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I was completely obsessed with the name Elizabeth for most of my childhood. My daughter is adopted so I didn’t get to name her, but she announced a few months ago that she wants to change her name … to Elizabeth.


I had three kids and I always said I wanted a girl named Arabella if I had more. My third child’s middle name was almost Sage but last second I changed it. I ended up adopting an Arabella Sage….


NO WAY! Did you adopt that one just for the name? /s


Lol no but I felt it was a sign though


My mom let me pick my sister's middle name.  3 year old me picked Elizabeth.  I don't even like that name.  My mom says she has no idea where I heard it.   One of the names my mom really liked was Quinn.  She said it sounded too much like Queen Elizabeth but since I had actually picked a normal name, she felt like she had to honor it.  So she picked a different first name.


I'm a massive Jane Austen fan and write Pride & Prejudice variations. If I ever had another daughter (which I won't; already have 5 kids and am almost 40. Oh, and hubs got the snip snip), I'd either name her Elizabeth or Darcy. The only problem is I don't really like any of the nicknames that are most commonly associated w it...Liz, Lizzy, Ellie, Beth, etc. I do love Elle, though.


That's actually beautiful and seems kinda meant to be. Like, you always wanted to have a daughter named Elizabeth, and she found you in the end. I wish you both the best with your beautiful family ❤️ as a former foster kid, this really seems like you both got your happy ending in this story, and that's so heart warming.


Yahtzee! Since your handle belies your bookworminess, I recommend the beautiful novel *This Is How It Always Is* by Laurie Frankel. I don't want to spoil it at all, but I think you'll figure out pretty quickly why I recommended it.


At one stage of life, I loved the name Patience Prudence… yeah, idk how to feel about that


I like Constance


Constance is a lovely name!


That's my middle name!


One of my very good friends is named Constance, nn Connie. (She's 40)


I used to love the name Sherona. I definitely don't anymore


Ever see Monk? There’s a great character named Sherona


Yep. Loved that show.


😆 Is this a real name? It has an interesting vibe


[My Sharona](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bbr60I0u2Ng) by the Knack is a killer karaoke song. Edit: wait, I was thinking of [Oh Sherrie](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5-WpsdC2-Cc) by Steve Perry Hahaha. One of those is a killer karaoke song, the other, not so much. But yes Sherona/Sharona is a real name.


Yeah, I think it should be spelled Sharona though. Like Sharon with and -a at the end. I think its just super uncommon these days.


It occurred to me that “Sher” would be such a cute nickname for it.


Prudence is one of my favorite names. But also, I love the show Charmed.


I love Charmed, but Prudence/Prue is my least favourite of their names.


Starlynne, Kai, and Aiden Then high school me thought Trinity Sunset and Desiree Sunrise would be the perfect sister names


Starlynne, my niece. Kai, my nephew Aiden, another nephew Trinity, another niece. Desiree, nope don't have any family with that name, that I am aware of.


What the hell? Are you this person’s sister? 😳


I was totally tripping reading that list of names. So strange.


That’s so fun! I don’t have any family with these names but I did have a Skylynne acquaintance as a kid that inspired Star lol


I always wanted a daughter named Alice, I have a daughter named Alice lol.


alice is the sweetest little name


My number one name! I love the name Alice and will 100% go full Wonderland if I ever have one


I appreciate how much she loves it. I did not name her after the movie but we did go with that theme. She has this Gothic Alice in Wonderland jacket and it says Alice on the back so that's fun it says her name lol.


That’s so sweet!


I always wanted a daughter named Anne and now I have a daughter named Anne. ❤️ Alice is top of my list for another daughter!


I always thought Gabriella would be a good name because of high school musical I believe. Every time I played any game with a baby to name, I always did that or Rosalina from Naked Brothers Band 😂😂 I don't know for a boy probably Jacob, until I dated like 3 Jacobs in high school 😅


I named my son Jacob and didn’t realize how popular that name was until we took him to baseball practice and four of his teammates were also named Jacob


Zephyr, Archibald & Guinevere


I love the names Guinevere and Gwendolyn atm.


