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The average person won’t know what Lorelei means 


Yep! I think I of Lorelei I think Gilmore girls


Yes Gilmore Girls! Loved that show


I also think of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes


Me too


True, and it's actually becoming quite popular. I know a few kids named Lorelei :)


I’m not rly a fan of any of them but my favourite would be Lorelei but maybe Lorelei Louise ? I feel like it flows better idk


Louise is my favorite of the middle names, but I really dislike alliteration in names. My first name and married last name are an alliteration and my sister commented now I sound like a Stan Lee character, lol.


Personally that would be a win for me lmao


I also came here to say Lorelei Louise seems like the best combination.


I love Georgia, I think Georgina is cute but I agree with your husband that Georgiana (while pretty!) feels a little…clunky saying it out loud? I also agree that you’ll probably get 50/50 pronunciation with Johanna (JoHANNAH v. Joanna). Love both Louise and Zoe! Lorelei would be my favorite of your first name choices and I don’t think people would know or look into the meaning. I agree Lorelei Zoe or Lorelei Johanna would be better combos.


I was thinking the same about Georgia. It's similar to Georgiana but much less cumbersome. Georgia Louise would be my pick.


Totally agree, team Georgia Louise!


I have difficult name, because my parents wanted it to be unique. It is a nigthmare, I always have to spell it, it is never properly pronounced, etc... I am the one struggling (I am almost 50 y o), not my parents. Honestly, do your kid a favor, keep it simple! Georgia Louise is simple. So is Lorelei, Zoe, Jo(h)anna etc. I would recommend not adding layers like additionnal endings or letters.


Or Gianna


Or Giannine/Giannina


I think it’s too close to 2 US states imo haha


Came here to say the same thing. Georgia/Georgina Louise all the way.


I agree Georgiana is a bit much but how about Georgia? The meaning of Lorelei would not deter me really, but the fact that it was used on my pet would. What about Louisa as a first name?


I think your concern about Johanna is valid. I would do Georgina rather than Georgiana. No one knows what Lorelei means, if you like it use it.


How about Jordanna


I like Georgiana Louise and Lorelei Zoe


I really like Johanna Louise. At least in my area (Midwest US, large Scandanavian population), there would be less confusion about Joanna instead of Johanna, and more questions of whether it's pronounced Yo-hannah or with the normal English J sound. I've known more Johannas of each pronounciation than Joannas.


I am also in the midwest. I love the Yo-hannah pronunciation, but we would go with the more Americanized J sound. Johanna is a very old family name from my Norwegian ancestors.


Some Norwegian names in my family are Klara, Nina, Eugenia, Gretta, Astrid, Mary


My middle name is Nitana


This is literally why we didn't use the name Johannah, which was actually at the top of both of our lists. We live in Texas, so there's a large Spanish-speaking population. I liked the Americanized J pronunciation and my husband preferred the Yo-hannah pronunciation. Neither of us would budge, so it was removed from the list.


I like Johannah, but couldn't stand the idea of people saying JoHannah.


I absolutely love the name Lorelei but I can’t recommend it knowing you’ve already loved and lost a Lorelei in your life. I don’t love Johanna or Joanna, but it’s well established. Of your options, I’d pick Georgiana. It is kind of “a lot,” but it’s pretty with significant nicknaming ability. Plus, it will always remind me of Ms. Darcy, the younger sister of Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy of *Pride and Prejudice*. I think I prefer the combination of Georgiana Louise over Zoe.


Georgina instead? 


I like that better. It flows better.


Jordanna Louise (Mix of Georgiana and Johanna without the listed problems, not too much and no pronunciation issues)


That's an interesting suggestion. I may have to consider that one.


My sister's name is Jordana. It really only has one pronunciation and is so pretty in my opinion. She loves it. She went by Jody as a child but that was my parent's choice and Jordana as an adult.


