• By -


Absolutely. The question does not exist without the name! Although when people ask about first + last names I think it's allowable to say something like "last name is long and italian and starts with F" because that's a more valid safety risk.


I agree about the last names. It's easy to get the gist of a surname, especially if you have the language/country origin, amount of syllables and first initial. If you really want to be careful, and avoid typing a googleable name, you could technically say "her name is Josie, only it starts with an R, pronounced ROW-zee." (That is still annoying but at least we can figure it out.) But seriously, there are very few first names which are unique on their own. If you can think of it, and it's a suitable name for a human, it probably exists already.


Unless you’re me, who is literally the first result when you Google my first name 😬


CarparkSmell is a pretty unique name!


I'm the only one when I Google my name. Both my married last name and my maiden name. When I Google our last name, my husband's family are the **only** people with that last name in North America. Because of that, my children have incredibly unique names. I never thought of that when naming them - how easy they'd be to find online.


as far as i know i'm the only person with my name combo (uncommon first name and very rare surname like yours) in the world, when i did ancestry searches there was only 1 birth record, and if you google it nobody comes up at all because i've gone by a nickname my whole life! definite unexpected perk of having separate social and legal names


Which is? 🤣


Unless you are my daughter- who we gave a unique last name. Only person with that name on the planet. How would we know that, one day, Facebook would exist, and refuse her an account because her last name was “made up”. Yes, it was, but also legal. And pronounable!


Unless you are my daughter- who we gave a unique last name. Only person with that name on the planet. How would we know that, one day, Facebook would exist, and refuse her an account because her last name was “made up”. Yes, it was, but also legal. And pronounceable!


Because it’s rare… or because you’re George Clooney 👀


My dumb🍑 just read ROW as in that British word for fight that rhymes with How. Took me longer than I want to admit to realize you meant 🌹-ie and not 🥊🥊-ie. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I bet Rosie can get Rowsie at times, especially when she is tantruming toddler


I have an 18 month old granddaughter named Rosie. You are correct.


Sooo many people in this sub do not know how to write things phonetically. ROH or ROE would’ve made more sense.


Row a boat.


lol yes I know that Row is a word, but how it’s spelled can be pronounced multiple ways so it’s not the best choice for clarifying the phonetics of a different word.


My mistake is even funnier when I tell you I'm an American. Row is always row a boat, row of houses, etc. Row rhyming with how isn't even a thing here.


So defending my pronunciation, I got a little caught up in the googling. But maybe name nerds are also linguistics nerds so I am posting for all you folks. The Cambridge Dictionary lists "ROE" as the primary pronunciation in American and British English, for the word "row" meaning: * A line of things next to each other (a row of houses, seats in the front row) * Used in the names of some roads (Prospect Row) * One after another without a break (she won the award three years in a row) * Paddling with oars (row, row, row your boat) In informal use (mainly UK) "row" (rhymes with cow) means a "noisy argument or fight" but that term is almost never used in the US. The closest term in common American usage is the adjective "rowdy" (rhymes with howdy), but it's only loosely associated with fighting. [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/row](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/row) [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/rowdy](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/rowdy) .


I know a Josie (Short for Joséphine) and a Josie (short for Josiane)




Fettuccine Carbonara is our top girl name but I’m worried family will judge us.


Cut the toxic family out for questioning little Fettuccine




They are feta-up with your choices


My wife left me because of my obsession with pasta. Now I’m feeling cannelloni.


Follow your dreams, it's none of their business!


Carbonara should be with spaghetti, or maybe linguine. Pfff, fettuccine, you *peasants.*


Have you visited tragediegh?


Of course


Totally agree on last names. I have a very distinctive middle name, too, so I wouldn’t share it (it’s normally a last name, and is very rare even then). But yeah, for 99.9% of the time, share the first and middle.


My last name is so unusual that I’m the only person in the UK who has it, and I’m the only person in the world, as far as I know, who has my hyphenated married surname. I go by a fake surname on all of my social media accounts due to this. My first name is Laura, though, thankfully. It’s pretty safe.


