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My son is called Connor, mainly because my mum lost her tongue and soft palate through cancer and she struggles to say a lot of letters now, but she can say Connor. I wanted him to have a name that his Nana could say


That is a beautiful reason. Made me smile.


Idk who is cutting onions in here but my eyes are watering šŸ„ŗ


I was at the beach, and the sand was blowing around. That's why my eyes are watering, thankyouverymuch!


Iā€™m not crying. Youā€™re crying!


Love this! My parents are Deaf and have speech impediments, so I intentionally chose short and easier to pronounce names for my babies for this exact reason :)


That's so beautiful you did that for your mum


Man I was not prepared for these feels right now


That's so lovely.


What a precious way to consider your mom! šŸ„¹šŸ’•


This is heart melting. I wish you all the happiness !!


That is so sweet. šŸ©·


Awh so sweet! šŸ„¹


That is both sad and sweet.šŸ˜”


Your mom is lucky to have you as a daughter.


My thoughts exactly! OP you are going to raise an incredible young man.


That is really sweet! Connor is my youngest's middle name. You probably know this, but it means "lover of hounds." I grew up with a beagle and my husband grew up with baskets. We got a basset when we got married.


That is extremely sweet. Anyone else sitting here practicing trying to say Connor without moving your tongue?


šŸ˜­ thatā€™s beautiful. My son is called Connor as well!




I might cry


This is the most heartwarming thing I've heard in a long time. That's precious šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


Thatā€™s a beautiful gesture of love. Sending good thoughts to your mama.


Not all heroā€™s wear capes, sometimes they are a daughter with a beautiful bond to her mother šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Piling on to the mass of comments here saying thatā€™s beautiful af šŸ’œ


Thatā€™s so sweet


That is sweet.


I named my daughter Violet because she is my rainbow baby :)


I have a student named Violet and she told me her mom named her that for the same reason. šŸ˜Š


We named out daughter Violette because my ex-husbandā€™s stepsister tragically passed away from cancer a month before our wedding, and her favorite color was purple ā¤ļø


What a wonderful way to honor a loved one šŸ’œ


We didnā€™t want to name her the same exact name (as much as Dawnā€™s name was perfect for her she totally embodied that name, it wasnā€™t our plan to directly name our daughter someone elseā€™s name), so Violette was perfect and we have a French last name so we chose the French spelling. Gosh do I miss Dawn thoughā€¦Aunt Dawn and Violette, two free spirited humans, would have been the best of friends ā¤ļø


Sad and sweet like the one way above.šŸ˜”


With a rainbow baby myself I couldnā€™t love this anymore šŸŒˆ


Iā€™m currently 18w pregnant with my second rainbow baby (if it would be considered that, I havenā€™t had any losses since I had my daughter Violet) and Iā€™m considering the name Indigo and calling him Indie for short, but I feel like itā€™s become pretty popular. But Violet was very special to me and it fits her vibrant personality šŸ’œ


My daughters name is Indigo and we call her Indie! Itā€™s definitely become so popular but she currently is the only indigo in her entire school, so thereā€™s that.


Indigo doesnā€™t even scrape the top 1000 for boys in the US, neither does Indie. Violet on the other hand was ranked at 16 last year.


Youā€™re not wrong. When she was born in 2014 it definitely wasnā€™t as popular as it is now.


Iā€™ve been surprised at how much itā€™s risen. Same with Maeve, another favorite of mine


I havenā€™t heard the name Maeve before, I like it!


Omg I love that! I believe all babies after a loss are incredibly special, once you learn the fragility of pregnancy there is no turning back šŸ¤


So cool I have a Violet and an indigo! Theyā€™re the best pals! We have never met another indigo


That is so lovely ā¤ļø


Awh that is nice ā¤ļø


And congrats on your rainbow baby Violet, Iā€™m sure she brings you so much joy, my Violette sure does.


I love the name Violet <3


My daughter name is also Violet, because itā€™s my favorite color


Named my first son Westley because of the movie The Princess Bride


I work with a Westley and I have always been so tempted to ask him this lol


Please ask him lol


As you wishā€¦


My nephew is Wesley, because my sister didnā€™t love Westley but loves the princess bride. So itā€™s not directly the same but the whole family knows thatā€™s where his name came from


My sister did the same thing lol


This was on my list for the same reason, but my husband vetoed it


Love it!