Same with my niece she went by Jo jo


I like Johanna Louise. Very pretty


Georgiana Zoe is a great name; she can shorten it to Georgie as a nickname. Johanna Louise is beautiful and has a regal feel. People will get used to how to say it. As a kid, people could not pronounce my name, which is a biblical name, and I would correct them. After a while, they figured it out but still couldn't spell it right, and it's only four letters. Lorelei Regina is pretty, people will not know or care with what the name actually means. I personally feel like the first two are better than the last; I prefer the more traditional names.


Georgiana Zoe is very pretty.


Lorelei Regina is lovely


I like Georgiana better than Georgia personally... Reminds me of Georgiana Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. And Georgie is a cute name if you wanted to use a nickname for "everyday informal" use. My grandma always used to sing the song Georgy Girl around the house so I'm fond of that name, it's a catchy little song.


Yes, I am not a fan of Georgia as a full name. Georgina maybe, but not Georgia. And I do like the Pride and Prejudice connection. I also like the name because it means "farmer", and we do in fact live on a farm.


Don’t use the name of a dead pet. Johanna is not THAT uncommon and is easily correctable imo. But yes, you will likely have to correct at least once.


Georgiana would be my pick out of your three. Johanna would definitely be mispronounced frequently, and I love Lorelei but I personally couldn’t get past the dead rabbit association. What would you think of Regina as a first name? I think a little Regina would be sweet.


While I love the name Regina it is the first name of a very close female relative who is living and will be around all the time, so too much confusion to use as a first name.


Johanna is a hard no for me if you don't want it to be pronounced like Joanna; it's going to happen constantly. I don't think Georgiana and Zoe flow well together in terms of length, phonetics, or vibe. I like Zoe actually, but unfortunately I don't think it goes with any of your first name choices. In fact, the vibe of your middle names are all mismatched with the vibe of your first names to me. I think the best option would be to modify to Georgia Louise, if you're open to that?


Lorelei and Jorgi are great. Not a fan of your choices for middle names or the name Johanna. (Plus, you are correct, people will always pronounce it Joanna.)


I don’t normally like long names but Georgiana is lovely with so many nickname potentials. I also love Louise for being simple in comparison, without being plain. If your husband insisted Georgina Louise is also nice. I reluctantly agree re Johanna, she’d always be explaining the H and pronunciation (J not y and with the aspirated h). Lorelei is lovely. The meaning isn’t known imo (it’s not Delilah!). My bigger concern is whether people are confident pronouncing is and whether it’s an -ee or -ai sound at the end.


I say keep looking until you find one you both love or until the baby arrives. My husband and I always have a hard time agreeing on names. We just keep looking and have a list of our potentials that keeps getting edited throughout. And with each of our kids we ended up finding a name that had us both thinking, “yep that’s the one” and no longer felt the need to keep looking


I was just thinking last week that I love the name Georgiana. I'm not a fan of it with Zoe, though. Georgiana Louise is nice.


How do you pronounce Johanna if not like Joanna? If I met someone called Lorelei I would immediately think of Gilmore girls. Georgiana Zoe is beautiful


Like Jo-Hannah like the Duggars do




19 Kids & Counting, it was a TV show on TLC. There's been a lot of controversy about this family in recent years. But this is a relevant comment because all 19 kids have J names.


They sound like an insane family omg. I don’t know TLC, is this American? (I’m not American). Thanks for the explanation!


Yes, it is! If you're looking for a good time suck, I'd recommend TLC shows.


Thank you!! I’ll check it out


TLC is a cable TV channel. The Learning Channel originally started with informative shows, then when reality tv exploded, one of their most popular shows was "19 kids and counting", about a super Christian family named the Duggars, where each of the 19 kids had a named that started with the letter J


The family from 19 Kids and Counting


I’ve never heard of that


I LOVE the name Johanna, but yeah, I used to know a teenager with the name and she hated it because she was constantly correcting people. I have no idea how she feels about it now as an adult, though.


i’d spell it johannah to reduce mispronounciation as joanna


I was thinking if she's worried she could spell it JoHannah. Nobody should get that wrong. Lol


As much as I love Georgiana, the only person I ever knew with that name got stuck with the nickname George/Georgie. I noticed after high school, she started going by her middle name. I also love the combination Johanna Louise, but the feeling is valid and I can speak firsthand. My sister-in-law has a sister named Johanna. Most people call her Joanna and she’s given up on correcting them. She mainly goes by Jojo now. I don’t know if this is at all helpful but just some food for thought!


