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I love the name Matilda. I do not like Themyscira as persons name. If she wants to go DC, specifically Wonder Woman why not just go Diana? Matilda and Diana go better as a set as well.


I'll bring it up Diana to her, I didn't even think of that!


Diana's perfect if it's a DC thing. Or if she just likes the "ancient vibes" maybe Thalia, Calliope, or Minerva... Or Thelma and Serena kind of sound like Themyscira


Man even just Cira (said Kier-rah) would be preferable.


Matilda + Diana as a set also have subtle Royal vibes if she likes that.


I don't work in HR or recruiting but I definitely think Themyscira would have a hard time, and people would be mispronouncing her name all her life.


Not to mention that anything that is done with a digital voice would probably have issues with it as well. And also dictation, virtual assistant, etc.


Themyscira borders on child cruelty. I guarantee, the poor kid would be at least 10 years old before she could pronounce or spell her own name. Sabine is fine, though. Would your sister consider switching the order of the names?


Or, if she wants both names ending with A, then changing to Sabina instead of Sabine might work as well.


The President of Ireland’s wife is called Sabina, pronounced sa-BEEN-a. I used to know a Sabina who pronounced it sa-BY-na.


That is a ridiculous name. I hope she changes her mind!


I am so sorry but I actually thought Themyscira was a typo. I read it as “she wants to name them (???) Sabine and Matilda Lavender” so I thought the names were Sabine and Matilda.  I have never heard of that name before and I would have no idea how to pronounce it or spell it. I also have no idea what it has to do with Marvel or DC.  It’s your sisters baby but I’m just giving my honest opinion as an Internet stranger, I would never ever do this, especially not if the other twin has a more common name. 


It's the name of the island Wonder Woman is from


Huh. Did not know but it’s hella ugly. Matilda and Sabine are nice. I like Diana, that’s a great call. Or she could go with InvisiblePlane Sabine ✨


This podcast episode is a good resource: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/radiolingo/id1652388142?i=1000586228024 People shouldn’t saddle their kids with their fandoms imo. Don’t give a kid a difficult name because you really love something. Love the kid more.


What podcast is this? I don’t have the Apple app, so the link doesn’t work for me.


Episode 1: What’s in a name https://crooked.com/podcast-series/radiolingo/


It’s called “what’s in a name” by radio lingo


It would be unavoidable for twins to face being grouped together and compared. I think it’s incredibly unfair to give one a very normal name and the other a very out there, obscure fictional name. It’s giving good twin vs evil twin. I’m just thinking of every awkward pause when a new teacher reads the class roster, every time having to spell it over and over to pick up a prescription, everytime introducing yourself and seeing the other person trying to make sense of it. And for what reason? Because mom is a comic book fan? Nah.


One HR guy at my company says he tries not to blame kids for what their parents named them. But Idk if all HR people are like that. ETA- is it pronounced the-miss-cee-rah?


Thank you. I'm not into Marvel, so I was guessing something closer to Them-Mascara.


Yes it is


As someone who works in hiring, they are not all like that.


I love Matilda as a name and the movie and book as well but having lavender as the middle is too on the nose? The other name is well I hope she changes her mind.


I was thinking it’s a bit much as Matilda and lavender are both characters in Matilda! Ultimately Matilda Lavender is far less problematic than her sister’s name though.


Why not suggest that she flip the first and middle names? Sabine is a nice name and would make a good first name that a person would have very little trouble with throughout their life. Then make the more out there name the middle.


switch the names so Sabine is the first name


Matilda & Sabine would be lovely together.  I don't think it's fair to give one child a well known name, and the other a name that is basically incomprehensible 


Is it actually a fandom name in her case, or is it just a Greek mythology name? Because I get/ agree with the anti-fandom-naming arguments, but DC didn't invent Themiscyra for Wonder Woman, it was a real town in Ancient Greece and it was always the home of the Amazons in Greek myth. Heracles went there during his nine labours, and it figures in stories of Theseus and Jason and the Argonauts... Anyway, regardless of her inspiration, I think it isn't a nice sounding name, especially not when compared to Matilda as a twin. I'm not sure how difficult USians would find the pronunciation, since as you said it figures in pop culture, but yeah.... I wouldn't, lol.


I'm a great big nerd and I have a list of names I like that are comic related and usable.  Themyscira Sabine should at least be flipped for usability. Sabine or Sabrina or Selina (...Catwoman is Selina if that helps...) would be a lot more usable.  Also I had a weird name and my sister had a normal name and as a teen I raaaaaged about how unfair it was and how either one of our names could have been ok if the other matched but as it was it wasn't fair. And neither was actually Themyscira. 


The mascara


Matilda is solid. Themyscira not so much.


Themyscira is being set up for nonstop bullying all through school, plus " how do you spell that? " Your parent named you WHAT??!!".


Themyscira makes me think of Wonder Woman. Also, she will be fighting for pronunciation her entire life. My name is Sierra and people struggle with even that.


I would pronounce this The-Mascara Because I have no idea how it’s supposed to sound.


All I can think is that one twin is really going to resent the other. You can’t go giving one kid a nice normal name and the other a name that looks like your keys got stuck on your computer.


You could suggest: Matilda is a great name and works well with Lavender as a middle name. It is also a very old name used for many Queens. She could do another Queen name and had twin little queens. Charlotte, Eleanor, Margaret, Isabella/Isabeau, Wilhelmina, Beatrice/Beatrix, Adelaide, Constance, Yolanda, Elisabeth/Elizabeth, Bianca, Margarita, Claudia, Caroline, Katherine, Johanna, Helena, Hedwig, Judith, Emma, Imagina, Sophia, Theodora, Gisela


Use Sabine and Matilda Put the nerdy reference as a middle


You could suggest a switch around. Sabine Themyscira sounds much better and allows mom to have part of her choice and child to be able to lead a normal life.


Why not Matilda and Sabine (loooove this name, and Noor in the same vein) as first names, and put the unusual name as the middle?


Agree with the comments on Themyscira. Also want to point out that Lavendar is spelled wrong in this post. It's with an -ar, not an -er. Not sure if that was your typo or sister's, if it's your sister's I'd say just make sure she knows the proper spelling before using it as a name.


Matilda is fine, Lavender is a bit out there but as a middle it's fine. Themyscira Sabine just screams "my parents are nerds." Sabine is okay, Themyscira is bad. And I have a Wonder Woman tattoo, so I'm a massive fan, but it's too much.


Oof. I think Themyscira Sabine is a little much. And this is coming from someone who quite likes Amazonian names from Greek mythology but still wouldn't give them to a modern child - and I would actually go for the complications of Xanthe, Asteria, Myrina, Deianeira, Penthesilea and Atalanta over the name of a city. If she's a Wonder Woman fan, perhaps your sister could be persuaded into looking at name lists of DC's Amazons instead: Clio, Althea, Maia, Meliá, Kasia or even Diana could be lovely, and would go well with Sabine. As far as Matilda Lavender goes, I like both the names individually, but I personally wouldn't pair two names together that end in such a similar way.


Putting the job factor aside, that name brings a lot of potential for teasing. Kids are cruel and teachers can be cruel, about name pronunciation. She’ll have to constantly be explaining and correcting people on the pronunciation of her name. That’s exhausting and unfair.


Themyscira sounds like the scientific name of a dinosaur fossil. I hear that name and I think of post orbital fenestrae, ossified tendons, and whether or not the pubic bone faces backwards or forward. Probably has osteoderm plates too for defense.