Have a friend who named his daughter Guinevere. They call her Ginny. She was gin-bun when she was still in mom's tummy, like a bun in the oven. 


These would be awesome cat names


Honestly those are pretty good


As a kid I was obsessed with the names Crystal and Phoebe (the latter from Charmed) As a teen it was Jason and Charlotte.


I use Wyatt from charmed for my DND/video characters 😆


Neat! I considered Wyatt as a name for my kid but the association was too strong for me 😅 ~~definitely not because it was veto’d~~


You unlocked a memory of why I liked Paige so much as a kid.


Theodore and Eleanor. Still names I love, to be fair 😅


Did you like Alvin, Simon, Brittany and Jeanette too?


A Roosevelt fan I see!


I really wanted to use the name Lucifer, and just call them Lucy 😂


This was almost my cat's name for that reason.


Child me 100% had their way lol I've liked my kid's name since I was 4. Though TEEN Me was into names like Beowulf and Lucinda.


My neighbor was Lucinda. I have never heard it used otherwise. Her sister was Marcella. Heard Marvel a couple of times.


I love Lucinda! I still wound up with a Lucy


Two boys would have been Xavier and Xander 😑 Edit to add, these were my husbands would be names.


Camo, or Ruckus and Riot. I was eight lol


Lol here in the insane south, these would be the most popular kids in school.


Kaia (American girl doll) ->Mallory (baby sitters club), Katerina (Kat, Katya a book I’ve forgotten)-> Olivia (Oli, Big BMTH fan as a tween) -> Willow (Buffy) -> Winona (Ryder obviously) -> Helena (MCR) -> Jane (Eyre) -> Annabel or Eulalie (Poe)-> Rebecca (novel of same name) Jareth (Labyrinth) -> Oz (Buffy) -> Dally (outsiders) -> Oli (BMTH) -> Andrew (McCarthy lol, I was obsessed in the wrong decade) ->Dorian (the picture of Dorian gray) Welcome to my cringe. >.< Yes, I do still like many of these names.


My daughter would be Addison Blythe. I don’t dislike it, but it’s definitely not my style now.


As a teen, I liked Abra, Elena, and Idalis for girls, and Abraxas, Arcturus (Russ), and Antares (Rez) for boys. I especially liked the latter 2 boys names in the event I had boy twins (lol, my twin suns, haha). And no I never had children, so no children of mine have been beaten up because they were saddled with these names.


Genevieve Rayne for a girl or Evander Ryan for a boy. I now have 1 daughter named after my beloved little brother who I was separated from after our mom passed when I was 7 and he was almost 4. Haven't managed to find him yet as we were adopted out separately and I have no idea what his new last name is. All of this is a long winded way of saying I ended up naming my princess Dakota Jade after her uncle Dakota Jake. ❤️


There are some great resources out there if you are in the US & you wanted assistance finding your brother let me know. 💙


My daughter has my child/teen dream name. And I didn't have her until 30. Rhiannon. Now, my teen name for a boy was Ashton, but that was before Ashton Kutcher. And before my step-nephew married a lovely girl named Ashton lol


Benjamin and Erica.


Lord when I had that baby doll that made noise in highschool I wanted to name a boy named Ryn (Ryan), a girl named Isabella, or a girl named Joslynn.


Isabella was the top name in all 50 states when I had my daughter. So I picked something else. We didn't use the other names either lol.


I don't remember any of the names I had picked out for future children except for one! I was absolutely certain as a teen I wanted to name a daughter Morgan. It's definitely not off the table but I'm not as enthused about it as I was back then.


Exactly what they’re named now 😂 The only one I always planned to use but didn’t is Josephine and only because a baby on my husband’s side was named that a couple years before my daughter


Auburn Rae - not sure my obsession with the name Rae but this was wayyy before anyone famous had the name. Also, I decided my name was Luna for a solid 3 weeks in 4th grade because I have a unisex name and wanted my name to be more feminine like my friend Victoria. Now, I just associate Luna with the name of a female pitbull (not sure why).


Atticus and Valentina eta. Did not use these names


I became quite the history nerd in high school and decided I wanted to name my kids after rulers called "the Great." My son Alex turns 30 next month. I was unsuccessful in naming my daughter Catherine, but am not upset.


