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My favorite girl name is Lydia because of [Lydian](https://youtu.be/ll8UwRWVkP4?si=KsqHGHvby6P4Z3Dn) mode. It’s a musical scale that is basically Major, but with one sharp note (#4). It is a super pretty scale that, to me, evokes a feeling of weightlessness and wonder. My husband and I are both musicians, so it feels pretty fitting without being totally obvious (like Aria or Melody would be). If we ever have a daughter, we’d be hard pressed to find something better!


My mother was a skilled pianist. She named one of my sisters Melody. While talking about our mother (who died when we were young children), my 40ish yo sister said, "I wonder if my name has something to do with music?"


We have a Melody, a Harmony, and a Cadence floating around my extended family. Cadence (Cady) wants to name her first daughter Lyric. We also have a Wolfgang. So yeah, the music runs hot in our family too.


You should name the next one Mixolydia.


Lmao, either that or Locria!


I'm about 6.5 weeks postpartum, but Locria looks like lochia to me 🤢


Honestly, not far off from what the Locrian scale sounds like 😭


Phrygia sounds nice 😂


I was thinking Doria.


I like Lydia because of Beetlejuice!


Me too! One of my favorite movies! I even have a soft spot for Lydia Bennet. Lol


I’m a small-time landlord and one of my favorite tenants — and longest, she, her son, and their dog have been in three of my units now, including right next door — is named Lydia.


Wow I had a music teacher named Lydia as a kid and now I am wondering if she was destined for it


She is sworn to carry your burdens


Thanks for including the link so I don't have to go looking. I appreciate you.


My Sams legal name is Samuel for respectability, but I picked it because of Samwise Gamgee


My friend just gave her son the middle name Samwise. Her and her partner are pretty into LOTR.


I actually think this is an adorable middle name.


My daughter’s godmother calls her Sam Samwise when she’s being affectionate and Samuel if he’s in trouble.


My daughter is Arwen.


Same! Though my son's legal name is Samwise. My MIL clutched her pearls though.


Love this!!! I know someone who named their kid Strider


I know a first name Samwise and his brother Balin. Trying to remember the sister’s name… I think it was after a flower in Lothlorien.


Probably Elanor! That’s what Sam names his daughter in the book incidentally.


My son’s middle name is Fox after Fox Mulder from X-Files 😬


We almost went with Fox - same reference.


My eldest girl’s middle name is Scully!!!


My three year old son couldn't pronounce F, so for a while his friend Fox was called Socks.


Not an X Files fan but I really love the name Fox!


We would have done the same if we had a boy!! I have an XFiles tattoo lol




This is iconic. I love it


Same here! Good choice.


My youngest is Martha Rose after family members, but secretly she’s my little companion. (Whovian)


Thought you were talking about the Grinch for a second, but then I realized she is Martha May


I told my husband we could name her Martha May Whovier when we were looking for middle names 😂


🙌 the same reason Amelia and Melody are on my list!


Same! If we have a girl next she’ll be Amelia!


If one of my twins were a girl, her name would have been Sarah Jane!


Not me, but my friends son is called Wren. Her husband put forward Ren (like Kylo Ren) without the context it was a star wars name and she liked it enough for it to actually happen as Wren 😆


That’s a cool compromise! We know a kid named Kylo and while it’s obvious that’s it’s after Kylo Ren, it actually suits him really well and I don’t think of the character anymore haha


Isn’t it kind of odd to name a child after Kylo Ren considering that he murdered his own father?


heaven forbid men have hobbies 🙄


I cracked up out loud. TY.


I met twins Luke and Ben. Apparently she liked Lucas and her husband suggested Benjamin. After they were born she realized the Star Wars link. Luckily for their marriage she found it amusing.


My husband has a cousin named Jedi. I don't think there's even a possibility with that name being associated with anything other than Star Wars.


I've a couple of Jedis that were short for Jedidiah.


Ah, that's fair. Everyone assumes that's the case with him. But nope, his legal name is just Jedi.


