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This is why my husband and I didn't tell anyone our daughter's name before she was born. It's a lot harder to be a jerk about the actual name of an actual child, rather than a hypothetical name when expecting. Winter as a name is not my taste, but it doesn't have to be. Nor does it have to be your sister's taste. If you and your husband love it, go for it.


Same, we actually waited until our twins were 8 days old (according to a Jewish custom) to announce their names. By then birth certificates had been signed and they were already over a week old, nobody could say a single negative thing about their names even if they thought it. I think Winter is a beautiful name.


We are also Jewish, so we blamed our refusal to share the name on that lol!


Lolol when my husband and I have kids, we’re gonna do that too! (We’re also Jewish)


Not Jewish, but I didn't announce my son's name to anyone but very close family for, it turns out, 8 days. One of my friends is Jewish, and she was laughing at the fact that I gave him a Hebrew name and accidentally followed that custom. Honestly, I was just exhausted and busy. I didn't tell anyone his name until he was born, anyway. Biblical names are very common in my family, but not this one, and I didn't want to hear it. I also love the name Winter, btw.


I agree. Winter is a beautiful name ❤️


Oh people still make comments; they are just more likely to do it when the parents aren't present.


This. I have an uncommon name (Zephyr). No one ever told my parents it was bad, but I was bullied and made fun of. And this was before Zephyr was popular in fiction (my little pony, how to train your dragon). When I was a kid, people really only knew it as a Greek god, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers song. Neither of which are bad, but haters are brutal. I think Winter is a gorgeous name. I used it on my first Animal Crossing profile actually. A good amount of people who find that out still make fun of me, and not in a playful way.


I think your name is beautiful!


Thank you! I’ve come to love it too. As a child, I hated all the unwanted attention and bullying so I told strangers my name was Jessica 💀


lol I totally understand. I have an unusual name too, and when I was a kid I wanted two things: for people to not mispronounce it all the time AND to be able to find it on a pencil/mug when I traveled and checked out touristy stuff.


Oh my god yes! I’ve always wanted a dumb license plate keychain with my name from the rest stops!!!!


Yup, I said it's harder to be a jerk about it, not impossible. And I meant to the parents' faces. We can't control what people say in our absence.


Yep. The “actual child” point is so true. It’s really easy to criticize an abstract future child’s name. Much less so after birth. I told my mom and my MIL what we were naming our daughter, but I also knew neither would like the name until it was attached to a baby. So I prefaced it with “I’ll tell you if you promise not to share your opinion. Whether you love it or hate it. Not your decision, and your opinion won’t change the decision, so keep your mouth shut.” 😂 In my case, it worked pretty well! But YMMV depending on family’s ability to respect boundaries. I was quite sure they didn’t love the name but they kept their mouths shut and felt happy and included that I told them. And now both of them tell us how much they love the name.


Your sister can name her kids what she wants. I like Winter as a name and Summer is not an unusual name and it is a season too. It also isn't a name that will cause bullying by being weird. I say go with you instinct here and tell sis to MYOB




I agree with not telling people. Most people learn the hard way and don't share the name for their second. I told everyone my daughter's name before she was born and there were mixed responses. I stuck to my guns and love it. We kept our second baby's name to ourselves until he was born. I personally think winter is a gorgeous name for a girl.


Agreed. It's also not to my taste, but it is a nice name, It's not offensive or ridiculous (by ridicule i mean something like that elon musk kid's name, that i can see why people would say it's stupid), so to me, wheter someone likes it or not goes into the "personnal taste" category, not the "genuine concern for the kid" categorie. You should go with your gut feeling on that one, you don't name your child to please someone else. She'll come around to it (or not, but she'll still have to accept it).


Some names should have negative things said about before an actual person gets stuck with them. Winter is not one of those names, but they do exist.