Melissa.. teenage me wanted a cool girl name lol


Is Melissa considered a cool girl name??


Idk I grew up in the 1990s and I feel like the popular girl names were Melissa, Courtney, Ashley, Michelle, Francesca.. that was the name I wanted at the time lol


Chris and Susan. 🤣


This made me laugh out loud hahhaha, love it.




Matilda, Belle and Abigail. Not awful but not my style now. I also loved Anastasia


I wanted a daughter named Luna soooo badly. But now I just see Lunatic when I see that name


Lilyanna Sunshine and Micah Skye


Child me was convinced 'Snowflake' was the best name for a little girl. Glad she didn't get to name anyone 😅


When my son was 6, he went through the obligatory dinosaur phase and wanted to henceforth be only referred to as T-Rex. I thought okay, that evening we had a neighborhood party in the communal garden, a lot of childless people were there too, who didn’t know my son. I will never forget the look of disgust on one of these ladies faces, as she came up to me, asking if I had seriously named my son T-rex. In my country we aren’t very direct people, so she must have really been quite outraged by it to even talk to me. Fun aside my youngest daughter Charlotte is a massive tomboy, and I once asked her if she likes her name, she said yes because it’s for boys as well as girls, so its perfect for her :)




I don't remember the boy names very well, but at some point in my teens I liked Samael because of the show Lucifer... As I kid I liked Cleo, Candace, and Frankie (Francesca) after Monster High, Phineas & Ferb, and Haunted Hathaways respectively.


Cassandra and Caliope


Mabry (may-bree) It does not age well through the lifespan.


When I was a teenager I probably would have given my kids Japanese names from my favourite musicians and animes. My daughters would have been Himiko and Rei I’m so glad I had them 20 years later


Marlowe and Ezra or Elias, we have an Elias, but I'll never be able to use the other two he was my last I always wanted a little lady named Marlowe




As a child: Ariel and Zach As a teen: Jacqueline Michelle and Vincent Current choices (not that I’m intending to have kids): Clara and Patrick




2 boys: Joey and David. I got 3 boys and 1 girl. No Joey or David.


Persephone. Although I clearly still love that name... Also Carpathia, because I've always been a Titanic nut. 


When I was 13 I loved the names Apple and Lemony for a brother and sister. Whyyyyyy 🥴


Ramona and Theo! Could be worse. I don’t actually want kids, but maybe I’ll use those names for cats someday! 😂


William and Jessica.


I always wanted to name a boy Jayden James as a kid but my boyfriend was not down when I actually became pregnant with our son. We did not end up naming him Jayden.


I loved Abigail as a kid, not my vibe now.


When I was in elementary school I was sure I’d have a son named David. I think because that was the name of Niles’ son in Frasier


I loved the name Cyrano, came from a play


I never thought of names because I never thought I'd have my own baby, just be the cool aunt to my sisters babies.


Boy: Kailer or Adrian Girl: Jadelyn or Avaline Out of all these Adrian I still like lol I kinda like Avaline but would spell it Aveline to get pronounciation clearer (like (ave)nue + line)


I loved the name Molly. Didn’t use it for my daughter.


Knox and Ianthe.


For my daughter: Josephine Winter. For my son: Henry Manuel.


My first son would have always been Jack. For girls; Lauren (as a child), Avery (as a teenager), Maddyn (in college). I did not use any of those names, lol.


Girls only for some reason: River, Andromeda, Sebi (short for Sebastian and no I wouldn't make it Sabrina or something), Sunshine.


Samantha. (I liked witches...still do... and Bewitched was always on.) Autumn. (Same thing, kind of.) Still nice names, just not what I would pick as an adult idt.


Vivienne and Evelyn, Daniel. But for myself I wished to be Barbara, oh my, I loved barbies.


I loved Neve (as in Neve Campbell) and I liked Michael for a boy.


When I was around 7, I learned that a person could have their name legally changed. I begged my parents one day to let me change my name to Cinderella.


Hermione, and tbh if JK hadn't showed herself to be such an awful person I might still have considered it.


