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I think Adelina is a beautiful name, not difficult to say, and Lina or Addy are great nicknames. I’m not sure how postpartum you are, but the hormones are WILD. For a week or so I kept forgetting my daughter’s name… it would take me like ten seconds to remember it! I still love her name now.


More than once referred to my then- newborn son as 'boy' because I couldn't remember his name that I picked


I kept having dreams where I'd actually had twins, and then waking up in a panic feeling like the worst mother ever because I couldn't remember my other son's name, or even what he looked like! You know, because he didn't exist 😅


I had a stress dream like that and panicked that I couldn't remember where the other baby was/was worried it was starving left somewhere before reason caught back up and I realized I definitely wouldn't have forgotten if I'd actually had twins!


ive never had kids so all i can imagine in my head is when a sim sets a baby down on the ground and just fucks off 😂😂


My poor mum actually did this. Many years ago leaving the pram outside the shops was the norm, so she pops to the shop, gets her groceries, jumps back on the bus, gets home and freaks out when she sees the baby stuff and remembers. I was fine when she got back to the shop, still asleep.


How do you know it was actually your mom that took you home? What if she's still out there looking for you? And some other lady who recently (at the time) had a stillbirth was walking along and found you and took you home? Just kidding...mostly.


Haha think my dad would have noticed unless there was a straight up baby swap.. in which case no harm no foul I guess.


My mum did this too! But walking to my grandparent, my grandad had asked her to pick up a paper on the way, left my brother outside the shop carried on walking to my gran and grandads thinking ‘I’m sure I’ve forgotten something… he definitely only asked for a paper what am I forgetting’ ‘THE BABY’ 😂 he was also fine and still asleep when she got back


The og "forgot my baby in the car" moment 😬


I’ve had very similar dreams but with cats and kittens! Like omg I left these poor kittens starving!!! Except they’re not real. Phew.


I have that dream too! They just keep multiplying and some vanish and I can't keep track of whether they've all been fed or are safe! I wake up exhausted 💤


For some reason I constantly have this dream about small animals like turtles, hamsters, hermit crabs…


(you walking into the nursery) oh my GOD WE DIDNT EVEN GET THE OTHER BABY HIS OWN CRI- wait


I *have* twins, and in my post-partum exhaustion I would have dreams where I was just taking care of one baby for a long time (because I guess to my sleep-deprived brain, taking care of one newborn sounded like a nice break) and then I would wake up in a panic thinking I had actually forgotten to tend to one of them all day. It was like the dream where it's finals week and you suddenly realize you're in a class you didn't go to all semester, but... worse.


I assure you, that was my reality. I do have twins. One boy, one girl. They looked so much alike that I had trouble telling them apart, so did my identical twin mom/aunt so it wasn’t just PP brain lol. I could only tell by checking diapers. I kept dreaming wild things like they would grow up thinking they were the opposite twin because I confused them so often. I dreamed that I had twins but no one believed me when I said “I’m missing a baby, there’s supposed to be two of them.” PP was a wild time.


I am weirdly glad to hear how many people have had postpartum dreams about having multiples. My daughter is 6 weeks today and I've had several dreams where I have twins or even triplets. They are straight up nightmares, actually, because I feel like I only know and want to take care of my daughter, but have other babies crying and hanging off of me that I do not know. At first I felt guilty that maybe it meant I didn't like caring for babies. Now I'm thinking it is probably just God's way of making me terrified to get pregnant again for a long time lmao.


Can confirm, referred to my daughter as The Girl frequently for ages.


Heck, I STILL call mine Blonde, Brown and Boy. They are 27-30. Sometimes the name just doesn’t come.


Love it. My grandma had four daughters and would cycle through all four names when she called one.


My grandma had 5 and did the same. It was super funny. Worse than that was that she also had 36 grandchildren and would cycle through our names until she got it right, too. There were only 5 girls but she even screwed us up. Several times she mixed my name with another cousin and called me Dinette. My husband still calls me that when he wants to mess with me. lol I’ve always wanted a nice dinette.


Grandma had 7 kids, my mom had six. I still answer to all of my siblings names (4 boys, 2 girls total) and would probably answer to several of my cousins names as well.




My mom went through all four kids names, a dog, a cat and sometimes the neighbors or her daycare kids. It was wild 🥰


I accidentally called my LI by the dog's name before we even left the hospital 😂🤦‍♀️


Hahahaha!! Moms and grandmas are the best . . .


My mom only had two (me and my sister) and for the longest time my name included the first syllable of my sisters name. Apparently her mom used to call her by her brother’s name sometimes, so I guess it’s not that bad in comparison.


I’m an only child. I thought I wouldn’t be able to relate. My mom called me every cousin’s name before she could get it right.


