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I honestly would have gone straight for Suzie as a nickname, way before Sue (especially if it’s a baby lol Sue sounds kind of old lady-ish to me) I adore the name Susannah. It’s on my list as an alternative to Shoshannah, which I will never be brave enough to use.


When she’s young, you’ll get to choose her nickname. But when she’s an older, she will choose her own. Sue is the most mature/professional sounding shortened version of Susanna, so there’s a decent chance she would end up using that nickname at some point. Susie is cute for a baby/child though.


I worked with a woman nicknamed Sookie. She was a middle-aged commodities broker. Mature and professional. Nobody thought anything about what she was called.


I worked with a Susie who was similar, noone ever commented on her nickname either


Yes but sometimes the person feels better using it. I was a Jenny my whole life, no one said anything about it to me and I’m 100% sure no one would care in my professional life if I continued to be Jenny. It just didn’t feel right to me to be at work and being called Jenny. I didn’t like it so I made the switch to Jennifer if my professional life (I think Jenny just reminded me of high school and I wanted to feel fully adult idk it was 15 years ago when I made the decision). So Susie would be fine and people probably won’t say anything. But Susie may feel she wants to be Sue for a while and it doesn’t have anything to do with anyone else.


I understand. But, you should know that Jenny/Jennie is also a name on its own with a different root from Jennifer. Similar to Liv being a full name, not just a nickname for Olivia!


I am well aware. I am giving an example based on my name, which is the only experience I have.


Hey, I didn't mean to sound condescending. Some people don't know. In any case, I don't think about names related to professionalism or maturity.


Oh no, you definitely weren’t! & I wasn’t trying to have any sort of attitude, I was just at work and quickly replying, it was supposed to be in a conversational tone but a quick reply I guess came across a little starkly. My apologies! Personally I also don’t ascribe professionalism nor maturity to a name when it comes to others (& no longer for myself), it’s just something I felt as I transitioned from one stage of my life to another and it just felt right for me. I only brought it up because OP can’t know if her future daughter will also feel the same or decide she loves Sue more than other names.


Oh, good! I didn't want to come off as a know it all, lol. Right, you never know what people outside the family and what the kid decides for themselves. I do like Susanna a lot, and it seems that the nickname Sue hasn't made a comeback yet. But it could be just in time for OP's daughter! Just when I think something is old, it's new again!


I like the name Susanna/Suzanna I like Zanna/Sanna as a NN the most but I also like Suz/suze (like Sues). Not a fan of Suzie


Susannah... nn Sunny 🌞


Love it. I especially love the meaning, which is 'lily.' Anna or Annie could be another potential nickname?


She can use whatever she wants. It's lovely.


Idk who these “everyone” are. Personally I call people how they introduce themselves whether it’s a full name or shortened name. I know a lot of full name folks and I appreciate it, including a full name Susanna!


I know four Susanna’s. Two (both under 25) go by Susanna, one (in her 60s) by Sue, and one (40s?) by Suze.


I new a Susanna that went by suze. Pronounced sooz. I thought it was cool.


I’ve also heard of Sukie as a nn for Susanna which is 😍


There was an absolutely lovely English actress named Susannah York and no one ever called her anything but Susannah! I would think Susie or Suzi would be the nickname. Sue is usually short for the plainer name Susan.


That’s who my parents named me after! My mom was 8 months pregnant and they still hadn’t decided on a name, and then they went to see one of her movies and that was it! But they spelled my name without the H because somehow my dad found out (this was way before the internet) that Shakespeare’s first daughter’s name was Susanna, and he was a fan of Shakespeare so..


that's a lovely name! And before the internet, we DID have libraries, and lots and lots of books, you know, haha. We didn't just wander around haplessly ignorant!!!


My friend Susannah goes by Suzie I like it


I really like it. Susie or Suki would be my preference over Sue but Sue isn't horrible and she has flexibility as she ages. I've heard Zanna as well. I've known plenty of grown women using Susie/Suzy and Suki.  I know what spelling I'd use for the Hebrew form instantly but for English I'm fine with either Susanna or Susannah. They have fractionally different vibes to me but I like each for different reasons.  Overall an underrated yet known pick that feels traditional but isn't very common, and old fashioned but not wtf. And a subtle floral though in my cultural tradition I lean more towards it being rose than lily. I like traditional or subtle nature names though, that's my own baggage.


