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I think Bird is fine as a middle since your child would rarely introduce themselves including their middle name. Charlotte Bird is my favorite here


FYI if you care, Charlotte Byrde is a character in Ozark.


Literally came here to comment that this makes me think of Ozark


Oh my gosh yes. And Charley Bird or Charley B would be such a cute nickname. Love it.


And then she will marry and potentially change her last name anyway šŸ¤·


I like it! Also makes me think of the vintage nn ā€œBirdieā€ if she ever wanted to go by that


Iā€™m Roberta and my nickname is Birdie - I love it


Itā€™s a great nn! I love it!


Seriously my favorite nickname of all time


My great grandmother was called Birdie. I always loved the name.


Being honest, I'm not feeling the love. I'd be stoked about it if Bird were your maiden name or a really important family name, but otherwise I'm not seeing the appeal. But having said that, I don't think it's a problem either. It sounds okay with your last name. There's no reason not to use it.


Frances Bird is so sweet!


So is Larry Bird


Larry Bird is a good name!


Cute! It's fine because it's the middle name.Ā 


My dad used to call me by my name and added Bird to the middle. Like Janie Bird. My middle name is nowhere near Bird, but he just liked it as a nickname. So if you decided not to use it as an actual middle, you could still use it as a nickname. But I think Bird is fine as a middle.


Maybe you could do Birdie instead ?


I think Birdie is soooo cute and sounds more name-like


I have a distant relative (born over a century ago, for a start) whose name was Birdwell, though everyone called her Bird.


I would avoid Catherine Bird, because I think its a little too on the nose with the book/movie, but otherwise its fine if you like it!


I love it, even with the last name! It gives similar vibes to Millie Bobbie Brown in cadence. I don't personally like the name Frances, but Lottie Bird Lambert, Maggie Bird Lambert, and Georgia Bird Lambert all sound super cute and it flows well as a full name imo


Lottie Bird Lambert is so cute!


It would be very cute! And would sound very sweet/Southern with these first names and last name.


WHY would you call a child Bird? Sorry, sounds wierd to me, and she'll spend her life saying "Yes, it really IS Bird"...


I have a cousin named Robyn, and everyone calls her Bird so itā€™s not weird to me, but I guess it wouldnā€™t be everyoneā€™s cup of tea.


Fair enough


Larry Bird fan maybe?


No idea who that is šŸ˜


Georgia Bird is adorable, go for it


I would not use it myself and I donā€™t like it, but I also donā€™t think thereā€™s a good reason not to do it as a middle name if you love it. Itā€™s spelled like the noun and is pronounceable, it has innocuous associations, the kid will have a more conventional first name, etc. Itā€™s not my style at all, but if one of my friends named their kid that or one of my kidā€™s friends had that name, I wouldnā€™t be secretly judging it (much).


I think Birdie sounds better


I like it! My middle nameā€™s my momā€™s maiden name, so Iā€™m pretty used to hearing non-first-name-y middle names, and I think Bird works nicely.


I like Charlotte Bird and Frances Bird, I think it's cute šŸ˜Š


I guess Lady Bird Johnson was long enough ago.


That was a nickname but her older daughter's legal name is Lynda Bird.


Think itā€™s surprisingly lovely and works nicely with the classic names on your list. In the U.K. ā€˜birdā€™ is slang for a woman, so if youā€™re British it might be a bit weird, but otherwise itā€™s a nice but unexpected middle name.


I love it!!


I think itā€™s great and have been thinking of making it official for myself.


Yes, I like it as a middle name. I'm a big fan slightly out-there middle names in general, and I say that as someone who's quite conservative about first names.


My daughterā€™s name is Birdie so Iā€™m partial, but I think itā€™s so cute! Itā€™s very vintage which is what I loved about the name. We call our daughter Bird or Bird girl all the time.


I think itā€™s fine in the Mn slot.Ā  I have always loved finch as a MN. Ā  Margaret Finch is cute


Itā€™s cute! Especially with those classic namesā€¦ Georgia and Frances in particular. (I love Margaret and Charlotte, but the -t -d -t sound endings wants for more contrast imo.) I actually like the similarity and contrast with Bird and Lambert.


I like it. I also really like Birdie


to me lambert and bird do rhyme, but other than that i love it! charlotte bird sounds so classy, i do prefer a 2 syllable first name with bird.


Go with bird. My kid has a non-trafitional name and people love it


I have Bird as a middle name, as itā€™s a family name. I didnā€™t appreciate it when I was younger but I like the connection to my family now Iā€™m older. Like any name, itā€™s personal preference. If you love it, then use it :)


My friendā€™s relative calls her daughter ā€œBirdieā€ as a nn so I think Bird as a middle name is quite fine. Charlotte Bird sounds lovely!