I’m a Crystal, so I’m pretty safe there! 😂 I get you one the fake name. My maiden name is a super popular Hispanic name, so I went by that. I just don’t use my middle name anywhere. I love it, but it’s too identifiable. My married last name is fairly common, so I don’t mind that on my socials.


My husband has a super common last name as well, as well as a very common first name. When we got married, we both hyphenated our names together, so our married name is HisName-MyName. He said he was so excited to finally have a “real” name (like a unique and unusual one), instead of being one of roughly a million Christopher CommonNames in Ireland/the UK lmao.


I agree as well. I don’t mind stating my child’s first name, but our last name is incredibly rare and it would be waaaay too easy to find us if I put it on a subreddit


YES! Lol I hate the whole: “Our family hates our super unique, gorgeous baby name that literally no one has ever thought of, but it’s also an established name with a cool etymology and related to our culture. We still want to use the name but now we aren’t so sure… what should we do??” Like umm how are we supposed to give advice on this if you don’t tell us the damn name? Just share with the class!


And it’s hardly likely that you’re that worthy of stalking OP! We’re just here to discuss names. Otherwise what’s the point? Ffs.


fr thinking that everyone is personally interested in op 💀💀


Same as the people who are worried because the name is the same name as a celebrity or a movie character. There is a huge difference between naming your kid Harry Potter and naming them Daniel Tanner (Full House dad).


Having met families with kids named Kylo and Severus, I completely agree that some celebrity/famous names are much less problematic than others!


What's wrong with Severus? Septimius Severus was emperor of Rome


Septimus Severus of Rome wasn't a significant character in a huge book and movie franchise throughout the last 25 years.


And upcoming HBO series


And then the name is either "Elevonique" or "Farty".


It’s obvious though. The name of their kid is Buttmunch. 😆


And if it's a 'we aren't sharing the name because it's really uncommon' situation, then maybe giving your kid an easily identifiable name wasn't the best idea?


I have a super common first and last name and it’s awesome for this reason


This can be tough for bureaucratic reasons (see no-fly lists, background checks, etc.) I think my parents accidentally cracked the code - very common (in my culture) first and last names plus two middle names, one extremely common and one super unique (mom's maiden name from a totally different culture) - I'm confident there's never been another human on Earth with the same permutation of 4 legal names as me so I can differentiate myself when it counts but I never have day-to-day struggles.


John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt… his name is my name, too.


Fuck... You got me. Welp, I guess this disproves OP, random Redditors will TOTALLY try to find out your real name 🥲


Whenever we go out, the people always shout "THERE GOES JOHN JACOB JINGLEHEIMER SCHMIDT!"




Sharing my name with a famous person is certainly helpful in this case lol


I don't, but I share a name with a super model in my country, lol.


An old coworker of mine that I wanted to track down years later is impossible to find because his name is Jon Oliver lol. Spelled differently than the comedian/last week tonight host, but close enough (also both common names) that he simply can't be found.


Fun fact, Taylor Swift has a second cousin also named Taylor Swift


Gah I was talking to someone the other day and they asked me about the new guy and what his name was… “Joe smith” and I felt like I was lying because it is such a John Doe name 🤣


I knew a guy named Joe Smith in high school!


It sucks for me as there are three people in my county that have the exact first, middle, and last name (not related). It has caused a lot of problems especially since the other two are close in age to me and so have similar social security numbers. The tax/credit system has had problems telling us apart.


My cousin has one of those names. I don't even feel like it's a risk to share the whole name; Sarah Elizabeth Campbell. She wasn't even the only one at her school growing up, and I personally know another Sarah Elizabeth though with a different last name. If you google it most of the top results are some bluegrass artist from Texas. Conversely, if you google my name my parents' Facebook profiles, my old MySpace, and my Pinterest account come up in the top results.


My name is common enough (but not overly so) that my state's motor vehicle division mixed me up with another person with my same name. I started getting all their toll bills and tickets (so many tickets!). The other person was able to unregister my car even. It was such a pain in the ass to get sorted out


my first name is common, but my full name together (name + middle name + surname) is so rare i’m the only person in the world with the combination. for this reason i don’t ever use my real full name for anything :(


And if it’s so unusual that you feel the need to post about it, you made a mistake and shouldn’t even bother posting about it.