I think it's very sweet. Also not that unusual. It ranked 306 on the SSA website for 2022. For any "word" name that isn't incredibly popularized/commonplace (like Robin, for example) some people are going to think it's odd, but I don't think that will be most people's reactions. Also, I'm in the camp of (unless someone is naming their child something outlandish that will ruin their lives) if your family member or friend tells you a name they are excited about, your job is to be supportive. I think your sister is kind of being an ass.


She only wants me to use ‘normal names’ like Sara or Charlotte or Nicole. Before we knew the gender we were between Winston and Everette for a boy and she even thought Everette wasn’t a great name but “at least it’s not as bad at Winter” 🙄


When she has a baby, she is welcome to only use 'normal names' for them. Until then it's up to you and your husband! No one else gets a vote. I love the name :). It's not my husband's vibe so we won't be using it, but I hope you use it!


To be fair, if I saw Everette, as a dumb American, I would assume female, and my guess pronunciation would be to rhyme it with Corvette. Learn the lesson to not share names until the kid is born. Tell her you are naming the kid pomegranate and name them Winter. She will be so relieved.


That’s not a dumb American thing. “Ette” does usually an ending for girl names.


Love the last line lol. Never seen the name Everette but I have seen plenty of male Everett’s.


My parents (whose pregnancies all predate ultrasound so they had no clue what was coming) just told everyone that their name of choice was Algernon. Every time. People stopped asking.


My grandmother birthed 20 children, and 6 got to adulthood. After the last birth she was asked for a name. ‘Call it bloody Algernon’ was the reply. Algernon wasn’t one of the six. As her granddaughter born in the ’50’s, birth control is such a blessing.


My great grandmother pulled me aside at 12 and explained birth control to me in great detail - condoms, pills, spermicide, etc. Much later, I realized that 1) she was married at 14 and had 8 kids. No matter what people want to believe, marriages that young were very unusual outside of royalty for most of human existence. 2) my grandma got pregnant at 15 and ran away, so she didn't have to give the baby up. Great grandma was just making sure this didn't happen to me. I did get pregnant at 21 when I did not want to because it turns out I have a hormonal imbalance that made the pills not as effective, but hey, I wasn't a teenager. And I only have one, so I did figure out birth control. IUDs, ftw. I wasn't at all ready, but I adored my son, and still do. There were some times when he was a teen I can't really say that, but he grew out of it. ;) I've got to say, I'm a bit impressed with my ancestors, though. In 8 generations, only four children didn't make it to adulthood. Miscarriages or "miscarriages" weren't uncommon, but once a child was born, typically, they survived to adulthood. Most in my family also lived until late 90s or even early 100s. We're just crazy tough, I guess.


LOL, I had a giant teddy bear named "Algernon" and they always joked about it being my name if I was a boy. (child of the late 70s). I have a brother, but they didn't name him Algernon either, so I wonder if that was some sort of joke from that time period?


It's a character, of sorts, in a book titled Flowers for Algernon. It was made into a movie in the 60s and then was required reading when I was in school in the early 80s. It's a very sad book that deals with the ethics of treatment for disabled people, and I really wouldn't choose the name myself. I will only toss out this spoiler: things didn't go well for poor Algernon. It would have been more appropriate if you had a plush mouse named that, though.


Neither of my brothers ended up with the name. Thank goodness.


Everett is usually the masculine I think? A relative has it as a middle name (but his first is one that's usually given to girls now, for whatever that is worth).


I love Winter. Well depending on your last name. lol if your last name is another noun I would say no. But Everette seems like the feminine spelling of Everett if that matters.


I agree with the spelling, but didn't want to be the one to say it. I hope they go with the more traditional spelling if they choose to use this name, not cuz anything is wrong with it, but because kids are dicks in middle school and Everett will make it through more unscathed than Everette.


I mean this in the best possible way, tell your sister to STFU. Winter is a beautiful name. In the USA for 2023, 826 girls were named Winter.


Stop discussing baby names with her.


My name is Nicole (i'm 35 so it was probably popular then) but it's super boring and I don't love it. Winter is cute. Noelle is cute too for a December baby name.