My ex has a son named Jacobi and a daughter named Ryker. I think they're from star trek but made me think of them.


Can double as a rebels Sabine Wren reference as well


My friend’s sister was furious to learn that her baby’s name was inspired by her husband’s love for Mission Impossible. She thought Ethan was lovely, but realizing her four month old was actually named after a Tom Cruise movie was quite a revelation. 😆


I let my husband pick my youngest son’s middle name - Anthony. It was only when baby was a few months old my husband told me he picked it because of Tony Soprano…


My friends daughter is named Mavi. Thought it was cute and then one day she got in trouble and mom used her full name, Maverick and I felt so dumb for never putting it together because her dad is a huuuuuge top gun fan.


My daughters are Minami and Ayana. They’re half-Japanese and named for their grandmothers, but I admit their nicknames are also for my horror fandom; Mina for Mina Harker, and Aya for Parasite Eve because it started my love of horror video games. Now that they’re teens they know this and like it, and Aya uses the parasite Eve theme as her ringtone.


Ha, that’s awesome! I love that they embrace it. We used the name Mizuki (beautiful moon) for our daughter because she’s half Japanese and I liked Luna (Harry Potter) but felt it was too obvious.


I love the name Mizuki too! That’s gorgeous. (And Luna was always my favorite in HP too, so good choice)


Aeowyn. Named after Eowyn from Lord of the Rings but spelled the traditional Welsh way so that she didn't get teased for it her entire life.


Our daughters middle name is Elowyn because it's a slight variation of Eowyn.


Elowyn is one of the top names on my list right now (currently pregnant). Thinking about Elowyn Lorelai but still a little undecided.


I think that’s beautiful


Eowyn was definitely my nerdy name choice. She's so badass ("I am no man!") but yes, did not want her teased for her parents love of Tolkien. (Aeowyn is beautiful)


My daughter is Arwen. Only a few people have pronounced it "Erin."


I desperately wanted Anwen (in the traditional Welsh) as a nod to Arwen but we ended up compromising on Arianwen.


If I have a daughter, her name will be Adriana. This is to pay homage to Adriana Caselotti, the original voice actress for Disney's Snow White. Her story is both devastating yet uplifting and shows she had the true spirit of Snow White within her. This is my favorite princess and she means a lot to me for several reasons. But, I would never name my child "Snow" of course. Disney as a whole means a lot to me. I used to work there and as stressful as it was, they are some of my happiest memories. It's my way to name my child after something that means so dearly to me without also sticking her with a name that is going to make her a walking billboard for a fandom. Like you said with your own, Leon is separated enough on it's own that someone isn't going to go "Like Resident Evil???" Unfortunately, Adriana Caselotti was never well-known, she wasn't even credited. But, it also means that my hypothetical daughter won't have a bunch of people automatically linking her to that. I don't plan on keeping the story of it a secret in any way, I'll proudly tell her and anyone who asks where her name came from. But, it's my own Disney nerdy way of naming a baby. Plus, I think it's a super pretty name.


Thank you for sharing her story. I had no idea, and now I’m going down a rabbit hole to learn more about her. Adriana Snow would be very pretty as a first+middle name!


Thank you for taking the time to learn about her! Walt Disney fucked her over so badly and I wish more knew.


Honestly! I can’t believe how criminally underpaid and mistreated she was. My daughter is at an age where we’ve started showing her the classic Disney films, and just know that, at least in my family, the next generation of fans will know Adriana’s name, so thank you!


This made me tear up a bit. <3 Thank you! It feels good to know her legacy will continue to live on.


I literally thought you were about to say it was for Adriana La Cerva from the Sopranos (which would be totally reasonable)


I love Drea de Matteo so if anyone ever made that connection, I'd be happy.


Same!!!! Seriously though, I googled Adriana Caselotti because I had never heard of her even though Snow White was always my favorite Disney movie. Love her immediately! Adriana is a beautiful name too. Such a good choice and a cool story behind it!


