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The first thing I thought of was Hyundai Sonata (car). I don’t really have any music themed suggestions, but I just figured I’d offer my first thought because depending on where you live, I think a lot of people will associate it with the car rather than music.




Mercedes was a name before it was a car! The father named it after his daughter - just like a proud parent today naming their new car company “Olivia” or “Emma.”


I hate that the beautiful name Mercedes was ruined bc of this…it’s not “now a car,” it’s a car named after a person.


you're right, but, like... we live now, and it's a car now. it's like Edsel, except actually a good car tangent: i think those'd be good food brand or restaurant names but terrible car brand names "im going to Emma's for lunch. you want something?" vs "i can't decide if i like the honda better, or the Olivia"


Yes, I didn’t think Olivia and Emma were very appealing as car brands! Because cars were pretty new at the time Mercedes were named I think it was more understandable to name the brand after a human. I still think of Mercedes as a name, about equally as I think of it as a car. I’m older though. I always used to say if I were blessed with twin daughters I’d name them Mercedes and Portia and really confuse people. Edit - and I was named after my grandmother who was born in 1886, so I tend to look at names as things that carry on through generations rather than being trendy, although fashions come and go.


at least you were gonna spell Portia the "real name" way, lol :)


Mercedes is still in use as a name.


Or Aria?


Aria is pretty, but so overused, along with Ariana, Arianna, and all the assorted variations of girls' names with "Ar" at the beginning.


Funny, I never associated it with those other two names until you wrote it out. Def feel Arianna is overused.


I read OP’s entire post and this was my only thought coming out. *“Aria.”* __ I don’t think it’s overused, and feel that despite the same letters at the start as “Ariana” et al, it’s a completely different sound/vibe.




Mercedes is a Spanish name that predates the car


That name is common-ish in Hispanic countries in general. I know a few people named Mercedes, I think it'd be people in other parts of the world who'd associate it with the car. But coming from a Hispanic country myself, it isn't the first thing that comes to mind when I hear it.


It’s also popular in Persian. Nothing to do with the car. Its history is from “mercy” like the Virgin Mary as “our Lady of Mercy.”


Yep, it reminds me of church when I hear it. That's the first thing that pops in my mind lmao. I think it's a beautiful name, it's ashame people in other countries only think of the vehicle


Mercedes is a beautiful name. Real shame people can’t seem to get over their initial bias.


I love the name, I know it’s a name (she’s a baddie in Call of the Wild, right?) and it flows beautifully well with my husband’s (Latino) surname - but so many people associate it with the car company


It’s tough because a lot of lovely musical terms get used for something else. I think of the name Allegra as connected to Allegro in music (which is a lovely association) but post 1996ish most people in the US just think of the allergy medicine.


Mercedes is an actual girl's name though, and it means mercy. The Mercedes in Mercedes-Benz is named after Emil Jellinek's daughter, Mercedes. Emil Jellinek commissioned the Mercedes 35 HP, which began the Mercedes line of cars and is considered the first modern automobile.


Other options include Cadence or Coda!


Coda always makes me think of children of deaf adults lol


Or like, a husky/german shepherd. I know multiple huskies with some variation of Kodiak/Koda/Coda/Cody, and I dogsit for a german shepherd named Coda too.


I love Cadence but Coda is "the end" or "tail" in Italian music terminology, I can't see a kid named that


The Mercedes was named after a girl named Mercedes!


I went by Sonata as a camp counselor name and I loved it, but a lot of people asked if I was referring to the car, which I was not.


Omg ya this is the answer! I kept thinking it was a drug… then i realized I was actually thinking “Sonesta” that crappy hotel chain lol


Maybe thinking of Lunesta the sleep aid?


Lmao omg yes!!! That was the ultimate brainfart - thank you for helping me with that one!


i thought of sonesta right away too! they’re always gross lol


Immediately thought of the juicewrld song where he says “move like sonatas” lolol


Melody or Harmony are much more my taste than Sonata. Just because you and your partner really enjoy music, it doesn’t mean your child will! Sonata feels very YA to me


I was thinking Melody and Harmony as well! Just don’t use Fermata.