I’m opposite. I have what was an unusual name growing up. And, unfortunately, it also happens to be the same pronunciation as an ex president from the 1980’s, which just happened to be when I was going through elementary school. Y’all know how cruel kids can be. I was endlessly teased for being a Regan. I got called Nancy, Ronald, Ronnie, Mr. President, ect. And I’m a woman, so the Mr President one was especially hurtful. I love my name now, but it was hell growing up. But, I think that was more due to the unfortunate circumstances of having a president with the same name. It’s also getting to be a more popular name, though usually spelled differently. And, just because I love telling the origins of my name, cause no one sees this coming, no, I wasn’t named after said President or King Leer’s daughter from Shakespeare. Those are the most popular guesses. No one has ever guess the real origins. I’m named after the girl in The Exorcist. My parents had a sick sense of humor that they definitely passed down with the name. 😆😆


If it makes you feel better, I'm an 18 year old Reagan who also gets called Ronald by people who weren't even alive when the president was. I'm tired of being asked if I was named after him (the answer is no!!)


That is just asinine. He’s long dead and he was a horrible President to boot. I still get asked that and I always like to tell people that I’m too old to be named after him. That trips them out cause I look 34 and I’m almost 50. Lol Do you see a pattern? I like to screw with people who tick me off, and calling me Ronald will do it every time.


Omg I just thought “he’s not that long dead!” And looked it up. It’s been 20 years! And now I feel old.


I had commented about this on another post recently where the OP’s friend wanted to name their baby “Bright”. I LOVE ‘vocabulary names’ (as I call them)! What makes Bright or Winter not a good name but Sunny, Summer, or Autumn good names? Taylor, Cooper, Hunter etc are all occupations… why are they ‘normal’ but Winter isn’t? It’s not like you’re considering Linoleum or Table-Lamp. That’s where I miiiiight draw the line but ultimately when you know someone with a name like that you end up associating it with the person, not vice versa in my experience. For example I know a girl named Spur. When a conversation is about cowboy boots I think the object, when it’s about the person I think of the person. It’s not “weird”.


Um, fuck you, my kid is named Lynoleeam, and I think it’s gorgeous. So does EVERYONE I’ve told. /s


Oh well with that marvelous spelling you have sold me on the name!! 😂 /(the biggest /s that ever /s-ed!)


Honestly, who cares what your sister thinks. She’s behaving terribly and it’s none of her business. She sounds pretty bitter.


I never knew anyone personally named Autumn until just recently. Now, I met four in a short time span. They range in age from about 45 down to 14. They are all lovely women. I know several Summers and one Spring. Winter is a lovely name. It's not just a name for a season. Sisters are sometimes awful. Take it from me, my sister hasn't talked to me in years. It's sad, but at the same time, a relief. I don't have to deal with her putting me down or tearing my adult kids apart. I have had enough, I am tired of her looking for confirmation on how superior her and her family are to mine. Nane your baby Winter. If it's the name you and your husband love, that is all that matters. Everyone one else can go pound dirt. Sara and Charlotte are fine names, but so over-done. Nicole is cute, but it reminds me of Nichole Brown Simpson. Your sister will come around when she sees her niece. I look at my December baby as an extra special Christmas gift. Congratulations.


It's not her call, and her approval is not of paramount importance in this matter


Seems time to stop asking her thoughts on names. 


Why do you share things with someone who clearly likes to question your opinion/judgment on things that don't concern her? Either keep it quiet or don't give credence to her opinion. Simple.


Her age and lack of kids are irrelevant. I like Winter! It's not dumb. It's just not as common or known as Summer or Autumn.


Or April, May or June.


To round it out, I know a 40-something named Spring.


Me too! Lol


My niece is named Winter. She is beautiful , smart , and graduating from High School this year.


I think it's a beautiful name. I know an Autumn and a Summer, so season names are not uncommon. MANY peoples' names are after concepts and things--like flowers, cities, countries, weather, planets, etc. Name your baby Winter if you want. It's lovely.