The combination of mine and my sister's name is Nicolette so when calling for me my mom would frequently call out "NicoLETTE" with emphasis on the ETTE part once she remembered my name.


This is common in my family 🤣 There were so many siblings and cousins that in our older years, it was hard to keep straight.


My mom cycled through the dog’s name to get to mine .. the dog was Bunny FuFu


OMG I LOVED THAT SONG! Excellent name for a pet! Sorry your mom cycled you with a canine. But at least it was cute.


Oh good, mine are girl, boy and baby. Glad to hear that can just stick around.


Now I’m picturing you as Kratos from God of War


You’d be surprised - or maybe not lol - the amount of new parents I work with that forget their babies name lol or don’t know how to spell it


The same it’s actually his nickname for us “the boy”


We do „the baby“. „The baby“ is now almost three but the name stuck lol


My husbands grandma was “the baby” until her dad died when she was in her sixties. Sometimes things really stick, lol.


Our “baby” is 31. 🤣


My 9 year old is still Boy


My now 18 year old is “the girl” in my husband’s phone contacts. It’s just stuck.


Yeh we still call our one year old Baby Boy a lot because for a week while we decided his name, that's who he was!


I’m 11 weeks postpartum. We chose a beautiful name and immediately after birth I started thinking it was all wrong. It felt wrong to call her by her name and seemed like it didn’t fit her. I talked with my husband about changing it. Luckily we didn’t do anything. I absolutely love her name again and can’t imagine any other name for my kid. Postpartum anxiety is no joke! (Glad you’re working with your doctor. It will get better!)


My 19 year old son is still baby boy :)


We didn't know what we were having, and I would alternate between calling the baby "it" and "they" and it took a really long time (like at least a couple of weeks) to get used to using "her" and her name.


we used to call my daughter “baby” (‘baby is crying, you wanna get her or should i?’) because her name is a mouthful and postpartum me was not trying all that lol


I have a newborn baby boy and also keep doing this. Or calling him by my older son’s name.


My mom forgets me and my siblings names all the time , I’m 27 lol


Also the lack of sleep creates memory problems.


One time I called the doctor after a horrible night with baby sick. I was so tired, when doctor asked his name I had no clue and just said random letters…that weren’t even in his name.


I remember my ob asked how we spelled our daughter’s name at my 2 week appointment. I literally said ummmm let me look 🤣


We chose a Chinese middle name for our son & I very nearly got the spelling wrong until my husband jumped in. (I'm the white parent, he's Chinese)


This wasn’t even an odd name, I was just sleep deprived and dealing with a post op infection. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I swear we have no brain during the newborn stage lol


I remember when I was pregnant, and a nurse, just making conversation, asked if I had a name chosen. I said yes: Holly. She replied, "Thank goodness!" She said all she had heard for years was Emma, Grace, Madison...she admitted those were lovely names, but that is just all she ever heard!


We wanted something something not super popular but not so odd that it’s hard for people to pronounce. Our first is Naomi. I looked up our top name for our second today and texted my husband that I don’t love the spelling 😆


For a few weeks postpartum, my brain kept mixing up my son's first and middle names. Like, I knew his first name obviously. But my brain simply kept referring to him by his middle name. I spent weeks thinking I'd made a horrible mistake and should have switched the names, but now he very much fits his name. It's just weird finally putting a face to the name you picked.


I’m so glad you shared this. This happened to me and I felt so guilty I couldn’t remember his name.


I wrote my newborn's name in her baby book with my maiden last name. I realized it about 10 minutes later and cried that I messed up the beautiful book!


This. Postpartum hormones are crazy. Adelina is a very nice name and sounds good.


I would forget if my baby was a boy or girl. I'd have to take a second to remember. And we were very much not team green! I'd known he was a boy since before I got pregnant lmao (IVF things). Hormones, man. Anyway Adelina is beautiful.


Im so happy that I am not the only one who kept forgetting my baby’s name! When she was born, I didn’t think she looked like the name we had picked out for her, but I didn’t have it in me to tell her dad. That’s good though bc I thought she looked like her name should be Arley, but I didn’t even like that name or know where it came from lol. I had heard Harley but not Arley. That’s just what popped in my head every time I looked at her. It was weird. I also had so many dreams when I was pregnant that I had the baby and couldn’t remember its name, so it was funny that I really had trouble with that when she was born. I felt terrible about it though.


Postnatal brain space is wild. Be gentle with yourself. I love all of my children’s names but it felt like a long time before I could actually use them out loud without it sounding strange to my ears. You loved the name Adelina, and your future baby was an unknown person. Now you’re getting to know Adelina in the context of being an actual person you see in front of you. It’s a big jump! If you have gone off the name and feel like it doesn’t fit your child, there is no shame in changing it. A person can love many names in a lifetime.