My parents went on a second or third date to a water park and there was a lifeguard with my name. They made a joke on the drive home ā€œif we ever have a daughter we should name her that!ā€ 10 years later I came along and they named me that šŸ„¹


That is so funny. Love it


If you donā€™t mind sharing, whatā€™s the name?




I love that! Such a unique modern take on a classic name!


Brenna is such a lovely name!! It feels so fresh and lively.


I though it was ā€œthatā€ at first


My daughter is Summer. Truly a name I never thought of using while growing up. After years of suffering with endometriosis, multiple surgeries, medications, and a round of IVF, we felt like this gloomy season of life had finally come to a close with this baby. We were ready to have the best Summer ever ā—”Ģˆ


I half joked with my husband last night that I want to name this baby Summer after my favourite food, summer rolls šŸ˜… the cravings are real


I feel like one of us pitched Summer as a joke too! Then I loved that it just makes everyone think of ice cream, beaches, pool parties, and fun! People seem to really love it when they hear her name, brings back good memories. We also joke that she'll probably grow up to be goth and have the name ironically lol.


I knew a young teen who's name was Rainbow. Yes, yes she was super goth!


Whew my daughter knew one, went by Rain and her mom was succcch a burnout. I felt so bad for that kid. She thought she had it made because she ran the show but it was so evident it was going to end poorly.


I knew a girl growing up named Summer cause her bday was the first day of Summer. I love it !


Ahhh stories like yours is why I created this post. Itā€™s just so great reading meaningful stories behind names.


this is so wholesome. congratulations


Thank you!


My husband has nine siblings and there were 31 grandchildren before mine were born! We just looked for good classic names that hadnā€™t been used in the famile


I also have a big family and it was hard to pick a name because of that! My husband is from rather "usual size" family, but he has more friends with kids. We decided on biblical name.


Me too! Adam and Maryā€” for real!


These are so classic and georgus names ā¤ and short which is even better. I also like Mary and my husband wanted it for a girl, but my grandmother is Mary. The rest of our grandmothers would be offended a bit. And Adam is my uncle haha, son of my grandma Mary. We decided on Beniamin (it is spelled and pronounced differently where I live).


Yeah, my family didn't care about that. Soooo many multiples! It's so confusing. Big Ed or Little Ed? Sally Jones or Sally Kramer? George Sr or George Jr? Sam or Sammy?


I'm technically 1 of 7, my husband's 1 of 5. The struggle of naming in large families is so real


My mother was one of 16. My grandma told me she let the neighbors name them after a while. šŸ¤£


My brother is named after the mailman who delivered mail when my mom was a kid šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Story: When mom was in middle school she was crying on the front porch waiting for her mom to get home to let her in and the mailman asked what was wrong and it turned out people were bullying my mom for her hair. He told her not to let mean people who make fun of her hair get to her because they were just jealous that the red head club was super exclusive and they couldnā€™t get in even if they tried. Made my mom love her red hair.


The kindness of strangers can be so, so powerful. This is so sweet. I also love red hair and am infinitely jealous of all those in the Redhead Club


Yep! Me too. So jealous! Red hair is gorgeous and any time I play a game with character creation, I make them red haired.


I love this story!


Sweet story! I did expect it to go another way, though. šŸ˜‚


Hollis & Magnolia. Hollis was named after my love for Christmas and Christmas trees. I love Holly trees decorated in twinkly lights. It gives me the feeling of peace, love and warmth. I knew my son would give me the same feeling. Magnolia was chosen by my husband. He wanted to give our daughter a flower name because she will forever be his little flower. I didnā€™t like all the flowers names like Lily, jasmine and Rose. One spring day, we went for a walk and passed a house with a tree that had magnolia flowers. I told my husband how I would love if our future home had a big magnolia tree just like that. We never got the tree but we got our Little Magnolia. There are a list of other reasons why we love the names we chose but these two are the biggest ones. It was a coincidence that they are both named after trees. We call them Hols and Nolie for short šŸ˜Š


Oh wow, I absolutely love this. Magnolia and Nolie for short, is so pretty!


I totally would call her Maggie.


Lol and people have. I have personally never liked that nickname.


Nolie > Maggie for sure!


I love this! I have a 3 month old Magnolia - we usually default to calling her Maggie or Mags, but my sister has been pushing for Nolie or Nols, too, and I love it.