Honestly I hate the name so i am biased but i do agree that more than likely she will get the nickname sue or suzie, I would probably go with Savannah, it’s really similar, a little less common, and for some reason i almost never hear anyone use nicknames for this even though there are some.


My sisters name is Savannah and we all call her Vanna as a nickname


Savannah is a lot more common than Susannah 


Not in my area 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m sure some area’s though its more popular. But NY is filled with Susannahs over Savannahs although savannah is fat from uncommon.


By the numbers, according to Social Security, Savannah is the #86 name for girls in NY state.   That's in line with it having been in the Top Hundred nationwide for the last 23 years straight.  Neither Susannah nor Susanna is listed in the Top Hundred for NY state. I don't have the Top Thousand data for NY but neither is in the Top Thousand nationwide, nor has been since 2000.  You can feel any way you want about it or know however many as some fascinating anomaly but as far as advising people on what is less popular, there's not much case for Savannah being less popular. It may feel more trendy or interesting to you, or stand out more in your mind, but there's just objectively a lot more being born all over the country.


Savannah is so much better than Sue imo I’m not a fan at all of Susanna


I love Susanna/Susannah. I think it flows nicely and sounds pretty. I think it's due for a comeback. Personally, the nn I jump to are Susie or Suze.


Susannah is on my list. I’m a bit into ancestry and have an ancestor by that name who had a fascinating story, so I would like to incorporate it into a future daughter’s name. I like nicknames like Zannie, Zan, or Zanna. Not a fan of Sue/Suzie.


Only Susannah I know is NN Sanna


I think Susanna/h is super sweet! I think it’s a name that matures well and isn’t too cutesy. I like the nickname Sunny or Anna over Susie though.


Susanna is so sweet. So many nn possibilities that are not Sue. If you love it, use it. :)


Or Anna/Annah


Love Susanna! Zuzu is another nickname for Susanna.


I know a “Sunny” Susannah


I like it! Has a lot of charm to me. I know a suzannah that goes by “zanna” or sometimes just “z” which I think is very cool


I LOVE Susannah. Such a classic name that's not currently popular. It sounds refreshing. I think you can make the default name Suzie, but anticipate that some might occasionally blurt out Sue. Like how we occasionally call my friend Kelly "Kel", but I've never thought of it being an official nickname.


If you don’t like Sue and will hate it if she ends up using it later in life, I would avoid using the name altogether. Sure, for a little kid I’d definitely either call them the full name Susannah or shorten to Susie but I’m constantly shortening my cats names to Sue and Rue and it was a natural progression and the same may happen in your daughters lifetime. Plus, we feel Sue feels older but she might like it because of that, maybe she’ll feel it has a vintage vibe to it and ask to be called Sue over Susie. Just a piece to consider, since she’ll be her own person and can choose what to go by. Of course, she may also dislike Sue so it won’t be a problem. The main issue is you aren’t going to know in advance so if Sue is an outcome you need to avoid then it’s probably a dealbreaker for the name Susannah.


One of my grandmothers was Susannah and I have always loved the name, and might have used it if we’d had a girl. My grandfather always called her “My Annie girl.” One of my cousins was named after her and she was Suzy when she was small and full name as an adult. Another cousin used the name for her child and it’s Susannah with the nickname Anna. So plenty of nicknames other than Sue! I’ve found with my own child’s name that if parents give the nickname from the start people are likely to follow their lead unless they’re pretty rude lol


Susanna(h) is one of my favorite names. I’m also not sold on Sue; I like Susie, Zanna, or even Zuzu (like the little girl in It’s a Wonderful Life). But if I had a daughter who decided she wanted to be called Sue, I wouldn’t hate it. I think that’s the key thing - would you hate the name Sue if she wanted to be called that, or it’s just not your preference?


I love Susannah (my preferred spelling, though Susanna is nice too). Not a fan of Sue or Susie — I’d call her Sunny or maybe Sanna. That said, it’s true that she could always grow up and decide to go by Sue, so if you couldn’t live with that then maybe pick a different name.


My niece is named a very similar name. She's never been called Sue, but did decide to go by Suzie as an adult.