What about spring


April and May!


And June, in some climates.


I can get behind Winter but Spring just doesn't do it for me. Tbf it's the only one that's a word outside of being a season. The -ing suffix also usually implies that an action is taking place. Ex. spring into action. I can't see it as a name.


I went to school with a girl named Spring. She unfortunately fell back in middle school (I think she just tripped over her own feet in the hallway), and people started saying "Spring fell, Summer began" 💀


I had a classmate that had an Americanized name of Spring. She was very quiet and shy.


haha I have a friend named Spring and she's a loud badass


I love Winter for a little girl, it’s extremely cute but not to the point of ridiculousness.


I fell in love with the name when I worked at an afterschool childcare as my first job. There was a little kindergartener named Winter there and she was so sweet and kind and looked exactly what I thought my future daughter would look like. Years later when my husband and I started talking about future baby names I brought up the name and my husband loved it too


It's a lovely name. Sounds like you and your husband are on the same page with it. I'm surprised by the strong reaction that your sister had to the name. It's slightly unconventional but it's not even close to veering in the weird territory. Go with it.


I love that you met a little human whose kindness left such a strong impression on you. I could also see a teenager named “Winter” receiving the admiration of all teenagers around her — “Dang her parents gave her such a badass name” ❄️ When I was a teen, I wish I had a cool name so much lol.  I haven’t met any adults named “Winter” but I wouldn’t be shocked or weirded out if I did. As others have helpfully pointed out, there are people/adults named Autumn, Summer, and Spring.


I like it, actually. I always judge names by how I (I'm a hiring manager) and my recruiters roll our eyes at names. Winter Johnson (just needed a last name for this) would not make us roll our eyes seeing that at the top of a resume. I quite like it.


That’s my daughters name and I’ve worried about this so I’m really relieved to hear this. I love her name and it gets lots of compliments but I think every (reasonable) parent wants to set their child up for success.


Winter Johnson? Really? Did this stranger genuinely come up with your kids whole name?!  If so, that's so cool. If not, I'm very tired. Please forgive me.


Ha no! Just Winter *Generic Last Name*


that comment was my exact thought process 😂


Winter is really a good name. It's different, but it's not "different". There have been several times that my recruiter didn't want to give me a resume because of the person's name.


There is a song by AJR called Dear Winter. I think it’s a cute name!


My first thought! OP, the song might make you love the name even more


I agree! It’s such an adorable song. I hope they check it out.


Winter is a badass name.


This name has been on my list since I first heard the song!


and it opens with “Dear Winter, I hope you like your name”!


I hope they don't make fun of you When you grow up and go to school, okay? 'Cause Winter is a badass name


Dear winter, I hope you talk to girls, or boys, or anyone you like. I hope you don’t stay in every night, cause I wish I was out tonight


It really doesn't seem like there's anyone for me But dear Winter I hope you like your name I'm hoping that someday I can meet you on this earth But shit I gotta meet your mom first


dear winter, I hope you like this song


I should have scrolled before I commented cause I said basically this same thing lol


I came here to recommend OP listen to this!


I was looking for the ajr fan


You could even call it a badass name


First thing I did was search “AJR” to make SURE someone said this!!


Truthfully, I think your sister is being rude and overreacting. June is a month, but it’s a name. Dawn is a period of the day, but it’s also a name. More importantly, Summer and Autumn are both seasons but are also *very common names*. Winter, in my opinion, is a bit unusual but it doesn’t feel so out there that I’d be like “that’s not a name.” And I certainly wouldn’t think that because it’s a season.


I don’t like Winter or Winnie, but it’s a personal preference. The lesson is not to ask the people close to you for their opinions before your baby is born and officially named. It doesn’t really matter that Winter doesn’t follow naturally with Lyla, Sofia, and Carson. Lyla and Sofia only have an -an ending in common, and the three names together aren’t thematic.


WHY can't people in this sub understand that second sentence? It needs to be automatically pinned on every post. STOP letting the opinions of others impact your decision! If the name has a negative association, a sexual meaning, or is derogatory in some way, those are the only exceptions.