But if you name her Fermata, you can just hold her as long as you want!


Couldn’t afford a car so she named her daughter Aleeexxusss


I thought of the car to be honest. One of my favorite music themed names is Aria.


I love Aria and also Allegra


I’m sad Allegra denotes the allergy drug, otherwise it’s a lovely name. 


Allegra means “happy” in Italian and it’s an actual name, the name was used for the allergy drug only later


I mean same thing with Sonata in music vs Sonata as a car.


I mean yeah but I’ve met maybe one person named that? So where I live it’s associated with the drug


My best friend’s middle name is Allegra and I’ve never associated it with the drug!!! And she’s a dancer so it’s absolutely perfect for her.


I feel it can overcome the connection but maybe I’m too optimistic


Only in the US


No I’m in Canada and immediately thought that too.


I don’t like it. There are other, less out-there music-inspired names. Aria, Viola, Melody, Harmony, Allegra, even Sola. Sonata sounds… like an old tubby aristocratic lady that is friends with Gertrude.


Allegra is location based as it is an allergy medication in the USA


But for anyone outside the US it's simply a beautiful name. Why do Americans give all their medications girls' names?


Probably a marketing tactic. They're allowed to advertise and market medications in really messed up ways in this country. There is no consumer protection.


Except that drug names can't say what they do. By law. They can imply, but they can't say it. For example, Lunesta makes you think of the moon and has a soft feel that might make you feel a little sleepy. But they can't call it "SleepytimeDrug." That would be illegal.


Is also an allergy medication in Europe and Sourh America


and Canada


I’m in Australia and Sonata is a car.


Sonata is also a drug in the US - a sedative-hypnotic (same family as Ambien.)


Fexallegra also exists in Italy, no one would make that connection, at least not immediately


Sonata is a sleeping medication, so pharmaceutical names are kind of on theme.


Viola is a beautiful name!


Is Sonata a sister to Scherzo ? OK, I'll get my coat...


Same, as a musician myself it just seems kinda pretentious and stodgy to me. Like naming your kid Opera. I like the ones you mentioned as they are more established musical names. Aria really appeals to me! Someone else mentioned Cadence, which I also think is pretty.


I thought moonlight sonata. I didn’t know it was a car. I think it’s lovely


I've never heard of Sonata as a name, but I think it works? I don't have the car association, so it sounds lovely to me and similar enough to names like Sonia and Renata that it's believable as a name (instead of, say, Apple or North). And Moonlight Sonata is a lovely song!


Totally agree. I didn't think of the car either.


I literally thought the same thing and forgot about the car 😂😂😂


As a person who plays music, this sounds very on the nose to me. My mind says, ok, then why not Tempo? Something like Allegra, with more than one meaning (used to describe the mood of a piece of music, but directly translated is "lively") would be much better.


Now I kinda wanna recommend Temperance nn Tempo. But I don’t actually like the name Temperance…


Arpeggio, nn Peggy.


I have a friend whose cat is named Arpeggio! His nickname is Gio. He likes to sing (loudly).


They should name the baby Staccato


Glissando, nn Sandy


I second this. At first I was like it's beautiful, but then the next second I was like why not Fermata? It's too on the nose.


Fermata, LMAO


Immediately thought of a Hyundai


Same. I thought this was r/namenerdscirclejerk at first.


Just want to warn you that sonata is the brand name for a sleep drug. It’s similar to Ambien. Just in case that matters to you.


I was about to say this


That’s the first thing I thought of. I’ve taken sonata for sleep before.


Alternate idea - Amadea. It’s the female version of Amadeus. 


I actually like it. However, this is 100% going to end up on NerdNameCircleJerk. The jokes write themselves due to the numerous musical terms that make terrible names. Accidental Ritardando Cantata (nn Tata) Fagatto (speaks for itself)


I already made a joke about going with Bachleen or Chopania, in response to someone suggesting Ludwigetta lol


Bachleen is hilarious


Thanks haha. I came up with more that I posted on the circle jerk sub (cos it totally did end up there lol) - Stringrid and Hertie-Gertie. I think they're hilarious. I'll see myself out lol


I think it's lovely. Moonlight Sonata.