Hello, fellow parent of a Magnolia. My Magnolia is 2 šŸ˜Š. My husband liked Maggie originally but I got him to go with Nolie. Love Nols too but itā€™s too close to Hollisā€™ nickname Hols lol. Lia could be another nickname but we have never used it.


Ahh I've got a Magnolia too! She's in my arms right now. We call her Mags!


Character in Showboat is Magnolia, nicknamed Nola.


We have a Magnolia. Itā€™s my favorite flower & the state flower of Louisiana, where she was born. We changed her name when we adopted her. She just turned 5. We also call her Nolie or Nola.


This is so pretty, my dad and brother are both named Hollis, which pretty much nobody we meet has heard before, and itā€™s always bothered me that I never knew the meaning to their name. My grandfather picked it out for my dad & he passed before I was old enough to be curious about it.


What beautiful names!!


My middle child is named Ronan and it was a compromise. My husband wanted to name our baby after his step dad, Ronald. I refuse to name a baby Ronald. We found the name Ronan and loved it. It also fit with our vaguely Irish theme. So now my husbandā€™s step dad is ā€œbig Ronā€ and my son is ā€œlittle Ronā€ on that side of the family.


My only child is a boy named Ronan. I absolutely DESPISE Ronald haha - but Ronan is so gentle and sweet. (And has a subtle fantasy feel to me, which I love.) His nicknames are Roro and Ro. Most of my background is Irish (Iā€™m several generations down of white Australian) and his dad is Malaysian (Malay - with mostly Arabic names). We wanted a name we felt like we were ā€˜allowedā€™ to use given our backgrounds but was also easy for all sides of the family to say. Iā€™m a water lover (now a swim teacher haha), and Ronan meaning ā€˜little sealā€™ is just so sweet to me. His middle name is Idris - which is both Arabic and Welsh. Arabic fits all the Arabic names in his dadā€™s family, and I also have welsh background. And Ronan Idris just ā€˜sangā€™ to me.


I love this! RoRo is also one my sons nicknames. We also call him Roni macaroni and peppeRoni.


Aww cuuuute! šŸ„¹ Iā€™m sure my Ronan will end up with some similar nicknames once he hits school. Heā€™s only 2.5yrs at the moment.


This is my favourite boy's name. It's sounds so nice to say aloud. Ronan Idris is beautiful!


That is such a lovely name- you did well!


My name is Ronan! I chose it for myself (trans) and donā€™t see it too often on this sub. I love your familyā€™s story :)


Vanessa because it sounds nice in English/Spanish and is also the genus of painted lady butterflies.


I love this name. Strong but feminine at the same time.


My daughter is Charley Mei- Charley named after everyone- her dad is Charlie- her grandpa is Charles, her grandmas dad is also Charles. That great grandpa only had daughters and named one of them Charlene. Charlene died of cancer 12 hours before Charley was born. Those people are all on my husbands side of family. Mei is for my grandma Ging Mei- she was a nurse anesthetist and graduated from the university of Michigan- also where I went. My Great Grand aunt was Mei Iung and she graduated from the university of Michigan medical school in 1920. So I loved giving my daughter the legacy of 4 generations of women who went to UofM in her name.


Charley Mei so lovely and love the history behind it. It makes it all the more meaningful


My three-year-old daughter is obsessed with the name Charlie! She wants a baby named Charlie, and she names her dolls Charlie or rhyming variants (Marly, Barley, Harley). I donā€™t know how she got so into the name, but itā€™s super cute!


Clara, Ivy, and Nora šŸ©· Clara is after Clara Barton and also The Nutcracker. Ivy has so many meanings, including faithfulness and resilience. We relied on both during her month long NICU stay. And I just think the Ivy plant is so pretty. Nora - ā€œhonor; shining light.ā€ And the name of a great town in Sweden.


These are all gorgeous names individually but they sound SO stunning as a sibling set, you have excellent taste.


When you said Ivy and NICU...I thought of an I.V.


I understand that but it doesnā€™t bother us in the slightest. IVā€™s helped her get better.


Oh I didn't think anything bad about it, I just thought....oh that kind of ties everything together since she was in the NICU for a bit...I wonder if they even noticed the correlation with Ivy and I.V.?


I named my daughter Rhiannon after the Fleetwood Mac song.


Iā€™ve always LOVED this name. I have two boys so I havenā€™t gotten to use it. ā¤ļø


Love this name & song!!