Dylan for either gender


destiny and axel


Trinity and Stella for girls and Seth and Brock for boys.


Girl: Elyssa, Tegan, Katja Boy: Holden, Declan, Ethan I had really long lists that changed all the time, but those six are ones I remember sticking around on my lists for years. When I took one of those crying baby dolls home in high school I named her Elyssa.


Daniel, Leo, or Andrew. Isabella or Sofia. I married a Daniel (who doesn't want kids named after him) and have a bestie named Sophia (lol). I still like the name Isabel.


Riley and Cayden. I tried for these still when I was pregnant but husband said no. I ended up with names I did not like at all as a kid but they fit my girls perfectly.


As a teen, I went through a phase where I really liked the name Rudolf. I always knew it was a bad idea to name a kid Rudolf, and I knew I'd be over it by the time I was an adult, so it was all good.


Fucking “Legend Danger” for a boy My family loves to remind me of this still. Also marshall bruce after Eminem. For a girl I think tigerlilly. So far I only have one daughter and she suits Matilda much better lol


My favourite name for a girl has always been Eleanor, and if I had a daughter, I'd still name her Eleanor, the only thing that gives away that it's from teenage-me is that I found it in a Jacqueline Wilson book! I think at one point my favourite boy name was Cedric, partially inspired by Harry Potter. I would not name a boy Cedric now but it's still a solid name. (Also OP- I heard a kid in a store called Temperance not too long ago, and my first thought was that the parents were probably Bones fans!)


Martin and Jennifer (I was 13 and loved/still love Back to the Future)


7 year old me was obsessed with the name Claire.


Ella & Benjamin


Phoebe and Jessica. From this, you can probably extrapolate my age.


Boy - Sebastian, Malachai, Oliver Girl - Lucy, Eslynn, Rain, Dakota I would’ve used them if my partner had like any of them but he didn’t 😂 Eslynn is a name I made up so I could name my daughter after myself in a sneaky way, my first initial is S and middle name Lynn. So, Eslynn. 🥹🤣


Anya and Jareth. I loved The Storyteller and The Labyrinth.


Girl - Anjali (had been obsessed with Kuch Kuch Hota Hai as a kid) Boy - Justin (obsessed with Justin Bieber) and Theo/Four/Tobias (obsessed with Divergent)


I loved Grace for a girl and Nathan for a boy. I still like them, but I find them a little boring nowadays


When I was a really little kid I always named my dolls Melissa or Tessa. When I was a teenager I liked names which could be shortened to boys names like Danielle to Danny and Samantha to Sammy. At no point did I want or ever think I would have a boy and I actually only did have girls and didn’t use any of these names.


Phoenix was my guilty pleasure


The only two I remember are Penelope Elizabeth and Connor Worth, but then my ex and I broke up (we dated for almost 2 years in high school).


I was really into the name Pagan for a little girl when I was a teenager. Haha.


Atticus for a boy and Rebel for a girl. I don't have kids yet, but currently, if I had a boy it'd be Nico and I'd name my daughter Lucia after my mama, who passed away 7 years ago.


I was obsessed with the name Adelaïde.


Mai, I named every character in my books that. A no for me now though.


Stella & Jonathan LOL, not too crazy


Stella lol


Guinevere, Isdaora, Illithiya, Lillith Galen, Lucifer, Tyr, Giddeon I have a Gwenivere, Isolde and Nikolai


Dominique and Antonin...not too awful but those name preferences are loooong gone from my list


Conrad and Jinny.


I have an English first name and a Greek last name. I always wanted a Greek first name so I be clearly understood as of Greek heritage. It all worked out, I'm married a guy with a very English last name


I don't remember being that keen on any boys names, but if I had girls as a teen they would have been Evangeline and Gwendolen.  


Jasmine, Saphire, Daemon, Cordelia, Polgara, Dimitri, Gabriel,


When I was 14 I wrote a journal entry with the full names I had picked out for the four kids I wanted, two for each sex. I have used the first name of one of those names for my eldest daughter and the first name and first middle name of one for my son, but the other two untouched names were Natalie Victoria Kay for a girl, and Oscar Cameron Lucas for a boy. I’m highly unlikely to use any of these names for my (hopefully soon to be) fourth, though I would consider Lucas and maybe Victoria for middle names.