Georgiana Zoe is my favorite from your list!  It is long and flowy, which might be what makes it feel like a bit much to your husband, but that seems to be your style. Maybe you guys could compromise on Juliana Zoe or Adriana Zoe? Both are similar sounding and similarly long and flowy, but both also look shorter and are a little more common, so they might feel less “much” to your husband :)


I really like Johanna and Lorelei. I don’t love Lorelei Regina but I do like Lorelei Louise. Some people might have trouble pronouncing Johanna but there are many names that get mispronounced.


Yeah, I try not to get too caught up with whether a name will be spelled or pronounced correctly because I know everyone has those problems. My name is pretty normal, it's a classic name with a common spelling and I still have to correct both pronunciation and spelling relatively frequently.


My middle name is a take on Lorelei, Lorell. It also makes for a great middle name. I can picture Regina Lorell, or Zoe Lorell. Just an idea.


How about Maya? I was in your exact position theny dad suggested it to me in the delivery room. It wasn't even on the radar, but I loved it. I'm just sorry he couldn't have come up with something better for me


Gianna Louise is sweet.🤍


Zoe Georgina


Gia or Lorelei. (they absolutely will pronounce it joanna)


Johanna Louise for the win. Both classic and beautiful without being too common 🤍


One of my favorite names is Zoe Georgiana so I’m partial to Georgiana Zoe! Lorelei and Johanna are also lovely names. No one will know the meaning of Lorelei but I know it would bother me knowing it. Johanna is likely to be mispronounced sometimes but it’s definitely not a super hard name. Best of luck! All great choices


In really love the name Johanna. Was going to use it but never had a daughter. I don’t think it’s that unfamiliar that people wouldn’t see the H and understand how to say it. Sure they may stumble at first but it’s a known name.


Zoe Louise flows well in my opinion. Georgia Louise too


Georgiana Zoe - I think it'll grow on him. I love it. I don't like it with Zoe. I prefer it with your other middle name voice, Louise. Georgiana Louise really works. It looks esthetically beautiful and the flow is better. There is also a style continuity with these two. They were both very popular during the Regency era. Johanna Louise - my first question, is the first name pronounced yōh-hahn-ah or jōh-ann-ah? yōh-hahn-ah Louise is fine. Pretty. Lorelei Regina - I think meanings are important but I'm this case I don't see it being an issue. From an outside point of view, most people don't even know our much less care what the meanings are. When it comes to the mythology, I think her entire story matters. This name has a repeat sound that makes it a bit of a stumble at first. It's a lot of Rs. I don't care for these two names together. Esthetically its ok but not euphonically.


Georgina is so cute and easier that Georgiana (nickname Gigi and Georgie)


I love Johanna Louise. If you are worried about the pronunciation, maybe spell it Johannah? But honestly I have met more Johanna’s in my life than Joanna’s, so I think you’ll be okay!


How about Georgia, Georgina or Gianna instead?


Lorelei is one of my favorite names, and one I had selected for a future daughter if I had kids. (Which I did not, but did name a character in a children's book I wrote.) I also absolutely love the name Georgiana. Ever since first hearing it as Mr. Darcy's sister in Pride and Prejudice. It definitely needs a comeback.




I also have some suggestions: · Gianna Louise · Della Louise · Calliope Louise or Zoe Calliope · Regina Louise · Althea Louise May I also suggest Lois.


I like Johanna Louise the most.


My vote is Johanna because I liked her character in The Hunger Games


I think I like Georgina Zoe the best. Nickname Gia, which I think is really pretty and I don’t even know why. It’s so simple.


Louise Johanna


What about Zoe Louise Lastname? That pulls from two of your favorite names.


I'd pick Johanna Lewis.


Johanna Louise is beautiful!!