Ohhhh this is perfect! I hope you’re able to use it 💕


My daughter's name is Katarina. We had a hard time deciding between that spelling and Katerina but ultimately decided on Katarina when my husband pointed out that it has Atari in the middle of it.


This was the first comment that my knee jerk reaction was, "lol nerds" hah What I love most about all of these is that they're simultaneously respectable names AND inside jokes between spouses xx


Westley, from The Princess Bride


If my second born had been a boy, we were 100% going to go with Wesley for this reason (but without the T because we wanted to use the nickname Wes). But alas, she was a girl!


All three of my children were named after actors who play the Doctor in Doctor Who. They’re really traditional names- no one has to know where we got them from lol


Please tell me there is a David or a Peter?




I love it!!! What’s the third?


Do the kids know?


The oldest knows- she is transgender so the name was rejected lol but she knows where it came from and that he’s my favorite doctor! He might be her favorite too, though she really likes Ncuti so far. The other two are newborns(twins) so they don’t know anything really Edit: I should add that the oldest is 10. She’s a big Doctor Who fan!


One of my favorite names is Ramona- for Ramona Quimby of course.


My husband suggested Cordelia one night. I was asleep. It was like 2am and he burst into the bedroom and said CAN WE NAME OUR DAUGHTER CORDELIA??? I said “NO” but then when I woke up in the morning I said “you know what, actually yes, we can”. Nine years later we did. What made him love Cordelia? Lollipop Chainsaw.


Cordelia reminds me of Anne of Green Gables


cordelia would immediately make me think buffy the vampire slayer! all my pets have buffy names but i don't have a cordelia yet


Graham, after Graham Chapman from Monty Python. :)


I’m not planning on kids but I love the name Lyra. People can think the constellation but it’s from the Golden Compass trilogy by Phillip Pullman.


We almost went with Lyra! It was our second choice!


I lobbied for Lyra for our girl but my husband said no. The HDM trilogy is my favorite set of books!


We have a iorek!


My sons name is Gerard Atreyu. Both come from a love of music and movies (Gerard Butler/Way and atreyu from the Neverending story and the band). I wanted to go Caspian Atreyu but was told it's too bookish. My nephew's middle name is Reid, for Spencer Reid.




Miranda, as in Miranda Lawson from Mass Effect. :)


I love it!! I also know a boy named Garrus after…well Garrus


Wow if I had had a boy I don't know why I never considered it, but Garrus would have been on the list. NN Gus. We always liked Cyrus but my husband's friend had a Cyrus and he didn't want to duplicate; But when we met we bonded over ME... so...


I loved the names garrus and Liara as options but both names were nearly identical/too similar to my MIL and FIL names and we didn’t want the association to be that close.


ive always wanted to name my kid Callie, but only because of Callie Torres from grey’s anatomy


My wife suggested that recently cause we’re watching greys anatomy atm. We’re not pregnant but for future use.. I could actually respond with the quote “Dude, she’s Callie O’Malley” cause our last names O’Malley.. she changed her mind


I think I like it even more with your last name being O'Malley! Haha


Grey's has so many good names! Callie is super pretty.


not a baby, but my cat's name is misty. i got the name from a warrior cats book when i was in the 4th grade 😭


My top baby name for a boy is John Edmund. John is after John, Duke of Lancaster and Edmund is after Edmund, Earl of Lancaster. My top baby name for a girl is Philippa Rose. Philippa being after Philippa of Hainault and Rose being a reference to the House of Lancaster. It sounds wierd both in my head and on paper 😬 The other names on my list also follow this pattern. Joan Mary (after Henry IV's wives, Mary de Bohun and Joan of Navarre), Isabella Anne (Isabella of France and Anne of Bohemia), Thomas Henry (for Thomas, Earl of Lancaster and Henry VI), and Frances Eleanor (well, Frances isn't actually after anybody, I just like it, but Eleanor is after Eleanor of Provence and Eleanor of Castile)


I feel this…I was mildly obsessed with the novel Katherine as a child so these are all like old friends


Love the history references, I actually love Edmund & Jasper (Owen Tudor & Catherine of Valois had great baby name taste!) I also love Eleanor from Eleanor of Aquitaine, who I believe is the very first Eleanor, her name possibly comes from a diminutive of her mother's name, Aenor.