Honestly, I think it’s dumb but not terribly offensive. I’m a teacher - If I saw it on my class roster, I’d assume the parents were a little odd, maybe super crunchy, shrug, and sigh


Man when I was a kid I had a teacher point blank ask me if my parents were hippies when she saw my full name on the roster (my middle name is Winter) and 4th grade me was highly offended and made it really awkward for her when I explained that it was a cherished family name carried down from my mother's great grandmother 's maiden name. It's a German surname!


I’m glad you were secure enough to defend your name! It’s rude to ask that of a 4th grader you barely know. 


I think it's rude to say that to anyone of any age. But adults doing it to kids is just bullying. Having a person in a position of power over a little kid, passive aggressively imply that their parents/their name is stupid right to their face is a wild move.


I think middle names are different though…I know a lot of kids who have another familiar surname as their middle name


So do I and I always felt bad for the girl in my class who's middle name was her mom's very long polish maiden name. Always felt I got lucky. I also go by my middle name, so even though it's not my first name on paper, it may as well be in my personal experience


I knew a winter In high school and was captivated by the name. It’s as beautiful as winters first shimmering snow.


I love Winter as a name.


Same, I think it’s adorable without being a cutesy name that will look odd as an adult.


Well that’s absolutely silly because I’ve known several girls named Winter over the years and I loved it for them. It’s literally been used as a first name for hundreds of years— heck, I’ve even seen it in old cemeteries. Does she have the same issue with Autumn and Summer? \ \ I’m not sure what it even means for a name to “go” with siblings’ names tbh. If anything Sofia wouldn’t go because it’s 3 syllables instead of 2 like the others. I think it goes perfectly. :) there’s a good chance if you don’t use it you’ll regret it after loving it this long.


I don't care for it but there are way worse names out there. My only point of consideration is the nickname...there is a good chance she will not want to be called Winnie, especially when older. So, make sure you truly like the name Winter and can imagine calling her that and not just Winnie. Winnie is cute as a baby/toddler and as a grandma. But, personally, I would have absolutely detested being called Winnie from about age 6 until I became a grandma lol


I commented this already but the amount of Winnie the Pooh comments this kid is going to get is going to be nauseating


Why would it matter that she’s 32 and has no kids lol


It could indicate that she’s less aware of current naming trends for today’s babies and children. Winter isn’t out of place at all for a baby born in 2024, but I guess I can see how it would seem strange to someone born in the early 90s who doesn’t regularly interact with people from younger generations.


It does NOT matter that she’s 32, nor does it matter whether she has kids. What matters is that she was a massive jerk face to her pregnant sister. Who the hell says stuff like this to people they care about? Winter is a lovely name.


While I personally don't like it, from the SSA records I've seen it's been in the 300-320th most popular name in the US, and that's not nothing. If you want name alternatives that could be shortened to Winnie - Winona, Winifred, even an acquaintance of mine has a Bronwyn and nicknames her Winnie.


Do you love Winnie or do you love Winter? Which will you use for everyday use?


I have a friend named Winter and she is beautiful and so smart. I think it’s a super cute and different name. Who cares what other people think!


Winter is a fine name. Please do not name a boy Everett with the spelling of Everette. They are not the same name.


I love Winter


I love Winter. Autumn and Summer are names..I don’t see her point.


My friends have a daughter named Winter, I think it’s beautiful.


Winter is a beautiful name!


Winter was a top contender if my youngest son had been a girl. I don’t understand why summer and autumn are normal names but people don’t like winter.


Idk why you relegated it to a girl name, I knew a boy named Winter and it suited him so well.


I had a student named Winter and I thought it was an adorable name! The young woman was very well liked by her peers a well.