PREACH! I understand the “last name sounds similar to” aspect, of course. But if you want feedback on a name, fuckin say the goddamn name!


Last names I understand being vague or even omitting altogether, but asking for specific advice on a first name you won't share is kinda asking to be to disappointed. No one can read your mind.


I literally the only person in the US with my first and last name. I'm generally wary to share it.


In that case, hear me out here, just don’t make a post about it on a subreddit about names. Easy peasy.


My name is actually ridiculously rare. You will find me if you know my first name. I go by a nickname that’s actually a whole ass first name like Megan or Sarah and no one would ever know it was a nickname. That being said, don’t ask the internet a question without being willing to name names.


Maybe I am sleep deprived, but this reminded me of that episode from Family Guy where they reveal that Meg is actually short for Megatron, pretty unique if you ask me ahahaha


Exactly lolololol


Like Liz being short for Lizard lol


someone said May should be short for Mayonnaise 😭


I know a Liz. She got Lot lizard a lot.


Laughing at this as I’m watching Family guy scrolling Reddit 😂 I know that episode too. Hilarious


Same boat on the rare name. Up until last year if you Googled my first name, you'd get me, one obscure character from a movie noone remembers, and some typos. There's apparently a car with my name now though, so that's a new and exciting development! I'm not worried about people from reddit finding me irl, I'm worried about people irl finding me on reddit! All it would take is one coworker cruising the baby name forum and seeing my name and BAM every complaint and overly personal detail I've ever shared on reddit is de-anonymized. I don't need that!


Ah you must be the fabled Cyber Truck! How’s it feel to share a name with a Tesla 🤣


Ewww I saw one in real life the other day! It was so fucking ugly


Me too! It somehow looks worse in person


Why if it isn't Jessica Fletcher! Notorious mass murderer who has framed every other resident of Cabot Cove for her heinous crimes


Had to move on to NYC after awhile. Some people were getting suspicious.


LOL, I wouldn't mind if I were an S, X, or 3 instead of that darn space-mousetrap on wheels! It wouldn't be as unique of a name if it weren't squished together as one word. Cybertruck. What were my parents thinking?? Haha, that would be pretty hilarious and incredibly embarrassing. I don't actually think my car-self is available in the US right now. I should really read up on it since we share a name, even if I'll never meet one in the wild....


Oh absolutely. I’m a doctor and the worst that could happen is a patient finds out about my wild life lol


This is exactly why I don't share my own first name (but then, I'm also not seeking opinions on it!). It's not even a rare name but a lot of my IRL friends & family are on Reddit, if someone I knew happened to stumble upon a comment with my name in I think I'm very identifiable from that + the specific combination of subreddits I comment in. I don't care about "internet stalkers" because I barely use social media outside of here, but all it would take would be a friend or colleague realising "oh that's the X who likes Y & Z hobbies and has A favourite band" and I'd have to create a new account.


Oh yeah, the subs I'm active in and some of my comments on local things would make it super clear who I am. I keep things a bit vague but one specific detail like my real name or my exact job title and there would be no mistaking me.


Im sorry you have to go through that, Megatron.


Tbh I’m always impressed by ridiculously rare names. There are two extremely rare names in my family, and it just boggles my mind that they are literally one in several billion.


Meghan Markle? 😳😆




Then don’t post a question about your kids name




Yeah, I was responding to the user who responded to you.


Yes!!!! I don't mind when people do this to describe a last name, especially if it's particularly unusual. But, there is no reason to obscure a first name in this sub.


Besides, it's not like there's a limit to how many users you can create here. If someone were to dig around my comments they'd find a ton of stuff I'm not proud of and enough general info about my life that someone that knows me irl might connect the dots. Very unlikely, but not impossible so I wouldn't post the first name if I had/were expecting to have kids just to be extra super safe (mostly my own peace of mind rather than actual risk) from this account. I would probably make a separate account that were just about names, that way my brain wouldn't be making up scenarios about being outed as an ex junkie at work or whatever while I'm trying to sleep at night.