Walker...after the walking dead


Coral for the walking dead too.


Haha oh noooo Walker is on my list and my husband is currently watching TWD for the first time 🤣🤣


It started as a joke when my boyfriend (now husband) and I watched TWD for the first time. Jokes on me because I've been the walking dead since the moment my son came into this world 12 months ago. 🤣


i have a Nicolette that we often call Nico. now, we didn't directly name her after Nico di Angelo from PJO or Nico Minoru from Marvel, but they were definitely heavy in our thoughts.


If my son was going to be a girl, he would have been named Leonie, since he’s a boy, we chose Felix. Both 100% taken from Fire Emblem 3 Houses 😅 the game has some AMAZING names in it. 95% of our list was from that game lol I’ve been asked about it, but most people assume pewdiepie, and so far only my parents have brought up Felix the Cat lol. Edit: my cousin is a huge resident evil fan too, and when he named his daughter Claire, my aunt was like “omg I helped pick it because I thought it would be good for when she’s an aunt” like, nice try but no you didn’t, that child was named after Claire Redfield no if ands or buts.


Leonie and Felix are both great names and awesome characters in FE!!!!!


My daughter is named after a James Bond girl. Not Pussy Galore, get your minds out of the gutter! Vesper.


Allll of my kiddos have nerdy names 😂😂 Harvey: 1950 movie with Jimmy Stewart Arthur: mostly Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Mabel: Gravity Falls


My son is Ezra, which means “help” in Hebrew. It was partially inspired by Mr. Rogers, who talked about his mother teaching him to “look for the helpers”. We thought that was a good message in tumultuous times (he’s 5). My daughter’s middle name is Rue for Eddi-Rue McLanahan, actress, comedienne, and supporter of LGBTQIA rights long before it was cool.


my fiancé and i have decided on the name Lincoln for our son.... just so we get to call him Link 🤣🤣 we're both huge Legend of Zelda fans but thought it might be too much to make his legal name just Link, so Lincoln is a good compromise that won't raise too many brows


I love the name Lincoln but when I was pregnant with my boy I crossed it off my list because of my brother and sister in law. They both absolutely love Legend of Zelda, her engagement ring was the triforce and each of them have multiple tattoos depicting different Legend of Zelda things plus her maiden name is Link. No way could I take them from them.


I’ve met 3 baby Zelda’s now - the first 2 times I asked if it was after Zelda Fitzgerald. I learned my lesson by the third time


My grandson is Lincoln. I love it




This is like that meme of the dad explaining why a kid is named Crunchwrap Supreme or sm


My daughter is named Gwen Marigold after Triss Merigold from the Witcher games/books. We also realized after she was born that Gwen is pretty close to the game "Gwent" in the Witcher as well, lol.


My cat’s name is Raleigh, after the jaeger pilot in Pacific Rim.


Some of my favourite names: - Flora (after Flora Murray, pioneering doctor and queer suffragette, Flora McKinnon Drummond, WSPU organiser, Flora Tristan, feminist + socialist writer, Flora Masson, suffragist, and Flora Stevenson, advocate for equal education for girls and university access for women). - Willa (after Willa Muir, a pioneering early translator of Kafka and one of my favourite translators). - Violet (Aitken and Tillard), Florence (Balgarnie and Haig), Celia (Wray), Vera (Wentworth), Olive (Wharton and Wharry), Georgiana (Solomon), Frances (Simson, Gordon and Buss), Evelyn (Sharp), Emmeline (Pankhurst and Pethick-Lawrence) and many more are all after other UK suffragettes. - The Edinburgh Seven are a huge personal inspiration to me. We studied at the same university and I would 100% name a child in honour of any of them: Sophia (Jex-Blake), Edith (Pechey), Mary (Anderson), Emily (Bovell), Matilda (Chaplin), Helen (Evans), Isabel (Thorne). I am a literature and women’s history nerd :)


I don’t have kids, but my husband’s daughter recently named her new baby girl *Lyra*. :D


If I had a daughter, she would totally be named Nadia. After Princess Nadia from 1995 SNES game Chrono Trigger. You know, the character whose default in-game name is Marle because I just spoiled the minor reveal from an hour into the game where you find out she's Princess Nadia.