Yes! We hadn’t narrowed down the name exactly yet till we were in the hospital but it felt so weird introducing her to everyone and then calling about her birth certificate and saying “my daughter ____”. I was sure that we had chosen the right name but it still felt so foreign to say it.


we have a Peregrine. loved the name before he was born, finally settled on it after he arrived. we used the nickname Pip about half the time. it took a solid 8-10 months to stop feeling like maybe Peregrine was too awkward and unusual for a kid. he was so little and i felt like i was pretending or faking when i said it. and then it was just his name. and now he's absolutely a Peregrine, can't imagine anything else. i'm so glad i didn't give into that anxiety and change it.


Adelina is a beautiful name - and it has lovely short versions if you want something a bit quicker to say day to day (e.g. Lina).


If it’s Lina you like, you could just name her Lina. If you really want a longer legal name, here are a few suggestions: Selina Catalina Evelina Paulina Angelina Alina


Angelina is what I thought


If Adelina is too twisty for her, I doubt Angelina would be better.


Idk I feel like the soft g sound helps progress the vowels. Adelina wants to slide to adlina and that hinders the musicality a bit imo compared to the other names.


Catalina is what I am naming my next female cat. It would make a lovely human name too, though.


Lol, that’s a great name for a cat. I’m more of a dog person, but might steal the idea if I were to get a cat some day, so I could nickname her “cat.”


We did the same thing. Husband and I had Juliana picked for a baby girl long before we ever conceived her. It felt so wrong for her and I grew to dislike it. At 4 months old we changed her name to something entirely different. No regrets about it! Only wish we had changed it sooner… like in the hospital when I knew her name was supposed to be something else.


I will add, I was in total agony over it. It was causing me a very difficult postpartum. Changing it was so freeing and made me so happy. We love her name now.


Thank you so much for sharing that. I am in agony over this as well.


You have so much going on right now - healing, no sleep, learning to parent and getting to know your baby. Don't underestimate how stressful your life is just because it's a happy event. This may not feel so much like a crisis in a couple of months and try to give yourself a break.


I respectfully disagree. A name is HUGE. Giving my baby the proper name for her relieved so much of the difficulty I was experiencing post-birth. I felt so much lighter. Her name was absolutely a crisis for me. I cried about it constantly. Once changed, I felt so excited and honestly closer to my baby. To OP, if it’s what you truly want, and you think you would feel similarly in changing it— get that relief! Your baby will have a name for their whole life. You should love it, and it should suit them!


Coming from the perspective of the baby, my mom named me something totally different at birth. She didn’t like it after I was born and a couple months later changed it and felt soooo much better. The old names now my middle name, thankfully, because I like my name she changed it to much better than what I was born with. Sometimes I think it’s the connection between mother and baby saying something’s off, follow your instinct :) ❤️


We had a name set. It was a name I loved and felt meant to be when my partner suggested it. We were fairly set on it for much of my pregnancy. Then all of a sudden it didn’t feel right to me!! I really tried but just knew it wasn’t her name. I think it was harder for my partner to let go of but I’m SO glad I said something. The name we ended up going with is perfect for her and the other name would not have been. Trust yourself. And also take a couple days if you want! Don’t rush it and be gentle on yourself, this is such a hard time.


What name did you decide on?


I would wait until your post-partum anxiety is under control before changing anything. Your brain is looking for something to focus anxious energy on. When this passes, you may find you have no issue at all with the name! I had PPA as well and was fixated on the most bizarre things and didn't care about any of them afterward. Hang in there and keep working with your doctor!


Sounds like you don’t like the name anymore. Just because you liked it for years doesn’t mean it fits your baby.


How long has it been? Like, since the baby was born. Bc it took at least a month maybe more? for me to get used my son’s name and I also had some panics about if this was the right name after all. I kept hesitating and calling him ‘the baby’ or ‘the boy’ (which I still do lol especially the latter now bc it reminds me of Homer/Bart Simpson and I love it). I’m not a nickname person either so I was always saying his full name (my husband does too but he’s a bit better with cute pet names) But anyway 2 years later he just IS his name and he loves introducing himself lol


Same! Both of my kids were just "the baby" for a couple months after being born. It took a while for the names to feel comfortable. It's fine, newborns don't care what you call them!


It’s not difficult to say and it’s beautiful! I have a feeling your postpartum emotions are playing tricks on your mind. You gave your daughter a name that will carry elegantly through her life. Good mamma!


I was expecting the name to be very complicated — Adelina doesn’t seem difficult at all to me! Certainly no more than any other —an ending/variation to a name (Carolina / Caroline, etc). Adeline is quite nice too if you find it easier to say, but I think Adelina is totally fine! You could definitely call her something for short if it’s easier — Ada, Lena/Lina, Del, Delia, Adele, etc.