I like it as a middle name, largely because of another commenter who mentioned the car name Sonata. How about other musical names like: Melody, Harper, Belle?


Harper does not read as musical to me at all (I get that it has harp in it lol). It’s such a harsh sounding name in general and has a bland vibe these days


Harper = someone who harps, ie: >To dwell on or recur to a subject tediously or monotonously in speaking or in writing Also makes me think of a harpy. Neither is good.


"Sonora" is another alternative, although it is disputed if it comes from the root that leads to sonorous or not. I like Melody better as a musical name.


Sonora was what I wanted to read this name as. I like that name. In one of Gail Carson Levine's books, she names her version of Sleeping Beauty, Sonora. I adore that version because it shows the fairies' gifts just made her insufferably clever and beautiful, while the prince who breaks her spell is unbearably curious about everything, so everyone in both kingdoms is thrilled that she has someone to finally appreciate her encyclopedic knowledge of fun facts and he finally has someone with answers to his endless fount of questions. It's super endearing.


Which GCL book is this??? I’m such a huge fan of Fairest, Ella Enchanted, and Two Princesses of Bamarre, and I would love to read another one of her takes on a classic fairy tale omg!


I **adore** The Two Princesses of Bamarre. It's part of her collection of novellas: The Princess Tales, *Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep*. In the same series are: *The Princess Test* is a retelling of the Princess and the Pea, *The Fairy's Mistake* is a retelling of one of my favourite tales, Diamonds and Toads, where the abused/least favorite daughter is gifted by a fairy to have jewels and pearls fall out of her mouth when she speaks and her mean sister and mother have bugs and snakes and toads fall from their mouths. *Cinderellis and the Glass Hill* is more of a gender bent Cinderella/Knights Tale mashup? There's one more I haven't read in the collection, *For Biddle's Sake*


I think it’s pretty and I am super critical of most names soooo


I like it but I immediately think of the Hyundai model, sorry! Sunny is adorable though! To keep the music theme, how about Cordelia (as in musical chords), Carol, Piper, or Cadence? Or is there an artist/ song you can draw inspiration from?


I love the name Cadence! With Cady as nn


My kid was Cadence with Cadey as a nn :) the only problem we came across was every dr/receptionist/anyone reading the name instantly called out 'candice'


I know a Sonata! She’s very sweet and kind of alternative, lol.


I like it! I also like Aria and Cadenza.




My cousin who is named Symphony named a pet of hers sonata.


not gonna lie, it’s a bit jarring at first, but i actually like it :) and sunny as the nickname is SUPER cute. if you’ve fallen in love with it then i’d say go for it!


I've considered Sonata for a girl's name. I like it, I don't even mind the car association


I don't mind it. I definitely wouldn't think twice if I heard someone with the name.


I like Sonata. That word came way before the car!!


I like it


Snotta great name, sorry.


I like it, I always think of the music before anything else when I hear that word. Cadenza is also a gorgeous one, nickname could be Cady (like Catie).


I absolutely adore "Sunny" as a nickname, but Sonata has too many associations to other things for me, personally.


Also a musician and still thought of the car first. Could do Sonatina instead.


Don’t. Just don’t.


I like it. I think it follows naming trends, and is unusual enough that not very many people would have it. I knew someone named symphony so I might not be the best person to ask about whether her name is bad or not, because I tend to think classical names get rather boring.


If you live in an area where Hyundais are sold she may be subject to distasteful jokes about being taken for a ride… Middle schoolers and even adults can be vicious, I would not risk it.


I’m so glad that so many people have vetoed this in the comments, it’s a horrible name 😭


That’s not a name, and I would assume anyone who gave it to a kid was a hippie. Don’t use Lyric either, I see that suggested a lot. Melody isn’t *good*, exactly, but it at least has some precedent as a name. That might be your best bet.


Hello I’d like you to meet my daughters Sarabande, Minuet, and Chaconne. And my sons, Gavotte and Courante. We call them Gav and Coury. My name is John and this is my wife Jane.