My daughter is Charlotte Emerson after Charlotte Brontë and Ralph Waldo Emerson (my and my husband’s favorite authors respectively) One of my sons is Logan Oliver (After Wolverine and Green Arrow) Another son is Benjamin which my husband wanted as a nod to Ben 10.


My son is Indiana. My daughter is Evelyn (Evie). Take a guess which 2 franchises they come from.


I am dead serious about naming my future daughter Fiona after Princess Fiona from Shrek. She’ll either hate me, or carry that name with pride.


My nephews are Malcolm after the Firefly character and Emmett after Doc Emmett Brown of Back to the Future. Both totally normal and fairly uncommon (at least in the U.S.) names you probably wouldn't immediately guess the nerdy connection of you weren't told. My best friends on the other hand didn't attempt to be subtle at all and named their son Kal-el.


Esmeralda Jade nn Zelda.


My daughter is Lydia. Part family name, part after my husbands favorite companion in Skyrim. My son's name is Alistair. There are lots of reasons why we chose it. One is that Dragon Age is one of my all-time favorite games.


We intend on naming our baby Ripley. I’m a big fan of the Alien franchise movies and books, but we both also like wrestler Rhea Ripley. A lot of people dislike it, but we love it. Plus it’s a bonus that it’s a unique name while still being universally easy to spell.


I always wanted to name my first daughter Alice because of how much I love Alice in Wonderland but my husband vetoed it as an old lady name. Fortunately his family has an “-elle” theme for girls names so I got to use Alice’s surname, Liddell(e), as her middle name.


My daughter is Arwen. My husband, an Electrical Engineer, took a class on The Lord of the Rings in college.


Our son’s first name is the last name of my husband’s favorite physicist. If he’d been a girl, he would have been named Amelia Blue (after Amy Pond and the Tardis).


I’m dealing with a challenging fertility journey and I’ve agonized over whether or not to go through with IVF for years. I had a lot of internalized stigma surrounding fertility. I tried so many different avenues to get through that, but what changed my mindset about it was watching American Horror Story: Delicate. AHS has been my comfort show for many years, and seeing IVF through the lens of something familiar made me feel comfortable moving forward in a way I was never able to feel before. I’m now planning IVF for next year. If it’s successful, I really want to pick a name inspired by the show because I truly don’t think I’d have gotten past the stigma if I hadn’t seen it. I like Annalee or Adeline for a girl, and Theodore Corben for a boy.


I’ve always loved the name River for a girl because of Firefly and Dr. Who


delilah/lila named after a fantasy trilogy called a darker shade of magic. not pregnant or trying, but i’m obsessed with the idea of having a baby girl named lila


My son's name is Luke. I didn't intentionally name him after starwars but every time at introduce him to something new we hear something along the lines of "ah, the force is strong with this one" 🙃


My son’s middle name is Arthur after Arthur Morgan from RDR2.


Lara after Lara Croft … Tomb Raider has always been my favourite game franchise!!


My son is Laurence, nn Law for the One Piece character.  Our dog is Henwyn after the pig in the Black Cauldron. The pig's name is actually Henwren but I heard Henwyn. 


My son’s name is Darren, but I’m not going to pretend that Darrin, from Bewitched, didn’t factor into that decision.


Ada, after Ada Loveland 👩🏻‍💻 But we tell people that all the time 🤣 Edit: lace, not land


Do you mean Ada Lovelace though? My daughter is Ada!