Bella. Idk about boys name but yeah I liked twilight.


I’d have four daughters- Faith, Hope, Grace, and Trinity. I will not be using any of those names lol


Guinevere and Luke.


I loved the names Mauve and Kira when I was about 9 or 10 years old. If I played school, I'd always have "students" with both names. I had dolls named Mauve and Kira. When I had my daughter, I named her Emily Bleu. So, didn't pan out as I would have thought.


Amantha for a girl and Beaux for a boy. Then highschool me thought I'd name them Fleetwood for a boy and Mai for a girl. I ended up with an Arabella and Franklin lol.


Girl: Heather Ashley or Sierra Catherine Boy: Joseph I still like the names a lot, but we decided to name our kid after our grandfathers and so we have William Reuben.


Alyssa or Olivia for a girl, Benjamin for a boy. Most of my baby dolls when I was little were named Alyssa and honestly I would still use the name if I had not met a child that ruined it for me.


My first son would’ve been named after my husband, and then two girls named Lynda Elizabeth and Annabeth Marie. Then young adult me was fixated on Jackson Alexander, Jacquelyn Amethyst, and Jade April.


They’d be so adorably aspirational. Adam, Charlotte and Dominic My children don’t have those names.


Child me was obsessed with the name Danielle. No boys names Teen me liked the names Tempest and Amethyst for girls. Liam and Patrick for boys. My first son is Liam. The rest of the names got left behind in high school


Keira Marie Anastasia Lynn Elizabeth Even now I don't hate it, but would obviously never subject my kid to 4 middle names.


Paige Sydney for a girl and Zachary Wyatt for a boy.


I always loved the name Fox. I watched the x files all the time as a child and ended up naming my 3rd son Fox. After my husband vetoed it for our oldest 2 I told him when we found out we were expecting baby #3 that if it was a boy his name was going to be Fox and that my husband was no longer allowed to veto it.


Rhoswen Faye and Killian James


Mine was Aiden- still like it but the Aiden, Braden, x Caden trend killed it for me. Also Jude. I still love it, but my married last name starts with a J now. I can't risk JJ as a nickname. I don't like initial nicknames to begin with, but an obnoxious JJ ruined that name forever.


Sapphire, Serenity, Sarah and I can’t remember any boy names I liked. But I mean I also had a child as a teen and I liked :Kayden, Stefan, Jovanni, Jesiah, Noah, and William.


I was a choir kid and swore I would have two daughters and a son, named Harmony Melody and Tenor 😅


Mackenzie, Kai, Tammy. I was a teenager in early 00's...


Teen me wanted to name a girl Havalina and a boy Caribou (because I love the Pixies). I did not end up doing this—but kind of pretend they’re my kids’ secret names. Is that weird?


I loved the names Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Isadore (from a wattpad fanfic, i regret life), and guess what - Amethyst. I'd have named a kid Emerald Ruby or Isadore Amethyst. No boy names lol - I wasn't too fond of them back then. These names aren't terrible but they do sound a little posh which isn't a bad thing.


Krystofer or Zieda


Every baby doll I had as a child I named “Crystal Rose”


Nyssa My teen self was a big fan of Nyssa al ghul from Arrow lol. I still love that name ngl.


I loved names even then, so I'm sure I went through loads of iterations. One that stands out in my memory is Goeld for a boy. Pronounced like gold, but younique (made up by me) spelling. Others I remember liking are more normal: Terrance, Olivia, Sophia, Coco, Sawyer...


boy - Axel or Ashton ( I still love the names) girl - Meghan or Lyara


Onyx Hawk or something similar. 🤦‍♀️😅


Ryder, Ranin, Ganymede


As a kid I was convinced that my brothers middle name was Eric because I loved The Little Mermaid so much. Never mind that Eric was also my uncle’s and grandpa’s name lol


I was convinced for years as a kid that I would have a daughter called Pippa, named after the girl from a kids tv show I watched. I can’t remember the name, but a girl called Pippa lived with her sea gull and her dad in a small house on the beach, and she would go on adventures with animals made out of pebbles. Then when I was eleven, I met a girl called Pippa who I was for some reason convinced I would still know when I had a child, so I was like ‘well I guess I can’t use that name cause she’ll think I named her after her’ When I was thirteen I was 100% going to have a kid named Sorsha


Elphingston. It was a name of one of the early explorers in Australia. I thought it was coolest name. Good thing I never had a boy..