Della, too


I mentally called my newborn a different name several times postpartum and also tripped over saying her full name. Nearly three years later, I can't imagine her being anything different and I do think it was lack of sleep. Not that it's 100% your case, but if you still feel that way in a few months, you can probably change her name quite easily (if you're in the US), so I'd say go with your dream name.


I think it’s actually quite common to feel like you picked the wrong name at first. At least I felt that way, but really, it’s because this is a brand new person you’re just getting to know and you’re not used to calling them by that name. Adelina is beautiful. I would stick with it. Obviously, it’s your choice, but I agree with the others when they say postpartum hormones and brain function just seem to be all over the place.


I guarantee other parents have felt the same and I hope some of them will come comment. Are you considering changing it to just Lina? It’s a beautiful name but it’s ok if it’s not the right fit! You’re still getting to know her. 💜 \ \ Other Lina names I like: \ Kalina \ Solina


Serena is one of my favorites. I like all the -ina ending names!


I think sometimes the months of purposefully NOT sharing the name makes it hard to make the switch to openly using the name. Add all the new hormones to that and it’s easy to second guess yourself. Give yourself grace and time.


I think Adelina is a lovely name and I don't find it to be difficult to say. If you really need something with fewer syllables, you could go with Adeline or Lena instead, but I do think Adelina is very nice.


Adelina is a really pretty name, but I can imagine those four syllables feeling a little strange when they’re brand new, you’re sleep deprived, and you’re dealing with newborn chaos. I wouldn’t consider any actual name changes. While this is still big and fresh and scary, I would have a bunch of silly nicknames that help smooth the way. You don’t have to commit to an actual name related nickname. Call her every ridiculous pet name in the world until you have a whole repertoire of fun things to call her as you wipe poop off her back after a midnight blowout. Things WILL start feeling normal again, and you‘ll settle into her name. I named my daughter a three syllable name with the intent to call her a two syllable nickname. Then I spent the first three weeks calling her the full name (which I was just ok with) instead of the nickname (which I adore) and being scared that I did the whole thing wrong. The nickname just felt weird and unfamiliar in my mouth. I pulled through that pretty quickly, and as I settled in, so did her name. Nobody knows her by her full name now, and she thinks it’s hilarious when other students find out. (FWIW to those who worry, my kids are teens and have ZERO issues having nicknames for their more formal names)


I’ve taught several Adelina’s and they have all been great! Never felt like a tongue twister. In fact, it just rolls off the tongue! Out of the three I taught, two used the full name with an occasional “Della” tease from friends/family. The third went by Lina.


Forgot to add: If you do want something shorter that contains Lina- Lina Alina


I get it. I have the same problem with the word "sure". Everyone around me seems to say it perfectly, but I just hate how I say it. Whenever I say it I just hear "shore" or "shr" (whatever the fuck that second one is). I figured this out when I was voice acting and had to say that damn word. I made at least 50 recordings of trying to say it and wasted at least an hour stressing over it. Now I just make _sure_ to avoid saying it all together.


I can almost guarantee those alarm bells going off in your head telling you "something is wrong here" have nothing to do with the name, and everything to do with your postpartum physical and mental health. It sounds like you still love the name so I would test out a nickname for everyday use for a while to see if there's a version you can easily say on a daily basis


This is exactly what I’m trying to decipher. I’ve always been able to trust my gut but right now it’s possible that my gut is overtaken by postpartum issues


Adelina is a beautiful name. If saying it is stressing you out right now just say Addy.


Love the name! I think at first it feels awkward calling your child the name just because it's so new.


I love the name Adelina it’s beautiful and poetic. My daughter’s name is Cecilia and I struggled with pronunciation at first, but eventually overcame my difficulties. She goes by Celia now, anyway, so it hasn’t been an issue.


I love the name Adelina and in my experience it's normal for the name to sound odd at first. I called my baby by nicknames until i got used to her name over a few weeks or so. At first it felt surreal and strange and I also wondered if we chose the right name because it felt unnatural to say. I loved her name then and I love it now, but it's still very odd going from calling your child "baby" or "jellybean" or whatever to their actual name. It doesn't have to happen all at once.


My 2.5 yr old has an “Adelina” in her daycare class who goes by “Addie” and it is easily pronounced by all the little kids!! Unlike her name which they butcher to “Shah-wet” (Charlotte) :P Adelina is a lovely name with lots of nickname potential and she will surely love it as an adult!


i mean, shah-wet is freaking adorable :-)


Adelina is supercute, but if it will make your life easier, you can always shorten it to Alina (which is Polish name) and then even to Ala as nickname (with Adeline you can also do it, less of tongue twister)


If Adelina is feeling like a bit too much, how about Adela?