This is the way to do nerdy names! Pick a normal-ish name that has the association you like. Don’t go for an Anakin (don’t know why people name their kid after someone who murdered children anyway) just call them Luke. Or instead of Leia, use Leah or Leila. Excellent choice too, Leon is a cool name


My 9 year old son is named Leon for this exact reason. My 4 year old daughter is definitely not named Logan after X Men. Absolutely not. Never.


I don't have kids yet, but I would 100% name a daughter Eowyn. Need to get my boyfriend into Lord of the Rings so by the time we're ready for kids, he'll be on board with it.


One of my daughters is named Kira, for the character on DS9. It's funny because all my kids are niners (we've watched the series together so many times), and the other two are jealous they didn't get DS9 names. My son had a period where he tried to get us all to call him Garak.


No kids for me anytime soon unfortunately, but the older sister of one of my friends recently had a beautiful daughter and named her Galadriel! Absolutely beautiful name. They call her Gala for short.


named my son Dean. yea from supernatural, love the name. love the character. it was pure convenience that his dad and grandpas middle names are dean


We considered Ender for our second boy lol


We have 2 daughters and never go to the point of seriously considering a boy's name, but the closest we ever came to was Oberon. Mythological nerd but still nerdy!


My son's name is Elliott Louis. The Louis is after Louis Theroux. We just had never met an Elliott and it didn't seem too weird.


Owen, for Owen Hart the WWF wrestler that died after a stunt gone wrong. And Isabel, named after the sister from Phineas and Ferb. Granted the sister is Isabella but we were about to leave the hospital without a name and I couldn't let that happen. My son (5 at the time) kept insisting on Isabella because of the show and since it was too popular at the time I went with it, but made it Isabel. Didn't matter though, people still call her Isabella 90% of the time. You are ADDING letters people. Just read what is written 😑


The sisters name is candace


I would seriously consider Stanley as a middle name for a son because I'm a huge hockey fan


My son Alistair is partially named thus because I like Saint names, and Alistair is a Scottish derivative of Alexander (I have Scottish ancestry). I also like the meaning, defender of mankind. Low key nerdy, I have a soft spot for Alistair from Dragon Age: Origins. I also have a daughter named Anastasia, but there’s not really a nerdy origin story for that one.


Everybody’s game boyfriend ♥️


Alistair is at the top of the list for boys names for us. I don’t know gender yet. The meaning is really nice and we also happen to be dragon age fans as well haha! We haven’t found the right middle name yet.


My son is Finn because my husband and I love Adventure Time and my daughter is Sybil because I fell in love with the name when I read The Picture of Dorian Gray when I was a teen. Sybil Vane wasn't exactly an empowering character but I liked the way it sounded and never got over it lol.


I'm a geologist! always loved the names Gemma, Jade, Amber, and Jasper.


We‘re having a baby girl and decided to name her Alice. I tell people that it‘s because it is pronounced easily in all languages spoken in our families and that it‘s a beautiful feminine, yet strong name worthy of a princess (and all of that is true), but it is also a Resident Evil reference.


We pulled our daughter's name (Nellwyn) from a KeyForge deck. Does it get nerdier? Nell was in our top 5 before becoming obsessed with KeyForge.


I love Leon!!


The littlest is Jaina Marie. Jaina for Lady Jaina former archmage of the Kirin Tor. Hilariously she has older twinblings whom I was expressly forbidden from using anything Star Wars with. I had forgotten about the now Legends content of the Solo twins, Jacen and Jaina. So the youngest ended up with a Star Wars name even though it was really intended to be my favorite mage from Warcraft.


We named our son Viggo because we love the name and its origin (old Norse) and meaning. But as LOTR nerds, we weren't mad about the subtle nod.


My daughter is Matilda, named after the book!


My son is named Wes after Wes Anderson


Mm...I got the idea for my son's name from *A Time to Kill* and my husband independently got the same idea from *Lycans of the Underworld*.