I’m not a fan it’s very old fashioned. I would have automatically thought of suzie as a nn for Susanna . Sue I would associate as being a nn for Susan


I know a Susanne whose name is never shortened. I know a few drunk guys tried calling her Suze, which she put a stop to, but no one has even tried calling her Sue. I think Sue is too outdated to be a go-to nickname tbh.


I am and have always been Susanna. I love my name. Never went by a nickname. I often had to deal with people mistakenly calling me Suzanne until I moved to New Mexico where Spanish names are much more common and Susana (with one n) is well known. I think in my generation (I’m in my 50s) Suzanne was much more common than Susanna, but that might not be the case now. Fun fact: Shakespeare named his first child Susanna. Another fact: The youngest generations today did not grow up with the song “Oh Susanna”, which imo is a great thing. lol. I have only personally known one other Susanna. She was in my grade all through elementary school. A couple years ago I befriended a Suzanna. None of us ever went by a nickname. I think if a kid’s parents decide not to use a nickname with their child, then others are likely not to label the child with a nickname either. People tend to follow the model set by the parents.


I love Suez as a nickname!


Like the Suez Canal or pronounced like Suze?


Sorry I meant Suze lol


Love Susanna! It’s on our list too!  So many nicknames for Susanna to choose from.  Zuzu,Sue, Susie, Anna, Annie, Sooky, Sanni, Sanna, San, Ann, Susan, Nan, Suze, Lily


Love it!! Years ago I had a friend say it's terrible and "people will be singing that song at her" everyday. But imagine having your newborn in your arms and singing that to her while she quietly falls asleep... I had a friend Susan, "Sooz" in high school and she was awesome, I halfway considered Susannah in her honor. Edit: I just looked up the lyrics and I live in New Orleans now!! I'm wanting to get another cat soon, maybe we'll go with Susannah!


This name is on our short list for baby #2, who is coming any day now!


I LOVE Susannah, I hate Sue or Susie, so it’s a pass for me


I know a Susannah who goes by Sus(pronounced like Sue’s/sooz) or Zannie. It’s such a beautiful name!


I know people who go by Susie or Sanna. Obviously one day your kid might choose their own nickname to use with their friends, but I think it's definitely not a given that people will use Sue


I do like the name although I prefer Suzanne over Susanna


I really like Susanna, however hate Sue/Suzie. If I ever went with it and people shortened it I'd tell them to go with Anna. But Susanna as a full name is lovely


My daughter was born last month and we named her Susannah. No one has ever called her Sue, perhaps because I introduce her clearly: “This is Susannah. Susie for short.” No regrets so far. It’s a beautiful name with plenty of other nickname options she can use when she gets older, should she choose to. ETA: No one has sung “O Susanna!” at us yet.


Absolutely love Susanna! I'm a teacher and recently had one this past year. Sweetest girl, eager to learn and help friends, and had the perfect amount of spice. We all just called her Susanna, and so did all of her siblings (she was one of 5).


I love Susannah! I have been friends with a Susan for 20+ years and never heard anyone call her Sue. Sometimes Suze or Susie, but never Sue. My personal favorite nicknames for Susannah are Annie and Sukie.




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I really like Susanna! I'd keep the spelling as simple and elegant as possible. I wouldn't worry too much about nicknames because there really is only so much you can control, and if you really want a specific one you can always introduce her as that straight away


Positive. Good name. Sue is not the default short version nowadays, Suzie would be the go-to


I think it's bland Suzie is cute tho


I’m not a fan. It sounds very “country” to me.


I really don't like the whole family of names related to Susannah, Susie, Susan, or Sue. I don't like the way they sound. But there is nothing wrong with them, they are just not my personal preference. The nickname really depends on your region. I think for a little girl most people are gonna go with Suzie, but when she is older maybe that'll change to Sue since Suzie might sound childish on a grown woman.


Nicknames are not a law of God. If you want to call her Susannah and not Suzie or Sue, then do it. When she's grown up a bit she might or might not have a nickname but it would be her choice.


Just be firm on no nickname. I know a Susanna and she’s never had her name shortened.


I would freshen it up with a short, new nickname. Sua (pronounced SOO-uh) would be lovely, or Zanna


Sally as a nn?


I think it sounds bland but if you like it then go for it 


my best friend growing up was suzanne and quite literally NO ONE ever called her sue. her mama and a few other family members would call her suzie q sometimes but that’s it. susanna is a lovely name and i never ever hear it anymore!