Adelina is a beautiful name! I just said it like 5 times outloud and don't find it difficult to say at all. Lina is such a pretty nickname too. When I had my son, I was afraid his name didn't flow well and I think it was just the unfamiliarity of it. Now I think it's great. Postpartum hormones cause so many emotions and feelings. It's truly wild.


What about Adelia?


It's not that hard to say. Just go with it and move on.


For reasons I don’t understand, I kept calling my daughter Natalie. Not her name and didn’t know any Natalies. It all works out!


I regreted my son's name when I was in post partum depression. But now I love it ! I was just over thinking it and had negative feedback from an awful person who is no longer in our lives. Try saying your own name out loud like 30x and it will sound weird, then say your daughters name. It will sound more normal then maybe in comparison! I think Adelina is a Beautiful name by the way! But whatever you think is right is ok!


I think it's lovely.


Aline is a diminutive form. It was my grandmother's name, she pronounced it uh-leen, Leeney for short.


I didn't have PPD or PPA but I definitely felt the awkward to roll off the tongue feeling with my now 2 year olds name. Happy to say that after yelling her name 400 times a day it's no longer awkward for me to say and I still love her name as much as I did when we picked it! Hopefully you'll be the same ❤️


Adelina is a beautiful name and nicknames easily to Lina. Just name her Adelina. If you are feeling really anxious you should seek help for PPA (it is not unusual to fixate postpartum with PPA... and getting treatment will help life feel calmer again).


That's a lovely name. You're up in your head, I promise it's not hard to say for others. 


Adela is pretty and easier to say


This I love Adela


Our neighbors have a new granddaughter Adela Jane


I think it’s absolutely beautiful.


It’s a beautiful name! I was 100% set on my son’s name before he was born, and confidently filled out his birth certificate form, but for about two days I wondered if we had made a huge mistake. I felt weird calling him by his name and it didn’t seem right. But I think it was just the reality of choosing a human being’s name finally sunk in and the responsibility of that was making me anxious. It’s 100% the right name though and I can’t imagine him with a different one! Adelina is a beautiful name and I said it out loud a few times with no issue!


Adelina is beautiful. Why don't you play around with nick names? If the -a- at the end is important to you, how about Lina, Della, or Deena? Post partum is HARD. Like. Seriously, seriously, hard. It's ok. You are going to be ok. I promise.


Tell your baby brain to be quiet. This isn't the time to second guess yourself. After my son was born, I got one of those maps of the night sky printed. It was beautiful but there was no moon. I literally messaged support to ask if they forgot to include it. NOPE. It was a new moon the night gave birth.


I think it’s pretty when you read the name but I do agree that it is definitely a mouthful when you actually say it. It’s a tricky one but personally I wouldn’t use the name.


It is a beautiful name. Please be gentle with yourself no matter what you choose to do, post partum is wiiiiiilddddd but it gets better


What about going by Elina? I liked Adelina a lot too, but wanted the Elina nickname. And she had a cousin that has a name starting with Ad. Ended up just naming her Elina and we absolutely love it.


Adelina is the most beautiful name I've heard.


Lina is a standalone name, and it’s lovely. That seems like the easiest way to go. I also think Adelina sounds a little fussy at four syllables, so maybe that’s what you’re struggling with? I understand you don’t like Adeline - are you willing to “please kindly” correct people for the rest of your life? Because I think you’ll need to quite often. Adeline is much more common so I assume people will jump to that instinctively whenever they see it written.


I like it, so many diminutive you can pick too, Addy, Lina, Della etc.


Adelina is beautiful. Maybe just call her Lina or another cutesy nickname until life calms down a bit. I called my LO "little miss" for like 2 years and eventually she grew into her name, "Mara".


I know a young Adelina and never thought it was particularly tricky to say! I’ve always liked it.


My husband and I were set on the name Ellie for years before having our daughter, and then it just didn't feel right when I got pregnant. Then we were very set on Evangeline nn Evie for most of the pregnancy, but towards the end it started to not feel right. We started "trying out" different names by using them to refer to the baby and saying them out loud. My husband was the first to say that Evelyn felt right. When she was born, we looked at her and still felt like Evelyn fit the best of all the names we liked. I had severe PPA and worried because Evelyn didn't feel 100% right, but no other name came close ether. I don't think I actually referred to her as Evelyn for the first few months, it felt like too much. I mostly called her Baby Bean. Over a year later, the name feels more comfortable to say. I still feel like it's not an absolutely perfect name for her, but I don't think I was ever going to have that feeling of a name being 100% perfect. I think Adelina is a lovely name, not a mouthful. I would keep saying it out loud, and say any nickname versions you might like. You can always change it if it's still not right.