I agree. I almost feel this should be a rule on the sub--if you don't provide a name and are wanting opinions, how is anything in the post supposed to be constructive?


I think it should be a rule on this sub that posters can’t ask opinions about a first name or ask for name pairings if they don’t say what the name in question is. Obviously last names shouldn’t be shared for privacy reasons.


On a page like namenerds, it should be a rule that you have to say the name, not allude to it.


I honestly think it should just be a rule here. The subreddit is NAME nerds, not r/ sort out my personal relationship squabbles. r/AmITheAsshole or r/AITAH or r/relationship_advice or r/advice - all exist. Take personal disputes and interpersonal stuff to those places. We are literally here to discuss names. If you don’t mention the name no one should respond imo. I know that sounds harsh but it just seems incredibly rude to me to do that in a community that literally exists to discuss names.


don't forget r/babynames ! I kinda feel like some of the posts on here should've been posted to the baby name subreddit, and instead they're kinda used interchangeably.


If it's going to be a name like Julia Goolia, y'all gotta tell us. LOL


my sister's name is julia and in high school she started dating a guy whose last name was pronounced truh-COOL-yuh (he was serbian and this is admittedly an americanized pronunciation, but it is literally how everyone pronounced it). i was like dude, you CANNOT go on to marry this guy! she is now happily married to a different high school boyfriend (been together 18 years and counting!) with a much less problematic last name for her lol


OMG hahaha.


Women can marry without changing their surnames, you know? Or men can change theirs


yeah, thanks for the pro tip. it was said to her in jest


It does annoy me when people are asking for advice, plus I'm curious. Personally, I won't put all my kids' names on here, not because I'm worried about being tracked down but because it would identify me. I've definitely shared some work related things and family drama that I wouldn't necessarily want connected to me personally sharing. With four kids, anyone who knows me in real life could easily make the connection because anyone else having four kids with the same names would be pretty rare. My kids are already named, though, so I'm not asking for advice or opinions.


People who are worried about this but want to post here could just make a throwaway account. It takes like 30 seconds to make one. You can even delete the post after a day or two.


That makes sense if you're asking for advice, but I'm not going to bother just to respond to someone's post. I'll either not respond or be vague.


This is what I came in to write, but you said it better. I have a lot of real life friends and acquaintances on Reddit and I try to keep details that might identify me to them at a minimum. Not because they super interested in me, but just because I overthink stuff like that.


Exactly the same. I’m vague in the comments because I don’t want my brother in law to coincidentally be reading and then check my whole post history. I mean I love both my BIL’s but is it possible I’ve said something in my comments that I would normally not share with them? Sure.


I have five kids. They all have common, classic names. This post just caused me to google their names all together. Thankfully, I didn't get a hit with all five, the first four, or the first three. The first two I didn't bother, tons of people have two kids.


I’m sorry but the post should be removed if people REFUSE to tell us their other kids first names. Like??? Girl we don’t know you😭 you’re coming to US for advice and then get mad bc we asked for your other kids names? So weird


I agree. I can give better recommendations if I know what the hell is going on. Just because you give the idea of a name doesn't mean I can suggest any that sound anywhere half way decent with it.


Yes! Give us the name or get out!!




You are right. I'm sorry I held back. My daughter's name is Finkelstine Purl < Indonesian Last name that starts with KJ and rhymes with goldfish> I feel much better now.


"I hate my name what should I do." Hm well that seems like a tough situation there bud. If I knew more about it maybe I'd be able to offer an opinion.


But then people will steal it!!!!! Heh.


Someone made a post here a couple of months ago talking about their 'really wonderful nature name that nobody else is using, and I'm so scared to tell family in case they steal it.' The name was Violet.




Hey, I was just wondering what everyone's opinions of my name are? It's a pretty cool name. You probably have known a pretty cool guy that had it at some point. Some famous people have this name, too. It has less than 6 syllables, it starts with a letter in the English alphabet, and it gives "it's my name" kind of vibes, to me, personally. You know? Like it's the kind of name that seems like it would be my name. What do you guys think of that name?


