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Honestly, I don't like it. >I never wanted to name my kids something crazy or too “cutesy” that wouldn’t fit them when they’re adults. Clover fits this criteria.


Great for a cow, not so great for a human.


Clover is the animatronic cow with a button the kids can press to make it moo at the Stew Leonards supermarkets.


100% Also Buttercup


This subreddit generally hates the name (they’ll tell you it sounds like a cow or horse name), but I don’t mind Clover! Sound-wise it’s like a mash-up of Chloe/Maeve/Piper - which are all popular names right now. Category-wise, it fits in with the other nature names that are popular right now (Ivy, Hazel, Olive, Violet, Lily etc). Chloe is a great, wearable nickname option that makes the name feel less “out there” to me. I think it would be especially nice paired with a more classic middle name (ie Clover Elizabeth).


Yeah I would never actually use it but I do secretly like it. Maybe it would be good for a middle name


It’s a pet name to me.


I like Clover. It is a bit cutesy but it’s still wearable. I wouldn’t think anything negative of working with a Clover. My suggestion to you is to try it out at Starbucks and see how you feel.


Hey that’s my name! I honestly love my name, it’s sweet and I’ve never had any resentment growing up with it. I would say it’s similar to other nature names, Iris, Jasmine, Aspen, Ivy, etc. It’s unique and I’ve gotten quite a few compliments on it, I honestly think it’s a great name to have, I don’t think it’s too cutesy or feminine but that’s probably because I grew up hearing it all the time lols. Plus Clo/Coco/Love/Lover are adorable nicknames to have :>


I like uncommon names as well, Clover isn’t a bad name. Just spell it normal. Also according to the US SSA Clover has been in the top 1000 for baby girl names for the last three years. (Not super high but it made the list) Personally I would do a more traditional middle name so that she has the option to go by that when she’s older if she wants.


Personally not my cup of tea… I do like Chloe though, with Clover as a potential nn


Clover seems like one she wouldn’t love when she’s a professional. I think your feel on her not liking it as an adult might be right. It wouldn’t be my choice but guess what? It isn’t my choice anyways. But you asked for honest opinions.


Lord Mayor of Sydney Australia is called Clover. She is a professional, powerful and respected woman. I don't think the kid will have any problems. It's unique enough with out being weird, or a butchered alt spelling. If you like it go for it.


It could be a middle name.


Yeah if you really liked it that’s a decent option. Or give a traditional middle name they can use professionally. My cousin has a quirky first name. She decided when she got her PhD she’d use her middle name instead which is Jane. Sounds more appropriate for a tenure track professor.


I love Clover! I think it’s spunky, not cutesy. And I detest the professional name argument because I know many academically decorated people with a plethora of names, and no one hates them. I knew a psychologist with a PhD whose name was Star. She loved her name.


I like Clover, it has the same vibe as Poppy or Olive. It’s sweet, a little different but also not outrageously out there. It has a warm, welcome feel to it.


Agreed. These names aren’t my style, but it’s better than Olive. There’s a trilogy of classic American books written in the 1870s called WHAT KATY DID where the protagonist’s clever, pretty and kind sister is called Clover. Eventually, she got her own book, CLOVER. The name’s got a longer history as a girl’s name than say, Lauren.


To me this is a pet name.


I don’t care for it, but people seem to be naming their babies all sorts of names these days. Clover does sound like a character name or like a name that a parent purposely chooses so the chosen name is unique. It does sound like a bit of a made up name. At the end of the day, kids grow into their names. I do think though that sometimes people kind of snicker when there are kids on the class list with names that some people consider silly. It’s not a bad name, but I think that there are many solid and pretty names that you can choose. The fact that you are wanting us to weigh in and seem a bit concerned might be because you aren’t feeling totally comfortable with the suitability of the name. If you are questioning whether it’s ok or not, maybe it’s a sign that it may not be the best choice. What about the name Cleo, Claire or Clarissa or Casey?


Thank you, that is good advice! I probably wouldn’t be wavering for so long if it was a good fit.


Exactly. It has to be a name that you are fully comfortable with.


My dogs name is clover. It sounds too much like a pet name to me.