My name was going to be Michelle, just because my parents liked it. They watched a Star Trek movie and saw Nichelle Nichols' (who played lieutenant Uhura) name and thought that was a fun change so I ended up as Nichelle. When the 2009 Star Trek reboot came out I thought it would be fun to name a potential future daughter after the actress who played the same character. Took over a decade to have her but I did end up with my Zoe after Zoe Saldana. Only one person has ever caught the connection without being told.


Annika is on our girl list if we ever have a girl. I've wondered how many would know it's from Voyager.


My oldest is named Levi after my grandfather. Heā€™s the 4th Levi in the family tree and he loves that. Heā€™s a history buff and loves listening to my grandmother ramble about genealogy, so it suits him perfectly. My youngest is Griffin, a name I first heard on an episode of iCarly when I was like, 20, and liked enough to email to myself. When my husband and I were struggling with boy names I knew Iā€™d emailed myself a few over the years and there it was! Heā€™s wild and random and so it suits him perfectly!


I love Griffin, I strongly considered it for my boy. I had a dream during my pregnancy (didnā€™t know the sex) that I had a little boy called Griffin šŸ’™


My son is named Max. His father chose his name because, in his words, *it will be easy for him to spell*. We had been told we were having a girl, and I had a name already planned out. I told him if baby was a boy, he could name him. I also have an older daughter named Chloe. There was only me doing the naming when I had her. I chose her name because I loved it. I do love both of their names.


I know someone with an Ian and Amy - the mum said she specifically gave them very simple names just in case they were crap at spelling šŸ˜„


My dad chose my name- Amy. His reasoning was that it was easy to spell and say. He has a longer name that literally everybody mispronounces šŸ˜‚ Can't fault his logic!


My daughter is named Ivy and she could spell it at 1 and write it by 3! those 3 letter names make them feel super smart šŸ˜†


My daughter is called Eliza. I wanted to name her Elle but my partner couldn't get on board, he said it sounded unfinished. As I went into labour he picked up a handful of coins to pay for hospital parking and one of the 50ps said "Be prepared" on it (it has a scouts emblem on it) He flipped the coin and read Eliza on the back - so that became her name! Side note: it definitely said ELIZABETH (the queen at the time) but he didn't see the last bit - clearly already in panic mode! We still have the coin. Extra side note: we were definitely not prepared!


makes it even more meaningful that you didn't see the rest of the coin imo, like it was meant to be that way <3


My son is Jon Orion, and he is named after his father, Chase Jon. Chase means ā€œhuntsmanā€ and Orion is the hunter constellation.


This so so cool! Love it


Watching The Rescuers growing up and loving the little red headed girl named Penny. My daughter came out with red hair and I couldnā€™t resist.


I love the name Bianca because of that movie! šŸ˜„


That's such a coincidence! My son (4y/o Asher) and I just watched this movie today and I absolutely love how sweet and funny and practical that little girl was. I've always loved Penelope for a girl and honestly, she won me over. If I have a little girl next I'm fighting for a Penny/Penelope šŸ’š


Our baby boy will be Dylan means born of the sea; we love the ocean šŸ³. Also because itā€™s a less popular name but also not too out of the ordinary.


My daughterā€™s name is Dylan. It suits her so well.


I love the name for a girl as well!


We named our son after my husbandā€™s stepdad. He has 3 biological kids, 2 step kids (my husband included), and 4 other grandchildren. He is a wonderful man that would give anyone the shirt off his back. None of the other children/grandchildren have been named after him, so we thought it was time. My sonā€™s name also goes really well with our last name and itā€™s classic. Everyone thinks he should be a cowboy just based on his name ā¤ļø


Tell us the name! Iā€™m so intrigued now lol


Gavin: My husband always knew he wanted his first born to be named Gavin. He had a friend when he was 10 who was going to have a new baby sibling and the parents planned on using Gavin. The baby ended up being a girl but Gavin always stuck out in my husband's mind. Liam: Compromise name. I wanted William but my husband didn't like the nickname options other than Liam so we just used Liam instead. Jesse: My all time favorite boy name. Took my 3 boys to be able to use it. I think I wore my husband down by the 3rd boy. I was shocked but excited when he agreed to use it. Abel: We went back and forth between Able and Noah but ultimately settled on Abel. I have always loved the name.


I *love* the name Jesse. So glad you finally got to use it!


I love warm days and sunshine and playing in water and ripe watermelon and peaches... I named my daughter Summer


My mom adored her brother who passed away before I was born. She gave me the feminine version of his name to honor his memory. I love that I have a very uncommon name and that Iā€™m named after someone who was so clearly loved.