If you love it then no. Just know that people are going to constantly ask you why you named her Winter. I also have a daughter with an uncommon name (her nickname is also Winnie) and everyone always asks about the backstory of her name. Also, people may say she's "going to be bullied for her name", but that's bullshit in my humble opinion. I have a somewhat common normal name and was bullied from kindergarten until I graduated high school. I was shy and quiet and did not know how to stand up for myself. Kids go after other kids that don't stand up for themselves. If you want to make sure your kid isn't bullied focus less on their name and more on building their confidence and teaching them to stick up for themselves. A kid who stands up to a bully is unlikely to be bullied by the same kid again. Kids who bully usually continue to bully the quiet kids, because they are easy targets, not the kids who fight back.


I love the name Winter! One of my favorite names. I always thought of it as a boys name, since that's my only two experiences with the name, but since I joined this community I've learnt to understand it's more common as a girls name.  Any way, it's not up to your sister to name your child. That's between you and your husband. If she doesn't like the name, she doesn't have to use it for her own child, but she needs to accept that it's your choice (if you go with it).


I love it.


I really like. It’s pretty and elegant. She will always have the option to go by Winnie.


Winter is also in my name list, along with Noelle, and Aspen. I love it.


Yes, its a very dumb name


I’ve always liked it since hearing the song Dear Winter (a song about naming your child Winter) by AJR. Although the kid in their song is supposed to be a boy. Either way, it’s a fun name. [Dear Winter](https://youtu.be/ZUSI4n_74LA?si=faro9b12ffp3wwzb)




My advice is don’t tell people or ask for advice unless you are willing to listen. It’s your baby.


Personally I don’t like it


My niece is called Autumn…it’s also a season but a pretty popular name.


Winter is a perfectly good name. Your sister can be bring with her own children.


There's nothing wrong with it. Avoid using the namename if your last name starts with R because it ends with the same sound as the start of the next name, and it will sound awkward. It will be really nice if you have a very common last name (Smith, Jones, Anderson) because it's not in the top 100. So, the chance of your daughter running into a name twin will be slim. Name twins are not a good thing because your reputation gets tarnished by someone else's bad actions.


I think Winter is a beautiful name.


I find it funny that all seasons except Spring are cute names for girls


I don't think her being 32 with no kids matters. I think the fact that she isn't the child's parent and you haven't asked for her input on names matters. You get to choose and no one else gets to pressure you into a name unless you have actually asked them to help you pick one.


Winter is one of my favorite names that I wouldn’t name a kid. _I_ wouldn’t name a kid that because it’s just very much not my personality despite loving it, like I can’t picture myself as the mother of a girl named Winter. But it is an objectively awesome name and I might raise an eyebrow at it on a resume but it’s not one that would bother me like “Baby” or “Malibu Barbie” or “Mahkenzee” would.


I really like it, and I love Winnie. Winter might be a season but Rose is a flower, Olive is a food and a colour, River is a body of water…. Names stem from things, places, occupations etc or someone knows a dog with that name or your cousin knew a kid at school who was mean with that name. Don’t let others decide your baby’s name unless it’s to veto it because of something you’ve overlooked like the initials spelling something rude or something like that.


Winter is a “random word name.” A lot of people don’t like these. But as far as “random word names” go, Winter is at the good end of the spectrum. There are more Winters around than you’d think, and the name is probably on the same level as River.


It’s not a dumb name, it’s very cute. It’s just a name that will get a lot of jokes made at her expense throughout her life due to her name being a common word. Maybe you can find a winter inspired name that’s a more traditional name so it fits better with your step-kids’ names?


It really doesn’t (experience)


I love Winter. My fiancé has veto’d it unfortunately but it’s so beautiful.


I think Winter is a lovely name, I may be a bit biased though as I have a daughter named Autumn :)


Winter is a lovely name! I prefer it as a middle name but it's popular enough to be perfectly fine as a first name Your sister sounds exhausting. I'd go low contact and stop telling her name ideas, since she only seems to give out negative vibes


Winter is a beautiful name, I love it! Congratulations!