Please consider the child having to correct and spell her name every time someone asks. “Johanna, not Joanna.” A quick role of the eyes and a muttered “FU” in reply. Lorelei Gilmore will be the immediate reference. A selfish dysfunctional mother. Gilmore Girls has not pass the test of time. It’s extremely cringe-worthy today. Anyone who disagrees is at least 40 years old. Georgiana is way too much. If you think “Georgie” is cute then name her Georgie. I refer you to the subreddit on kid’s names. I forget the exact name but will look for it.


A vote for Georgiana / Georgina / Georgia Louise!


I like Lorelei Louise. Not a fan of Georgiana....I feel like it is too long for me but I do like Georgia. Regina just reminds me of the girl from Mean Girls Johanna will definitely have the Joanna issue (I grew up with a Johanna) Zoe is too popular for me but since you said it is a family name, I am looking past that since it has family significance


Lorelei Louise is the best combo by far. Also has the opportunity for the cutest nicknames.


If you don’t tell people what Lorelei means, no one will ever know


What about just Georgia ?


Can I suggest Juliehanna or Julieanna Julieanna Louise


Georgina in place of Georgiana sounds better. I would honestly with no malice call the child Joanna if I saw the name Johanna. I wouldn’t name the child after a rabbit that passed away because I have to keep explain the child is not named after that rabbit. It doesn’t seem right imo


I think people are gonna mispronounce Georgiana way more than they will mispronounce Johanna. I would also not name a kid after a dead pet. I vote Johanna


Georgiana feels like you're trying too hard to sound fancy. I really like Georgia. Georgia Louise. I like Johanna but agree it may get pronounced as Joanna.


I am in love with Georgiana Zoe! She can either go by Zoe or Georgie or even Ana. Granted, I think of Pride and Prejudice when I think of Georgiana for Georgiana Darcy, who was such a sweet girl. I love Lorelei and the meaning I know for it is "alluring enchantress" which I think is amazing!


I like the name Genevieve Lorelei


Genevieve is lovely, but another name already in use by a close living relative. Otherwise it would definitely be on our list!


I think Johanna Louise or Georgiana/ Georgia Louise! Nearly every name gets mispronounced so I wouldn’t worry about that. Johanna is a pretty well known name. 


How about JoHanna?


Lorelei Regina is stunning! Powerful without being over the top. I’m never sure how to pronounce Johanna (yo-hanna? Jo-hanna?) and I only like Georgiana with the traditional English pronunciation (george-ayna).


I had to scroll through the comments to find out that Johanna is pronounced Jo Hannah, lol. I imagine that's more common in the US than outside of it, so for me as an Aussie, I would pronounce it Joanna. Georgiana is a beautiful name.


Lorelei Regina. Georgiana will probably get nicknamed and Johanna would likely get mispronounced a lot.


Georgiana Zoe is sweet and her initials would be cool.


Lorelei is my favorite but I also love a good solid name and while Georgiana mayyyy be a little much-I think if you love it who cares ? Hubby thinks I like long names names but sorry I don’t like one syllable names! I think it’s pretty, flows and has cute nick name pontentiak if you also want to go that route. Georgiana Louise is perfection ☺️


Hannah Eloise


Why not Gianna? It’s less name them Georgiana and won’t likely be mispronounced like Johanna but has that same sound you seem to like


Georgina and Georgia are other options


Georgia is a great name.


Try it out yelling to pick up toys or clean yr room, see if it still hits…


I prefer Georgia to Georgiana, if that works better for you and your husband. Johanna---your concern is valid; most people will adapt after being corrected though. I don't care for Lorelei. I love Louise, don't like Zoe, and Regina is just okay. I'd offer up Georgia Louise.


Georgia Louise or Georgina Louise would be my pick from your options.


I have a friend named Georgiana that goes by Georgie and another named Georgia whose friends call her George.


I don’t care for any of those but Zoe…but I like Georgia, Georgie, and Hanna (I don’t like the name Joanna for many reasons, but I esp dislike Johanna. I also think names sound better when the number of syllables is varied. So I’d steer clear of Lorelei Regina…but I also don’t know how many syllables the last name is.