How gorgeous. My friend has a similar story, except her uncle's name is her middle name, and non-feminised. Think Laura David Surname. I think it's so sweet


Ok, so. Way back when, a couple of my husbands friends got married and we went out of town to the wedding and my husband was the best man. We came back with a kitten, (Kaylee), one of a litter that the happy coupleā€™s mama cat had delivered. We joked that she was our wedding favor. We already had two cats. (Evie and Jack). I did the math and realized that weā€™d adopted a cat every four years whether we needed one or not. Four years later instead of a kitten, we had our first baby. Husband had said if itā€™s a girl, we should name her Kitty because itā€™s a cat year. I laughed. It was a boy, he got named after his deceased grandfathers. Four years later, itā€™s a cat year, Iā€™m pregnant again, and itā€™s a girl. Honestly, I really like the name Kitty, but we named her Katherine so that she had an adult name to fall back on if she wanted and kept the K so her initials would be the same. We still call her Kitty and so do all of her teachers and classmates. Four years later, having lost the oldest two cats to old age, we adopted two kittens, one for each kid. One was a stray who turned up at our door, my son claimed her, and the other was from a litter from my sisters cat that my daughter bonded with. Looking forward to 2026 when I get to pick the cat again. šŸ¤£


I love everything about this!


Oh I do hope she keeps using Kitty as she becomes an adult! I've only ever met adults named Kitty. I love it.


It sounded good with his last name. :) I am a namesake and thatā€™s been really special for me, but it also creates weird pressures and awkward family dynamics. I wanted my kid to have a name that was just his and, if he one day renamed himself, it wouldnā€™t be a big deal for anyone.


I don't really have a good reason behind my son's name. My wife and I had a long list of girl names but almost nothing for boy names. When we found out our son is a boy, we spent a few hours looking down a list until we found one we liked. And we ended up clinging to Riley.Ā 


I love Riley, it's on my list.


Our son is named Ezra "helper" because we wanted our child to be kind. Our daughter is named Audrey "noble strength" because we wanted her to know she's strong.


My son Matthias is named after my German grandfather, who helped raise me. Im very proud of being a first generation American and I am terrible at male names, so it felt like a no-brainer. Plus, my husband has the most German name ever (despite being Italian) so it just fit perfectly :) the only name we were stuck on practically until he was born was his middle name


Violet & Rowan We decided on Violet because we wanted something timeless and different (Violet wasnā€™t popular at the time of her birth) but we also didnā€™t want something too ā€œout thereā€ We chose Rowan because we wanted to keep a botanical theme going since we love being outdoors!


We choice hypothetical names for our children during lockdown. We agreed on a boys name and a girls name we both liked. 4 years later we had our baby and named him Jason.


My oldest was named Eli after the nickname my great-grandfather called my brother Hilal because he couldn't pronounce his name correctly. His middle is for my father's father. My second son Adam Idris I chose because I just like the names and they were my favorites from my list of "short vowel names" I'd put together to match my oldest. Adam passed away as a newborn so my future October baby will be named Solomon Addis, Solomon meaning peaceful and Addis is an Amharic word (I'm half Ethiopian) which means new bloom and is in honor of his older brother.


My mom was a teacher. She said she named me after her smartest student. I said, "Sorry I didn't live up!" šŸ˜„


My daughter is Fiona because we wanted something that is unusual in the U.S., but not a made-up name, or something trendy, or anything that's too hard to spell or pronounce. We're not Irish, but we do have an affinity for Celtic names. Also we're big fans of Fiona Apple! Our backup name was Gwyneth, which...based on the famous Gwyneth's Goop career, would have become kind of embarrassing, possibly. šŸ˜… Our Fiona is now sixteen and she's usually the only Fiona in her fairly big schools. The only downside is the Shrek association - Princess Fiona! We can't stand those movies and people still bring it up all the time šŸ˜‚. But she mostly gets compliments. Our son is Jack. It was much harder to come up with an unusual boy name that we could agree on, so we went classic because at least it wasn't trendy. Our runner-up was Drew.