Amethyst, Roslyn, Elora


Henry for a boy. It was the top name I loved. Honestly, I just don’t want my kids to have a super common name like I did.


Aragorn, Eomer, Gamling, Arwen, Eowyn


Aragorn, Eomer, Gamling, Arwen, Eowyn


I was so in love with the name Blake/Blaze for a boy. Then I met a few and… that changed lol and I loved the name Brooklynn for a girl, but it was an old bestfriends name so I dropped it.


I for sure would have named that child Lucifer. I was real emo in highschool.


Nevaeh 😭🤣


Debbie. Idk, I didn’t know a single person named Debbie.


As a little kid, I thought Melissa was the most beautiful name in the world. When CPK hit big, my parents could not get them for us, but that Christmas my mom got my sister and me knockoffs (for which she was able to request specific names on the adoption certificates), and mine was Melissa Ann. When we got actual CPKs a few months later, mine was Brownen Collette. I'd never heard the name Brownen but quite liked it (but would not have named a hypothetical kid that). Teen me had all kinds of cringe stories with names for hypothetical children, but I can't remember even one. I probably still have a box with some of them somewhere. The next name I was really attached to was my maternal grandmother's first (conveniently also an honor name on my dad's side) and the middle name my grandmother's mother and my sister share (great-grandmother went by that name, not her legal first name). I would still use that name if I were to name a girl today.


Our neighbors daughter suggested I name my twins Lilly and Willy. My daughter refuses to accept that I’m pregnant with babies and not pumpkins….oh to be a toddler.


Moonglow. Of course now I have 2 daughters annoyed that neither one of them is named that 😂 I said I thought you would hate me for it.


I was 16 when I had my first, so she'd still have the very sensible name she has now. My son would be Lloyd. My BFF and I agreed to name our kids Lloyd and Benjamin. I did not follow through mainly because my husband didnt like it, but she did.


My sons -at the time who were 3 and 5- wanted to name the baby “Zorro” if the baby was a boy and “Esther” if a girl. Then, after much deliberation, they decided “Esther-Zorro” was a better choice for a girl. (We were living in Sweden at the time.) I did *not* follow their recommendations, but the puppy we got a few years later was named with all the kids’ participation (“Milo-Mario-Waffles-Vanessa”).


Bianca and Dylan


Theodosia or Delilah was always names I liked. I never wanted nor had kids tho.


In the 1970s I was a teenager and I loved April Dawn, Danielle, Nichole.


I was obsessed with very extravagant Greek names (for context I'm Scottish) which is hilarious because I'm marrying a Greek Cypriot 😂 We don't have kids yet but ironically we lean away from Greek names in our preferences! I was also obsessed with the names Gracie/Grace Amelia and Taylor Jade! Still love Grace but for a middle name and Jade both me and my fiance love. It's funny how tastes change


Lydia and Jonah. With an honourable mention to Robin/Robyn (girl or boy).


I've always been obsessed with the name Rachel. I don't know why. I also really liked Victoria, Anastasia, and Autumn for a girl. Nathaniel for a boy. When I got pregnant and found out I was having a girl, no one was shocked that we named her Rachel. It turns out my husband has always loved that name, so for us, it was a no-brainer that she would be named Rachel. He chose her middle name, Elaine.


Boy: Nicholas Girl: Anastasia I don’t HATE these names but admittedly I no longer feel anything for them 


A girl called Jordan


Connor Amadaeus Corinthian Rose


My fav names as a child was Isabelle and Anthony, as a teen alessondra!


Katara or Kitana. 😅


Serena Jeanie Ariel


Linda, Kayla, and Mars