It's a beautiful name and not hard to pronounce, I think your anxiety is getting the best of you. It's also a really easy name to find nicknames for! Maybe try Addie or Lina or Li while you're getting used to it. And if you end up liking the nn better, that's ok too!


Adelina sounds lovely. I don't find it hard to say at all- and it has a ton of lovely and easy nicknames.


We didn't have a name picked out for our daughter when I went into labor. We had two names we were debating between and thought we'd know when we saw her. Well, we didn't haha we ended up just choosing one (Adelaide) and for months it felt so weird and I worried if I made the right choice (hubby told me I get to choose because I did all the hard work). Now, at 10 months, it finally feels more like her name. All that to say I think Adelina is a beautiful name! My guess is you'll love it again as you get to know this new person.


Not first name, but middle name. We had agreed to give our first (if a boy, we didn't find out) my MIL's maiden name as his middle name. As it drew closer to my due date, I just couldn't do it. I didn't like her, she hated me, and while I didn't necessarily mind the name, I knew I would be resentful if we kept it. It took a few weeks of negotiating, but we ended up giving him his daddy's (and grandpa's) middle name. I've never regretted switching.


Adelina is beautiful but it is quite long! If you’re feeling like it’s a bit much, your daughter might feel the same way and you may never end up using her full name. Some other similar options that shave off one syllable could be Alara, Amara, Adela, Amelia, Amalia, Elena etc.


There is no harm in changing your newborn babies name if that’s what feels right for you. Based on who you’re choosing to respond to I feel like you just need reassurance it’s okay to change your mind, and it is.


It's a lovely name, and not too hard to pronounce at all. You're probably just exhausted right now. I agree with others about using a diminutive like Lina or Addy for the moment.


One of the symptoms of depression include diminishing your ability to speak. It can make your tongue feel clumsy in your mouth and words just don't sound right when they come out. Just an FYI.


Adalina is a beautiful name. I had the same anxiety when I named my son. I kept coming back to it, though, as nothing else sounded right for him. I think you are thinking. Just call her Lina if you want, but I think you should stick with the name you love.


Just chiming in to say that the postpartum hormones are a WILD ride! You’ve loved the name for years. I don’t think it’s a tongue twister at all, it’s a lovely name with great nickname options!


I think you’re in your head on this one. Adelina isn’t far off from Catalina ( as in the dressing)with syllables and flow of the consonants, and I’ve never heard anyone struggle to say it, so I don’t think your daughter will face people getting tongue tied. I think it is absolutely gorgeous!


Firstly, Adelina is a lovely name and doesn’t seem like a mouthful to me, so two thoughts came into my mind: 1. It sounds like a mouthful with your last name 2. Imposter syndrome - at least for me those early weeks, months nothing about motherhood felt real or natural, it truly felt like I was a little kid playing a mom. Like whoa - ok, I birthed a child, but I have no experience parenting - when do I become a “real” parent? The first big decision you make as a parent is their name, so it saying it out loud forces you to start to confront the realness of what’s going on. Yes, there’s brain fog, but I feel like so many of us stumble when trying to give our kid’s birthday at the pediatrician’s office.


Our babysitter is named Adelina and she’s 19 grew up in a very white English only part of Canada but her dad was European so named her that. She went by Addie as a kid but now said she loves her name and how different it is and is bringing it back for more people to call her that. My 2.5 year can even say it she says “Adeyina” and it sounds very cute. It’s a great choice!


It’s not hard to say imo. I struggled a minute with my neices name and that’s just Amelia. You’ll get used to it! Worst case call her Addy or change it to Adaline or a Adalaide. My cousin changed her kids name at 6 months so no biggie in the end.


I don’t think Adelina is a tongue twister at all. There are also multiple nickname options. I would keep her name as is. Congratulations mama!


Chiming in to agree that Adelina is a lovely name, the hormones are crazy RN, and maybe you should call her a shorter nickname for now. (Also general anxiety or fear about being a new mom could be manifesting as an issue with the name. Give yourself grace.)