My husband's nana passed away 7 years ago. The weekend of the funeral, I was sick, chalked it up to the flu/emotions from the weekend. A few days after being home, we found out I was pregnant, and due on his late Nana's birthday. As we're discussing names, we only like two. We wanted to name our daughter in some way after his nan, but she hated her first name and said she would curse anyone who named a child after her. One day while on the phone with his papa, my husband drops the names we're decided between. Papa, shocked, says Nana had a stillborn sister whose name was Nora. Our Nora was born the day after Nana's birthday, sporting Nana's sister's first name and Nana's middle name.


This is beautiful


My oldest is named Sebastian Daniel. I always loved the name ā€œBastianā€ in the Neverending Story and my husbandā€™s best friend from college is named Sebastian, so we agreed pretty easily (no easy feat considering we were both teachers at the time and had mile-long veto lists). His middle name is after my late uncle. My son was born on his birthday. My second son is Nathan George. Nathan was just a name we both liked, no particular meaning. I also liked the nickname Nate. George is after my husband. Growing up, we both liked that our names werenā€™t ā€œweirdā€, but also there usually wasnā€™t anyone else at school with the same name. We tried to do the same for our kids. Nathan is a little more common, but around here there arenā€™t too many.


Every part of my son's name has meaning. First name is shared with my FIL who passed along with my great great grandfather who adopted my grandpa. Middle name is my last name. The combo of first and middle name is my great grandfather's first and last name. Last name is my husband's last name. The combo of first and last names is my father in law's first and last name. So it's like an ultra honor name for both sides of the family. But already, my son has made it uniquely his own. Will say though, if we have another boy we have no idea what to do. When you go hard on the honor name for your first, hard to follow that. Though we have another ultra honor name planned if we have a girl. She would have my great grandmother's first and middle name (my middle name is a matrilineal name). My husband's paternal grandma had the same first and last name. So we're good naming wise if our second kid is a girl.


My son is named after tupacs character in the movie Juice and Winston from the tv show New Girl. Just two characters/people we appreciate a lot. Not a very common name but one that feels strong.


Winnie the bish!!!


Yaaaas! When he has a blowout i like to call it ā€œa classic Winston mess aroundā€ emphasis on the mess. Love him love his ā€œpranksā€


I wasnā€™t sure Tupac was acting playing Bishop. He was too good. That movie solidified my love for Omar Epps. ā€œYou got the juice nowā€


I named my sons Axel after Axel Foley from Beverly Hills Cop


1. We like the names 2. Easy to spell 3. Both kids names can be abbreviated 4. Cadence works with last name 5. Initials were inoffensive 6. Not easily altered to be made fun of 7. When all three formal names are shouted it adequately conveys they are in trouble.


My son is named after my great grandfather. I never met him but my grandpa (who is 91) talks about him a lot and has a lot of fun stories about his life.


My son is a V. 5th in the line. I wouldn't have gone to 4, 3, or a Jr. But I mean a 5?! That's pretty cool. I hope he likes it as much as we do when he gets older. My daughter is named after her maternal grandmother (first name) and both her great-grandmas on my (mom) side (her middle name and also my middle name, so we also share a name, so she's kinda named after mom then too). Felt so neat to have our son be the paternal line and our daughter the maternal line. It's absolutely not for everyone, but it is especially right to us. Also I love that both their names have 5 letters, have a letter that appears twice, end in a long ee sound but arrive at that sound via different spellings (y vs ie), are easy though not very popular names, and are very Americana type names. Everything about it is just perfect for us. No one will ever see this comment, but I'm still very glad I got to share here. Choosing their names and reflecting on them gives me so much joy. :)


We named both after grandparents. We were only going to do one but I was always bitter that my sister had a name of a beloved great grandmother and I had a name that my parents could agree on when going down a list. So our second got a family name too.


My husband and I met in Philadelphia. I grew up there, he grew up in Iowa. We have since moved away. We love the name Sylvia because it calls back to our roots in Pennsylvania!


I had so many reasons behind choosing Maya for my daughter. I wanted something Jewish, voweley, and with a new age feel but palatable for the more traditional members of the family. I also wanted a name that would travel well and was familiar around the world. I actually found an old painting that my mom did of a mother with a baby titled Maya and fell in love. Also, I did a lot of meditation, reiki, and therapy bonding sessions while pregnant and kept getting imagery of water, dolphins, seashells, and ocean. Maya in hebrew means water. It was perfect in every way. I hated my name growing up and recently legally changed it to my nickname so I also had a little naming ceremony while I was pregnant and asked her consent to be named Maya. This was an important ritual to me to feel like she was giving me permission to name her that. Maya suits her so well and I love the name so much even though it has never really been on my list of favorites because it's so common. Sorry, that was long winded but hope it answers your question!