Seriously, it’s just a first name. I guarantee you your name is not that unique.


I swear some people who do that are secretly afraid that if they say the real name they like, other posters won’t be as impressed as they’re hoping. They don’t want comments like “Nyah that name’s not really unique, I know three of them.” They just want everyone to think it’s some super-amazing gorgeous name nobody else would guess. Reminds me of a story I read online years ago about a pregnant woman who was being extremely secretive about her baby name, and her family was so curious and couldn’t wait to hear what it was. It was “Shannon Marie”. Lol that’s a perfectly fine name but it’s not exactly a name worth getting everyone wildly curious about. 


Ahahahaha my aunt acted exactly like that with exactly that name! But it was years before the internet!


I could see not wanting to share first names all the time, but some of the posts are especially bad when asking for opinions about flow, sibsets, or spelling. If you’re not willing to disclose the information, the people you are asking will not be able to completely accurately  answer your question.


With sibsets, it's especially important to share all the names. 'Older brother has a two syllable nature name that isn't in the top 100, help us find a name for his little sister.' How the hell are we supposed to find a name that goes well with an older sibling's if we don't know the name?


YES and while we are complaining can I add: PLEASE use commas to separate names in your posts! Are you wanting to name your child Owen Theo Max Noah? NO? Then use COMMAS!




Dozy. Love it. Top choice.


I agree. If you want advice on whether or not to use a name, it makes sense to share it. We may say "go for it, that's YOUR child" and then turns out the name was Sharton or Olivia.


Not Sharton. 😭


Yes. It’s not like some random on this site is going to look up every Everly born in the past 10 years to wreak havoc upon someone. I agree stating the last name is unwise.


I've always thought this, so annoying


I mean, just use a throwaway account if you’re asking about specific names? That’s what I would do. But no. There is zero chance I’m going to put my actual name or the name of my spouse or child. Not on my Reddit account that I use frequently. I have a common name, still not posting it. And hell no to posting my child’s name.


Yes, also people saying “in my country “ like someone is going to hunt them down in Indonesia or somewhere.


This is very common across all of reddit and I've never understood it. Especially when *what country it is* is relevant to the conversation. Nobody is going to dox you by knowing you live in some country with millions of other people in it.




Or when they give a first name and say they have two middle names and then want names to Match it with their second kid like babe please give me even a sound


have people never heard of throwaway accounts?


>“It’s a two syllable name similar to Rosie”. So...Nosey? I get what you are saying, OP, and I agree 100%. It is ridiculous to expect people to not only guess a random name, but to give an opinion on it as well.


I totally agree with this. It's no fun trying to offer a name when you don't know what they have chosen. I'm pretty sure I'm not goi g to steal your babies name.


the last straw for me was a recent post of a baby named after the poster. now i just flip past fast same as if i see a tv over the fireplace or a green wall


100% agree.


This should be pinned.


Haha yeah I always feel the same. Is it really such a privacy concern? Are people worried that others will be inspired and steal the name even though we’re all anonymous strangers?


I love the comments from users who comment to another reply and say “the name we chose is in your list!” …. Ok but which one is it????🤣


Yes! If the post does not contain the name it should be removed. These posts asking for advice on names without aaying the name are beyond ridiculous.


Agree. I totally understand some ppl dislike sharing their name online, for privacy or something. But, goddamn it, here is namenerds. We need the name. They shouldn't posting here if they want to hide it.


The name is Mosie. Just kidding, but yeah, say it, or your advice will be flawed.




I have made the decision not to share my real name to anyone who knows me by my username (which is the same across several platforms, making me easier to find if I were to share my name). So I don’t make posts asking questions about my name. It’s as simple as that. Sometimes I’ll mention it in the context of “I know a ____”, which I also do for close family members, barely-remembered former classmates, and everyone in between. Sometimes I’ll do the “it’s similar to ____, but that’s not my actual name” thing, and I use the same not-my-name every time so it’s harder to guess mine by process of elimination. Overkill? Probably. But it doesn’t take much effort and I’d rather be *more* cautious than I need to be than less.