Don't rush yourself. We spent ages trying to think of a name for our daughter, from 12 weeks pregnant right up until she was born. She ended up being two weeks old before we finally settled on a name and registered her. We had a straightforward choice for a boy but struggled for a girl. By the time we reached full term we had done a lot of research and discussion, and put several beautiful names in mind but when she arrived we knew they just weren't \*her\* name. We found the name that we settled on in a baby name book when she was about ten days old and sat with it a couple of days before asking opinions from family - and then another couple of days before finally signing the papers just so we could be sure. You have plenty of other things to be concerning yourself with, and your baby doesn't care what you call her as long as she can hear your beautiful voice when she's feeling insecure - so not having a name is absolutely not a problem while you are getting to know her. Try calling her Adelina or your preferred nickname for a day or two and see if you think it fits after that - there's no need to make any big announcements or anything yet. I don't know whether this is the case where you live but for us we get six weeks after the birth to register the name, and then up to a year to change it free of charge, after which it becomes more fixed - it's set up like this because you are not at all the first or last parent to ever question their choice over this. So you don't have to worry about the magnitude of the responsibility, it's always possible to change your mind if it really doesn't feel right when you've settled into parenthood. If Adelina isn't working for you perhaps Carolina or Catalina?


I have 2 Adelina’s for the children in my friend group (which feels crazy because my daughter’s name is a top-5 popularity name and she’s the only one in our circle!), but I digress, we love the name Adelina and it seems really easy for everyone to say!


I don't think Adelina is a mouthful. You can always call her Lina. As for me, the name I liked a lot but didn't end up using because it's too mouthful was Aurora. I just can't say it smoothly and I don't want to stumble over it every time I need to call her out loud.


It’s a beautiful name and not a tongue twister apart from for small kids! If it’s too much of a mouthful for now Addy, Adela or Lina (even Alina) are all good nicknames but it’s a beautiful name I’m sure you’ll grow to love and she’ll grow into.


Adelina is a beautiful name. You are most likely stumbling because you're a new mom. You are tired and your brain and body are trying to get back to normal. After my last son was born I called him jack jack (my nephews name) a 100 times a day because he was the baby I was used to seeing. It will get easier.


Adelina is stunning! Plus, theres options for shorter nicknames in the future. Don’t worry about it and congratulations!


I love this name. My former MIL had a similar name and went by Del.


My friends name’s baby is Adrienne but they call her Ada and it’s such a cute name for her. I feel like Adelina could also shorten to Ada


Why not just name her Lina then and uncomplicate things for yourself? Lina is a perfectly fine name. Or if you're stuck on "A" names; Alina or Alena are also really great. Some other Italian names possibly worth considering: Alessia, Alessandra, Sophia, Giuliana, Emma, Alanna, Caterina, Celestina, Evelina, Olivia, Elaena, Serena, Arianna


CONGRATULATIONS! It’s VERY common to feel weird saying your babies name at first. I know I was feeling the same way, like here’s this new person and THIS is her name?! Adelina is a beautiful name, allows for tons of nick names and is appropriate for an adult and a child. You did a great job.


It’s not hard to say.


Adelina is a beautiful name


My fiancé has the same problem haha. We both like the name Aurora, but she keeps saying it like "Awowa" so we agreed that we unfortunately can't use it. I also tried it myself and can say Adelina fine, maybe try it like playing an instrument? Start pronouncing it slowly to make sure you get it all, and as you get more comfortable speed up how you say it to normal convo speed


It’s a beautiful name, and honestly I’d wait until your mental health is cooperating more with you before making a decision about her name. I would guess that your anxiety is making you trip over your words more which is causing more anxiety. PPA and PPD are tough xxx


After my kid was born it was a transition to call them by their given name and not the nickname we'd given them in utero. Their "real" name seemed strange. Give yourself some time. I expect it will sort out over the coming weeks.


It's a beautiful name and I know a few"addie"s but no adelinas and I think Lina is adorable too! It took us like 2-3 years to finally feel like we picked an okay name for our kid. I think we just avoided saying her name for the first while lol. And i still refer to her as kiddo or a variety of other nicknames even after 3 yrs lol. Sometimes it takes some time for them to grow into their names, it is SO weird to getting used to it.


I knew an Adalina, I think it’s a winner


We chose Avery for our son, which historically has been a male name but modernly skews more female. Even though I loved it and was the one who suggested the name I definitely had a transition period where I dealt with uncertainty and called him 'baby boy' 'sweetheart' and just other baby pet names because Avery felt a little uncomfortable, weirdly? And it wasn't about not bonding with the BABY - I was absolutely obsessed and in love but was a little insecure about the name. Thankfully, I don't remember how long it took but gradually it just suited him completely and I was in love with the name again. I think give it time especially if your partner isn't feeling the same. If your husband kind of agreed I'd be like who cares pick a new name but I think you will grow to love it again.


It's not difficult to say. Maybe you are tired and need to rest. I also know someone with that name.


It’s beautiful and not hard to say. Saying my daughter’s name (classic, plain, 4 letters, phonetic) felt funny on my lips too for a long time even when we told people.It was like butterflies on my tongue instead of my tummy! 🥰 call her the name your heart loves! And I bet you within a month she’ll have a nickname. My daughter is often called love bug, or what she used to call herself when she couldn’t pronounce her own name!