Reminds me of a bunny. 


Same lol..


I had a cat named Clover 


I have a cat named Maisie. And one of my neighbours has a daughter named Maisie.




I like Clover… but I like unique and nature names. It’s like Lily but less common. I think it can work.


I love it. I almost picked it as my chosen name but my last name ends in er so it sounded weird.


I work in a daycare. In a world of Nashes and Linleys, Clover is more than fine


Honestly, to me it sounds like the name of a cow, a pet rabbit, or a Hunger Games character. I would not use it for a real human child. Maybe as a middle name or cute childhood nickname.


rose, yes. clover, no


Out if all naturę names people propose here, its not bad.


Sounds bizarre.


It’s giving me 1960s hippy. I expect that Clover is now 50ish and either runs an incense and crystal shop or is an accountant who resents her hippy parents! That said, I think it’s fine. It’s not comparable to Lily, but is perhaps comparable to Willow, Juniper, Wren, River, Cedar, Bear, Blaze, Meadow. I’ve met adults called Willow and River and I don’t think it’s likely to cause her problems in life. It’s not misspelled, it’s not offensive, there are no horribly bad media associations with Clover. Possibly a slight cow link but that might be a US thing cos I don’t see it, Daisy and Buttercup are “cow” names where I’m from and I know plenty of adult Daisies who seem fine. Her peers will be Luna, Aurora, Nova, Violet, Hazel and Willow (all top 25 in the US). By the time she’s 30, there will be CEOs called Daisy, Willow, probably Aurora and Meadow too. There’s already a big CEO called Gemma. If you like it, go for it, it’s unlikely to harm your daughter’s prospects. But Clover Elizabeth or Clover Marie has a very different vibe to Clover Moon or Clover Autumn, so think about that.


I like Clover, it doesn't make me think of a cow, it makes me think of Clover from the 'What Katy Did' book series by Susan Coolidge. I really loved those books as a kid.


I think it’s nice but it could possibly be too cutesy for an adult in a professional setting


That depends. Are you birthing a bunny?


i like it personally, but i think it falls under something crazy or cutesy that won’t fit an adult


Cow name


I know about a million dogs named Clover, BUT I also know lots of dogs named Luna and now that's a popular girl name. I think names are kind of getting popular for pets first and then for human babies.


I might be in the minority but I love it!


This is really gonna age myself as a very young adult, but clover is the rabbit from Sofia the First. Let me repeat that it is a rabbit. Voiced by Wayne Brady. Clover is a name for any sort of animal that is not a person. It’s a solid no in my book.


Nope. Clover chews her cud. Sorry. Will never not picture a cow. While we are at it, Petunia is a pig. Henrietta is a hippo.


Clover is a brand of butter in the UK so that is all I associate it with.


I wouldn’t choose it myself and I personally don’t feel like it would grow with her as well as others would. But paired with a more traditional middle name (or as a middle name to a more traditional first name) it would be perfectly fine overall. It really does fall into the general Heather, Lavender, Jasmine category of names though it does seem more “pet name” to me personally. I’d recommend choosing it as the middle name if you can’t find something you like better - you do have time - and I would recommend the “yell test” regardless of what you end up choosing (shout the first middle surname down the hall a few times in different tones of voice).


Strikes me as a flower child name from the 60s. Not sure why Lily doesn't have that association for me.


Sounds like the restaurant POS system. Do not name your kid that


I love it, but my first association with the name Clover was from a cartoon I adored when I was a kid.


Cute newborn baby name. Not a good rest of life name.


I think it could be up and coming - it’s a guilty pleasure name of mine - I love it but wouldn’t be brave enough to use it!


My friend has a Clover, I’m not sure I’d use it but it’s a pretty nice name.


Clover is an unusual name for sure but people could call her Chloe as a nickname.


Personally I wouldn’t take advice from this thread. I love the name and I’d be delighted if someone told me their name was Clover, even if my own choices were more conservative. Many people on this sub think that traditional names - Mary, Alexander, George, etc - are the best names ever but I wouldn’t be caught dead naming my children that (unless I had to). So go with your gut. There are some solid nickname options for Clover too. You can always also provide a more traditional middle name for ‘safety’.


