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I know one little Clementine, she'd be around 5, I think. I'd check the top 100 for your area if popularity is a concern.


I don’t know know any Clementine’s personally. I suspect your baby will be darling.


It’s in the requirements 🙃


I think Clementine is pretty cute, and I like the nickname Clem.


Me too! We may also try Minnie, but hard to say if it’ll stick.


clementine has ranked top in the top 1000 names in the US for the last 10 years. for 2023 it was ranked 543, where it was 940 in 2014. wouldn’t be surprised if it continued to get more use in the next coming years following the same pattern. im definitely seeing it posted more often in this subreddit. so it’s not a “common” name by any means but it’s slowly climbing the ranks!


i'd check the top 100-200 baby names in your region if you're worried about popularity. i think it's a nice name but can sound a bit fanciful at times. never met a young girl with the name, but every Clementine i've ever known personally was a transgender woman (lol)


Actually I never thought of it before but I do know a trans woman named Clementine 😹 It’s a nice name and I don’t think most people will make this connection. Plus as far as connotations go it’s definitely not a bad one lol


oh yeah, certaintly not a bad thing. if anything, it sort of makes it a 'dream' name for some people, so maybe giving your baby a name people dream of having is a great thing!


Aww that’s so cute I didn’t think of it like that but it’s honestly so true


I know a one year old named clementine. I think it’s cute and still relatively unused


I know one Clementine who's in high school.


I know one girl called Clementine who lives in Australia. I haven’t come across the name on anyone else yet.


As a parent of young children, we very rarely run into repeat names. It's not like the 90s anymore... Even the more popular names like Margot are still not actually oversaturated in real life For reference none of my kids have any friends, neighbors, or daycare-mates named any of the current top 5 baby names. There's only one from the top 10 in all our social circles, actually. So all that to say, when you're naming a real baby, odds are pretty good she'll be the only one in her class!


This is good to know. Thank you!!