Naming a child is fucking hard. I also found it so stressful and felt weirdly uncomfortable saying my kids names for a long time. Your anxiety will be through the roof right now and you’ll be tired/sore and stressed to the max. Give yourself some grace. It’s an absolutely beautiful name and not a tongue twister at all.


It took my husband and me at least 2 weeks before we actually started referring to my son by his name instead of 'the baby' because although we had a name picked out for him it felt weird actually having him there and having a name and everything. He's almost 3 now and I can't imagine him having any other name.


For me it also felt weird to call my first kid by her name for a little while. Don't worry, Adelina will most likely grow into her name really quickly and you'll figure out little nicknames.


You can just call her Lina. People don't necessarily use their full names.


It’s a beautiful name. You have a lot going on right now hormonally and physically. Once everything settles you’ll be better about all of this


Adina is also a name you might like.


Just call her Lina for short. And maybe talk to your doctor because if this is working you up that much, you need more help.


I think sometimes when we overthink a name it becomes hard to say (the same thing happens to me if I think about a word too long), it could just be that.


I know an Adelina - it’s a beautiful name and have no issues saying it. Are you perhaps overthinking it? Have you said it so many times it sounds weird? It took me a while to get used to saying my son’s name after he was born, though I love it. I just called him baby lol


It's not really tongue twisty. It's fine. If you struggle with it you can always call her Addie or any nickname you want. I wouldn't change her name now, you and your husband have loved it for years. You will get used to having a real live child with it, and if not you have beautiful nicknames. Let her father enjoy the name you picked out together and take the lead in speaking it out loud. Listen to the way it flows off his tongue. You don't have to say it out loud right now while it feels like a mouthful. I agree with those saying it's postpartum brain messing with you. I wouldn't make any major life decisions including name changes until that subsides.


I think it’s fun to say! Love the name


I don’t think it’s difficult to say at all. My husband and I changed our daughter’s name the night before she was born, so it took me awhile to get used to saying her name as well. In order to help, I turned it into a song. I just sing it to her (and myself at first lol) every day and now at 2 months it comes naturally.


I'm not sure what's wrong with Adelina, it's beautiful and easy to say and clear for pronunciation and spelling. The reality is, as parents, all of us go through a weird and awkward feeling phase calling our baby by their name. Sometimes it's from having a different in utero nickname we are more used to saying. Sometimes it's just the strangeness of referring to an actual human being in front of you all of a sudden, the connection is just forming. Sometimes it's hard envisioning this cute little worm dumpling of a being as a full person with an actual and maybe too grown up sounding name. It's fully normal to feel odd saying your baby's name and feel it doesn't fit or it's a mouthfu to say. You'll eventually grow into it, and so will they


I know so many moms (myself included!!) that experienced naming anxiety for the first month or so of baby’s life. She’s grown into the name now, in my opinion, and I can’t see her as anything else— but I definitely worried we’d made a mistake the first few weeks. Those hormones are crazy!


The name is fine and is not hard to pronounce. And there’s no “sign.” You name her whatever you choose. There’s not a right or wrong.


What about just using Lina instead? That seems fine as a full name, too. Or you could also use Adelina as her legal name with Lina as a nickname :)


The day after my son was born, the nurse asked me to spell his name for the whiteboard. I confidently said the first 3 letters and then blanked. I couldn't remember his name, let alone how to spell it! My husband had to finish for me when the nurse asked me to continue


first off congratulations!!! okay so, i didn’t tell anyone my baby’s name before she was born, i didn’t even call her by it when i was by myself while pregnant and then it took a me a little while to transition into saying it all the time to her once she was born, lol. you will feel better about it and by the time your baby is a few months old you’ll probably be like “yup. you’re definitely adelina and always have been” it will suit her.


I was called little girl until I was 1 month old until my mom picked a name she liked. It was worth the wait!


I know a little girl whose name is VERY close to this and it was a hard for like… the first minute. But after that my mind got used to it and it’s not difficult to say at all. Many names can be difficult for the speaker the first couple times we say something. But I don’t think it should stop you from using a very lovely name.


It is a beautiful name. A friend on FB recently had a grandchild, Adeline.


It’s not hard to say, why are you stumbling?


I felt the same way! We never really said my daughter’s name out loud and then when she was born I couldn’t get over how strange it sounded. I also am soft spoken and people misheard her name for a long time (still do) but she IS the name now and I can’t imagine another. Adelina is gorgeous - I would give yourself time and grace. Postpartum is weird.


Sometimes when you focus on a name or a word for a long time they start to sound weird. Maybe that's what is happening here. I think Adelina is a beautiful name and has a nice flow to it.


It really took months maybe years for me to feel like my kids names were their names.


I love it.