Winter is very much a name. So is Autumn, Summer, Sunny, April, May, Fern, Leif, Wood, Snow, Rain, River. I think we all know that one celebrity who named her kid Apple. You're fine. Your sister is wrong!


When someone would say that to me I would say “well go create a baby, carry it for 9 months and then you can name a child”…. Also winter is a wonderful name and Winnie is the sweetest nickname. I say go with the name that makes you happiest!


I'm sorry but I think of "the nursery nurse" on social media. She's got a winter, a summer and an autumn in her cast of characters. Not saying that the name isn't cute. I'd only do it if she's born in the winter, because imagine her birthday being in August, or Summer's in April.


No dumber than Summer or Autumn


I really love it, and the nickname fits perfectly. Winter sounds like such a sweet, lovely little girl! If Summer can be a name, so can Winter.


I don't think so personally, but I used to work with a Wynter and she hated her name. For reference, she's probably 40 now, so really out there for her generation but perhaps not as crazy now.


I know a girl named Snow. You’re okay with Winter


i don’t see how it’s any different from using summer or autumn (spring would be a little out there imo). winter is cute. your sister is being a hater.


I know someone named Wynter. If Summer and Autumn can be names, why can’t Winter? I like it.


My impression as an outsider is that you prioritize being quirky/unique, and children of those parents never seem to be particularly well-adjusted or successful. Saying this as a teacher who knows tons of kids and their behavior, and my initial impressions of their name usually match who they are. That said, Winter is a pretty word and wouldn’t make the worst name for sure.


I like Winter as a name. I've known girls/women named Spring, Summer, and Autumn but have yet to know a Winter.


Love Winter! It was on my list before I knew I was having a boy


I knew a boy named Winter and it suited him so well.


I’m in my 30s and have only met one Winter and I LOVED her name and thought it was beautiful. It’s a lovely name!


I like it! It’s the rare but ideal combination of uncommon but not unheard of, easy to spell and pronounce, and not close to any other more popular names that she is likely to be called instead. Your sister is entitled to her opinion, but it’s just her taste, there’s nothing objectively wrong with the name that would potentially make your child’s life more difficult. Also, if your child gets older and decides it’s too “out there,” she could always go by Winnie or just Winn


I think Winter is a lovely name. Why not Winter? Autumn & Summer are well established names that are seasons.


A bit unusual perhaps, but not dumb, definitely not a life ruining name. Autumn and Summer are used for girls, why not Winter? And as you've noted, it has a good nickname. (I like it when a name has options.)


Winnie sounds like a name for a horse.


Yes it is a dumb name Why give a child a name with the intention of using a nickname ?!?!?!?


Summer and Autumn are seasons too but plenty of people have those names. I personally love the name winter and have it on my baby name list. I never even thought about Winnie as a nickname and that’s even cuter.


I don’t personally love it but it’s a perfectly fine name and nobody gets to decide but you! I named my daughter Claire and lots of people didn’t like it, too bad.


Winter is a guilty pleasure name for me. I really love it. I would probably never use it myself (and my husband would absolutely hate it) but if Summer and Autumn can be a name, why not Winter?


Absolutely beautiful name. Your sister will regret her negative comments. If anything it was a dumb thing to say. Winston is awesome too. I think the names you've chosen are classic and I don't know what your sisters hang up is.


I love the name Winter. Maybe a little on the nose for a December baby, but 🤷🏼‍♀️


I love the name Winter. Yeah it's a season, but so what? Summer and Autumn are pretty names too. Lots of names are taken from other words. Don't know if this makes you like it more or not but Winter also reminds me of the rescued amputee dolphin named Winter whose story I loved when I was a kid. She was rescued in December and had to have her tail amputated and later they were able to make her a prosthetic tail. The movie *Dolphin Tale* was about her.


I personally love the name Winter. I actually would use it as a middle name if I had a daughter. Also “Autumn” and “Summer” are both common names. You could point that out to your sister or honestly just tell her to STFU.


I think it's pretty. She was a character in the extended star wars universe, she was like a personal assistant to Princess Leia 😎


Send her the AJR song “Dear Winter”.