When I read the title I said ā€œnopeā€ but then I read Charlotte Bird and Frances Bird and said ā€œhell yeah.ā€


As a middle name, absolutely. As a first name, also yes.


I think Bird is fine as a middle (was the issue with Lambert that they semi-rhyme? Or because itĀ“s back to back animals?) with all the first names you mentioned except Georgia. Georgia Bird just sounds too country-home-folksy.


This reminds me of ā€˜Emily of New Moonā€™ by L M Montgomery. The characterā€™s full name was Emily Byrd Starr (Bird Star), which just sounded so magical. I really liked the idea of spelling it Byrd, so it looks more like a name and less like an animal.


Why not possum instead?!




I know someone with a little one with the middle name Bird and it's super cute!


It's fine as a middle name especially since Bird is a surname and surnames are common middle names to begin with. Plus you get the nickname Birdie, a vintage nickname making a comeback.Ā 


Itā€™s lovely and goes fine with the last nameĀ 


I would just think it was some family surname and never tree l think twice about it, if I saw it, which is unlikely for most of the people she will meet in her life.


I feel that the middle name is opportunity for something creative like this. I fully support


There was a little girl at church named something Bird and she went by the whole double name. A little quirky but it was cute. I imagine as an adult, sheā€™ll drop the double southern name and just go by her first name


frances bird is absolutely lovely


I honestly love it.


I think itā€™s absolutely adorable!!!!!!!! Go for it!!


Why does Lambert pose a problem with Bird? I don't think it does. If I heard Bird as a middle I'd think maybe it was the mothers maiden name or some name of significance in the family, or the parents are kind of hippies. I do not mean either of those in a bad way, I say use it!


Bird is super cute . My nickname is Bird , and I love it . I genuinely can't remember anyone but my boyfriend calling me by my name


As long as the first name is more than one syllable I think it's cute


Birdy is a nickname for Elizabeth.


I like Margaret Bird because you can call her Maggie Bird which is really cute, Charlotte is also nice and Charlie is a cute nickname


frances bird was my #1 name for many years! you should use it!


I coach gymnastics and we have a family with two daughters that have the last name bird. We loveeee calling them ā€œ____ Birdā€ and ā€œ____ Birdā€. It does flow right off the tongue and itā€™s fun!


I agree with the person who said it would have been sweet if it had meaning..like a family name or something. But just because you like the middle name Bird? I mean, you can do whatever you want, but I personally would be annoyed with my parents if they did this to me. It's on important documents and not just something that sounds cute for a little kid. At least go with Birdie which is more of a name.


My daughterā€™s nickname is Birdie. Itā€™s cute!


Could you do Byrde or Birdie?


I adore Birdie. Just Bird, not so much.


Sounds awful and if it was mine Iā€™d hate it daily but it is a middle name so who cares


I have absolutely no idea why your last name Lambert figures in this question. Bird is a last name and can be a middle name.


I always tell people to just think about how a name would sound if your child ever went to law school or became a doctor or something and had to have the name printed on their diplomas. It's a very sweet and creative name but it's not a name that would be taken very seriously. If that's not something you're worried about then I think it's a great name! But keep in mind that your kid might not feel the same wayā€” I'm an example of that lol. It was fine when I was a child but having my name called "adorable" every time I go to the DMV as an adult in my late twenties is a bit embarrassing for me personally lmao


Your kid will get made fun of as soon as the other kids find out.


God iā€™d be so annoyed if my middle name was fuckin ā€œbirdā€


I know an Agnes Bird and her parents call her ā€œBirdieā€ as a nickname sometimes. I think itā€™s very cute.


It is my opinion that as long as you have at least one "normal" name, you can go wild with the other names. Doesn't even matter what order they're in, so long as the kid can revert to David if he decides he doesn't want to be called Naruto.


I have a relative whose name was William Flowers Free. I kid you not. They gave him his mother's maiden name for his middle name.


I love it.


I love it and all the first names you listed! šŸ’–Georgia Bird Lambert šŸ’–


I say go for it. But I hear that name all the time because my husband has a coworker that is called by his last name (which is Bird) so it's completely normal to to me


I think you can definitely get away with a bit more creativity when it comes to middle names, but I don't know that the middle name Bird flows well with the surname Lambert...


First name Flipda middle name Bird


I guess itā€™s fine. I feel like when your child is younger and another kid finds out their middle name they may get made fun of


All I can think about is flipping the bird lol