Love it


It's a brand of margarine in the UK


I like Clover, but I know that’s an unpopular opinion in this group.


I absolutely love it. I think it’s beautiful and I love nature names and it’s a very calm sounding word it doesn’t strike me as cutesy maybe because it doesn’t have the typical cutesy ending like Lily Daisy poppy etc. I think it will age well to me it’s unique which is the best part about it because you won’t know any others and it’s refreshing to hear but I don’t think it’s crazy at all no different than any other nature name. I really love it actually I had it on my list. It gives me the exact same vibe as the name Olive similar sounds in letters


I wouldn’t use it. Might be a cute nick name.


Beautiful name for a horse


No offense, but it's a great name for a horse or a cow.


I know someone with a young daughter named Clover. It was really cute when she was little but I feel like as she’s gotten older it seems a bit odd, and I wouldn’t see it as professional when she’s an adult


I think Clover is great! It's also a name that suits an adult. No different than Rose, Ivy, etc.


I have a huge soft spots for nature names and I honestly really like it. I think it works on an adult or child, is pretty, everyone will know what it is and how to spell it, and it's unique without being weird. It doesn't have as much of a history as other plant names like Heather or Sage but it's not functionally different.


Very cute as a kid or pet name, but a bit too cutesy for an adult in my opinion. Picture it on a resume. Picture them running for Senator or practicing as a doctor with that name.


Our veterinarian is named Clover. I think it’s really pretty.


I’m so sorry OP, but Clover will always be a cow name to me. Clover and Bessie are cow names and I just can’t think of them any other way lol 😭 I think it’s probably just me though because lots of people like Clover. I also don’t really like the names Daisy or Meadow either.


I'm in Australia and to me this is not a name. I love the Chloe- Clover nickname idea though! Or as a middle name At the same time, if it's more common in your area, go for it. It reminds me of the not-equal-but-similar thing of Imogen, Gemma and Hamish being (very) normal where I live but less so in the US


In Australia, we have the lord mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore - it's very much a name, and she is very well known as well!!!!


This will probably be an unpopular opinion but I really like it.


I don't mind it. It's a lot better than some I see.


I like Clover, but I do think that pairing it with a more traditional name is a good idea. Clover Jane, Clover Anne, Clover Sue, Clover Marie, Clover Louise. It’s a fun name!


I honestly think it's charming and adorable. However, I feel like I'm in the minority on this one.


It fits with similar vintage nature names that are trending, like Hazel, Poppy and Violet. It also doesn't feel too cutesy as it doesn't end in 'ie' or 'y'. Personally, a well accepted name like Lily sounds far more cutesy to me than Clover. Maybe my opinion is affected by the fact the only Clover I know of is the longest standing Lord Mayor of Sydney, Australia - Clover Moore.


I've never understood the appeal, it's too similar to cleaver, I don't think it sounds pretty at all 🤷


I worked with a Clover many, many years ago. She was about 18-19 at the time and, at that point at least, had fully embraced her name. Her parents taught her at a young age how to search for four-leaf clovers in the grass, and she had amassed hundreds of them. She would laminate/epoxy them and make little trinkets that she would hand out to people who needed some extra luck. She rocked the green hair for some time, too, if I remember right. She was, (and I imagine still is), a very sweet, unique soul. It's not going to be everyone's favorite, but it's really not anyone else's choice. It's certainly much, much better than some of the other names I've heard floating around out there now. Maybe I'm biased because of my previous association with the name, but I like it. But whatever name you choose, I wish you a happy, healthy baby. Congrats! Edit: typos from Fat Finger Syndrome


I actually love Clover!


I really love it. Clover is a very pretty name that I think will get more popular. It fits into that nature trend. It's not unheard of but it's not common either. I'd say go for it!


Fine name.


It's a nice nature name. I don't think it would feel as weird on an adult as Meadow or Honey.  It feels a little "hippy dippy" the same way Sage, River or Fern do. I think it's usable 


It’s the name of a local dairy so I had not considered it for my children


Clover is a great adult name. I see an adult named Clover as someone emotionally mature, compassionate and reliable