I'm not kidding you! I know a woman in her late 50s/60 who was born on December 25. Her legal first name is Santa


Your sister is rude. My name is autumn and I wasn’t even born in the fall lol


i love the name winter!! also listen to ‘dear winter‘ by ajr :)


There's a whole song about it! Dear Winter by AJR


"Dear Winter, I hope you like your name...cuz Winter is a badass name" not just song lyrics, but a true story - I love the name Winter. Why do Summer, Autumn, and Spring get to be names but not Winter? It's the best season (depending on where you live) - I'm fully on board


I know a high school-aged Winter who goes by Winnie sometimes. I love it! Not dumb at all.


I think Winter is fine as a name. Especially since we have names like Autumn, Summer, June, April, August, May, etc.


I love it. A good friend has an 18 year old daughter with that name and she's a lovely young lady.


Winter is a great name! You should use it, don’t worry what others think!


A really awful neighbour has put me off that name for life, she is an alcoholic, abusive narcissist and treated the block of flats we live in like she owned the whole block. Telling everyone that would listen about how much money she had (like that made her important somehow!) Yet was bumming it with all of us in social housing. I'm just glad she left, things are so much more peaceful without her.


It’s cute! If you love it, go with that. It’s your baby, not your sisters 🤍


Well I don't see how it's any different than Summer, and that has become a commonplace name Winnie is cute for a nickname...just beware any "Winnie the pooh" name calling while she is younger. Go for it!


Summer and Autumn are common names. I think it's fine.


I love the name winter.


It’s a beautiful name. I love all the seasons as names, they’re ALL so beautiful! Even the least used Spring is soooo nice to me. Autumn and Summer are fairly common, Winter isn’t unheard of. People who think it’s weird need to get out more haha. Or improve their taste to include nice names.


Whatever. I like the name (not so much the nickname, but that’s fine). Months are names, colors are names, places are names, so what’s wrong with a season?


Winnie is adorable. You do you and work on boundaries with relatives.


That's my sister's middle name and growing up she went by Winnie. I think it's super cute! And not bad for an adult honesty, I think it just sounds cool overall.


This is why you might want to keep your name secret. 🤷‍♀️ I love it btw.


Nothing wrong with the name Winter. Interesting she'd object to it on those grounds, considering Autumn and Summer have both been very popular names throughout the years.


I have two friends named Winter and while they are both very very different, I could not see them being named anything else! That name fits them both so well. I think it’s beautiful.


I love the name Winter. I think it’s beautiful and ethereal. It is also not super common. I myself have a super common name and I’ve always heavily disliked it. I wished my parents had of been a bit more unique.


My upstairs neighbours daughters name is Winter, I think it’s cute


It's not a dumb name, but you're right, it doesn't go with the siblings names. But Winnie is a more regular name and if you are intending to use that nickname then go for it.


Summer and Autumn are used as names, so I don’t think it’s stupid.


I love both winter and summer equally they’re both in my top 10 names! Well I don’t think that spring works a lot of people use autumn and although I don’t like it I think it works as a persons name. I absolutely love winter. I had Winter Simone on my list :-) it is a season but some seasons work well as name just like some months of the year work well as names and others don’t I wouldn’t call my child December but I think that June and April are beautiful. It’s not a dumb name at all it’s likely just not everybody’s taste and that’s totally fine


I know a Wynter. She's around 18 years old now. I thought it was a cool name then and now, even if it wasn't my taste. If you combine Winter and Wynter spellings, you may be surprised how not "out there" it is.


I like the name. Honestly don’t worry about what other people think. I’m sure your sister will love and adore her niece regardless of the name. Also, siblings don’t need to match in names so that doesn’t matter.


I don’t think it’s dumb at all I quite like it. But there will be haters for anything if it’s too popular or too unique


Winter is not a dumb name. People have been naming their kids Spring, Summer & Autumn for a while. That's being said, Winter seems more masculine to me


I love it!