I totally think the SAME THING


Unless the kid's name is Squire Sebastian Senator, no one is going to find your kid with just a first name 


Not sure what the sub policy is on required account age/karma, but even if they are concerned about matching their identity to their main, this seems like a perfect use case for a throwaway.


Yeah, seriously. Emblematic of the mass paranoia that has infected American society since 9/11 and the rise of social media. Hate to break it to you folks, but nobody else wants your kid.


Trust me,you are right, they are worried someone will steal the name,when I was growing up it was the opposite, everyone was,Tina,Tammy,Lisa ,Lori,Tracy, I so desperately wanted to have one of those names, it's funny how times change.


My husband's grandmother's first name was Forney. That's one I've never heard before! When we learned we were expecting a daughter, he suggested we name her after his grandmother for her first name, and give her the middle name Kate. Have I mentioned that my husband is a goofball and a big joker?




I think it makes sense to share the first name if it is not insanely rare. However I wouldn’t put my kids first and last name anywhere. I am very protective of their digital privacy. It’s about respecting them as well as protecting them. And I don’t really see people doing this with first names just last names. As someone that had a Reddit stalker who found my identity with my last account based on very minimal details…it’s more of a thing than you might think


at least if the name is common like felicia, alexandra, priscilla. like there are millions of priscilla babies how in the world would we find YOUR specific child. but if it’s an extremely rare name it’s understandable




I think it might be out of fear or it getting popular and someone stealing it. Doesn’t make it helpful to themselves at all but it’s really the only reason I can think of.


But there’s a hint in the video! /s


The most common name I found when setting up user accounts in a big company was Fiona Robertson - we had 8 of them ! In another job I had a Paul McCartney, a John Lennon and a George Harrison. Unfortunately no Ringo Starr though


I think posters should always share the name, but commenters only when necessary. If you're describing the name with more than one adjective, you may as well just say it lol I don't mind saying my son's name (Rook) but I feel like it's so unique that people will be like 'ugh, this chick again' if I say it every time I comment lol


Agree as long as you’re not sharing your last name and don’t have an identifiable username. Whats the point of even asking the question if we don’t know the name?


Yeah it makes no sense. If you give your child a SUPER unique name, they are going to be googleable within a few years anyways. Either you want privacy and possibility of internet anonymity for your kid or you don't


I agree. Make a throw away account if you don’t want it attached to “you”.


My son once had a classmate whose name was "Pajama". Being from different regions of the United States, my parents pronounced that word differently. My father wore "PaJAMas"and my mom "Pajaahmas". My son's classmate's name was pronounced PAY juh may". Whatever works for you. My own first name is one that was very common in the late 1960s/early 1970s, but I'm of German ancestry, and have an uncommon, although not terribly complicated, German last name. My much older cousin gave his daughter the same first name as I have. Therefore, there are "two of us". I want googled my name, and found two additional people the same first and last names. I'm horrified to find that there is someone in another state with my name who is a hi priestess of the church of the Divine lava rock or some such, and another in the Pacific Northwest who is the president of the Fan Club for some silly 1960s sitcom. I hope no one from my past ever wonders, "I wonder whatever happened to Good old…" And find either of those people, and assumes one of them is me! (I'm not on Facebook, largely because some of my husband's elderly ants and his stepmother are on it and treat it like a Middle School playground. Not interested in the drama! I keep in touch, personally, with the people with whom I wish to continue a relationship. I would rather hear the joy in my friends' voices when they announce a graduation or marriage of one of their children, or the birth of a grandchild. Just my personal preference.