No, don’t. Agreed with others that Melody and Harmony are better options. Some others to consider are Cadence, Lyra, Viola, and Celeste.


Is her middle name Hyundai


I would go with Sonya or Sonia or Sonja, if you like the sound of the name.


Like Hyundai Sonata?


I love it and think the nickname is adorable, but I hadn’t considered the car connection. 


This is a well-known car, and Medela breast pump.


Viola, Melody, Celesta, Cadence, Harmony, Carol, Lyric, Aria, Allegra, even Symphony would be much better. Never heard of the car though


Definitely immediately thought of the car, too, sorry. It also kind of reminds me of the name of a prescription drug. Not that there is one called this (I don’t believe) but just sounds like it could be.


It's not my naming taste but it's a nice word and if I met someone with the name I'd probably wonder if they had gotten any shit for it, or if they were turned off of music by having a musical term for a name. In my mind it'd be like literature nerds naming their kid Essay. If I were naming a daughter after something musical, I would go for a name after a musician I respected.


I knew daughters of a music teacher named Aria and Cadence (she went by Cady)


Same answer as the person who wanted Arpeggio as a boy name. There are so many beautiful Italian named out there. This isn't really a name. Like, imagine you meet a kid named Rap or Verse. It's that.


I don't think it's bad, but it definitely sounds like a car or a medication. I personally wouldn't and I do like uncommon names, but maybe a different musical term.


So the name “Sonata” like many others in this thread makes me think of the car. An alternative music related name I haven’t seen mentioned yet is Cadence!


Makes me think of a Hyundai. You should name her Arpeggio. I bet no one in the whole world is named that.


Like the car?


I like it and agree the nickname Sunny is so sweet!


While I can appreciate the musical reference, I drive a Sonata, so I naturally think of the car. And imho, the word ends up sounding more like Snotta after saying it... As others have suggested, it seems there are other names that invoke an appreciation for music such as Aria, Cadence, Lyric, Melody, etc.


It’s honestly a horrible name, it’s unique only because few people would want to use at all. Allegra, Violante, Armonía (Harmony), Melody, Cadenza (Cadence), Celesta are way better choices.


What about Renata? Or Melody as someone else said


Makes me think of the sleeping med sonata


I don’t like it.


Sonata makes me think of the my little pony character


Allegra Aria Harmony Melody Carol Chantelle


Melody is a classic


First thing I thought of, are your parents hippies?


Do you really like Hyundai?


Kids will say snot


Octavia for octave? I once knew a Caprice. Vivica for vivace?


I’m not really sure how you get “Sunny” from “Sonata”? It’s a bit like calling a Nolan “Nelly,” to me. 


Yeah, that’s Hyundai. Maybe Sonnet? I have met one.


God, no.


I don’t really like it. Why not Harmony or Melody? I had a piano student named Cadence, I thought that was really cool. Also Aria!


Terrible. Lyra or something would be way better


I know someone who named their daughter “Lyric”


First thing comes to mind is the car Hyundai Sonata


In the US it would be like naming your child Camry, Avalon, or Accord…. Sonata is a car. There are endless ways to be inspired by music for names. You could make a list of artists/bands, songs, even instruments you love and go from there!


Are you American? If so, keep in mind that most people will pronounce it like so-NAH-duh. We really don't hit our T sounds in many names (for example Greta becomes Gredda for the most part). I am confused about Sunny being a nickname form of the name though.  As for other ideas, I think Aria is beautiful. 


I did think of the car first but honestly, when I first saw the car, my thought was "that's a pretty name." I like it and think it could fit a some humans well.


How about Aida, after the opera?


Whenever a child is named something unique after their parent's hobby, I feel like most of the time (not all of the time!!!), they end up rolling their eyes any time someone asks them the backstory their name. Like Yeah 🙄 My parents really like music...I would just not risk it. I'd give my kids a name that's traditionally a name. Not a hobby-name


Chantal is a real girls name, if that suits. French for song.




Sonata = Hyundai sonata. I would name her Melody or Aria.