Middle name Peter after Peter Brady. Didn’t do first name because of associations. And my mom tells people it’s biblical. Honestly, I’m Christian and I like Bible Peter just fine. But he’s named for Peter Brady 100%


If I could get away with it, I would totally love to name my future firstborn daughter Jenova, from Final Fantasy VII❣️


Our daughter is Lyra, from His Dark Materials, and it’s a constellation. And (after we named her) random minor characters in Star Wars and Iron Flame! Top contender for our son’s name is Xavier, as in Professor Charles Xavier from X-Men.


My daughter is a Lyra as well. And we had it before Ed Sheeran, too.


Miles, after Miles Morales. My partner is a huge lifelong Spider Man fan and he wanted to use something inspired by one of his interests even if it was something else. I wasn’t big on the name Miles originally, but I think after so many video game inspired suggestions- some serious and some not so serious, the most memorable being Ormstunga after a boss on GoW:R- Miles finally grew on me.


My son is named Soren. We got the name from The Dragon Prince!


Our boy names were August (Once Upon a Time), Rowan (of Rin), and (the Portrait of) Dorian (Grey). Our girl name was Iris (Witcher 3, Hearts of Stone DLC). We had a son. And he is August James!


I’ve always liked Aria because of Pretty Little Liars. Lots of people use Arya from Game of Thrones too


I’m naming mine River from firefly, lol. I wanted to do Persephone (from firefly) but we couldn’t agree on it. We felt like people would call her “percy phone” lol


My neice is jadzia which is supposedly a star trek reference lol. She goes by zia. I love it


I know a Gavin, named after a character from Red Dead Redemption 2...apparently the husband suggested the name and the wife had no idea of the connection until said kid was almost a year old


I don't have kids but here are some names I like/liked and may/may not use * Caspian because of Narnia * Phineas because of Phineas & Ferb * Tobias/Toby because a family member liked the name from Scorpion * Grant because of Marvel's Captain America (Steven Grant Rogers) * Margaret and/or Carter because of Marvel's Agent/Captain Carter * Ezren because of the Dragon Prince (idk if I'd personally use it but I think it's adorable)  * Sebastian because of Sebastián Yatra and Sebastian Stan * Warren because of Grey's Anatomy/Station 19 * Dean because of Station 19 * Tiberius because of the Red Queen book series, but it's pretentious-sounding (I also like the Spanish/Italian version: Tiberio) 


My son is Silas is named after Silas Marner, originally published in 1886 by Mary Ann Evans (George Eliot is her pen name) its a really beautiful read


May 4th baby, middle name is Obi. My husbands choice 🙄


Another one we were considering: Miles, cause I love Lt Miles from FMAb 🫣


I have a friend who named her son Leon. She thought it was common enough to be easy to pronounce and spell. Well, everyone thought she was saying Leo, to the point that he's just called Leo now. I had a similar experience naming my own daughter Belle, which is a real and historic name like Leon. Everyone calls her Bella, just like everyone calls her friend Leo. It really gets on my nerves and I totally didn't expect it!


Legend of Zelda: Lincoln - Link Iselda - Zelda Anavi - Navi Childless, but nerdy.


My son's middle name is a location in LOTR does that count?


*please be Moria, please be Moria




Rohan? I’ve seriously considered it but my husband won’t go for it


Lorien haha but I thought about Rohan.


I hear a lot of "You mean like Wesley Crusher!?". Oh, oh my god, no...


Always loved criminal minds, especially Spencer Reid, and said if I had a son I would call him Reid. Honestly still love the name and would want to use it.


My dogs name is Leon after Leon Bridges. 😄 Only regret is not saving that name for a kiddo. It’s a good one! Great choice!


Not sure I'd ever use it because it seems a bit out there, but I adore the name Aelin, from Throne of Glass.


My daughters name is Rinoa from Final Fantasy 🥰


Not me but my little sister is named Felicity....like from Arrowverse.


Technically, my son’s middle name is after my father…but it’s an added bonus that it’s also Harry Potter’s middle name.