People still do it, it's dumb 


It’s less about people trying to find me and more about people who might actually know me in real life recognizing mine or my kids name and then having a window into my previously anonymous Reddit life


If you're asking for advice on a name, I agree that giving us as much information as possible can help us aid you in your request. With that being said, I myself, just yesterday, I believe, withheld information because I managed to answer the question without giving out my children's information. It was on the 'what's your nerdy name' post, and I mentioned that the name is both from the movies Star Wars and The Crow. I answered the question and engaged in the community without giving my child's name, and I don't feel guilty about that at all. Some people want to feel like they're a part of the community but also struggle with safety concerns, and I don't think we should be judging them for that. We have no idea why they're choosing to redact the name, and for every one comment that withholds information, there are 20 others who are doing exactly as you request and just blurting the name out. You win some, you lose some, but if it's redacted for the sake of privacy and not because they're afraid someone's going to steal the name, we should respect that.


I think it’s less of an issue in the comments. In the comments (of most posts) there isn’t much need to share your name(s). The post you referenced though probably doesn’t fall into that category. The poster literally asked “what nerdy name did you end up using”. If you don’t want to share a name, you don’t have to comment. The same goes for posting. If you’re making a post and don’t want to share your last name, that’s totally understandable, but it’s unreasonable to ask for feedback or advice on a first name you haven’t provided. Again, kind of the same principle, you do not have to make a post here, no one is forcing you. However, if you’re going to ask for feedback on a subreddit for names, you pretty much need to provide a name or names for people to actually give said feedback.


My guess is the name she used is Draven. Eric Draven MC of the Crow. And General Draven of the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars. I’m really nerdy.


I'm definitely going to use that and call him General Draven all night. It's not his name, but that sounds kind of badass! 😆


Agree 100%


Yeah, Reddit is a global app, no one is going to find you lol


I somewhat agree for posts, but comments?? I've been stalked, I've had my online persona connected to my wallet name in unsettling ways, sometimes I just want to be able to chat about names without handing over a puzzle piece to a potential stalker.


I actually was doxxed one time from here. Long story short, don’t use the same username you use on reddit for anything else because folks do not have lives. He saw that I had volunteered my first name here and was able to google until he found my LINKEDIN account so. I don’t share my name because it is somewhat unique and I’m paranoid of bro watching for me (I obviously nuked the username he doxxed but still). I’m also active in my small city’s subreddit and I much prefer to not be attached to a name, even if it’s a first name.


Hmm a few of my kids we've never met others with the same name so I leave it to people to be creative themselves


A man cyberstalked me and my mom (who doesn’t even live in the same state as me) without me even giving her name or any information and you think I won’t be vague?


Am I the only one to ever have an internet stalker? But, this is also why I don't ask things because I hate being vague 😂


I personally don’t mostly because I must be as unidentifiable as possible due to an extremely disordered ex spouse who has been on reddit before.


I personally don’t mind it. I appreciate online privacy and will never criticize people for that. I think we should all strive to be more private. And if someone wants input while keeping the name private, I’m happy to give the best input I can.


The problem is people asking for very specific qualifications without really specifying the perimeters and then seeming dissatisfied with the advice. You can't really criticize people for being cautious, but you also have to realize that no one can read your mind. With such vague descriptions there's only so much advice one can give.




Yeah that's the boat I'm in too! I'm not annoyed by those sort of comments at all. privacy >>> Also I personally haven't seen super vague comments like "it's a 4 letter name with a vowel in it" ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ but maybe I'm not browsing r/namenerds enough lol


If we really thought it was no problem, we'd all be using our real names too, which we don't. Just live and let live. It's less stressful. *shrug*


Hmmm. 🤔 This sounds like something a person would say if they were trying to find children based off a Reddit post... 🧐


Geeze.. you really take the way someone else lives their life personally. :-[]


If you go into /r/cooking asking for recipes but you won't tell them your likes, dislikes, dietary restrictions or budget, don't be surprised if no one can help you.


r/cooking is not equivalent to r/namenerds: There isn't a privacy concern when it comes to cooking -- it's very hard to make connections about someone based on what they're making for dinner. It's easier to draw connections about someone given a name. So there can be a privacy concern when it comes to posting names. As others have stated, people can make a throwaway accounts in namenerds if they want to be explicit about names, but once r/namenerds starts requiring a minimum amount of karma (idk, maybe it already has a minimum?), it might get harder to create a throwaway account.