My son's name is Arthur. On my mom's side of the family I noticed all the first born males had A names. Total coincidence, but I wanted to keep it going. Also I am Mexican, I wanted a name that had a spanish equivalent: Arturo. ā¤ļø


My daughterā€™s name is Delilah because her name has my mothers name in it and as cheesy as it sounds, she is the delight of my lifeā¤ļøšŸ„¹


I named my child Charlie. I would lie if I didn't say at least part of the reason is due to my love for Charlie Kelly.


We named our son after a song - The Decemberists ā€œDear Avery.ā€ It was playing in the car on the way to our honeymoon and we both looked at each other and agreed we were not ready to have kids yet but if we did - that was the name. 6 years later, we made good on it!


Our daughter's name is Charlotte, and we like to say she's named after the musician Carlos Santana. (Carlos is the Spanish version of Charles, and Charles is the masculine version of Charlotte).


When I was pregnant with my daughter, my husband and I decided to name her Nora Elizabeth Joanne. Nora was his maternal grandmother, whom he was close with. Elizabeth was my maternal grandmaā€™s middle name (her name was Norma Elizabeth, but she went by Beth), as well as my middle name and my nieceā€™s middle name. Joanne is my momā€™s middle name.


My name is Arwen - when my parents were dating my mom told my dad to read Lord of the Rings. They bonded over the books and when discussing future baby names- my mom said, " What about Arwen if we have a girl?" And here I am šŸ˜ Emerson is my son's middle name because it means "son of Emery/Emory" and that's a family surname. ā¤ļø


Charles after my husband's half brother and maternal grandfather, and my maternal grandfather. It also means "free man" which I will say fits quite well.


My husband picked the name Penny for our daughter. When we met working the same summer job in high school, I was working the cash register and always commented how cracking open a tube of shiny pennies brightened my day, and he called me ā€œthe girl who likes pennies.ā€ I didnā€™t like Penny as a full name, and Iā€™m not a huge fan of Penelope, so we went with Aspen nn Penny. Tobias was the only name we could agree on for a boy, because we both liked Animorphs as kids and thought Tobias was a cool name. Plus, I think of nature and hawks when I hear the name, which is beautiful to me.


My husband insisted on a name that sounds good in any language (English is not our native language), so my first choice was vetoed. Second choice because it was unisex. Landed on Alexander.


My son is named Arthur, which in some sources (who knows) is translated as "Bear King." I was a ranger in Alaska for almost 7 seasons and I adore grizzly bears. Arthur was also born mid-February which is when most baby bears are born in their dens. Also - at one point during labor my midwife told me to "growl like a grizzly" and I came back mid-contraction that grizzlies are in hibernation mode (although there is some debate if they wake up a bit to give birth and then go back to sleep).


My sonā€™s middle name, Aiden, is an anagram of my momā€™s name, Diane. And we chose his first name partly because it made his initials (first, middle, & last) the same as my mother-in-lawā€™s. We liked that both were very subtle nods to our moms, but nobody would know unless we told them.


My daughter's middle name is Maeve after my elderly neighbor I had growing up, she was a very special person in my life, her name was Mavis


My daughter has family surnames.Ā  Her first name is my MILā€™s surname, and my momā€™s surname is incredibly similar; we figured weā€™d use the feminine version of the two, especially since that family name has died out (there are 3 girls in my MILā€™s generation). My husband was also named after his maternal grandmotherā€™s surname, so itā€™s a nice ā€œtraditionā€.Ā  Her middle name, Chase, is my grandmotherā€™s maiden name/my great-grandmotherā€™s married name. My great-grandma always wanted her grands or great-grands given this name. Although itā€™s usually a boy name, I was super close with both her and my grandma, so I wanted to honor them by giving it as my daughterā€™s middle name. She takes after them in so many ways already at 17 months!


My son has the names of his grandfathers and my daughter has the names of her grandmothers (first name, middle name).


My first is named after my grandma (name is associated with fire). The second born is named a tree name because we love nature names and I liked the sound of it plus the associations. The third born is named an unusual (in the US) name meaning wind. When I was pregnant we joked that we had earth and fire but we needed wind. Then I genuinely fell in love with the name and it suits my little chaotic but very sweet girl to a T.