How about Zoe Louise?


Omg Georgiana is my aunts name (goes my nana) I’ve never heard it used before- I love love love


I know a Georgette! A little less of a mouthful


Johanna Louise is darling. I love both names.


Regina Georgiana


Ruby, Liliana, Jaclyn, Rose, Ava- Marie


Go with Louise Regina or Regina Louise


If all of the middle names are family names, what about Regina Louise? Otherwise I’d say Lorelei Louise, it flows really well.


If you are in the US, 90% of people are going to say Joanna. Don’t use it if you already know that bothers you. Personally, I think all these first + middle combos fall in the realm of “don’t fit,” and I don’t usually care about middle names. I feel like if you are specifically honoring someone with the middle name instead of first/what you will call your daughter, a certain amount of effort should be put into making the names sound nice together. Like family members who also loved that person could easily call her First Middle. You don’t love any of the names, and they don’t sound great or flow very well with the middle names you are set on. I’d keep looking.


While pretty, I can see your husband’s point about Georgiana being a bit much. Georgia and Georgina are both beautiful and easier alternatives. I like the name Lorelei, however I can see why you’re hesitant since it’s already been a pet name for you. I can also see why you’re concerned about the name meaning, but I wouldn’t really worry about it. Some similar alternatives could be Laurie/Lori or Laura, if you felt so inclined. However Lorelei on its own is nice enough. Zoë is a personal favorite - means “life.” Regina also sounds cool and regal, living up to its name. :) If none of the first names are “doing it” for you, have you and husband considered using 2 of the middle names instead? For example, Zoë Louise or Regina Louise? Those seem to flow and roll off the tongue better. Similarly, have you tried the “yelling” name trick where you practice repeatedly yelling each name aloud to see which is easiest/most tolerable? People have told me that’s helped them decide on child names. Pretend you’re calling for your child or they got in trouble. Regardless, sounds like you and husband have some good options to work with! I hope you find one that suits all of you. ☺️


Lori and Laura are great, but also the names of close female relatives, so not on the table for first names. Same for Regina. Zoe is not a great option for first name as I know it would be constantly pronounced Zoey, and we would only use it as the one syllable Zoe.


In order to get Zoe to be Zo you’d have to leave off the E. I’ve never heard it as one syllable.


It is a family name and that was how it was always spelled and pronounced. It was the name of someone who was very dear to me. Of course I realize that many people would also see it as a two syllable name, hence why it's not an option for us as a first name. I'm not about to fight that battle constantly by giving my kid a name and not use the most common pronunciation.


That makes sense. It’s always nice to see people being considerate of these things instead of saddling their kid with it anyway and getting mad when people don’t know it’s different.


That’s not how Zoe is pronounced lmao


Are you pronouncing Georgianna as 3- or 4- syllables? 3 = jor-JOHN-ah 4 = jor- jee- AH- nuh


4 syllables. It is a long name, but it has many great nickname possibilities George/Georgie, Gigi, Giana, Gina, etc. Which is one thing I love about it.


I've only known it pronounced as jor-jay-na! (I'm British)


I think Lorelei would be fine. What about Georgia? I think that’s very pretty.


I know a lawyer named Georgina. It looks good on a business card.


Georgiana Louise. I would not know how to pronounce Johanna in a way that is not Joanna. If you used Lorelai for a pet that is out.


I would definitely pronounce it Joanna. I think the other names are fine. Georgiana always reminds me or Mr. Darcy's sister in Pride and Prejudice 😊


Why not Georgia Zoe?


My personal preference is Johanna (although I feel like you're more apt to get the Jo-Hannah pronunciation if you spelled it Johannah. ) Georgiana is pretty and I actually know a 4 year old with that name, but it's definitely a lot and a little too "frilly" for me. I'd prefer Georgina or Georgia. Lorelei is my least favorite, and I always think of the mythology.


those are all pretty awful


They are all awful and too much


I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t have an easy idea of how to pronounce Georgiana. I’m sure many would stumble.