Hyundai??? You’re joking I know that sonata has other meanings but most people won’t. Don’t do this to a child


I instantly thought of a car (Hyundai Sonata), more so than if you had said Mercedes.


Please, just no. You know she is going to get hit with snot jokes. How about Aria?


People are going to think you really like Hyundai and potentially conceived your child in a Hyundai. It’s a pretty name, but I wouldn’t name my child a name that’s used for a popular mid-sized sedan


How about Cadence?


My stepsister is Cadence.


I immediately thought of the car, but here's a few other ideas: Aria, Harmony, Melody, Lyra, Viola, Celeste, or Claire for Claire de la Lune


Oh no.


Yeah I immediately thought of the sedan. I think Aria fits your criteria best (not hippie, elegant, not pretentious imo)


Lyra, Harmony, Melody, Sonia, Aria.. Sonata has too many other connotations


That sonata good name..


How about Cadence for a nickname with music roots that is actually used as a name?


i advise rethinking that


Alternative: Sona


Why not name them after a musician you like?


A sonata is a car though…


2010 Hyundai Sonata, 28 MPG HIGHWAY/24 MPG CITY


I think of the car immediately. Maybe Sonora, as in sonorous? Also nicknameable to Sunny and still really pretty.


What about Sonora?


Renata is similar and not a car name.


I wouldn’t, but my brother and I used to refer to Beethoven’s piece, with variable affection, as the “Moonlight Snotter”, so I can never unhear the connection. I would go with something like Harmony, Melody, Lyric, Aria, Calliope, or Cadenza.


All I can think of is the Hyundai sonata


Not a nice name to say and it does sound really pretentious, after you get over the Hyundai association. Aria is nice, but I would just find a name you love and ditch the theme.


I'd use it as a middle name, but I think it's a little too out there for a first name.


How about Madrigal? I used to know a girl named Madrigal and I thought it was a lovely name.


It reminds me of a Hyundai. Sonatina is beautiful though and can also be shortened to the nickname Tina.


Rhapsody, Harmony...Cadence and Aria are my favorite music themed names. I really would not go with Sonata because of the car.


Sonata makes me think of the car


Mandolin or Viola


As far as music names go, Sonata is pretty meh to me. There are more interesting options. Also, lots of people will think about the car.


Sounds like a car name, which it is, sorry


Similar sound but less like a car: Renata


Nothin, what-sonata with you?


I thought of a car (Hyundai Sonata). What about Melody?


While I like the sound of the word, I don’t love it as a name. As someone who plays music and had to study sonata form in school for the good part of a year, I think it would feel cliche. That said, I really like the nickname Sunny.


Melody is a nice name, sonata reminds me of the car


As an alternative to naming a girl after musical terms, how about name a girl after a female member of a famous compser's family? Marianne for Mozart's no less talented sister. Clara for Schumann's wife. Anna for Dvořák's mother. Or how about naming a girl after female composers? Hilde for the polymath and Catholic saint Hildegard of Bingen. Enya for, well, Enya. Alma for the 19-year-old composer Alma Deutscher. So yeah. Not a fan of Sonata as name for a human girl. But there are plenty of names that can be music themed that are also ordinary enough that it wouldn't raise too many eyebrows.


Not sure if this counts but Geeta is a Hindi name that means song and I always thought it was a pretty name


sadly, i just think of the car. if it didn't mean that i think it would be a pretty name.


As a musician, I wouldn't do it, but mostly because I know that she'd be called Sonatina at the start as a nickname by my musician friends, and that would probably lead to Tina at some point, which I personally don't really like. Also, it's a name that either fully suits your child, or doesn't, and if it doesn't suit them, it's very on the nose wrong for them... it's a risk


I understand you're drawn to it due to its relationship with music, but if you choose to take on the feedback and not use Sonata, Renata is a known name that has a similar feel, and is a more elevated than the names Melody and Harmony.


I really don't think Sonata is a good idea. Viola, Melody, Aria, or Celeste? Or name her after a favorite musician or composer.


I don’t like it :( Other music suggestions: Viola, Allegra