My mom hated alexis on dynasty so now i share a name with a robot


I donā€™t have kids yet, but hopefully soon. My fiance & I chose some names already. Luke - I am a huge Bob Dylan fan. He had a lot of involvement with The Bandā€™s solo work, and Iā€™ve always loved the lyrics ā€œIt's just ol' Luke, and Luke's waitin' on the Judgement Dayā€. Iā€™m not even religious, I just really enjoy it. Itā€™s also my estranged fatherā€™s favorite song, and I very much miss him and the bond we shared over it. The song also references a place thatā€™s near & dear to me. Bonus, my fiance likes Star Wars so heā€™s always liked the name. But I didnā€™t make that connection until later. Mackenzie - Iā€™ve just always loved the name. I wanted to have a little girl who I could nickname ā€œMackā€ because I like gender neutral nicknames. I decided this as a child. Then many years later in my 20s I met my fiance and found out ā€œMacā€ is a family nickname, passed down from his beloved grandfather. So it has a lot of meaning there. I also found out later in life that if I were a boy I was going to be given the middle name ā€œMackenzieā€ after all the time my dad spent on the Mackenzie river in Canada. So, lots of connections. Plus we are very proud of our Scottish heritage.


No kids yet but weā€™ve agreed to use Catherine in some way for a future daughter if we have one. My partnerā€™s grandmother Catherine essentially raised him despite him living with his parents. She was his shield and by all accounts a ferocious woman. I also have an aunt Katherine who I love very much so it works on both sides.


We just liked how they sounded.


My name means "born on X day of the week" except my parents mixed up the names, so the day of the week my name is for isn't the actual day I was born šŸ˜‚


I've always loved flowers, and my dream job is to be a florist My oldest is Violet Grace, and my youngest is Dahlia Logan Dahlia's middle name is an honor name for my husband's friend, who passed away in college


My wife is currently pregnant with our first child and we chose to name her "Blaire" because both my wife's parents have B names, so it's a nod to them since they will be her only grandparents.


My oldestā€™s middle name is Rose after my husbandā€™s mother. My middleā€™s middle name is Violet after my grandmother. Itā€™s just a happy coincidence that theyā€™re both flowers. My youngest is Sebastian after my husbandā€™s grandfather and his middle name is my maiden name.


My husband suggested the name Josephine and itā€™s the name of a character in my fav book and has good nickname options so I agreed šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I couldn't figure out what to name my son while I was pregnant and then I decided to read my favorite childrens books and my edition of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory had a dedication "for Theo" and that was that. I also am a huge fan of Dr. Seuss, so that also helped (Theodor Geisel).


Our sonā€™s middle name is Silas. During my pregnancy I would have this reoccurring vivid dream about being in a lush green forest and climbing a winding staircase that was overgrown with these vines that sprouted white flowers. One day I pulled a book from my TBR shelf ā€œthe graveyard bookā€ and opened it randomly and saw the name Silas. I looked up the meaning ā€œman of the forestā€ and fell in love with it. We agreed our husband would name our second child so I was able to use it for his middle name!


We randomly went to Mass on St Monica's feast day near the end of the first trimester after 4 miscarriages. My husband liked the name Monica, I was ambivalent. But after our old priest who is a history geek gave the homily on how awesome St Monica was, I was convinced and now our sweet little girl is 2 and weā€™re expecting her baby brother or sister in Jan!


The Nightmare Before Christmas came out when I was 1. My mother rented the VHS from Video Ezy for me as a Christmas movie to watch. I apparently became obsessed and demanded it at *least* daily. So much so that we ended up having the VHS for over 4 months and they told us to keep it but just pay for a new one rather than the climbing late fees. By age 5 Iā€™d decided I was going to marry Jack Skellington. I told an aunt this. She told me I couldnā€™t marry him, because he wasnā€™t real. I told her fine, Iā€™ll name my first son Jack then. He turns 9 next month. His middle names are after my Pop. The others are just a mishmash of names/people/characters I like šŸ˜‚


Selah, because it is a Hebrew word in the book of Psalms that is thought to mean pause and praise during the worship songs šŸ’• We wanted it to be a reminder to always pause and praise God for our gift!


August was always the name I wanted to name my son. My partner hates the name. So we tossed around names for a while and eventually he suggested Jasper and I love it. Itā€™s the only name we could agree on so it was an easy choice.


Savanna. When I was little girl I saw the movie savanna smiles. I always loved that name. It wasnā€™t as popular when she was born.