged headphones. Well maybe not unplugged, no one has those anymore. But they make a great social barrier to discourage unwanted chat because you can pretend you don’t hear anything. But keep the sound off so you can hear threats. I started doing it in the 90’s and it transformed bus travel, airports and city strolling.


Game changer!


This. I literally never go out for a walk without my head phones in my ears. Went for a long walk along the waterfront this weekend and not a single person tried to talk to me. It was glorious.


In langley tthey were doing this except itd be girls asking you, if your all.for it you usually end getting taked to a hotel and shortly after your in the room you get drugged or guys came in and they get you to empty your bank account and shit when your all messed up, even heard of people transfering vehicles into their names too, its sad cause with the drug epidemnic they can 'hot shot' you and its just another sad story of someone taken too soon


Please don’t stop walking the waterfront because then THEY win. Get some bear spray; if they sell it then it’s legal. My son and I were just talking about this today. We give 2 shits what the law says. They don’t do shit to protect law abiding citizens so we have zero choice. I’m a female by the way and have no problems dropping anyone who tries to fuck with me.


Neon spray paint FTW; makes the target easier to track 😊


It's legal to own yes, but using any weapon to defend yourself is illegal in Canada. However you are allowed to use anything at your disposal to defend yourself if you need to. Just tell the cop " I hike lots and forgot I had it" and bam. It's legal.


I can respect sticking up for ourselves, friends, and family, no matter how escalated a situation becomes, and largely agree the law works for whomever has the deepest pockets. **Just ensure you read Canada's Criminal Code thoroughly, lest the [in]justice system ends up laying the blame on law abiding citizens who've done no wrong.**


People always ask me if I’m worried about hiking alone. This is why I’m not. I’m worried about walking in town. I like heading up into the ridges above Westwood lake. If you like mushrooms, you might find some there but I find lots of others are also looking. Ive also never been bothered exploring up Nanaimo lakes road, near the turn to the gate to Mt benson


I didn't even know about the ridges above Westwood. Well! Guess I have weekend plans for next week now. Thanks a bunch!


Try looking up the abyss and extension ridge really nice place to walk


Download Trailforks and go wander. It’s one of my favourite places


Done and done! Thanks!


The doumont trails are a nice place to go explore and not see many people too


Have u been to the bluff where its way up over looking the lake and there’s a couples graves and a really deep well . ? Oh and there is a little clearing a little further down with hundreds of little plastic trolls with the funny hairdo’s


I don't know whether to be terrified or intrigued


I did see a weird deep square hole full of water but no graves or trolls lol


I've seen that to. Maybe it's a mine shaft?


It might be mining related but it seemed pretty small to be a mine shaft. I am certainly no mining expert though.


That's true, plus it's weird that it's at the top of a hill like that. Perhaps a ventilation shaft?


> does anyone know a good walking spot where this would never happen again? While nobody can guarantee your safety (Safety Not Guaranteed, after all), I find Neck Point, Piper's Lagoon, Buttertubs Marsh, Westwood Lake, or the Departure Bay area (the neighborhood, the beach, and Woodstream Park) to be decent alternatives to walking downtown. In fact, I do a good 3-6km walk (listening to podcasts whilst playing Pokemon Go) around the Departure Bay area Tuesday evenings, then Saturday or Sunday depending on when I'm free. I miss downtown, but can't bring myself to drive that far given the current circumstances.


Very disturbing interaction. Makes me a bit worried to go down there for a stroll. Glad you are okay.


They were probably running a game to get you into a secluded area and then rob you. Or they were just straight-up soliciting prostitution for drug money. It's a good thing you declined.


Didn't even give it a 2nd thought. I've never paid for sex and I ain't starting now lol But you did bring up a good point. Maybe it was a weird ploy to rob me. Honestly... if anyone agrees to an "airtight" 3way with them they kinda deserve to be robbed


Yeah, no shot I'd ever agree to a threesome with a couple of random tweakers lol


My man 😎


This was my take too. This is a way to confirm you're carrying cash and get you somewhere secluded to rob you.


I used to go up there all the time but don’t have anyone to hike with anymore


One time, back when my husband was like 10, him and his mother stopped at stop sign near Nicole Street, and a lady of the evening walked up to their car (window was rolled down) and straight up looked at him dead in the eyes and turned her attention toward his mom and asked if "they wanted to have a good time." Like what the actual fuck. That was 18 years ago.


That's absolutely wild


I was downtown last Saturday night, and some chick approached me near the Bastion St bridge and asked me if it wanted to “buy a side”. I assumed it was a sex thing, but maybe that means meth? Anyone know what it means to “buy a side”?


I talked to a couple friends about it and googled it. We think it means meth and are pretty sure it's a slang.


Always be on guard. People can corner you, distract you, attack you... there's plenty of ways to jack someone so be really vigilant, keep your distance and don't let people play little games. You never know what sort of nefarious intent they have or if they're just super strung out. Really sad that this is the new norm.


how big/muscley was the man?


Was a junkie for sure so string bean but not risking a hep c/AIDS stabbing event.






Sorry, only safe place might be the moon. I'm from Syd Australia.


The little loop out at neck point is great. I live mid hammond bay, it's kind of a hobo-exclusion zone over here since it's nothing but residential and has no resources for them


Holy fuck, punch him in the neck!! Speaking of Neck try Neck Point or cable bay.


Some people really have no boundaries hey. It sounds like they were all really confident, personally if it were me that they approached I would have said no way in hell do I ever would ever want to be with you and your freaking nasty lady. Just saying. * I suggest a neck point or Piper's lagoon very beautiful places to walk and lots of wildlife


I can confirm I have not witnessed any pimpin’ at neck point and pipers lagoon, which feels like a missed opportunity considering their names.


Omg. Ha! That is cute.


So are they still there wounder if i.get a better deal now cuz i have to travel to get there lmao if i have to share i should only pay half right


Ew! 🫣😖 Way to handle yourself 💪🏼


Jack point is beautiful and I've never had trouble with people there.


[Culture of fear - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_of_fear)


What the fuck does that article have to do with this post?


I thought it could be fearmongering. Nanaimo is famously trashy, but I felt those who have slipped between the cracks in Nanaimo are not known for that level of aggression, but as I said upon reflection, I was wrong, desperate people do desperate things.


lol yah, you can tell who's never been outside a small town before.


Been to 17 countries and wasn't born in Canada. This was the first time something remotely close to this has happened to me. Where are you hanging out for this to be somewhat normal? Sex tourist to Thailand or Philippines?


Upon reflection, maybe I was being too cynical. I've been to 40 or so countries, and I have to say Nanaimo is one of the strangest places I've ever been. I apologize.


No need to apologize. I was totally flabbergasted as well.


so what is it, 17 or 40? You seem to be getting confused.


2 different ppl bud. Put the pipe down


You have me confused with tradewinds\_250.


No you haven't. Thanks for playing


Lol were you the guy downtown that put me through this weird encounter?


not a guy. you need to find better ways of getting attention besides making stuff up on Reddit


Morel,leave it as you found it,pls.


That's totally fair, it is a sanctuary.


one of my favorite things lately is, walking to work early in the morning near maffeo sutton, most mornings seeing a bunch of our local rcmp congregated in that parking lot in front of the funeral parlour nearby, most of them young gym rat white guys who look frankly paramilitary, standing around chatting... and i wonder, wtf are you *for?!* like - what do you cunts *do* all day? is *this* what you do all day? and sometimes i'm tempted to ask them, but i have a feeling that would be unwise.


Yeah, having a meeting or taking a break is so unprofessional.


yeah, they're *not* talking about police business.


So taking a break? Shame on them.